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Author Topic: Dark Web  (Read 299816 times)


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #100 on: October 02, 2017, 05:38:41 pm »

Upon doing so, the window disappeared from the Saint's hand with an audible chiming sound.

Moments later, the ground in front of the Saint began to twist itself into large spiraling fibonacci fractals - growing together into a twenty foot high filigreed archway of sorts.

Once the archway was complete, a stream of two dimensional numbers began flowing down from the top of the arch like a sheet of water, pouring waterfall-like across the opening and nearly to the base of the archway, before seemingly evaporating into nothing moments before they would hit the ground.

The space Arcanum meanwhile, continued to confuse more than help - as this 'portal' did not register in mage sight as a form of spatial conveyance.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #101 on: October 02, 2017, 06:31:57 pm »

Saint barely hesitates before stepping through the archway


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #102 on: October 02, 2017, 07:00:25 pm »

Emend observes the others during this time. He knew that the numbers they saw earlier were supposed to be a location somewhere on the internet. He just couldn't figure out how they would actually reach the location.

However it seems Saint had discovered the way. In here you simply had to say what you wanted, and the "internet" would respond. No doubt the archway would lead them at least in the right direction of Faith. Thinking this, Emend silently followed Saint through the archway.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #103 on: October 02, 2017, 10:44:01 pm »

Beats thinks much less than Emend, action suits better. He follows quickly


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #104 on: October 03, 2017, 05:48:55 pm »

"Come on shorty!" UsdiYona says to Robor, following through the gate.

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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #105 on: October 03, 2017, 06:00:12 pm »

"rude." Robor mutters, and waddles after them


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #106 on: October 04, 2017, 08:39:59 pm »


The disciples found themselves appearing in a large virtual plane with electronic constructs of unknown functionality forming the semblance of an amphitheater. Gathered in that space were a number of large floating mirrors - each framed in the most exquisite display of opulence - yet none apparently capable of casting an actually reflection.

They seemed in the attitude of communicating with each other in low whispering murmurs - with the outburst of haughty (almost scornful sounding) laughter occasional disrupting the general calm.

Something about the place gnawed at Emend, Beats, and Robor - who all seemed to intuitively sense the narcissistic arrogance emanating from the snobbish mirrors. Indeed, they could tell that the mirrors were talking about them particularly; and that they thought themselves superior to the disciples in every conceivable way.

Such contemptible disrespect burned one's pride and demanded that it not go unanswered!

The Saint meanwhile, took a moment to feel out the surrounding space with his mage sight and discovered it to be incredibly finite. It was like the time he had tried to use spatial awareness in the warded attic spaces of High Oaks Castle, and felt as though that cramped area represented the entirety of existence. Only here, the entirety of existence registered for all intensive purposes as a single point - thousands of times smaller than the head of a pin!

The Saint also noticed that the edges of this existence were somewhat murky, rather than strictly defined, like Mama Kark's spatial ward had been. Here, the Saint could concentrate to 'feel' outside the boundaries to a small degree - and in doing so, realized that he and his companions were actually somewhere in Washington DC.

Probably another server.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2017, 08:41:50 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #107 on: October 04, 2017, 08:45:28 pm »


Saint calls out.

"Demon, I know you're here!

How pathetic are you, that you must prey on children? How weak are you, that you must hide? FACE ME!"

Saint draws his sword and makes to smash one of the mirrors, swinging with all of his inhuman strength.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #108 on: October 05, 2017, 09:32:02 am »

Beats pretends to ignore the mirrors despite how they were making him feel but quietly he begins moving towards the nearest one to examine it with his mage sight. While he does this he is thinking "Da second I know what it is Imma smash the Fark outa it."


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #109 on: October 05, 2017, 05:29:08 pm »

"Who are you?! How did you get in here?!" the mirror began interrogating the Saint as he approached. "This is a private forum!"


The Saint's sword, easily smashed the mirror to bits - showering the floor in tinkling glass shards.

"My word!" a nearby mirror remarked.

"Who is that?! Are we being hacked?" another questioned.

"Someone get a MOD! Ban these intruders!"

"Cretins! Who do they think they are?"

Beats meanwhile, was unable to discern anything further about the mirrors with his spatial awareness. He had to admit though, smashing them seemed as reasonable an option as anything else at the moment - though maybe that was his pride talking...


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #110 on: October 05, 2017, 06:16:50 pm »

Emend glares at the mirrors. He then casts Supernal Vision on the mirrors, to see exactly what they are supposed to be... before deciding whether or not to smash them.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #111 on: October 05, 2017, 07:08:06 pm »

seeing Saint begin the smashing Beats grins and shrugs "We are da Mods!" he announces then punches the near mirror hard


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #112 on: October 06, 2017, 03:44:26 pm »

UsdiYona is confused, not knowing what to do. For now she'll watch the others smash mirrors, while thinking about peanut brittle.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #113 on: October 06, 2017, 07:49:38 pm »

Emend glares at the mirrors. He then casts Supernal Vision on the mirrors, to see exactly what they are supposed to be... before deciding whether or not to smash them.

Emend's mage sight showed nothing magical about anything in this place - other than his fellow companions. Switching to forces, Emend realized that everything here was a 'physical' assembly of positive and negative electrical charges, behaving in ways he could hardly begin to understand.

Beats meanwhile, smashed the mirror in front of him with a single blow - it shattering completely like the other one had.

"STOP THAT! GET OUT!" one of the mirrors yelled.

"How are they doing that?" one was heard to ask.

"It must be Zionist infiltrators!" another speculated.

Then, a new mirror popped into being - though this one was smaller than the rest and very plain in its embellishments. Straightaway it flew over to other mirrors.

"This is Ogliarch, I had to create this alt on my notebook. They broke my account somehow! Do not interact with them! The Mods have been notified! I suggest logging off until this is resolved, unless you want to lose your account like I have."

A collective gasp rose up from the assembled mirrors and they immediately began disappearing one-by-one.

Soon, only the small plain mirror was left.

"Flagitious effluvium!" It sternly rebuked the Saint; "Your birth certificate is an apology from the condom factory!"


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #114 on: October 06, 2017, 09:43:01 pm »

Beginning to realize that they are in a forum right now, Saint holds back his desire to smash yet another mirror and he poses a question, while attempting (even if it's likely unsuccessful) to use magic on the mirror. He casts both Lizard brain (Submission) and his sword's emotional control spell (Fear).

"Someone here took my daughter from me. Do you know who they are?"


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #115 on: October 07, 2017, 01:21:11 am »

beats searches the 'room' for anything else of note before vlicing an idea. Edging up to Robor he whispers "Any way to trace dat thing back to like a real world compiter or somthin I can jump too? Wait a sec..." He concentrates on the window as a connection and tries to scy on the one using it.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #116 on: October 07, 2017, 07:29:18 pm »

"And you," the mirror sneered at Robor (as if looking him up and down); "Pathetic."

Emend meanwhile, continued to read the matrices and had a sudden epiphany - finding that the arcanum allowed him to 'see' all the connections going into, and out of, this virtual reality (including the one they had come in on). He noted some kind of data logging associated with each 'port' but the sheer number of recorded traffic was staggering and it was all incredibly cryptic.

Emend sensed that if he had some way of picking a connection, he could simply engage it, and instantly travel along its route to the destination on the other end. Right now however, he only knew where the ingress point led - which was to the Verizon backbone in Fairfax Virginia.

As this went on, the Saint worked his will on the arrogant mirror, while Beats found that he could indeed scry the origin of the mirror's connection - after he too had activated his eyes of the matrix.

Beats observed an angry looking Asian man in his late sixties to early seventies, sitting in a spacious office, typing at a laptop. The man was dressed in a smoking jacket, but the room's décor suggested a law office. This was confirmed by a plentitude of diplomas and certificates on the wall - and the engraved nameplate on the desk, which read "The Honorable Judge Derick Wattson."

Beats noted a computer workstation at the desk as well, but it was currently off (and spitting thin wisps of black smoke from the monitor).

Simultaneously, the effects of the Saint's spell took hold of the man - who jumped out of his seat in alarm and abruptly slammed the screen of his notebook closed. Grabbing his chest, he staggered around, mumbling something in Japanese - clearly shaken.

In the virtual world, the small mirror disappeared the moment his connection was lost - leaving the disciples alone in the strange amphitheater.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #117 on: October 07, 2017, 07:35:03 pm »

Saint glares into the void left behind by the mirror.

"Please tell me someone got something."


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #118 on: October 07, 2017, 08:05:01 pm »

For now, Emend looks at the connections and attempts to see if the IP address that Faith was said to be at is among them.

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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #119 on: October 07, 2017, 08:15:21 pm »

beats searches the 'room' for anything else of note before vlicing an idea. Edging up to Robor he whispers "Any way to trace dat thing back to like a real world compiter or somthin I can jump too? Wait a sec..." He concentrates on the window as a connection and tries to scy on the one using it.
"My big issue is that I have no idea if these things are spirits or what exactly." Robor says, activating his spirit sight.

"Can't command anything that doesnt really count as a spirit."


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #120 on: October 07, 2017, 08:51:45 pm »

"I'm a nature person," UsdiYona says. "Let's find Faith and get the hell out of here!"

UsdiYona then begins sniffing around, trying to find Faith's spirit scent.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #121 on: October 08, 2017, 08:52:05 am »

"Dat was a judge, Derick Wattson. Old Asian dude. Looks like ya fried his comp when ya smashed dat window, like smoking and stuff den he seemed to panic real bad" Beats helpfully adds


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #122 on: October 08, 2017, 10:39:13 am »

"I tried to control him through the mirror, either I failed or I overdid it. Still, it means the spells are working, if it made him panic.

Where was it? Do you think we could portal to him? Or that you could bring him into here?"


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #123 on: October 08, 2017, 11:05:15 am »

Searching around for Faith's spirit scent, UsdiYona wandered to the rear of the amphitheater and over to one of the electronic constructs. She was pretty sure that Faith (and the giant lightning hand) had gone through this area.

"Over here?" She called, pointing to the spot, but having no idea what to do with the knowledge.

Looking where UsdiYona was indicating, Emend and Beats could see a large outgoing connection with their mage sight.

The Saint meanwhile, noted a distinct drop in temperature, as he glanced over to where UsdiYona was standing.

As this went on, Robor used his spirit sight to evaluate the area - finding no indication of any spirits about, other than UsdiYona. He did discover however, that his colorful pineapple/coconut drink self-refilled automatically, anytime he took a sip.

Then, a strange amalgam of mirrors suddenly appeared between where UsdiYona was waiting and the rest of the disciples. It was like hundreds of small ghost-like mirrors floating in, out, and around a dozen massive physical mirrors - which of themselves, simultaneously spun and morphed through each other in ways that defied physical law.

"I am the Administrator of this forum," it said in a stern and authoritative voice; "What is the meaning of this intrusion?"

With his spirit sight still going, Robor could see that this was part spirit - sort of how UsdiYona was part spirit/part human. Only here, it also seemed to be 'a part' of a spirit - meaning that there was more of it elsewhere; and what they were actually seeing was simply an appendage of the greater whole. That, and this particular 'avatar' was pretty powerful - at least as dangerous (or more so) than that irritating hell hound thing had been.

Emend and Beats could also tell that this was no mere 'user' - as it did not show on their mage sight as a normal part of the electronic environment.

Something about it was also familiar to UsdiYona - who abruptly realized that it shared the same 'scent' as the giant hand that had taken her and Faith.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2017, 11:06:53 am by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #124 on: October 08, 2017, 11:26:39 am »

Hey, hey!!" UsdiYona says. "I know this smell! It's what took us off the couch!"

Then seeing Robor, she adds "And how come he has a never ending drink and I got stuck with a never ending bowl of nothing?!?"

"Just sayin."

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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #125 on: October 08, 2017, 11:56:05 am »

Hey, hey!!" UsdiYona says. "I know this smell! It's what took us off the couch!"

Then seeing Robor, she adds "And how come he has a never ending drink and I got stuck with a never ending bowl of nothing?!?"

"Just sayin."
"It's pretty good." Robor says, enthusiastically taking a sip.

"And this thing is hellhound big, guys. And not even the full deal." He then adds.

"Someone activate that connectoon and lets split." He whispers
« Last Edit: October 08, 2017, 11:58:53 am by Not Aman »


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #126 on: October 08, 2017, 12:15:46 pm »

Saint does not shy away from the mirror for a second, walking to wards it sword in hand, weaving life and emotional control spells in the exact same way he did against the judge.

There are more important things at risk than his life.

"Demon. Your master took my daughter. Tell me where he is or wait for him in hell."


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #127 on: October 08, 2017, 12:46:35 pm »

"Curious," the mirrors replied - apparently unaffected by the Saint's spells; "You do not belong here. You were not brought in. Let us see where you came from then, shall we?"

At this, Emend and Beats saw a data signal shoot across the floor and out the connection they had come into the forum through. A corresponding data signal instantly shot back in reply.

"Ah, I understand," the mirrors continued, "you came in at the behest of your little bear friend."

"Perhaps you think you can follow the trail of breadcrumbs left behind by the innocent one? You think to best my little maze and win the cheese?"

"You are welcome to try. It will be most interesting to watch."

"Better hurry though, your time is limited. I have alerted the authorities of your trespass in the Verizon server room."


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #128 on: October 08, 2017, 12:56:48 pm »

As if they could do anything to the angels. They will show up and walk away, none the wiser for their interruption.

But we do have to hurry. Faith...

Saint grits his teeth. If he could he would make this spirit bleed.

"Robor, I can't control it, maybe you can".

He abruptly turns his back to the thing and heads towards the back of the area Usdi-Yona had indicated, feeling for any trace of Faith's passing.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #129 on: October 08, 2017, 05:00:39 pm »

"Hey, da cowards hiding from us. Just igore da looser and lets go." Beats says, trying to anger it before heading over to Usdi


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #130 on: October 08, 2017, 07:27:25 pm »

"I have no way of identifying which one of these lead to faith, but you should be able to, Saint," Emend says, casting Eyes of the Matrix on him.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #131 on: October 08, 2017, 07:51:06 pm »

Emend's spell opened the Saint's vision to the myriad of connections going into and out of the area - where UsdiYona stood next to a large one in particular that seemed to issue forth a cold draft.

That had to be the one.

Drawing closer, the Saint was assured of it, when he could sense the residual resonance of his daughter Faith's passing through the connection.

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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #132 on: October 08, 2017, 07:58:58 pm »

As if they could do anything to the angels. They will show up and walk away, none the wiser for their interruption.

But we do have to hurry. Faith...

Saint grits his teeth. If he could he would make this spirit bleed.

"Robor, I can't control it, maybe you can".

He abruptly turns his back to the thing and heads towards the back of the area Usdi-Yona had indicated, feeling for any trace of Faith's passing.

Robor nods.
"It's a part of something bigger. But I dont it can hurt us.." Robor says, before gripping his iron.

"Call off the authorities. I command you "


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #133 on: October 08, 2017, 09:17:14 pm »

Saint nods his gratitude to Emend.

"You were right Usdi, they passed through here. Beats, can you follow this connection?"


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #134 on: October 09, 2017, 01:04:22 pm »

"Call off the authorities. I command you "

"Oh dear," the collection of mirrors remarked snarkishly, "you seem to have a few tricks up your sleeve."

"No matter."

"The mewling N00b is no match for the experienced Griefer. Hahahaha."

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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #135 on: October 09, 2017, 05:47:42 pm »

"I.... have no idea what those words mean."


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #136 on: October 09, 2017, 10:10:47 pm »

Beats concentrates for a second then grasps his space tag to do what saint asked and tries to use a form of scrying to follow the connection.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #137 on: October 10, 2017, 05:38:56 pm »

Beats found that could he feel out the connection from here to its end - though the distance was quite surprising. Trying to see what was on the other side revealed nothing but darkness and the hum of electrons shooting rapidly from place to place.

The thought then occurred to him, to try seeing outside the boundaries of the virtual world, as he had done to spy on the judge.

With a few moments of concentration, a view of another server farm opened to his mind, like the one in the Fairfax Verizon building. Only this one was apparently somewhere in Atlanta Georgia.

The connection they stood before, had to lead into one of those servers.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #138 on: October 10, 2017, 06:06:11 pm »

As soon as Beats confirms the destination Saint steps through.

There's nowhere this demon could run that Saint would not follow.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #139 on: October 10, 2017, 09:55:11 pm »

"Dis way then."  Beats indicates as Saint dissapears, clearly having lost some of his initial excited energy once it had turned frkm an imminent fight into a slowly puzzle chase type situation


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #140 on: October 11, 2017, 02:38:38 pm »

Emend nods then follows them through.

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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #141 on: October 11, 2017, 05:11:56 pm »

Once everyone walks through, Robor lools back at the administrator.

"Not actually sure how any of this works, but you won't be following us through here." He says, walking through. As he leaves, he'll spill his coconut drink into the outlets. Should start an electrical fire maybe


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #142 on: October 11, 2017, 06:36:58 pm »

"Um, does someone want to tell me how they are doing that?" UsdiYona asks Robor.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #143 on: October 11, 2017, 06:42:50 pm »

Robor meanwhile, poured some of his drink around. It did not appear to have any noticeable effect on the environment - though the Administrator watched with passive interest.

"I do not need to follow," it replied to Robor - "am already there."

To UsdiYona it added, "Just click your heels together three times and say 'there's no place like home, there's no place like home', hahaha!"


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #144 on: October 11, 2017, 06:45:43 pm »

"There's no place like home, there's no place like home." Usdiona says, clicking her heels together.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #145 on: October 11, 2017, 06:50:03 pm »

"Bwahahahaha!" the mirrors bellowed.

"Oh my, you are a trusting little thing, aren't you?"

"I suppose that little display is worth a small clue at least," it continued; "Concentrate on traveling from where you are now to where the port connects. That will take you to your friends."

"I don't suppose you would care to sing 'I'm a Little Tea Pot' before you go, would you? Hahahahahaha!!!"


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #146 on: October 11, 2017, 07:26:42 pm »

"I don't know that one," UsdiYona says, "I just know C is for cookie. That's good enough for me!"

She then concentrates to join the others.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #147 on: October 11, 2017, 07:38:50 pm »


Willing themselves into the connection, the group felt themselves shoot across a vast distance in the fraction of an instant. The speed at which the gap was crossed boggled the mind.

Exiting the connection on the other end, the disciples found themselves in a bizarre plane of stark white cubes - laid out like a floating floor. Each cube seemed to measure (in relation to the disciples size anyway) a full yard and they were uniformly spaced a few inches apart, creating a grid-like configuration that expanded away in all directions as far as the eye could see.

Looking down between the cubes, showed an apparently endless drop, while there also seemed no end to the open nothingness directly above either.

A constant stream of data coursed into and out of the blocks - shooting through a countless number of connections that could only be seen with eyes of the matrix.

Every so often, one of the cubes would abruptly 'burn out' (like an old lightbulb) and turn grayish black. Moments later, it would shatter and fall away into the void - leaving a wide hole in the floor. This was then dealt with, by an entire column or row of cubes shifting over to close the gap.

Emend could perceive that the outgoing transitions were data of some kind, while the incoming transitions appeared to be a mix of data and monetary values.

A few seconds after their arrival, a six foot tall Nigerian Prince, in ceremonial garb, appeared before the disciples. In his right hand, he held a purse overflowing in money, while in his left hand, he dragged a set of thick iron manacles attached to a heavy ball and chain.

Smiling, he asked, "Hello friends! Did you get any of my emails?"

Robor with his spirit sight and UsdiYona with her keen senses could tell that this was another avatar of the same demon they had just left in the other server.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #148 on: October 11, 2017, 09:20:28 pm »

Saint scans the environs for any more signs of faith, resisting the urge to kill the administrator
« Last Edit: October 11, 2017, 09:58:27 pm by Drakilian »


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #149 on: October 12, 2017, 01:22:19 am »

Seeing the new enemy in human form Beats quickly tests his surroundings, checking what he can cannot stand on and how is it best to move.
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