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Author Topic: Dark Web  (Read 299814 times)


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #300 on: November 20, 2017, 07:32:57 pm »

UsdiYona flies through with great speed!

"This place is freaking nasty! The connection will not hit me in the tail feathers on the way out!"


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #301 on: November 20, 2017, 07:48:31 pm »


Stepping through the connection - split seconds before the wave of unspeakable gooze came crashing down - the disciples entered a dimly lit wooden training floor - much like an aikido dojo of old. Dark polished columns of Japanese cypress ran up to support a high ceiling of heavy rafters above, while rice paper partitions separated a multitude of areas to the periphery of the floor.

Looking with eyes of the matrix, revealed the sliding rice paper partitions to be this particular reality's in and outgoing connections.

Standing in front of one particular connection was another avatar of the Administrator - only this time, a sixteen year old Japanese girl in a green and white plaid skirt with navy blue school blazer. Her long black hair was ultra straight, while her knee-high white socks and matching tennis shoes really set off an interesting contrast. It was a scene pirated straight from the 'Kill Bill' movie series.

As the girl drew a samurai sword from a sheath and took up a ready stance (clearly guarding a connection behind her), she silently motioned the disciples to come forward with that timeless kungfu cliché of old - the single cupped hand and fingers bit.

Once again, nothing about the connection that the avatar was defending stood out in any unusual way to the Saint (Killer), though UsdiYona could readily smell Faith's spirit scent on it.

UsdiYona was just about to point that out, when a data transmission suddenly shot from the guarded connection and crossed the dojo floor - disappearing through another connection behind and to the left of the gathered team.

The scent on the transmission was overwhelmingly fresh to UsdiYona's attuned senses - it was Faith!

The Japanese school girl looked momentarily surprised by this turn of events meanwhile, but quickly recovered with a dismissive smirk.

"You go no fadda!" she declared in a shrill high voice, her English a little lacking.
« Last Edit: November 24, 2017, 05:58:53 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #302 on: November 20, 2017, 07:52:47 pm »

"Hey ya'll! That was Faith!" UsdiYona says, pointing to the way the data thing just went.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #303 on: November 20, 2017, 08:55:52 pm »

Killer moves up to the girl, his own sword at his side.

Here's to hoping this isn't just some program

He triggers the sword's magical ability to induce emotions to plant the seed of fear within the girl, and then speaks to her in a strong tone.

"Step aside" - (Trigger the Lizard Brain - Submission, Fear)

He jerks his head to the side to make his intention clear even if the girl does not understand his english.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #304 on: November 21, 2017, 12:28:51 pm »

Beats turns and heads for the door Usi pointed at "Dis one? Not a trap right?"

Not Aman

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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #305 on: November 21, 2017, 05:49:34 pm »

Robor stares at the Administrator.
"Kind of an offensive stereotype, don't you think?" Robor says, with an eyebrow rIsed.

"And little girls shouldn't be carrying swords." He adds, attempting to destroy the sword with his spirit magic.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #306 on: November 21, 2017, 06:05:44 pm »

UsdiYona changes back into her 21 year old self with bear ears and all.

Looking between the two connections, she replies to beats. "We'll, I don't know if it's a trap, but Faith definitely went through there just now."

"I may not know how much eggs and milk go into making a taco, but I do know that dumb ass girl over there is guarding the wrong door."


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #307 on: November 21, 2017, 09:30:39 pm »

Using his knowledge of the internet, Emend attempts to "encrypt" the school girl's legs in place.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #308 on: November 22, 2017, 09:35:54 am »

Beats thinks for a moment before acting "Gonna check dis door out!" and moves to pass through the connection Usi indicated


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #309 on: November 22, 2017, 05:18:17 pm »

"Hahaha!" the girl laughed at the Saint. "No chance!"

Robor's magic then disrupted her sword - causing it to shatter into splinters of fading light.

She scowled at Robor and then flung three kunai at him, drawing them from somewhere within her long black hair. The sharp little blades struck Robor in the chest, burning with some kind of poison coating the blade!

"I don't need sword for likes of you!" the girl retorted, smiling in satisfaction as Robor's spirit avatar succumbed to the poison - shriveling up, turning black, and then crumbling to dust. Just like that, Robor was gone.

As this went on, Emend successfully fused the girl's legs with the floor. She looked down at her feet, then at Emend, declaring, "Don't need feet either. You next!"

Beats, about to leave through the unguarded connection, hesitated. Should he proceed with stepping through? Or wait to help his friends first?

UsdiYona too, was torn with indecision. Should she claw the little brat's face off? Or slash her across the guts to disembowel her?


(Robor continued in Waiting for News.)
« Last Edit: November 22, 2017, 05:58:07 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #310 on: November 22, 2017, 06:29:58 pm »

Killer scowls,

"Go through the other connection, I'll keep the rear. It's not worth fighting it here."

The new connection could be a trap but we don't have much of a choice... either Beats or I are going to be killed before we can defeat the administrator a third time, and who knows how many more of its incarnations we'll have to fight? One, maybe two, either way more than enough.

Even if I die here it should be good enough, they can continue without me. I don't seem to be able to track Faith like he can anyways.

He dedicates himself to keeping himself alive long enough to go through the connection last (dodge).



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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #311 on: November 22, 2017, 08:22:14 pm »

Beats glances back and forwards a couple of times then swears "Fark it!" And fires off a haymaker using ranged blows at the hopefully trapped girl. He stays ready to jump through at the slightest sign of her coming after him but a few cheap shots couldn't help right?


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #312 on: November 22, 2017, 10:48:24 pm »

"Not likely!" Emend yells back, heading towards the connection. "Let's try to ignore her and hurry through. It seems the administrators can't follow us through the connections."

Knowing a single hit could remove him like Robor, he'll focus his effort on dodging, spending a will point as well, on his way there.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #313 on: November 23, 2017, 01:54:37 pm »

"Hey Beats, where do these connections go?" UsdiYona asked, "Can you tell with your space voodoo?"

Then to the annoying girl, she says, "I'm going to bear bitch-slap some sense into ya! Respect your elders!"


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #314 on: November 23, 2017, 02:02:14 pm »

Interestingly enough, Beats could tell that the connection the Japanese school girl was guarding, lead off to somewhere in Manila the Philippines - while the one he was standing next to, routed to Blagoveshchensk Russia - on the Russian/Chinese Amur river border.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #315 on: November 23, 2017, 03:10:50 pm »

"What?!? Can't follow through connection?!?!" the girl retorted to Emend in disbelief - "AHAHAHAHA!!! Stupid American! I already there!"

"You no see? I everywhere all at once! Each place a different mask!"

"Some place watching; some place doing; all place..." she savored the thought with an evil grin, "feasting."

The Saint meanwhile, having no better options, took a swing at the immobilized girl with his sword. Somehow, it was not surprising to see her lean backwards to duck under the sword, matrix-style, as it slashed through empty air. Following that, he backpedaled away, toward the connection Beats hovered by - but was stopped halfway across the dojo, when his legs abruptly snagged in the flooring.

Looking, he could see that his lower body was now wrapped in warped wooden planks, that had morphed up from the floor to twist around him.

Simultaneously the girl dismissed Emend's own encryption of her legs - pulling them out of the floor one by one. As this went on, UsdiYona took advantage of the girl's distraction and slashed across her face with bear claws!

Half of the girl's mouth and right cheek ripped free - exposing a sickly gray light beneath the skin!

"Ak! You bitch!" the sixteen year old cursed, covering the wound with her left hand, as if embarrassed to have anyone see it. "How dare you mar my beautiful face!"

Emend meanwhile, made it over to Beats, but now had to choose between trying to decrypt the trapped Saint, or fleeing to the next location.

As for Beats, he made a ranged telekinetic blow with his knife fist - the unseen attack taking the girl (clearly preoccupied with the wound on her face) completely by surprise! The brutally effective slash bisected neatly across her throat - under the chin - almost completely decapitating her in one blow!

"Ahg! Gurggle!" the girl managed, her head lolling backwards, while eerie gray light shown forth from the gaping neck wound. Had this been a living person, the injury would have been immediately fatal. For the Administrator demon's avatar however, it was mostly just a huge embarrassment.

"Oh! I, I, k, k, kill you!" she screamed at Beats, enraged that she now had to hold her own head by the hair just to keep it upright!


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #316 on: November 23, 2017, 03:37:34 pm »

Killer mumbles a spell to grow a particularly elongated scorpion's tail from his spine, intending to use it to threaten the administrator from his rooted position.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #317 on: November 23, 2017, 05:28:41 pm »

Beats, seeing that his attack is effective changes to flurry of blows to try and finish the avatar off. Or at least keep it distracted for now


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #318 on: November 24, 2017, 10:37:27 am »

UsdiYona changes into a 16 year old, dressed in the same outfit as the Japanese girl.

Showing off her new clothes, she asks, "Girl, does this outfit make my butt look big? Cause it sure ain't doing a thing for your fat ass!"

"Now get out of here! Before I claw the other side of your face off too!"


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #319 on: November 24, 2017, 12:06:32 pm »

"Guess we're doing this the hard way," Emend remarks, as he attempts to decrypt Saint.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #320 on: November 24, 2017, 01:21:43 pm »

The girl gave UsdiYona such a withering glare - clearly her pride bruised beyond repair. It didn't help any, that the Saint (Killer)'s scorpion tail then stabbed her in the forehead with a loud THWACK, leaving a large swollen sting mark.

"Fine!!!" she yelled, throwing a small tantrum and stomping a foot - "This not over. I make you pay!"

She then vanished from the dojo.

Moments later, a crackling poor-quality speaker began playing a catchy little tune (over and over and over again ad nauseum)-

Hello Kitty we all love you. Hello Kitty she loves me, too.
In Stump Village we like to play the day away.

We share good times together with you,
We'll be best friends forever with you.

Laughing and playing with all of your friends,
The fun, it never ends.

Hello Kitty we all love you. Hello Kitty she loves me, too,
Hello Kitty and all of her friends are my friends, too.

As this went on, little three foot high Hello Kitty dolls began spawning here and there across the dojo floor. They all looked extremely kawaii (except perhaps for the long kitchen knives they gleefully brandished, while slowly advancing toward the disciples).

"Hello. Hello. Hello."

They didn't seem to stop spawning either, even after the disciples quit counting beyond the first two dozen.

Emend meanwhile, was able to free up the Saint - meaning there was no longer any real reason to remain here with all the killer psycho anime figures.
« Last Edit: November 24, 2017, 01:27:13 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #321 on: November 24, 2017, 01:24:02 pm »

With hands on hips, UsdiYona looks around and says, "You have got to be kidding me! I can handle cutsie cats with knives, but someone please shut that damn music off!"
« Last Edit: November 24, 2017, 01:30:47 pm by LadyZerka »


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #322 on: November 24, 2017, 03:38:20 pm »

"Time ta go." Beats announces and moves through the portal to get away from the creepy doll cat things


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #323 on: November 24, 2017, 04:17:47 pm »

Killer follows Beats while pulling Usdi along with him.

"It probably won't be playing on the other side," he says as answer to her request.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #324 on: November 24, 2017, 05:07:46 pm »

Emend silently follows the group through the portal.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #325 on: November 24, 2017, 05:31:19 pm »

As Emend was about to step into the connection, he noticed something unusual about it with his eyes of the matrix.

Apparently, the connection was not 'wired' to the internet. Whether a trap, or false connection, it had no corresponding IP address or data log associated with it in any way.

Something about its composition was off too, but revealed by Emend's supernal vision.

It was connecting to the other end, not through any manmade infrastructure or even forces - but through ley lines, via prime.

Why would there even be such a thing, Emend found himself wondering; but then it occurred to him that only a mage would ever be able to recognize and traverse this type of connection.

That meant it was an undernet of sorts that no outside party could ever hope to discover - let alone penetrate.

The things that could go on in such a network with no lawful oversight or intervention boggled the mind.

A quick glance across the dojo at the connection the Japanese school girl had been guarding, showed it to be an ordinary network connection, like all the rest they had been traveling up till now.

That probably meant the discipline had chosen the right one, but the gathering horde of hello kitties made that a mute point. Emend had little choice but to follow his companions even deeper down the rabbit hole.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #326 on: November 24, 2017, 06:27:33 pm »

Infernal Depravity

The disciples appeared suddenly in the midst of a dark congress - standing on a flat dais in the center of a large shadowy chamber, illuminated by a holographic representation currently surrounding them.

To the periphery, three score and ten utterly repugnant creatures skulked; appearing as dirty squat humanoids with filth-matted body hair and large, old-school, television cameras for heads. They were loathsome in their craven carnality - being naked and prominently aroused - mostly male, yet a few females among them. The single red lights of their camera-heads bathed the circle in an eerie glow, while they jostled each other, crowding in to 'film?' the holographic display at center stage.

Eyes of the matrix revealed them to have partial avatar composition, while the Saint (Killer)'s clamor of the dead allowed him to see the hazy black soot cloying around them - indicating not the dead - but demonic spirits.

UsdiYona could smell the shadow taint on them as well, realizing that they were not avatars of the Administrator - who was notably absent in fact - but each a unique and individual spirit of the starkest evil.

Then a little girl's voice caught the attention - everyone immediately recognizing it as Faith!

Stepping off the dais and back a pace from the hologram brought it into focus - revealing Faith, sitting on the knee of a gorgeous Filipino woman in the most trendy fashionista's outfit with ridiculously high red stiletto heels. The two of them were seated on a gaudy throne-like chair, that looked much like a prop from the Iron Chef show or the like.

Prominently featured behind them, was a dingy tarp, covering some large object in the middle of the rough concrete floor.

Beats was utterly shocked at the revelation - this was the warehouse and woman(?) from his vision in Morrow Wind's medicine lodge! His heart stabbed with pain a moment, when he realized what was under that tarp. He had seen what was under that tarp, in the photo Officer Magiffico had given him over a year ago. Back when his life had so drastically changed, irrevocably turning him toward his current calling.

"Hi daddy," Faith spoke, "Don't worry, I'm safe. This nice lady is helping me to find you. She saved me from the monster. She says UsdiYona escaped too, so you don't have to worry."

The woman then spoke, with a more full sounding voice than one might expect. Clearly, she had breasts - as accentuated by her revealing outfit, but the voice seemed to suggest a non-binary or transgender.

"Yes, hi 'daddy'," she smiled, her accent quite heavy; "We are making this bideo to let the world know we hab pound little Paith Moreau; daughter op the Catholic Priest Gilles Moreau (op all things a Catholic Priest, can you stand it? Haha!)"

"Paith libs in Washington DC and we will make sure she has a nice bisit with us, until she has to go."

"So my priends, let the bidding begin! 'Day One' we get her cleaned up and pick out a special outpit!"

A quick glance about the room revealed no in or out-going connections, via eyes of the matrix. In fact, very little of the place was actually pure forces - it being an odd mix of forces, prime, spirit, and space.

Only Emend's supernal vision could actually pick any connections out - being the camera lights on the heads of each demonic avatar - and a small crystal in the center of the dais floor - apparently the source of the holographic projection.
« Last Edit: November 24, 2017, 06:31:46 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #327 on: November 24, 2017, 06:52:57 pm »

Well, seems I might not have to kill her after all.

Though it seems I have a responsibility to myself to keep her safe for now. At least i've been gifted with a room full of trash no one will particularly miss...

In as quiet a whisper as he can manage (not that he think the administrator won't hear anyway) - "Emend, Beats, can you track that hologram's connection?"

As he speaks Killer reaches out to the filthy creatures in the room.

I assume these are people. I hope anyway. Will make this a lot easier.

Concentrating, he tries to twist the minds of as many as he can, appealing to the base urges of violence and jealousy inherent to such monsters.

(Trigger the Lizard Brain - Rage, Rivalry, Violation)

In particular given this crowd, Killer tries to turn the women on the men among them. He would have tried to turn the men on the women (and it would probably be easier...) but that might excite them enough to endanger Faith.

Such is the price of indirect control

Even so, Killer has very little hope in his plans working, and after it fails presumably before he even casts the spell due to the inorganic nature of his targets, he calls out a bid.

"One million".

He starts walking towards to the woman and Faith.

"And your life."
« Last Edit: November 24, 2017, 07:05:38 pm by Drakilian »


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #328 on: November 25, 2017, 02:37:54 am »

Beats does in fact try to trace the real location of the video feed. If his forces based vision cannot track it he tries to use the video as the basis for a scrying spell of the location it is showing.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #329 on: November 25, 2017, 01:06:43 pm »

"The connection is through the crystal," Emend whispers back, attempting to scry the location so they know what they're getting into.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #330 on: November 25, 2017, 06:52:49 pm »

"Yeah, the connection is on the floor," UsdiYona confirms, "I can smell Faith through it."

"We could sure use Shorty, er... (I mean Robor) right about now. These things are all demons!"


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #331 on: November 25, 2017, 07:42:09 pm »

Unfortunately, the Saint was right about trigger the lizard brain; as it failed to latch onto any of the recipients when cast.

Emend and Beats meanwhile, found that they could not scry (or even determine the source) of the holographic projection - encountering the same ward they had when originally trying to find Faith, back in the Saint's house. However, if the connection really did lead back to there - and they could traverse down it - then they would be arriving wherever Faith was being held!

As the Saint (Killer) made his bid, the holographic projection of the strange lady boy and Faith failed to respond. Perhaps they could not actually see or hear what was going on in the dark congress.

The demonic avatars on the other hand, all turned their camera-heads on the Saint (Killer) and began murmuring amongst each other in some profane language. As this went on, data transmissions began to fly back and forth across the floor between them, while a few even sent some transmissions to the dais and down the crystal connection in the center.

As Emend tried to analyze a few of these transmissions, the Filipino woman looked confused for a moment, before finally remaking - "Only three bids? Is something wrong? No? ... OK... Then, it looks like SadersMaster wins! I look forward to seeing what you pick out for her; And We'll see you all back for 'Day Two', tomorrow!"

At this point, the red lights on the demonic avatars all began to go out one-by-one - the foul creatures (and their connections) going dark and disappearing with the crimson glow. The holographic projection too, looked like it would close up any second - leaving the disciples in complete darkness!

The disciples needed to act fast - or risk losing their tenuous lead on Faith!

Emend meanwhile, had managed to 'screen capture' a few data transmissions, but something in their make-up was degrading them quickly and they were all highly encrypted. That, and he was pretty sure that leaving the area now, would completely destroy what was left of them.

Emend had a choice to make.

Rush through the connection to Faith - while it was still open - or remain here, risk getting trapped, and spend the time necessary to salvage and decrypt these transmissions (before they self-destructed), in order to find out what the demons had been communicating among each other.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2017, 09:12:47 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #332 on: November 25, 2017, 10:44:13 pm »

Killer takes off at a dead sprint, taking advantage of his inhuman physical enhancements to go as fast as possible..

Only one of them needs to get through the final connection, and he is the fastest one here. Nothing else matters.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #333 on: November 26, 2017, 01:59:20 am »

Seeing the closing connection Beats also sprints for it. He knows that room and whoever is on the other side was going to pay.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #334 on: November 26, 2017, 01:11:39 pm »

UsdiYona heads through the crystal.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #335 on: November 26, 2017, 01:22:12 pm »

Emend watches as the others rush through the crystal. He had put up with allowing a lot of terrible people to get away with their cruel acts on the internet up until now, in the name of getting to Saint's daughter. As it stood, he could be reasonably sure that the others could reach and rescue her without him anymore.

Now it was time for him to seek justice for those harmed by these demons.

"I'll try to catch up after. There's something I must do here first," he tells the others, as he attempts to decrypt the packets.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2017, 01:25:36 pm by killa_robot »


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #336 on: November 26, 2017, 03:08:07 pm »

With his companions gone, Emend began working with what he had learned about encryption to preserve the communications he had captured between the demonic avatars. All light around him then went out, leaving only the softest glow radiating from his own anima.

The 'screen captures' continued to degrade - wasting away like ash, almost as fast as Emend could work. He managed however, to save something from three of them, though it was written in a strange text - looking a lot like the smooth flowing script of modern Arabic.

Engrossed in his efforts, Emend failed to notice the complete collapse of the reality around him - it, in the most basic sense, simply being 'turned off' by whoever controlled it.

A moment later, Emend found himself awaking in a familiar room...


(Emend continued in Waiting for News.)


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #337 on: November 26, 2017, 03:52:31 pm »

End of The Road?

The Saint (Killer), Beats, and UsdiYona, having jumped into the crystal connection before it closed, found themselves arriving somewhere in complete darkness.

Eyes of the matrix confirmed that they had gone into another server, but for whatever reason, this one had no virtual reality associated with it. There were in and out-going connections of a mundane nature, and some kind of file system, but nothing overtly demonic - and no avatar of the Administrator there to greet them.

Further, neither the Saint (Killer) nor Beats could get a read of where the were (from a spatial sense) - finding that their magics would not reach beyond their present environs.

For UsdiYona, the place seemed extremely claustrophobic - as if she risked being trapped here forever, the longer they remained. Sniffing around, she could smell Faith's scent strongly, but found no trace that the Administrator had ever been here.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #338 on: November 26, 2017, 04:16:16 pm »

Killer dispels the scorpion tail on his back and casts a different spell, this one meant to make himself bio-luminescent. Given his own form already glows he really just focuses on increasing the intensity to the point that he can illuminate their surroundings.



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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #339 on: November 26, 2017, 08:25:37 pm »

Beats quickly warms up again and looks for an enemy or signs that this was the room from the video


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #340 on: November 27, 2017, 06:59:47 pm »

With the light of the Saint (Killer)'s bioluminescence, everyone could see each other, just sort of hanging there in nothingness. It was a complete and empty void to any senses but eyes of the matrix. Even then, that only showed that they were in a computer of some sort.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #341 on: November 27, 2017, 08:24:56 pm »

"It seem like we are stuck." UsdiYona says. "Any suggestions here?"

"I got a quarter to call somebody. Think we can get one of those window things to pop up?"
« Last Edit: November 27, 2017, 08:26:58 pm by LadyZerka »


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #342 on: November 27, 2017, 09:53:32 pm »

"Beats, can you open a portal out of here into the room this computer is in?

I'd guess the woman closed the computer after she was done the conversation and we're not seeing anything because it's not on. I imagine if the area had been destroyed we would have been brought back to our bodies."

Out of curiosity Killer stabs his sword into the floor, more to see what would happen than anything else.

Then to Usdi - "Maybe? We could try calling up a command window like we did before..."


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #343 on: November 28, 2017, 12:19:33 am »

Beats shrugs and looks around with frustration "Lemme check it out first." he replies before trying to do a quick scrying spell of the surrounding are in order to get a good portal location


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #344 on: November 28, 2017, 05:22:51 pm »

It turned out that there was no floor for the Saint to stab. There was the sensation of gravity and standing on the floor - one could even walk around - but there wasn't actually a floor.

Beats had no further luck scrying out of the area - as wherever 'here' was, it was somewhere inside the spatial ward and its powerful ban.

Using eyes of the matrix revealed some command input nodes, but they weren't the animated pop-us the disciples had encountered in the webs. Still, even in their simplicity, they should be usable for sending an email or accessing the files on the computer and the like.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #345 on: November 28, 2017, 06:00:57 pm »

"See if you can find the computer's IP address, we should be able to locate it with that," Killer suggests.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #346 on: November 28, 2017, 09:01:56 pm »

"Crap, dis isnt my thing." Beats replies as he tries to get an IP, real world location or other indicator of where in the real world they were. following that he tries to bring up the local files "Show all files!"


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #347 on: November 29, 2017, 08:47:57 pm »

While computers was definitely not Beats' thing, his ability to see things through forces definitely helped. After some trial and error, he was able to glean that they were on a computer belonging to a company called 'Joyful Swanhouse Beautiful Lady Pageants' and that it was located somewhere in Manila City the Philippines.

There also seemed to be a large storage of pictures on the computer, but these were way too expansive to spend much time looking through. A few random samples consistently showed a bunch of Filipino and other Asian transgender 'women' - apparently auditioning to be in one (or more) of the extravagant beauty pageants regularly hosted by the company.

As for gaining a useful IP address, Beats couldn't figure out how to make it show the computers outside IP address vs. the internal one, used by whatever local network the computer resided on.

He did find a link to a camera connected to the computer though, and after fiddling around a bit, got they system to pop up a window showing what the camera was looking at. Sure enough, that gaudy throne chair came into focus, sitting in front of the tarped object in the now empty warehouse.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #348 on: November 29, 2017, 09:10:46 pm »

Seeing the target area directly beats tries to memorize every detail specially, in order to target it directly later if needed later. He then tries to use that video feed as a direct connection to force a portal open there.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #349 on: November 30, 2017, 07:53:21 pm »

Beats was quickly frustrated in his plan, as he realized that the ward blocking his scrying, just effectively blocked spatial travel as well. Even if there was no ward, it was unlikely that Beats could cast his spell across a dimensional barrier (without a significantly higher mastery of the spirit arcana first).
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