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Author Topic: This Shouldn't Take Long  (Read 34119 times)


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This Shouldn't Take Long
« on: September 01, 2018, 06:25:41 pm »

Washington DC; Thursday Evening, February 8th 2018

Word came from Emend that the two vampires had just set off his alarm, in returning to their underground haven beneath Club Perdition. It had only been four days, since the disciples had assaulted the place. Whether the fiends thought the coast was now clear or they simply needed to return to the physical world to feed was not clear - though this did present a nice opportunity to tie up these particular 'loose ends'.

Unfortunately, Emend, the Saint, and UsdiYona were just walking into a meeting with Robert Swane of Blume and Blumenthal to discuss offers for the Heart of Flies, so this would be up to Robor and Beats.

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Re: This Shouldn't Take Long
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2018, 12:56:22 pm »

Robor glances at the text.
"Right, finally." He mutters. He wouldn't admit it, but he's been agitatingly watching his phone, waiting for any updates about the vampies. The scum did almost did him and his student in, but now it's time to pay them back with interest. They can't be allowed to remain.

He hops up from his seat, dressed already.
"Beats, any chance you can pick me up? I'm at my apartment." He texts


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Re: This Shouldn't Take Long
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2018, 04:42:14 pm »

"Sure thing, just give me a few. Whats up?" is the reply as Beats gets ready and heads over

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Re: This Shouldn't Take Long
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2018, 05:09:55 pm »

"Did you get Emend's message? It's time to go vampire hunting again."


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Re: This Shouldn't Take Long
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2018, 05:13:48 pm »

"Just read it now, will be there soon then we can portal over" Beats replies preparing his normal outfit and gear then heading to Robors by the fastest no chance of paradox means possible.

Once there: "We have a plan or jus portal in den I light da place up like before?"
« Last Edit: September 03, 2018, 07:04:51 pm by Forge »

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Re: This Shouldn't Take Long
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2018, 09:23:40 pm »

"Im thinking we come in a pronged attack." Robor texts. "You physical, me in the spirit world, light them up, and if they try to escape, Ill have spirits rip them to shreds."

A few moments later, he adds
"if we can catch one that might be good. Ask it about that devil tower."


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Re: This Shouldn't Take Long
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2018, 12:10:06 am »

Beats nods "Works for me." he begins warming up "So I go in portal den light it up. If dey run, your waiting in da spirit and take em down?"

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Re: This Shouldn't Take Long
« Reply #7 on: September 04, 2018, 09:55:26 am »

"exactly." Robor texts. "Light them up, and I'll take the stragglers."


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Re: This Shouldn't Take Long
« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2018, 05:28:21 pm »

Beats finishes warming up then scrys a location he remembers in a ally behind the place "I'll get us close den we split" he opens a portal so long as everything is clear and steps through


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Re: This Shouldn't Take Long
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2018, 05:58:46 pm »

Scrying out Club Perdition, Beats could see that it was already pumping - people milled both in the area out front and near the loading docks out back. Music thumped loudly through speakers with flashing lights and lasers - beckoning party-goers to join the revelry within.

Something about the scene reminded Beats of a porch bug-zapper - luring stupid insects to an electric doom.

At any rate, portaling anywhere here would be a no go. Beats would have to choose another location - either an empty alley a block or so away - or perhaps somewhere in or under the nightclub.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2018, 06:01:08 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: This Shouldn't Take Long
« Reply #10 on: September 08, 2018, 04:08:41 am »

"Looks like we can go right in to da underground or go a couple blocks out an go inta the busy club. I vote under, you?" Beats asks Robor

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Re: This Shouldn't Take Long
« Reply #11 on: September 08, 2018, 07:26:42 pm »

"under makes sense." Robor says, nodding.


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Re: This Shouldn't Take Long
« Reply #12 on: September 09, 2018, 09:15:18 am »

Beats carefully tries scrying a location in the tunnel to the platform where the den had been last time to see if the ward was still up or if they could easily get inside.

Should he be able to and assuming it was clear he opens a portal to the underground
« Last Edit: September 11, 2018, 01:33:41 pm by Forge »


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Re: This Shouldn't Take Long
« Reply #13 on: September 13, 2018, 12:50:52 pm »

While the vampire's ward was still up, Emend's alteration to it remained in effect - allowing the disciples access. Beats opened a portal onto the steps, just off the subway platform (and out of sight from any who might actually be standing on the platform at the time).

The place was as they had left it those four days ago.

Remains of the huge pentagram, painted in dried human blood, were still at the bottom of the steps; the nasty-smelling candles toppled over. The subway platform itself was half buried in rubble from the previous collapse of its high vaulted ceiling, while the tracks and old derelict subway car remained intact.

An eerie blue light emanated from across the tracks, were the pool of glowing industrial ooze still bubbled and fizzed - filling the air with poisonous fumes and bathing the proximity in deadly radiation.

The sound of someone rummaging around inside the subway car indicated the disciple's targets were still here.


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Re: This Shouldn't Take Long
« Reply #14 on: September 13, 2018, 08:19:14 pm »

Beats doesn't make noise but nods to Robor to indicate 'go for it' then prepares to cast a sunlight portal inside the train car. This time putting the 'in' portal a kilometer in the air and tilted to the sun and obviously matching the angle on the portal in the car for maximum effect.

He uses his normal body enhancing buff (Body control) while waiting on Robor and casts his portal 10 seconds after Robor passes over.

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Re: This Shouldn't Take Long
« Reply #15 on: September 14, 2018, 10:21:49 am »

Robor nods.
"Good luck." He whispers, stepping through the portal and then crossing the gauntlet. A Road Master has no need for spirit roads, after all.

From the Spirit world, Robor will draw his sword and wait.


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Re: This Shouldn't Take Long
« Reply #16 on: September 16, 2018, 09:19:50 am »

Robor slipped into twilight and took a tactical position near the edge of caved-in portion of the platform. He did not see any spirits currently lurking about the area.

Beats then cast his spell - opening a flood of direct sunlight into the subway car.

This was quickly followed by howling screams of pain - as the older muscular vampire burst out of the subway car - engulfed in fire and trailing flames like a comet! He immediately threw himself on the ground and rolled around trying to put himself out - his cheesy leisure suit melting into his charred flesh!

The operatic vampire Vesh meanwhile, was nowhere to be seen, though he too could be be heard shrieking in agony briefly.


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Re: This Shouldn't Take Long
« Reply #17 on: September 16, 2018, 09:46:52 am »

Seeing that there are already flames Beats changes his plan to instead use his mastery of forces (Control fire) to amplify the flames. Attempting to turn the burning vampire into a bonfire. He grasps his magnetic tag and uses spell successes he attempts to increase the size of the flames to ensure full body coverage then the rest into increasing heat.

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Re: This Shouldn't Take Long
« Reply #18 on: September 16, 2018, 09:56:32 am »

Robor inches forward carefully, as he activates his Mind Sight, searching for the vampire.


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Re: This Shouldn't Take Long
« Reply #19 on: September 16, 2018, 02:47:23 pm »

Any hope the Ductus had of putting himself out, literally went up in super-heated flames. He was unable to even curse his sad fate, before being reduced to smouldering cinders.

Robor meanwhile, scanned for other minds. He was alone in the immediate area, meaning that the other vampire had not yet entered twilight -presuming he even would.

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Re: This Shouldn't Take Long
« Reply #20 on: September 17, 2018, 10:14:21 am »

"I always forget the order to these things..." Robor mutters, as he opens up his mind to see last the veil.

"Okay, let's see what's happening on the other side. Maybe Beats already got everything." Robor says, as he peers past with his sights activated.


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Re: This Shouldn't Take Long
« Reply #21 on: September 17, 2018, 04:34:20 pm »

Pushing his spell across the gauntlet, Robor could sense the vampire's mind in the ground under the railcard itself.


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Re: This Shouldn't Take Long
« Reply #22 on: September 17, 2018, 11:39:21 pm »

Seeing just how effective the flames were Beats catches some before they vanish, controlling them and sending them over to the most flammable part of the railcar or item in its proximity that he can see so he can start amplifying it with the intent of burning the entire thing down.

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Re: This Shouldn't Take Long
« Reply #23 on: September 18, 2018, 12:05:33 am »

Pushing his spell across the gauntlet, Robor could sense the vampire's mind in the ground under the railcard itself.
"....what?" Robor asks himself, before telephathicly contacting Beats.
"The vamp is underground? Like, inside the ground. I'm not sure what's up with that. I think we can campture it though." He sends, before unleashing a psychic asaualt, aiming to ravage the vampire's psyche. If he can knock it out, he can use furter magic to learn everything.


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Re: This Shouldn't Take Long
« Reply #24 on: September 18, 2018, 02:43:52 am »

Hearing the voice in his head Beats doesn't make the fire bigger yet but keeps it  "Can ya hear me back? I burnt one inta dust already, if that other one is in danger dirt den we dig it out?"

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Re: This Shouldn't Take Long
« Reply #25 on: September 18, 2018, 04:48:06 pm »

Hearing the voice in his head Beats doesn't make the fire bigger yet but keeps it  "Can ya hear me back? I burnt one inta dust already, if that other one is in danger dirt den we dig it out?"
"Yeah it's a mental thing... Uh, I dunno if we can dig it up, but it can't hurt to try?"


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Re: This Shouldn't Take Long
« Reply #26 on: September 19, 2018, 02:41:06 pm »

"K, let me know when ya got it trapped. I'll keep holda my flames till den." he thinks hard and says quietly outloud


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Re: This Shouldn't Take Long
« Reply #27 on: September 22, 2018, 09:56:58 am »

Robor's spell seemed to take hold of the vampire's mind doing some harm, but it did not move from its hiding place in the ground under the old subway car.

As this went on, Beats heard a sudden loud crack from within the car itself, and caught sight of the large statue of Baphomet though the window - as it broke into large chunks and crashed to the floor.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2018, 09:50:16 am by BerkaZerka »


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Re: This Shouldn't Take Long
« Reply #28 on: September 23, 2018, 12:32:59 am »

Beats stays back just in case but thinks the information real hard at Robor. He then decides to go for broke and tries to set the cart on fire, boosting the flames as much as he can.

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Re: This Shouldn't Take Long
« Reply #29 on: September 23, 2018, 12:09:09 pm »

Robor thinks for a moment, and remembers an important spell.
"Hide the ground from sight, peer past the earth." He chants, as he forces the ground above the vampire to become see-through, with his proficiency in matter.

"This should burn him."


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Re: This Shouldn't Take Long
« Reply #30 on: September 24, 2018, 06:39:04 pm »

The rail-car took fire without issue - the magic imbued in the flame spreading it quickly. Smoke then begian to billow into the ceiling above, which for the time being, seemed voluminous enough to contain it.

Robor's spell meanwhile, couldn't make it across the gauntlet. He would have to be in the physical world to readily effect it.

A reverberating bellow then roared up the subway tunnel from the darkened recesses, beyond the magic ward that kept out the enemies of Belial's Brood. Only Beats could hear it of course - and feel the trembling ground, as if something large was now lumbering up the tracks towards his position.

Something about the situation was oddly familiar - For some reason both Beats and Robor felt like they had done this all before. The notion was so strong for  Beats in fact, that he could imagine the massive mountain of amalgamated flesh that was quickly approaching and the horde of lumpy fat creatures following behind...


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Re: This Shouldn't Take Long
« Reply #31 on: September 25, 2018, 10:32:48 am »

"Some huge monster and other fat monsters are headed dis way." Beats thinks hard and mutters aloud "I think were running short o time" he adds as he decides to fan the flames further to see if making it into a raging inferno would deter the monsters

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Re: This Shouldn't Take Long
« Reply #32 on: September 25, 2018, 07:29:04 pm »

Robor shakes his head.
"I have one more plan." He sends to Beats, as he tries to reach the vampire's mind telephathicly.

"You only have one shot to survive. You gotta get out now." Robor telephathicly urges him, trying to get the vampire to leave the safety of the earth.


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Re: This Shouldn't Take Long
« Reply #33 on: September 29, 2018, 05:51:40 pm »

'Come get me,' a reply came to Robor; 'before you run out of time hahaha!'

The fire meanwhile, heated to the point that windows burst out and metal siding on the rail-car was beginning to melt - the light of Beats' sun-portal beaming through the gaps.

Down the tunnel, the approaching mob of loud angry monsters lumbered closer, while smoke from the fire continued to fill the ceiling.

An itchy sensation on his hands, drew Beats' attention to a red splotchy rash beginning to form...


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Re: This Shouldn't Take Long
« Reply #34 on: September 29, 2018, 07:32:07 pm »

"Farking radiation" Beats swears, remembering the first time here. He backs away from where the source had been but only so far as to not break line of sight with the burning railcar.

He considers healing himself but decides instead to see if he can get the vamp out. He uses telekinesis to try and shift as much dirt as he can from under the cart to the side (Can this work? If so burning a mana and concentrating on str.)


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Re: This Shouldn't Take Long
« Reply #35 on: September 30, 2018, 10:03:50 am »

Imposing his will on the ground under the rail car, Beats telekinetically lifted up two cubic yards of dirt - complete with someone's legs sticking out.

The legs briefly began to smoke in the light of the sun-portal, but vanished away a moment later.

In twilight, Vesh, the vampire Priest of Belial's Brood appeared before Robor.

"You don't want to harm me twink;" he smiled condescendingly, "let's explore each other's pleasure first. Get to really know each other. Feel each other. Then, after that, we'll see..."

Robor could feel a primal energy welling up within him, and recognized it. This vile creature was trying to manipulate his base urges, like the first one of their kind had done when tempting him to rape his own student.

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Re: This Shouldn't Take Long
« Reply #36 on: September 30, 2018, 12:21:42 pm »

"You know I'm always up for some light petting." Robor says, running to embrace the vampire, and takes a quick step sideways along with him.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2018, 06:43:50 pm by Not Aman »


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Re: This Shouldn't Take Long
« Reply #37 on: September 30, 2018, 01:37:31 pm »

seeing the leg vanish Beats prepares to open a portal behind himself to Robors place (locked to only the deciples use) but does not cast yet. He watches to see if the vamp returns or what the flash things are, portaling out only if the flesh things become visible.

In the meantime he boosts the fire even more to ensure anything going near it, Vamp or wierd flesh thing, would be burnt.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2018, 01:45:53 am by Forge »


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Re: This Shouldn't Take Long
« Reply #38 on: October 13, 2018, 02:23:23 pm »

Vesh had no idea that Robor would endanger himself, thinking that the disciple had fallen under sway of his hedonistic vampiric ways. It was a major shock to the creature then, when Robor abruptly pulled him across the gauntlet and into the raging inferno of the melting railcar.

That, coupled with the direct light pouring through Beats' sun-gate, was enough to incinerate the blood sucker almost immediately. Unfortunately for Robor, the conflagration was so intense that his own hair and skin also burst into flames - saying nothing of the radiation he was also absorbing by proximity to the glowing industrial sludge.

It was all Robor could do to step sideways again, back into twilight, before passing out from the extreme trauma.

From Beats' vantage point, he saw two figures appear in the midst of the superheated fires, before both took flame and appeared to be consumed. Trying to contact Robor mentally after that, brought only a dreadful silence - abruptly broken by thunderous roars of the approaching hoard now coming into sight.

Beats had seen some truly disturbing things in his short tenure as a disciple - but these revolting creatures sent chills up and down his spine. These abominations were not demons; and while monsterous, they had not been born so. These were human beings - mind and body twisted and deformed by some ungodly power.

There were twenty four of them initially, fat, naked, bloated things without necks - their faces jutting from round barrel-like chests below the shoulder-line with mentally diminished features and a horrifying snaggle of long flat teeth. Their limbs, in sharp contrast to the obesity of their bodies, were rail-thin and branched at the middle joint - creating a double set of forearms and legs beneath the knee.

They screeched and howled as they rushed forward, coming up short, as they approached the flaming subway car. For a moment, it looked as if the inferno would keep them warily at bay - until the two towering abominations of fused madness lumbered up behind the group and began punting their smaller kin into the area, literally sending them flying through the air like cow-sized footballs.

These massive things... they were like a dozens of their smaller brethren smooshed together into a grossly humanoid shape with the parts of larger animals thrown in for perverse pleasure. They were easily large enough to reach the tunnel's arched ceiling and actually had to crouch to keep under the collecting smoke that progressively filled more and more of the area.

They looked massive enough to lift a subway car in their own right and plodded on three elephantine stumps for legs with three long scythe-like appendages sprouting from their girth. They also had a profusion of dull eyes peering out from seemingly random locations all over its bulk and one tremendously large mouth, reminiscent of a giant ape's, that could easily bite off the front of a small car as if simply eating a sandwich.

The smaller monstrosities meanwhile, apparently more afraid of their giant overseers, swarmed forward and around the burning railcar. Clambering onto the subway platform itself, they turned this way and that - looking for something to rend limb from limb...


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Re: This Shouldn't Take Long
« Reply #39 on: October 14, 2018, 01:00:37 am »

Seeing the two figures appear then vanish Beats swears and is about to try and move the flames or go after Robor somehow when the abominations arrive. Initially he thinks about trying to blast the metal melting flames over the on-coming enemies but seeing the numbers and considering radiation effects already damaging him he decides to retreat temporarily.

Beats opens the portal (Locked to deciples) right below him so he simply drops through into his room in the castle falling 7 feet to the floor and pulling out his phone to quickly message the others about Robors possible demise but that he had see n him disappear in the flames so he wasn't certain.

feeling the buzz as the typed he hit send then checked his own messages seeing the update from the others. He adds one more text 'Need a portal out?'
« Last Edit: October 14, 2018, 02:06:20 am by Forge »


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Re: This Shouldn't Take Long
« Reply #40 on: October 14, 2018, 09:49:31 am »

Through the portal above, Beats could see the tzimisce szlachta follow him to the opening in the floor of the subway platform and attempt to drop in - though the portal lock kept them at bay. A moment later, the larger vozhd war-ghouls stepped up - sweeping their smaller counterpart away from the portal, to try slamming the hell out of it with their long scythe-like arms.

Unable to get through either, the two giant behemoths beat the ground around the portal to rubble - then roaring angrily, they smashed enough material out of the ceiling above to bring it down over the portal.

Now buried under tons of rubble, there was no point keeping the portal open, so Beats closed it.

Feeling the urgency of the situation, Beats decided against waiting on a reply from the others and scried out their location. He found that they were in a parking garage and seemed to be alone, so without another thought, he teleported to them – abruptly stepping out of the shadows near their cars.


Continued in Witches & Demons & Flies - Oh My!
« Last Edit: October 14, 2018, 10:00:27 am by BerkaZerka »
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