BHB Database > Official Rules Questions

Some confusion.

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Alright. Now that I've found how word-finder on Google Chrome also works on PDFs, my understanding of BHB has risen significantly. I now know that weapons such as whack-a-mole hammers and enormous novelty erasers hurt your vitality points, (And your dignity points!)  and things like guns and knives and knife-shooting guns hurt your wound points... Unless Stun and lethal are different things entirely?...

Regardless, my knowledge has more holes in it than a stop sign in the backwoods, and I'd very much appreciate it if someone could demonstrate a round of combat or something to help me out here.

Also, a question about the book. You know the muscle man in the pictures with big shades, an intimidating beard, and a totally ballin' hat? What's the Star-of-David-esque thing tattooed on his upper arm? I think I saw it before somewhere, but I can't quite place it.

Check out the Night on The Docks section of the BHB Preview file - click the link in the News section of BHB (under your profile pic) or the Link Below.

It has a detailed round-by-round of a sample adventure.  8)

Of course the 'Sample Skill Use and Combat' thread in this board is the exact same thing (only without the cool pics) :)

Not Aman:
Guns also go through vitality, unless youre making a called shot ofc. Lethal just doesnt KO, and for crits it goes into wounds. Stun KOs if the foe was only hit with stun, and a crit instantly kos.

Okay, so how do I determine damage? That bit flew over my head.


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