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Not Aman

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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #250 on: June 26, 2014, 10:27:21 pm »

"Grave's over here." Roka says, simply.

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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #251 on: June 27, 2014, 06:11:55 pm »

"So, anyways, time to have the filth dig the bodies out." Roka says with a nod,and sends off Ichiro (who is nothing more then a glorified message boy at this point) over to the soldiers to inform them.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #252 on: June 27, 2014, 06:54:29 pm »

"And he transformed the generals into some sort of Rokurokubi?" Roka asks, shaking his head. "Not only do they desecrate our heroes, but they transform them into... Whatever that is... Bastards."

Rai's face goes a little white at the sound of the name and says, "Rokurokubi are Demons who have the head of the human used to make them. They eat human flesh and can appear ordinary to most people. Except they can't be seen in spirit sight. They Float and have there bloody entrails attached to there head."
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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #253 on: June 28, 2014, 01:00:16 pm »

As word reaches the laborers, they begin to make preparations for the dig - while the villagers look on - highly disheartened to learn of a hidden grave in their fields; and at the loss of all the crops that are going to be dug up in the process...


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #254 on: June 30, 2014, 04:42:35 pm »

29th Day of Spring’s End 1306
Visitor In The Night

It was very early in the morning (and still dark out) the next day, when an urgent knock came to the Headman’s door.

Standing outside was one of Shagota’s soldiers, who bowed low and began speaking as soon as the door was opened – “Honorable ones – there has been an attack on the encampment of laborers. Not brigands – but something came from out of the night sky and swept up a laborer to carry him away screaming.”

“The laborers panicked and tried to flee here to the village, but Shagota managed to contain them – I am afraid a certain number of the laborers were killed in their rebellion.”

“The rest are subdued for now.”

“We have no idea what it was that fell upon the camp, but the laborers say it was a dark demon bird.”

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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #255 on: June 30, 2014, 04:51:26 pm »

"Lovely." Roka mutters, covered in nothing but a towel.

"We shall be out in a moment. Gather lanterns. We will need light." Roka states to the soldiers, before heading back to his room, to gather his armor and equipment.

Once inside, he'll look to Jenna and sigh.

"We'll have to get back at this later. Trouble finally reared it's ugly head." He states, as he puts on his armor and guantlets.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #256 on: June 30, 2014, 05:59:39 pm »

Jenna fakes a pout, and starts to ready her arms as well.

"It's never dull around you Roka," she says. "To many things know not to mess with Yunikawa, but with you guys, I get to kick the shit out of stuff now and then."

"Thank you Roka. Thank you."


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #257 on: June 30, 2014, 06:04:37 pm »

Yuki prepares her things and sets off for the encampment. Once there she'll look around to see how many people are still alive, and of those how many should get medical attention.

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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #258 on: June 30, 2014, 06:13:33 pm »

Jenna fakes a pout, and starts to ready her arms as well.

"It's never dull around you Roka," she says. "To many things know not to mess with Yunikawa, but with you guys, I get to kick the shit out of stuff now and then."

"Thank you Roka. Thank you."

"That's uh, one way to look at it." Roka says with a chuckle. Once dressed, he'll make sure the rest are awake and ready.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #259 on: June 30, 2014, 09:17:04 pm »

Hearing the news, Udo quickly dresses, armor and all.

The outdoorsman brings Bleach outside with him as he looks for other animals which might have seen what had happened earlier.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #260 on: June 30, 2014, 11:06:26 pm »

Miya listens from inside her room and quickly gets ready for a possible encounter with an Oni(demon?) of some kind.
 As soon as she reaches Yuki she asks a question that has been on her mind recently.

"Yuki, do you think that perhaps the villagers are lying about their knowledge of the grave? I feel like something is off here."
"Who says nothing is impossible? I've been doing nothing for years." -Unknown
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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #261 on: June 30, 2014, 11:36:10 pm »

Miya listens from inside her room and quickly gets ready for a possible encounter with an Oni(demon?) of some kind.
 As soon as she reaches Yuki she asks a question that has been on her mind recently.

"Yuki, do you think that perhaps the villagers are lying about their knowledge of the grave? I feel like something is off here."

"Probably... not?" Yuki replies unsure.

"The villagers here moved in a year after the battle after all."


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #262 on: July 01, 2014, 12:59:00 am »

Rai nods his head expecting that something like this would happen. He grabss his weapons and armors up. Picking up a lantern he goes outside and waits for the group.
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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #263 on: July 01, 2014, 04:37:46 pm »

Arriving at the laborers encampment, the Samurai saw Shagota and the other soldiers overseeing the teamsters in organizing and readying the equipment necessary for the recovery and transportation of the bones of the fallen heroes – once the digging had commenced…

Lying at the edge of the encampment were six bodies covered in hempcloth – the dead laborers, killed in their rebellion against the soldiers.

Looking around with her Sorcerer’s Sight meanwhile, Yuki could see no indications of magical or spiritual energies, other than those she was already accustomed to seeing among her friends.

Seeing the Samurai, Shagota bowed low, kneeling on one knee as they approached.

"It is unfortunate, honorable ones," he said, "that the laborers took up arms against my men in their panic."

"But rest assured, we have dealt with the leaders of their rebellion and have restored order. The remainder of the laborers will do their duty."

"As for the thing that attacked, neither I, nor my men saw it, as we stood watch at the boundaries of the encampment – whatever it was swooped in from above, right in the center."

"If you will come this way, I can show you the area it attacked."

Leading the Samurai, Shagota took them to a small cooking fire at the center of the encampment between some simple tents. Three laborers bowed down prostrate as the Samurai approached, but said nothing.

Shagota stepped forward and spoke down to them – "What was it you saw? Tell us what happened."

One of the laborers, not looking up, replied holding something out in his hand – "We were sitting at the fire, four of us, when a man-like magpie dressed in a robe flew suddenly down from the night sky and swept up Haru. It had wings, and also arms like a man, but legs like a bird. We saw that it also had a sword and bow."

"Here are some of the feathers that fell as Haru tried to free himself."

Bending down, Shagota took three short black feathers from the laborer and handed them to Yuki. Looking at them, coupled with the details of the attack, Yuki could tell that they were feathers from the legendary Kenku – or birdmen.

While more rare, birdmen were like the Fair folk (fox people) or Nesumi (rat people) – neither Oni nor Spirit, but just like ordinary men.

Lee meanwhile, hung back away from the Samurai and moved through the encampment listening in to the laborers’ conversations when he could. He had to stealth around a bit to do so, as the laborers would immediately throw themselves prostrate and remain silent whenever they noticed him drawing near.

From what he could tell however, the laborers were very superstitious about the attack, seeing it as a terrible omen and wanting to get their work started and finished as soon as possible, so they could all go back to Sendai.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #264 on: July 01, 2014, 04:39:36 pm »

 "Huh; Kenku," Jenna says, as if she knew what Yuki might be thinking and said the word just to steal her thunder...


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #265 on: July 01, 2014, 05:04:20 pm »

Yuki look at Jenna then nods to the rest of the group.

"Kenku are Bird Men, like the Nezumi or Fair Folk. They're rare though..." She says. Yuki then hands Udo one of the feathers.

"Can one of your pets track him?"


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #266 on: July 01, 2014, 05:10:01 pm »

"I, uh... Maybe. Heck, maybe I could!" Udo says, giving it over to Bleach. You can track by scent, right?

He also activates Sensory Enhancing Trance, increasing his smelling abilities. One of us should be able to figure this out, likely.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #267 on: July 01, 2014, 05:14:46 pm »

Udo can smell the scent of the Kenku, but its trail is through the air and untrackable - in a matter of moments it will be gone completely...

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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #268 on: July 01, 2014, 05:15:37 pm »

"Bird people? I'd have thought this would be the work of an Oni or something. Odd." Roka says, perplexed.

"Why would a bird person act against our ancestors' will?"


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #269 on: July 01, 2014, 06:17:40 pm »

Yuki shrugs.

"Maybe they're acting on behalf of someone else's will."


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #270 on: July 01, 2014, 06:20:49 pm »

Udo Kuwabara sniffs into the air. "Guys, I'm getting a faint trace of something... I gotta go before it dissipates--!!"

He morphs into a bat, trying to find the source of the smell as fast as possible. Maybe the raven-man has some sort of den.

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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #271 on: July 01, 2014, 06:26:38 pm »

As Udo flies off, Roka simply shakes his head.

"I'll never understand how you magicians do all that."

Yuki shrugs.

"Maybe they're acting on behalf of someone else's will."

"I suppose" Roka then says, nodding.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #272 on: July 01, 2014, 06:40:35 pm »

Flying as a bat, Udo follows the scent a few hundred feet into the air - before it vanished completely - and not for dissipating. it literally ends abruptly, as if the thing he was following teleported away or something...


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #273 on: July 01, 2014, 07:01:11 pm »

Earth God-damnit
Bat-Udo sighs, looking around before heading back. It'll probably come back... They just need to prepare.

Swooping down Udo picks some of his clothing to dress in and moves behind a tree before morphing back, dressing there instead of showing off to everybody his glory.

Walking back, he tells his team with a frown, "No dice, the scent left abruptly. Can those bird-men teleport or something?"


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #274 on: July 02, 2014, 12:40:03 am »

"If it's a Wu-Jen, maybe. We should have Lee camp here until our job here is done." Yuki replies.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #275 on: July 02, 2014, 11:15:06 am »

"If it's a Wu-Jen, maybe. We should have Lee camp here until our job here is done." Yuki replies.

"I have a feeling we don't know all of what is going on here, there is information that we are missing."
 Miya says to her friend.

"Udo, do you think we could try and track it on foot by heading in the direction of the scent? Or will that not work?"
 She turns to Udo and asks.
"Who says nothing is impossible? I've been doing nothing for years." -Unknown
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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #276 on: July 02, 2014, 11:18:28 am »

Udo shakes his head, "Doubtful. As I said, the scent abruptly disappeared, so it's likely that thing teleports. Maybe a general direction based on where I flew, but otherwise... Yeah, doubtful."

He ponders for a moment, "But, what we could do is ask the villagers to look out for feathers, maybe that could help us get to it?"


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #277 on: July 02, 2014, 11:23:30 am »

"Perhaps, but why did the villagers not say anything about the birdman? It's unlikely he would just swoop in one night and grab a labourer out of the blue. He must have been sighted from afar before at least."
 Miya asks to nobody in particular.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2014, 11:25:12 am by Fireplay »
"Who says nothing is impossible? I've been doing nothing for years." -Unknown
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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #278 on: July 02, 2014, 11:30:04 am »

"Did we even ask the villagers about it?"

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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #279 on: July 02, 2014, 11:39:39 am »

"I doubt that. Not that they'd be much help. If a birdman nest was around here, then everyone would know about it." Roka states simply.

"Yuki, could you possibly summon the birdman to us? Or take us to the birdman, with your divine location?


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #280 on: July 02, 2014, 12:02:07 pm »

Rai looks thoughtful and says, "Why would a birdman steal a laborur? Maybe its just trying to find out what is going on. It could also be a servent to someone who is attempting to stop our mission here."
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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #281 on: July 02, 2014, 12:07:00 pm »

"Yeah, I'm with you and Yuki on this one. Especially since I don't think most birdmen can teleport." Roka says, talking out of his ass, since he knows absolutely nothing about birdmen.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #282 on: July 02, 2014, 12:10:57 pm »

"Oh wait, Rai! You knew a lot about the Rokurobi thingies, what do you know about the bird-men?" Udo asks, hopeful.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #283 on: July 02, 2014, 05:45:53 pm »

"I doubt that. Not that they'd be much help. If a birdman nest was around here, then everyone would know about it." Roka states simply.

"Yuki, could you possibly summon the birdman to us? Or take us to the birdman, with your divine location?

"I could summon it, but depending on how far away it went, who knows when it'd come back..." Yuki replies.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #284 on: July 02, 2014, 10:54:37 pm »

"Oh wait, Rai! You knew a lot about the Rokurobi thingies, what do you know about the bird-men?" Udo asks, hopeful.

Rai shakes his head and says, "I know probably less the Yuki does on this subject. So we obviously can't track it down. Instead we should lay a trap for it.
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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #285 on: July 02, 2014, 10:58:26 pm »

"You have an idea about one?"


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #286 on: July 02, 2014, 11:01:05 pm »

"You somehow knew more about Rokurobi than Yuki" Udo replies, "But... Yeah, it'll probably show up tonight again. Though I still think we should ask the villagers about it. Maybe it's appeared here before"


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #287 on: July 03, 2014, 02:12:29 am »

"You have an idea about one?"

Rai nods and says, "Yes I have an idea but Udo is right we should check to see if this is a recurring event. If it is then there is less worry about it targeting us. But the plan I am forming would invovle Jenna." Looking towards her he asks, "How quickly can you move?"
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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #288 on: July 03, 2014, 03:53:56 pm »

"Fast enough," Jenna replies.



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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #289 on: July 03, 2014, 04:55:21 pm »

"Fast enough," Jenna replies.


Rai says, "Because if we have you watch the camp the next time it comes. I want to know if you could grab it before it grabs one of our men."
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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #290 on: July 03, 2014, 04:59:12 pm »

"Why not just have Miya or Yuki hide in a bush and shoot at it when it comes?" Udo asks, confident that just ambushing it would work. "Or the Korean dude, I think he uses a bow, but in any case, grabbing seems kind of silly, Rai."


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #291 on: July 03, 2014, 05:03:57 pm »

Yuki giggles at the mental image of Jenna jumping up and down while attempting to grab onto a birdman flying just above her reach.

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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #292 on: July 03, 2014, 05:06:03 pm »

"Yeah, just waiting for it to return is probably the best move here." Roka states, nodding.

"We can have the birdman on the floor in a couple of seconds. We just need to see it."


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #293 on: July 04, 2014, 08:44:39 am »

When asked about the bird men, the villagers reply that there have been rare sightings of Kenku in the area over the years, but everyone just considered it like an honor to the village or something - at it seemed that the Kenku (when spotted) were always watching over the village before they disappeared.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #294 on: July 04, 2014, 08:48:23 am »

Jenna meanwhile, just looks at Rai like he's speaking gibberish.

"I can't catch a flying Kenku, if that is what you are asking," she says, "but maybe if I ask it nicely, it will come down for a chat."


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #295 on: July 04, 2014, 08:50:25 am »

"I'll go ahead and get the laborers digging now," Lee said to the Samurai, bowing and then heading off to direct the work.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #296 on: July 04, 2014, 09:45:51 am »

"Perhaps Udo can try to talk to the birdman alone somewhere with Yuki and I hiding nearby incase the whole thing turns out for the worst."
 Miya suggests to the group.
"Who says nothing is impossible? I've been doing nothing for years." -Unknown
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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #297 on: July 04, 2014, 10:42:21 am »

"I... I can try. I mean, it is possible that the Birdman isn't evil, and just doesn't understand what we're trying to do. Maybe." Udo replies, rubbing Bleach's back.

"But I'm not even sure I can communicate with them unless they speak Nipponese or bird-speak, if they're like Nezumi then they may even have their own language. I dunno. I think it's worth a try though."

With a nod, "Where should I go then? Just stay with the laborers?"


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #298 on: July 04, 2014, 12:58:44 pm »

"What else are we going to do in this tiny speck of nothing," Jenna asks, referring to the Village.

"Let the Korean Lee direct the labors, while the soldiers stand watches to keep the laborers in line. We can take turns supervising the project overall, while the others try not to die of boredom around here."

"If (or when) the Kenku shows up again - at least we'll be ready."

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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure IV
« Reply #299 on: July 04, 2014, 01:26:44 pm »

"What else are we going to do in this tiny speck of nothing," Jenna asks, referring to the Village.

"Let the Korean Lee direct the labors, while the soldiers stand watches to keep the laborers in line. We can take turns supervising the project overall, while the others try not to die of boredom around here."

"If (or when) the Kenku shows up again - at least we'll be ready."

"Yeah, we should probably do it in groups of three, then. Udo, Miya and Rai, and You, me, and Yuki. We should be able to catch it with those kind of groups."
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