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Author Topic: Roka Takemura (Aman’s Samurai Ki Master)  (Read 34993 times)

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Roka Takemura (Aman’s Samurai Ki Master)
« on: September 25, 2013, 01:47:22 pm »

Roka Takemura ~ (Samurai Ki Master) - 246 / 255 XP

Gender M; Age 20; Ht 5’11”; Wt 150 lbs; Stature Wiry Monk; Disposition Showy, Entertainer, Loud; Distinctive Features: Broad-Chested, Agile, with Goatee

Mark of Maski-Dai-Oni: 10 ft tall; STR 6; Heavy Hitter; Cargo Carrier; Red skin; Orange fangs & claws; Black horns; Burning eyes; Malevolent

Str 4; Agi 4; Con 3; Int 2; Wis 2; Pre 5; Vitality (0) 24; Wounds (-2) 8 (Armor 16; AP 5)
React 13; Endure 8; Will 11; Luck 5 3; Surge 11 10 / 11
Psychosis 6
Init 9; Move 30 ft (Run 120; Leap 4 high/20 long)

Unarmed Strike 18+2X/4S~L; Grapple Moves 16/4S~L; Gauntlets & Brass Knuckles 18+2X/5S~L; Masterwork Sword Pair 17/8L; Whip 14/4S♠ (15 ft Melee)

Combat Skills
Defense 12 (Dodge +2; Parry +1*) ~5
Ranged 7 (Shoot; Target; Throw)
Close Quarter 16 (Grapple; Melee; Unarmed +2) ~7

General Skills
Acrobatics 11 (Balance; Escape; Tumble) ~4
Artistry 5 (Cooking, Painting; Sculpting; Music; Writing)
Athletics 12 [(Climb; Jump; Sprint; Swim) ~5
Evaluate 8 (Appraise; Gamble; Sense Motive; Streetwise) ~3
Fabricate 5 (Construction; Mechanics; Weaponsmith)
Face 16 (Bluff +2; Entertain +2; Feint +2; Intimidate; Taunt) ~6
General Knowledge 5 (Trivia; In The News; Who's Who)
Larceny 7 (Forgery; Open Locks; Sleight of Hand)
Medic 5 (Slow Poison; Treat Injury)
Outdoors 5 (Handle Animal; Ride; Survival; Track)
Perception 8 (Listen; Search; Spot) ~3
Sabotage 5 (Disable Device; Trap Setting)
Socialize 15 (Diplomacy +2; Interrogation +2; Gather Info) ~5
Stealth 2 (Conceal; Disguise +2; Hide; Move Silently)

Advanced Skills
Political Sciences 8 (Economics; Law; Politics +2) ~3

Edges and Feats
Base of Operations; Blind Fight; Born Leader; Evasion; Indomitable Spirit; Minions (30); Rapid Strike; Stunning Attack; Brawler; Charismatic; Charlatan; Compelling; Duelist; Iron Will; Lightning Reflexes; Lucky; Martial Artist; Politician; Popular; Powerful Ties; Spirited; Toughness; Underworld Ties

~Amazing Celerity; ~Body Maiming Style; ~Brass Body Technique; ~Combo x3; ~Convincing Lie; ~Crashing Mirror Technique; ~Death Touch; ~Flawless Decorum; ~Grievous Injury Technique; ~Heavy Hitter; ~Heroic Surge; ~Inspire Heroism; ~Ki Master; ~Ki Reserves; ~Ki Spike; ~Knockback; ~Martial Arts Master; ~Multi Attack; ~Retributive Strike; ~Righteous Indignation; ~Ripple Across Pond; ~Savage Blow; ~Shrug Poison or Disease; ~Spirit Cutting; ~True Strike; ~Uncanny Dodge; ~Valiant Sacrifice; ~Vengeful Counter Stance

Lecherous; Obligation (Daimyo); Obvious

Equipment Normal Load 75; Encumbered 150; Limit 225; Drag 900
Manor House; Noble's Diet; Horse; Minions; Monks Garb; Masterwork Silver Accented Breastplate; Profane Soulsteel Great Armor; Lamellar Armor; Silver-inlaid Gauntlets; Brass Knuckles; Masterwork Sword Pair; Whip with Silver jute; Manacles; Hourglass; Travel Pack (backpack, bedroll, candles, lantern, mirror, rations, tent, tinderbox); Wasp wood Bark (6); Philosopher's Folly (3); Jute & Silver Bondage Rope; Plain Old Bondage Rope; Pair of Fake Fox Ears; Fuzzy Leopard-skin Handcuffs; Permit to Carry Arms; Emblems of Station; Traveling Papers

(Pittances 5; Goods 51; Assets 33; Riches 5)
  • Doshin Contact: Botan Kunda (Karma)
  • Silver and Blue Silk Bracers (+2 Dodge; Berserker Rage 1/day)
  • Minions: Ichiro Onohora, Mai Tsuda, (both 20 XP)
  • The Pennaggolan’s Tongue (just carrying it...)
  • Two Silver Luck Charms (4 Luck Points Total)
  • Profane Soulsteel Great Armor (Armor 16 (AP 5)/-2/0): Demon 1/Day with Absolute Control (Wearer's Will Save to Keep Demon from being Dispelled); Grants wearer Immunity to Fire; The visage of anyone slain by the wearer is permanently absorbed into the Soulsteel. Drawback: Wearer takes X2 Damage from Cold based Attacks.
  • Bracers of Radiating Hellfire (+2 Defense): Radiate a number of times per day equal to Presence Drawback: Wearer Gains the Malevolent Flaw while Radiating
Blessing of The Ancestors: Ancestor's Rebuke
« Last Edit: March 30, 2015, 04:41:41 pm by BerkaZerka »

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Re: Roka Takemura
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2013, 01:47:38 pm »

Power and Edge Notes
Base of Operations: The character has a well-known base of operations, where he can relax or attend to his own affairs (as long as no one is after him).

Blind Fight: The character can engage in Close Quarter Combat without having to see his opponents. He suffers no penalty for vision when using Close Quarter Skills.

Born Leader: The character has the natural ability to encourage, motivate, and push others beyond their normal limitations. The character gains a second set of Surge Points (equal to his own), which he can give to others within the sound of his voice. Unlike his personal Surge Points, these are not limited to being spent just one per round.

Indomitable Spirit: The character has extraordinary mental tenacity. Any time the character fails a Willpower Save, he gets a second Save on the next round to try again.

Rapid Strike: The character is lightning quick in close quarter combat. He can use back-to-back Attack Actions (Attack + Attack) when making Close Quarter attacks, without spending Surge Points during combat.

Stunning Attack: The character knows how to make disabling strikes to vulnerable pressure points. Whenever the character makes a successful Close Quarter (Unarmed) attack that causes damage, the target must make a Fortitude Save or be Stunned for one round.

Amazing Feats_
Amazing Celerity: [1 Surge | Free Action | 1 Scene]
The Amazing Celerity Feat causes an explosive speed in user. The effects allow for very quick gross motor movement, which doubles the user’s Normal Movement speed and grants an additional Defense Action each round.

Body Maiming Style: [1 Surge | Add | 1 Scene]
By focusing a Surge Point into a successful Attack roll of 10 or higher, the user can temporarily Maim an opponent for the remainder of the Combat Scene. Choose one of the following Flaws for each temporary Maiming:
     > Bum Leg - Stacks with itself to create No Use of Both Legs
     > Impaired Vision - Stacks with itself to create Complete Blindness
     > One Arm - Stacks with itself to create No Use of Both Arms
     > Distinctive Features (Scar) - Permanent, even after Combat

Brass Body Technique: [1 Surge | Free Action | Instant]
The character can channel Ki Energy throughout his body to harden his skin like brass just before a wounding attack would land. This allows the character to counter all Wound Point loss from a single physical attack source in exchange for the Surge Point (Minimum Damage Option still applies). Brass Body Technique does not prevent Vitality Point Loss however.

Combo: The Combo AF allows the character to tie together previously employed Edges and AFs into single Combo Move that has no Surge or Luck Point Cost. The particular Edges and/or AFs strung together, must be ones that have already been used (and paid for) during the Combat Scene. The time it takes to execute any particular Combo is equal to the lengthiest component in the Combo itself - and only one Combo can be executed per day for each time this AF is taken.

Convincing Lie: [1 Surge | Free Action | 1 Scene]
By spending a Surge Point and attuning oneself to the spirit of duplicity, one may tell the most outrageous lies imaginable without normal detection. When telling a plausible lie, all those that hear it will automatically believe that it’s true and think nothing of it (until proven wrong, if ever). When told a completely ridiculous lie however, they are allowed to make a MTN 10 Evaluate (Sense Motive) roll to suspect something is off in the telling. Those that fail to notice anything amiss, will believe the ridiculous story a full ten minutes after hearing it and then suddenly realize that they have been deceived.

Crashing Mirror Technique: [1 Surge| Add | Instant]
This Amazing Feat causes a phantom mirror image attack to trace immediately after the successful strike of any Close Quarter (Melee or Unarmed) attack – in effect hitting the target twice with the same blow! When used, the target takes double the full damage of the attack mirrored.

Death Touch: [1 Surge| Add | Instant]
Spend a Surge Point with an Extra Success on a single Unarmed attack to instantly Disable the Opponent.

Flawless Decorum [1 Luck | Free Action | 1 Scene]
By attuning one’s spirit to protocol, one can smoothly navigate any social situation with perfect ease, intuitively knowing the expectations and customs of the participants and making no mistakes or faux-pas. It can be used in the place of a Socialize roll like a Crit to automatically get the best results possible, given the circumstances in question.

Grievous Injury Technique [1 Surge| Add | Instant]
The character can spend a Surge Point to change any Attack-based Extra Success (successful roll of ten or higher) into a Crit instead.

Heavy Hitter: [1 Surge| Free Action | 1 Scene]
With this Amazing Feat, the character can Double Base Strength for all Close Quarter Attack Damage for one Combat Scene.

Heroic Surge: The character can explode with a burst of adrenalin, allowing him to spend as many of his Surge Points per round as he likes, without the usual one per round restriction.

Inspire Heroism: [1 Surge | Full Round | 1 Scene]
By spending a Surge Point and showing bold-faced courage in the face of danger, one can shore up himself and allies against nearly all the effects intimidation and panic for one Scene. While Inspire Heroism is in effect, any Fear Effect that would cause Panic (or greater) simply causes Shaken instead – while Intimidation and Fear Effects that would normally cause Shaken are completely ignored.

Ki Master: The Ki Master understands and manipulates the flow of Ki Energy present in the body to fuel all sorts of Amazing Feats. This is represented by a Ki Energy pool, equal to 1.5 times his own Surge Points (round down).

Ki Energy can be used in place of Surge Points for the sole purpose of powering Amazing Feats. Surge Points can still be used as well, though Ki Energy cannot be used the other way around (for normal Surge Point Options). Unlike Surge Points, Ki Energy fully refreshes on its own at the start of each day.

Ki Spike: [1 Surge| Full Round | 1 Scene]
By greatly focusing one's Ki, one can create an invisible spike of spirit energy from the palm of their hand and use it with Unarmed Attacks. The Ki Spike is imbued with Spirit Cutting and does 2+L AP Damage.

Knockback: On a Close Quarter (Melee or Unarmed) Attack roll of 10 or higher when Heavy Hitter is in use, one can choose to knock his opponent back a number of feet equal to (5 times the X-Roll) and the opponent must make Reflex Save or fall prone. On a Crit, the opponent is also KO’d. Furthermore, a Surge Point can now be spent following any successful Heavy Hitter hit (damaging or not) to knock the target back the full 50 ft.

Martial Arts Master: [1 Surge| Add | Instant]
Spend a Surge Point to make a single Armor Piercing Close Quarter (Unarmed) attack (or) disregard the MTN normally associated with Called Shots while making a single Close Quarter (Unarmed) attack.

Multi Attack: The character can take two Close Quarter attacks per Attack Action, sacrificing accuracy for speed. Multi Attacks cannot Crit, suffer a -2 Penalty on each attack, and cannot be used with Called Shots or any other roll that requires a MTN to succeed.

Retributive Strike: The creature gets to make one final (free) +5 attack when defeated or killed.

Righteous Indignation: [1 Surge | Full Round | 1 Scene]
By spending a Surge Point and standing firm against one’s enemies, the master of Righteous Indignation can cow them with a sense of their own folly – effectively Intimidating all that would stand against him without the need for a roll.

Ripple Across Pond: [1 Surge| Add | Instant]
Using Ripple Across Pond, a character can make a 30x ft ranged Close Quarter (Melee or Unarmed) attack – by sending arcs of focused Ki energy out from each swing of his weapon or by pushing the energy through his hands.

Savage Blow: [1 Surge| Add | Instant]
Spend a Surge Point to double the X-Damage of a single Close Quarter (Melee or Unarmed) attack.

Shrug Poison or Disease: [1 Surge | Free Action | Instant]
Buy burning a surge point, the character can effectively Crit a Save against any poison or disease without needing to roll.

Spirit Cutting: [1 Surge| Add | 1 Attack]
By spending a Surge Point, the character can make any damaging attack (that would normally pass harmlessly through) affect an incorporeal or unmanifested Spirit or other such creature.

True Strike: [1 Surge| Add | Instant]
Automatically hit on a Close Quarter (Melee or Unarmed) attack with an effective Die Value of 10 – except when the opponent Crits on a Defense roll or uses Uncanny Dodge or Uncanny Parry.

Uncanny Dodge: [1 Surge| Free Action | Instant]
Spend a Surge Point to automatically Dodge any one attack, or area attack, even if the attack does not require a roll to hit. This includes both physical and mental attacks, such as those produced by spell effects, psionics, and feng-shui powers.

Valiant Sacrifice: [5 Vitality Points| Free Action | Instant]
Sacrifice 5 Vitality (or Wound) Points for +1 Surge Point (Only when at Zero Surge).

Vengeful Counter Stance: [1 Surge| Add to Defense Actions | 1 Scene]
By spending a Surge Point and using Vengeful Counter Stance, one can preemptively use a Defense Action on a round-to-round basis to Counterattack all Close Quarter Attacks coming his way with Defense (Parry). Unlike normal Parry rolls, Vengeful Counter Stance can be used unarmed as well as armed, and any successful Parry in this case, does the weapon's normal Damage plus X-Roll as if a successful strike had been made with the weapon. Note that while these damaging Parries can Crit, they are not subject to other Edge or Amazing Feat enhancements.


Berserker Rage [1 Scene]: The character can spend 1 Action to enter a ferocious battle frenzy for the duration of 1 combat Scene, doing +4 Damage, gaining +10 Vitality Points, Immunity to all Fear and Pain Effects, and +1 Additional Attack Action per Round! During this time however, the user can only make Close Quarter Combat Attacks, never Dodges or Parries, is incapable of speech, and cannot use Feng-Shui, Magic, or any Mental Skills or Powers of any kind (INT, WIS, PRE).


Demon: The Demon spell allows the Hexslinger to summon one of four kinds of Demons: a Fiend (physical, monstrous, and violent); a Succubus (physical, human-looking, and subtle); an Unclean Spirit (incorporeal, ghostly, and possessing); or an Oni (physical, cunning, and dangerous).  Once summoned, a Fiend, Succubus, and Unclean Spirit will remain for 24 hours, or until destroyed, or hit with Dispel Magic.  An Oni on the other hand, just serves for 24 hours and is then free to do what it wants (including killing the summoner if it is capable and so desires) and is not affected by Dispel Magic in the same way as the other Demon Types (hitting an Oni with Dispel Magic, or it's summoner, just frees it all the earlier). During the 24 hours the Demon is 'under control', it will grudgingly obey the Hexslinger, but only to the letter of his commands and will continually try to warp them to its own will.

In order to ensure that a Demon does what the Hexslinger intends, the Hexslinger must successfully Intimidate or Taunt the Demon every time he directs it to do something – or the Demon will twist the command in some way as to cause the Hexslinger grief.  A Botch on one of these rolls is exceptionally bad, as it instantly frees the Demon from the service of the Hexslinger and allows it to either turn on the Hexslinger or run rampant.

Further, a Hexslinger can only have one Demon in his service at any particular time, but can swap one out for another simply by recasting the spell (which is a bad idea when dealing with Oni).  Since Demons are not truly mortal, a particular Demon can be resummoned over and over again, even after it has been physically destroyed, thus allowing the Hexslinger to develop a familiar relationship with one – though this is usually only done for a particular Succubus that the Hexslinger has become enthralled with…

See Creature Appendix for Fiend, Succubus, and Unclean Spirit stats. See Mythic Nippon Appendix for Oni stats.


Blessing of The Ancestors_
Ancestor’s Rebuke [1 Surge | Add | Instant]
This feat allows the user to double the Total Damage of a single successful Attack against Undead, Spirits, Demons, and Oni.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2015, 08:12:20 am by BerkaZerka »

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Re: Roka Takemura
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2013, 01:53:45 pm »

Many years before Roka Takemura was born, his father, Rei Takemura, was a simple samurai, from a forgotten family. Blessed with ample intelligence and wisdom, Rei, during his schooling, was well known and respected for this, but he was also avoided. His family's rank was too low for him to form any form of bond with anyone.

Due to this, Rei was avoided. However, this did not daunt the student, as he countinued his studies. As others were engaging in social and political interaction, Rei Takemura spent his time studying, crippling his physique in exchange of incredible intellect. Indeed, while other samurais engaged in battle as their rite of passage, Rei played a simple game of Shogi (heh heh heh).

However, no matter how intelligent one is, one's rank matter more. Rei Takemura was soon forgotten, nothing more then a name from a lower end family. 

However, this was not what upset Rei. Rather, he was disapointed that his own skills were not benifiting the Dainmyo.

As such, Rei, once he reached adulthood, sent letters to other Samurai and his Daimyo's Magistrates, discussing economics and tactics, to try and spread his knowledge and help those serving the Daimyo serve better.

This benifited the Takemura family, who became somewhat more respected then they were previously. However, those Rei helped benifited far more, due to their success.

However, Rei did not mind. His goals were with one purpose, to support his Daimyo, and his own prosperity never mattered to him. He married Kuni from the house of Kamon, and had a single child, known as Roka Takemura. 

Roka Takemura, was born only 4 years before the evil Kublai Khan arrived on Nipon and slaughtered the Nipponese. He holds very little memories of these years, except that it was a happy time, with many high ranking officials visiting his father.

However, happy times always end. When Kublai Khan and his army attacked Nippon, Rei Takemura, Roka's father, attempted to defend against the army, but his skill with a blade was poor, and he was shot down quickly. Thankfully the rest of the Takemura family survived the war. Afterwards, Roka was devastated. It was not His father's death that devstated Roka, far from it. He was proud that his father stood up against the Chinamen.   

What he was devastated by was that his father was not honorobly sent to the Ancestors. While doing so many great things for the Daimyo and his servants, Rei Takemura was not given any special honors, just a burial plot in a graveyard. No special honors, no noble samurai wishing him off, nothing impressive. This upset Roka greatly, knowing that his father worked exceptionally hard to do what he did, but got nothing out of it.

Once he became old enough to go to school, Roka Takemura was deemed bright. However he suffered in the same way his father did. He was not naturally atheltic, and was disliked due to his lower birth.

While some would not find this a problem, and would rather devote themselves to studying, Roka was traumatised by his father's fate, and was deterimed to avoid such a fate. Ignoring his studies, Roka constantly focused on improving his social and physical attributes. He pushed himself against his 'fate', and against his mother's wishes, hung out with the 'in' crowd.

He quickly garnered a crowd of people, who were known as his lackeys, a group of individuals who were known as Takemura's Crowd. This group were led by Roka, making him, even though he was lower in rank then others, one of the most influential students in the school. His ability to lie, entertain, and socialize allowed him to control many, and those he did not control were mocked due to his masterful taunts. Roka was growing up a leader of many, but his mother was not happy.

Kuni Takemura did not feel what Roka was doing was good for him. He was dodging classes on stuff that bored him, and all he paid attention to was his social status. But, this was not enough to make her stop his actions.

As the years countinued, Roka began to find enjoyment in stuff other than leading a mob. He began bringing women to his home, each night, which caused Kuni to be aggravated. But she 'snapped' after Roka's Gempukku.

Roka's Gempukku was similair to many others, as he was to capture a simple criminal with the help of one of his friends. (this was a joint Gempukku, obviously).

After a couple weeks, Roka and his friend returned, the criminal in hand, along with a group of fawning young maiden.  This made Kuni Takemura angry. Roka was mocking his father's memory with his behavior.

Immediatley, he was sent to a far off Monk Monostary, to clear his head.

His four years in the monk monostary were some of the most tiring years in Roka's life. He spent each day practicing combat skills, and refining himself. The monks of the monastery were not very found of Roka though, his natural style was flashy but inelegant, and his personality remained unrefined throughout his years of practice. 

After those 4 years, Roka returned to his old city,  and returned to his old personality. His attitude remains the same, and still considers sex to be the only true pleasure left on this earth.
However, his days of screwing around are over. Understanding that starting now, his life choices are important, he aims to carve himself a place in this world, a far better place then the one his father had.

Other Notes
« Last Edit: September 25, 2013, 02:23:49 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Roka Takemura
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2013, 02:25:33 pm »

Original Skill Levels_

Combat Skills
4+1 Defense
4+1 Close Quarter

General Skills
4 Acrobatics
3+1 Athletics
3 Evaluate
5 Face
3 Perception
5 Socialize

Advanced Skills
3 Political Sciences

XP Bumps_
Spirited Edge (4 XP)
Athletics: 4 to 5 (4 XP)
~Heroic Surge AF (4 XP)
~Ki Master AF (4 XP)
~Ripple Across Pond AF (4 XP)
Duelist Edge (4 XP)
Rapid Strike Edge (4 XP)
Toughness Edge (4 XP)
~Heavy Hitter AF (4 XP)
~Knockback AF (4 XP)
~Savage Strike AF (4 XP)
~Master Martial Artist AF (4 XP)
~Bronze Body Technique AF (4 XP)
~Shrug Poison/Disease AF (4 XP)
Compelling Edge (4 XP)
~Grievous Injury Technique AF (4 XP)
Underworld Ties Edge (freebie)
Base of Operations Edge (4 XP)
Charlatan Edge (4 XP)
Face: 5 to 6 (8 XP)
~Convincing Lie AF (4 XP)
~Spirit Cutting AF (4 XP)
~Righteous Indignation AF (4 XP)
~Ki Spike AF (4 XP)
~Amazing Celerity AF (4 XP)
~Ki Reserves AF (4 XP)
Politician Edge (4 XP)
Powerful Ties Edge (Freebie)
~Flawless Decorum AF (4 XP)
Close Quarter: 5 to 7 (16 XP)
Blind Fight Edge (4 XP)
~Body Maiming Style AF (4 XP)
~Death Touch AF (4 XP)
~Multi Attack AF (4 XP)
~Crashing Mirror Technique AF (4 XP)
~Inspire Heroism AF (4 XP)
~Combo AF (4 XP)
~True Strike AF (4 XP)
~Vengeful Counter Stance AF (4 XP)
Additional Surge Point x2 (16 XP)
Iron Will Edge (4 XP)
Evasion Edge (4 XP)
Lightning Reflexes  Edge (4 XP)
~Combo AF x2 (8 XP)
~Uncanny Dodge Edge (4 XP)
~Valiant Sacrifice AF (4 XP)
Reduce Psychosis by 4 (2 XP)
+3 Surge (24 XP)
Lucky Edge (4XP)
Indomitable Spirit Edge (4 XP)
~Retributive Strike AF (4 XP)
« Last Edit: March 23, 2015, 08:05:19 am by BerkaZerka »

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Re: Roka Takemura (Aman’s Samurai Brawler)
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2013, 05:03:18 pm »

Takemura's Crew Kado Gensai:

Minion Type: Wise and Intelligent Ally. (Edge: Advisor, Sage, Politician)
Kado is probably the smartest ally of Takemura. In fact, there is no doubt in my mind that he is. However, he is one of Takemura's first friends. Born from a lower end noble family, the two children understood each other's difficulties, but took different means to get past them. While Roka appealed to the crowds, Kado appealed to the schools. Being remarkably intelligent and wise, Kado learnt all about the politics of the court.

Togheter, with Gensai as the advisor and Takemura as the leader, they planned on increasing their own rank, and perhaps one day get out of their original cast and into one above them.

During the years Roka was away, Gensai prepared for his return, still focusing on his studies of the court.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2014, 10:09:38 pm by Aman »

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Re: Roka Takemura (Aman’s Samurai Brawler)
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2013, 05:03:55 pm »

Takemura's Crew Ayame Ko:

Minion Type: Lucky Maiden (Edge: Karma, lucky, Animal Affinity)

Another one of Roka's girlfriends from his past, though not as crazy as Hoshiko (thank god....). Born from one of the noble families, Ayame met Roka around the same time Hoshiko did. However, she was not able to interact with Roka, where he began drawing a larger crowd. At first, her father did not allow her to talk to him, knowing Roka was of lower samurai heritage, but once he showed that he was going to become something big, Ayame's father allowed her to approach Roka.

Ayame was rather attractive, so it didn't take long for Roka to actually take interest in her, but oddly enough, she seemed to get more attention then other girls. Ayame considers this to be the fact that she is remarkably attractive and from a noble's house, but really it's just because she's around whenever Roka feels the urge. Mostly coincidences.

Ayame, knowing that many psychopaths lay in anger at her fortune, took up learning to fight, learning how to use both fighting fans and a bow.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2014, 10:11:06 pm by Aman »

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Re: Roka Takemura (Aman’s Samurai Brawler)
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2013, 05:04:33 pm »

Takemura's Crew Taji Ii:

Minion Type: Fawning Groupie (Popular edge)

Taji was born off in one of the rural towns in Nippon. She was a typical country bumpkin, dreaming of making it big in one of the big cities. She practiced the ways of the court, and learnt how to be a Geisha. Her parents didn't want her to peruse this course of action, knowing that the life of a Geisha is not an easy one, but Taji did not heed her parents warning.

At age 15, she met Roka. This was during Roka's Gempukku, where Roka and his friend went searching for a criminal. The two met, and Taji found Roka's personality to be everything she wanted. He was charismatic, aiming foward, wasnt super serious, and didn't seem like a stick in the mud, like what some of her friends called samurais.

After the couple of weeks Roka spent with her (and plenty of other women), she and and an entourage of women left the town following Roka and his friend. Unlike the other women, who proceeded to become Geishas after Roka left, (and then promptly returned to him when he returned), she remained faithful.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2013, 09:45:18 pm by Aman »

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Re: Roka Takemura (Aman’s Samurai Brawler)
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2013, 05:04:55 pm »

Takemura's Crew Ichiro Miyazaki

Minion Type: Best Friend. (Samurai, edge: Weapon Specialist, Duelist, Rapid Strike)
Ichiro Miyazaki was from a normal Samurai Family. His early life is wholly unremarkable, simply living as a normal samurai would. However, that changed when he met Roka Takemura. Roka, as I've disclosed previously, was originally remarkably intelligent, and he started off suffering the same fate as his father. Ichiro was the person who made Roka leave that path.

Seeing Roka having difficulty in gathering friends, Ichiro decided to help Roka. The two would ditch classes every day, pose for the ladies, and work out. While Takemura was naturally gifted as a brawler, Ichiro had talent as a weapon user. Carrying with him his blade, Ichiro was a demon on the streets, challenging young samurai to duels and emerging victorious nearly every time.

The two were inseparable, and had their Gempukku done as a team. Ichiro even got to have a couple women accompany him wherever he went during the weeks he was gone due to Takemura's natural influence. After Takemura was sent to the monastery, Ichiro was sent to train by his uncle the ways of the sword, returning around the same time Takemura returned.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2014, 01:55:40 pm by Aman »

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Re: Roka Takemura (Aman’s Samurai Brawler)
« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2013, 05:05:16 pm »

Takemura's Crew Aiko Kimura:

Minion Type: Obsessed Monk (Edge: Musician)

I did say that Roka was disliked by the monks, right? Well, I was sort of honest about that. He was disliked by the male monks. Some female monks, however, were infatuated with him. Aiko is one of them. When Roka moved into the monastery, Aiko thought she found her true love. Of course, she was forbidden to interact with Roka, like all the other women in the camp, but that made him all the more irresistible. Sneaking into his room when the others monks were asleep, and playing him music while he practiced were the signs of her devotion to him.

Perhaps one should call her crazy, when she followed him out of the monastery, at the end of the fourth year. But she was in love. Can one blame her for it?
« Last Edit: September 29, 2013, 09:15:03 pm by Aman »

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Re: Roka Takemura (Aman’s Samurai Brawler)
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2013, 05:05:42 pm »

Takemura's Crew Kentaro Godo:

Minion Type: Yakuza Thug (buddy of Toru) (Edge: Stealthy)
Kentaro is a rather odd minion, as he isnt really loyal to Roka, per se. Rather, he considers Taru to be his leader, and whoever Taru serves must be worthy enough to be served. The two grew up inseparable, one as the Enforcer, and the other as the thief. This Realationship remains today, with Taru and Kentaro working togheter on most of their runs.

Kentaro has seen Roka only a handful of times, but has swore his loyalty to him.

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Re: Roka Takemura (Aman’s Samurai Brawler)
« Reply #10 on: September 25, 2013, 05:06:11 pm »

Takemura's Crew: Toru Ishida

Minion Type: Extremely Loyal Friend (preferably something resembling this:
(aka, underworld ties?)
Born into a Yakuza family, Toru had an easy time figuring out what his life path was going to be. Without any formal education or anything, Toru braved the streets as a fighter, filling the role of Yakuza member remarkably well for his age (around 12). However, apparently, this job was not all that fate had in store for him.

During one of his jobs, he caught the attention of a peasant law enforcer, who began to chase him, trying to exact justice on the Yakuza. Running into a rather large crowd, Toru hid from the law enforcer. Of course, this just happened to be a crowd gathering around Roka Takemura, who at this point in time, was just an aspiring socialite. Roka noticed the Yakuza member, and simply waved him over, not really caring that the man was probably a criminal. The Law-Enforcer was forced to leave Toru alone, due to the protecting granted by the Samurai family.

This affected Toru immensely, and he profusely thanked Roka for protecting him. Roka simply laughed it off, saying it was nothing.

After that day, Roka and Toru met often, finding that they had similar interests (as in, women and gaining rank. :P), and became rather good friends. In fact, some say that Toru is dedicated to Roka more then his Yakuza family. Of course, those that say it have an invested interest in getting Toru killed.....
« Last Edit: November 10, 2013, 02:17:58 pm by Aman »

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Re: Roka Takemura (Aman’s Samurai Brawler)
« Reply #11 on: September 25, 2013, 05:06:42 pm »

Takemura's Crew Hoshiko Isobe:

Minion Type: Crazed Stalker type (A grapple specialist.) Edges: Creative

Hoshiko was perhaps Roka's first girlfriend. I say perhaps, simply because Roka himself doesn't remember who it was exactly, but Hoshiko claims it to be true. No one else really dares question her though, due to her higher-then-average birth. (She isn't a samurai-ko, just the daughter of a high ranking noble).   In fact, according to her, Roka never dumped her, rather, he just felt like playing around until he is of marriageable age. Of course, she's getting antsy since Roka is already of marriageable age.

They met rather early, first meeting when Roka was simply 11. According to Hoshiko, it was love at first sight, and the two hit it off splendidly. Hoshiko introduced Roka to the world of the nobility, and he learnt quickly how to be diplomatic, and how to lie through his teeth. Of course, once they had sex (a couple years later obviously), Roka took a liking to it, and began engaging with multiple other women. This made Hoshiko (understandably) upset, feeling that she was being used. Of course, with Roka's talent at lying, he managed to make her believe she mattered more then she really did to him, and as such, Hoshiko waits for the day Roka sweeps her off her feet.

After Roka was taken to the Monastery, Hoshiko found out where he was, and stalked him, keeping an eye on him at all times. Due to pitiful perception, Roka never managed to notice her, but she has been following him ever since, constantly watching him. However, she took up grappling lessons just in case....
« Last Edit: January 01, 2014, 01:51:42 pm by Aman »

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Re: Roka Takemura (Aman’s Samurai Brawler)
« Reply #12 on: September 28, 2013, 10:39:33 pm »

Takemura's Crew Ken Aoki: DEAD

Minion Type: Devouted Ronin (Edges: Blacksmith) Flaws (Geezer)

It has been very difficult for Ken, ever since the chinamen destroyed his life. An aged samurai, he was one of his Daimyo's closest samurai, having served his father. Ken was an average warrior, but an intelligent man, and as he aged, he grew in his intelligence. He adopted the study of many thing, but his Favriote knowledge was that of how to create weapons.

Creating weapons was how Ken remained useful, at least in his mind, so when his Daimyo needed to have a blacksmith stay in the camps with the troops, Ken immediately volunteered, even though he knew it would be dangerous. And dangerous it was. The chinamen, with their mystical weapons (this... Gun thing everyone talks about) destroyed the Daimyo's troops. Ken, however, was spared, perhaps because they didn't realize he was a samurai, and they just considered him a worthless geezer.

This is where Ken believes he failed. When he did not even attempt to kill one last china man, Ken, in his mind, betrayed his Daimyo. However, he made another error. He believes he didn't have to commit seppuku, rather, he could bide his time, and wait for the correct time. Unfortunately, the correct time never came, and his daimyo was slain.

With his daimyo killed, Ken nearly lost the will to live. He contemplated seppuku constantly, and with every day that he did not do so, he cried.

Gone were the days where he could stand tall and proud. He moved into Sendai, and became a blacksmith.

Years later, he met Roka Takemura. Roka needed a set of gloves for a fight he was planning on starting up, and decided the old man's smithy was good enough for him.

Something clicked at that meeting. Ken Aoki saw something in Roka something he didn't see in others. The will to live above his normal station. This was something he didn't see often. Here was a child, who treated his allies with friendship, but still sought out power. It was something Ken saw in his former daimyo, and on that day, Ken vowed to help Roka in any way he could.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2014, 01:58:07 pm by Aman »

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Re: Roka Takemura (Aman’s Samurai Brawler)
« Reply #13 on: September 29, 2013, 07:01:30 pm »

Takemura's Crew Tanak Abe:

Minion Type: Sea Dog  (edges: Salty Dog)

Tanak was a normal child, growing up on the ports near Sendai. His father was a captain of a ship, and so, he was raised on the boat. learning how to pilot a boat, how to fish, and how to navigate. It was his life. And it still is. Tanak is probably the only friend of Takemura that hasn't been affected by him immensely, but that may be just because Takemura has no interest in changing the person.

Tanak met Takemura when the two were 15. It was a rather interesting meeting, with Takemura surrounded by his fans, requesting Tanak's father to allow the group to go on the boat for a joy ride. (odd people, obviously). The father shooed the group away, annoyed. He then went to sleep, on his house by the coast.

Takemura, however, wasn't going to give up on this voyage, it would lose him street cred. Trying to sneak on board, he was cought by Tanak. Somehow, after a few words, Tanak appeared on the helm of the ship, with two women on his side, with the rest of the group partying on the ship.

From then on, Tanak joined with Takemura whenever he needed a boat. After all, it was a lot of fun the first time...

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Re: Roka Takemura (Aman’s Samurai Brawler)
« Reply #14 on: September 29, 2013, 07:58:44 pm »

Takemura's Crew Kenjiro Fuchida:

Minion Type: The wise one of the bunch (Edge: Intuition)

Remember how I said Kado was the smartest, well, Kenjiro is the wisest. Another one of Takemura's closest friends, Kenjiro was the one who made sure everyone didn't screw up to badly. Streetwise, he knew who you could trust and who you couldn't, he could tell what someone was planning, he was just all around wise, making the plans Kado made better. He disliked the loud noises made by Roka and his groupies, but he understood their necessities.

Slow and calm, he has risen up as one of Takemura's main hands, instructing him when an action has good or bad possibilities. Perhaps the most interesting thing about him is that he isn't a noble, but a simple son of a merchant. This made him being respected in the crew tough, but Roka didn't mind. He had Yakuza helping him, it didn't matter who it was, as long as they were useful. This is why Kenjiro is so loyal to Roka. Roka treats him like a person, rather then a lower class loser.

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Re: Roka Takemura (Aman’s Samurai Brawler)
« Reply #15 on: September 29, 2013, 08:43:20 pm »

Takemura's Crew Toshiro Enoki:

Minion Type: Mad Scientist (Edge: Alchemist) (Flaw: Dependent (Imp Weed))

As a child, Toshiro was always enthralled by the magic of science. While many focused on real magic, Toshiro enjoyed studying the baser things, learning about medicines and chemistry, preparing for a world not yet in Japan. Knowing that the Chinease defeated the Samurais with guns, and gunpowder, he tried to figure out how to make such things. He has not been successful as of yet, but it is one of his goals.

How he met with Takemura is a story Toshiro enjoys telling often. On a simple shopping trip for ingredients, Toshiro encountered Roka viewing the shops, and picking up a couple imp-weeds. Tapping Roka on the shoulder, Toshiro explained how the Shopkeeper was ripping Roka off, and that he should simply help Toshiro out with some purchases, and he'll make Roka some imp-weed. Roka was impressed with Toshiro's skills, and managed to convince him to make him these medicines whenever he needed it. In exchange, the young scientist would be able to hang with the crowd Takemura surrounded himself with, and thereby garner a reputation.

However, with fame comes penalties. Constantly working on creating drugs, Toshiro seemed to have become addicted to the stimulant known as Imp-Weed, using it to keep himself going. 


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Re: Roka Takemura (Aman’s Samurai Brawler)
« Reply #16 on: September 29, 2013, 10:07:44 pm »

Takemura's Crew Ran Akaike:

Minion Type: Gossiper (Edge: Gossip)

One of the ladies of the town, who constantly spreads and hears rumors. It's common for someone to head to her to learn news of something important or interesting. Roka Takemura is one of those people. Hearing tales of her impressive skill in hearing and spreading gossip, Roka visited her, hoping to make an ally. He obviously made more then just an ally, but we are not discussing that at this juncture.

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Re: Roka Takemura (Aman’s Samurai Brawler)
« Reply #17 on: October 29, 2013, 07:35:44 pm »

Takemura's Crew Yoshu Ando:

Minion Type: Yakuza Saboteur (edge: Saboteur)

One of the main Saboteurs in the Yakuza gang, Yoshu had a natural talent for setting and disabling traps. It didn't hurt for him to be good at lockpicking as well though. As a close friend of Toru, Yoshu follows the belief of his friend and supports the man known as Roka Takemura.

However, he isn't a kind soul, nor is he into the frivolties Roka engages in, finding them tiresome. Perhaps the most silent member of Roka's crew, Yoshu is only called for a job, not for anything else.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2013, 07:56:51 pm by BerkaZerka »

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Re: Roka Takemura (Aman’s Samurai Brawler)
« Reply #18 on: December 06, 2013, 02:18:31 pm »

Takemura's Crew Dai Chino:

Minion Type: Loyal Merc (Edge: Common Sense) (Flaws: Small)
Born as a rather small lad, his parents named him Dai, to try and make him grow. Of course, this did not work, and Dai remained short, eternally. He met up with a band of Mercs, and, using his common sense, managed to be useful. He arrived in Hirosaki with his company only recently.

Roka met him during one of his socializing events during the two days, and the two made quick friends. Of course, he quickly became part of the Crew.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2013, 07:55:17 pm by Aman »

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Re: Roka Takemura (Aman’s Samurai Brawler)
« Reply #19 on: December 08, 2013, 05:08:05 pm »

Takemura's Crew Sen Hojo

Minion Type: Loyal Merc (Edge; Linguist (Primitive, Imperial, Merchant Chant))
Sen was a well to do merchant, a while back. He learnt Chinese, merchant chant, and felt he had it made. Of course, after seeing the riches some of the barbarians had, he felt he needed some of that gold. See, Sen loved gold. He was one of those people who'd sell their own mother to make a quick buck. So, when he saw the richness of the barbarians, he quickly studied their language, and tried to be the first merchant of Savages. This did not end well. Barely escaping with his life, Sen gave up on the attempt to make riches with the barbarians.

He's just in the area by chance, not really a skilled warrior, but a merchant, and the best way to sell is to be part of the crowd.
Has a single chest of silver coins. Just by being in the right place at the right time.  ;D
« Last Edit: December 21, 2013, 08:32:57 pm by Aman »

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Re: Roka Takemura (Aman’s Samurai Brawler)
« Reply #20 on: December 23, 2013, 02:38:16 pm »

20 XP Takemura's Martial Student 1 Ichiro Onohara: first son

Minion Type: Disciple
Edges: Hearty, Karma, Weapon Specialist, Duelist, Toughness, Great Fortitude, Hard to Kill.
Flaws: Lecherous, Uninspired, Easily Distracted
The first born son of the Onohara family, Ichiro was born a year before the fall of Nippon. From a relatively unknown family, he attempted to learn and grow as much as he could. Unfortunatley, Ichiro quickly learnt how difficult learning could be. Born with less intelligence then most, Ichiro wished to fight destiny, but was doomed to fail. About a year ago, Ichiro finally gave up, and stopped going to school, staying in his room, barely ever leaving

Recently, his family has forced him to leave his room, and find something to do. Of course, after hearing about the Master of Ki and Martial Arts who lived nearby, he went out to find him, and study his craft. Imagine his surprise when he met Roka.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2014, 05:22:51 pm by Aman »

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Re: Roka Takemura (Aman’s Samurai Brawler)
« Reply #21 on: December 23, 2013, 03:01:31 pm »

Takemura's Martial Student 2 Jiro Onohara: second son

Minion Type: Disciple (Edges; Hearty) (Flaws; Hasty)
Jiro was born the year of the fall, right after the Chinese conquered Sendai. His birth was on the beggining of misery, and the Onohara family believed that his birth was a sign from the Gods that the Chinese rule would end. However, in the 15 years that followed, the Chinese did not leave.

Unlike his brother, Jiro was smarter then most, and he used this trait to excel in his schooling. However, while smarter then most, he was hasty, failing classes simply because he'd miss a crucial part of the question, or slash too quickly at his sparring partner. After his brother learnt about the Master of Ki and Martial Arts, Jiro followed. Sounded interesting.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2014, 01:53:31 pm by BerkaZerka »

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Re: Roka Takemura (Aman’s Samurai Brawler)
« Reply #22 on: March 27, 2014, 09:04:55 pm »

Takemura's Martial Student 3 Renzo Onohara: third son

Minion Type: Disciple (Edges; Hearty) (Flaw: Kid)
Renzo is the youngest so of the family, born 13 years ago. He's just 13, and simply followed his brothers when they left to meet the illustrious Ki Master.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2014, 01:53:41 pm by BerkaZerka »

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Re: Roka Takemura (Aman’s Samurai Brawler)
« Reply #23 on: May 10, 2014, 08:23:34 pm »

20XP Takemura's Martial Student 4 Mai "Takemura" Tsuda

Minion Type: (Roka's 16 year old Daughter) Disciple
Edges; Karma, Hearty, Born Leader, Charismatic, Intuition, Threat Assesment,
Flaws; Dark Secret (Roka's Daughter)  Klepto, Absent Minded.
It was the last month of summer of the year 1289, three full years (and a month or two) before Roka's gempuku, that Roka had entered adulthood, unofficially at least. His first was with Hoshiko, but his second was with a geisha Roka found attractive. The woman was older then him, by a number of years, but Roka didn't care.

Roka didn't even remember the woman's name, she was that inconsequential to him. Of course, such things will always come to haunt a man. The day Roka returned, a full 16 years and nine months after his second encounter, Roka was greeted by an old woman (in Roka's standard), and a 16 year old girl who looked remarkably similar to Roka. Eerily similar, in fact. The woman claimed to be Miya Tsuda, and that the young girl, Mai, was in fact Roka's daughter. At first, Miya hid this secret since it would cause much shame, (and it still would), but in her age, she could no longer support Mai, and requested that Roka take care of her, in exchange for keeping the secret.

Roka was blackmailed into taking care of his daughter.

Yup. No surprise here.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2015, 02:07:08 pm by Aman »

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Re: Roka Takemura (Aman’s Samurai Brawler)
« Reply #24 on: May 10, 2014, 09:06:33 pm »

Takemura's Martial Student 5 Akeno Abe

Minion Type: Disciple (Edges; Charismatic, Hearty, Born Leader) (Flaws; Illiterate, Obvious,) 

A fool, but a charismatic one, Akeno Abe managed to go through his life gathering friends while never learning anything. He joined Takemura's School before it was blown up.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2015, 03:02:40 pm by Aman »

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Re: Roka Takemura (Aman’s Samurai Brawler)
« Reply #25 on: May 10, 2014, 09:14:03 pm »

Takemura's Martial Student 6 Name

Minion Type: Disciple (Edges; XX) (Flaws; XX) 
« Last Edit: May 11, 2014, 01:54:20 pm by BerkaZerka »

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Re: Roka Takemura (Aman’s Samurai Brawler)
« Reply #26 on: May 10, 2014, 09:15:52 pm »

Takemura's Martial Student 7 Name

Minion Type: Disciple (Edges; XX) (Flaws; XX) 
« Last Edit: May 11, 2014, 01:54:28 pm by BerkaZerka »

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Re: Roka Takemura (Aman’s Samurai Brawler)
« Reply #27 on: May 11, 2014, 10:37:27 am »

Takemura's Martial Student 8 Name

Minion Type: Disciple (Edges; XX) (Flaws; XX) 
« Last Edit: May 11, 2014, 01:54:36 pm by BerkaZerka »

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Re: Roka Takemura (Aman’s Samurai Brawler)
« Reply #28 on: May 11, 2014, 10:44:35 am »

Takemura's Martial Student 9 Name

Minion Type: Disciple (Edges; XX) (Flaws; XX) 
« Last Edit: May 11, 2014, 01:54:45 pm by BerkaZerka »

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Re: Roka Takemura (Aman’s Samurai Brawler)
« Reply #29 on: May 11, 2014, 11:53:48 am »

Takemura's Martial Student 10 Name

Minion Type: Disciple (Edges; XX) (Flaws; XX) 
« Last Edit: May 11, 2014, 01:54:55 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Roka Takemura (Aman’s Samurai Brawler)
« Reply #30 on: May 11, 2014, 01:47:18 pm »

Former Takemura's Crew (Yone Ishida)

Secret Yakuza by night, Fancy Chef by day. (Edges: Chef, Underworld Ties, Powerful Ties, Arms Dealer; Fence; Safe House; ? ? ?) (Flaws: Obvious; Greedy; ? ? ?)

It is common knowledge that Yone Ishida is an attractive lady. In fact, when she's in the room, one might nt be able to look away from her.

While this may be a good thing for young ladies, for the daughter of a Yakuza, it wasn't a blessing. She wasn't able to keep others from noticing her, so any attempts at stealth were pointless for her. However, her father was smart enough to realize that, and decided that she should take a different path from her brother, Toru.

He invested heavily in her using her natural talent in cooking, and was sent to gather ties. She succeded far more then her father expected. Using the cooking utensils she was given by her mother, Yone managed to become a chef to some high ranking officials, cooking delicacies she learnt on the streets and from word of mouth.

However, before all of this occured, Toru introdueced her to his savior, the man who protected him from being thrown in jail. Roka Takemura.

She had a natural disposition to like the man. It was as of he was just naturally charming, in an odd way. Roka seemed interested in her as well, and, like so many others, she fell for him.

Of course, he barely bothers to visit her unless he needs her for her connection in the government.

Also, she has a great deal of extra cash from some poor sod who thought he could out-do Roka. XD
« Last Edit: May 11, 2014, 01:56:07 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Roka Takemura (Aman’s Samurai Ki Master)
« Reply #31 on: March 04, 2015, 08:26:41 am »

Malevolent (Flaw)
The creature is known by nature to be either demonic, malicious, or just plain untrustworthy.  The creature suffers the following Penalties, except when interacting with others of the Malevolent Flaw: -4 Socialize Skill, +4 Face (Intimidate).
« Last Edit: March 04, 2015, 05:52:19 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Roka Takemura (Aman’s Samurai Ki Master)
« Reply #32 on: March 23, 2015, 08:00:00 am »

Roka will hit the Max 8+Con Surge Points before he can buy 4. He can add 3 and that is it.


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Re: Roka Takemura (Aman’s Samurai Ki Master)
« Reply #33 on: March 23, 2015, 08:04:11 am »

Reduce Psychosis by 4 (2 XP)
+3 Surge (24 XP)
Lucky Edge (4XP)
Indomitable Spirit Edge (4 XP)
~Retributive Strike AF (4 XP)

= 38


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Re: Roka Takemura (Aman’s Samurai Ki Master)
« Reply #34 on: March 23, 2015, 08:13:42 am »

Done~ (so far ... )

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Re: Roka Takemura (Aman’s Samurai Ki Master)
« Reply #35 on: March 23, 2015, 09:49:37 am »

Erm, I guess Roka should also get Great Fortitude and Hard To Kill edges.

Also, Roka grabbed star metal gauntlet pair. No idea what it'd do


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Re: Roka Takemura (Aman’s Samurai Ki Master)
« Reply #36 on: March 24, 2015, 09:25:56 am »

Soulsteel - +2 Bonus / Immunity to Fire / Manifest / Spirit Cutting
Oriculum - + 4 Bonus / Presence
Starmetal - +2 Bonus / Invisibility / Immunity to Cold
Moonsilver - +2 Bonus Initiative / Haste
Ancestral Jade - +1 Bonus / Healing / Regeneration


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Re: Roka Takemura (Aman’s Samurai Ki Master)
« Reply #37 on: March 24, 2015, 09:27:39 am »

Spiked Gauntlets_
Starmetal - +3 Damage Bonus; Freezing Touch 3/Day


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Re: Roka Takemura (Aman’s Samurai Ki Master)
« Reply #38 on: March 30, 2015, 07:20:59 am »

10 ft tall; STR 6; Heavy Hitter; Cargo Carrier; red skin; orange fangs & claws; black horns; burning eyes; +5 Psychosis

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Re: Roka Takemura (Aman’s Samurai Ki Master)
« Reply #39 on: April 09, 2015, 05:50:47 pm »

The biggest, most crucial difference between then and now roka:
No goatee.


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Re: Roka Takemura (Aman’s Samurai Ki Master)
« Reply #40 on: April 10, 2015, 07:54:12 am »


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Re: Roka Takemura (Aman’s Samurai Ki Master)
« Reply #41 on: April 14, 2015, 02:23:07 pm »

    Roka's suggestions:
    • regroup the Takemura Crew
    • Study swordsmanship and then win both martial arts and swordsmanship patriot day tournament same year
    • Take out the rebellious magistrate
    • replace said rebellious magistrate
    • Set up a super dojo over there
    • become nigh immortal via immunities edge
    • Jenna?
« Last Edit: April 14, 2015, 02:35:25 pm by Aman »

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Re: Roka Takemura (Aman’s Samurai Ki Master)
« Reply #42 on: April 14, 2015, 02:35:52 pm »

Roka Differences:
With Roka's father alive, Roka grew up to be far less conniving and power hungry, interested in mostly just to accomplish his daimyo's goals. Though he still had the want for women, he also possessed almost no ability regarding attaining their attention. He didn't grow his goatee.

Real Roka was ashamed.
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