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Author Topic: Dark Web  (Read 299812 times)


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #350 on: November 30, 2017, 08:01:11 pm »

Beats relays the info before grumbling for a moment "Wait does this thing have a map of the area like dat google map thing?" He asks the others "Could we just portal like right outside the ward and walk in? Or do we go back to our bodies den do it?"


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #351 on: November 30, 2017, 08:35:30 pm »

Continuing to search around, Beats was able to pull up a web browser to access google maps. When it came up, it centered on a large building located near the Polytechnic University of the Philippines in Manila City.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2017, 05:15:47 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #352 on: November 30, 2017, 11:10:47 pm »

"Alright, warehouse near the Polytechnic University of Philippines in Manila City. Take us home Beats, we have everything we need to bring down the wrath of God on this place."


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #353 on: December 01, 2017, 01:36:45 am »

Beats nods and grabs Usi (nicely) "Time to go!" He tries to leave back to his body


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #354 on: December 01, 2017, 04:59:34 pm »

Beats and UsdiYona disappeared from the area, leaving the Saint (Killer) to follow. A moment's focused concentration was all that it took to leave the dreamscape and return to the physical body.


(Continued Briefly in Waiting for News.)

« Last Edit: December 01, 2017, 05:18:48 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #355 on: December 04, 2017, 06:23:41 pm »

Continued from Waiting for News


Other Side of The World; Manila the Philippines
Polytechnic University of the Philippines; Monday October 23rd 2017

Walking through the portal, the disciples and UsdiYona arrived in a small alley, tucked behind the campus music hall on the bank of a wide river - conveniently hidden behind some dumpsters kept there. Huge trees, with giant leaves, grew out from the bank, hanging over the river; while a smattering of coconut palms could be seen here and there.

The first thing that hit everyone about the place however, was the oppressive heat. It was hot and humid - the temperature hovering around 90 degrees with a matching 90% humidity. It was especially noticeable, just popping in like that from the cool fall weather of the eastern seaboard and the air-conditioned server farm of the Fairfax Verizon building.

Directly across the river meanwhile, about five hundred feet, the disciples could see an oil refinery. To the right (downstream), they could see the river pass under a bridge about a half mile away, as it meandered on through the city. To the left (upstream), the river went under a large oil pipe coming out of the refinery, a train bridge, and then a commuter bridge, in that order, befor rounding a bend to the south. Many boats and barges plied the waters, though whoever was on them paid the disciples no mind.

The city was alive with the sound of noisy traffic and the general hustle and bustle of its busy populace.

It was in the direction of the commuter bridge that Beats headed without a word; walking along the river bank past a nearby ferry terminal. The warehouse he had seen on google maps was not too far on the other side of that highway running to the commuter bridge.

There was a small group of Filipino people waiting at the ferry terminal, most young college students, but a few older folks as well. They regarded Beats hurrying by with mild curiosity, pointing him out and speaking among themselves in Tagalog.

They had not seen the rest of the disciples or UsdiYona yet - Robor suddenly aware that he was still dressed only in his pajamas, having just hopped into his car and driven over to the Saint's house that evening, too lazy to get dressed. It was a surreal callback to those silly childhood dreams, where you go to school and suddenly realize you have nothing on but your underwear. With Sarapheen's portal now closed, it was too late to do anything about it anyway. Besides, it wasn't like he and the rest of the disciples weren't going to all stick out like sore thumbs to begin with.

With his spirit sight active, Robor could also see some minor demonic spirits lurking about the campus - mostly related to Addiction and Lust - but they quickly fled the area the moment they caught Robor's warding eye glance over them. UsdiYona and Miguel could see them too, but they didn't look (or smell) very tough. Besides, they weren't here for those demons. They were here for Faith and whoever had taken her.

The Saint (Killer) could also perceive the spirits, though to him they simply appeared as sick miasmic pallors, hovering near sketchy-looking youth. Keeping a wary eye on both the youth and any spirits that did not immediately flee their presence, he took a moment to create his hornet swarm from the abundant plant life, establishing control, and then secreting them under his priest's robes.

As for Emend, his mind and forces mage sights did not reveal anything unusual at the moment.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2017, 07:16:12 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #356 on: December 04, 2017, 08:27:48 pm »

UsdiYona looks around. "We better hurry, so we don't lose Beats."


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #357 on: December 04, 2017, 11:42:55 pm »

Having completed his spell, Killer walks quickly after Beats.

Stone-faced as he is even he is uncomfortable with the sensation of hundreds of tiny little legs crawling all over him under his clothing, though he is comfortable in his control over the things.

Should anyone begin following or paying attention to the group he will mumble a casting of Trigger the Lizard Brain to have them avert their eyes and walk away through an amplification of both Fear and Self-Preservation. He will pay very special attention should the spell fail to have any effect on someone. As he walks he begins speaking to Miguel - though his words rapidly devolve into him rambling on about his thoughts.

"We are in a dangerous position Miguel. I do not yet understand the politics between the heavenly messengers but I get the strong impression that my mentors are not allowed in this city. Our coming here could be seen as a trespass - an acceptable one perhaps, because of our low standing, but a trespass nonetheless. In truth I am far more fearful of what should happen if the city's disciples or angel find us than I am of the demonic den we are about to enter. At best we will be delayed, at worst we shall have to fight and subdue them, wasting precious time and resources. I do not like that a concept as limiting as that of jurisdiction can apply to the purest incarnation of the Lord's army. We should be united completely and absolutely in goals and operations. It is behavior like this that corrupted the church of your time and drove you to damnation - through no fault of your own.

I doubt we will encounter the demon Prince here, as he seems to reside within the internet exclusively - I know I would if I was him, he is invincible there. Perhaps that woman who watches over the earthly enterprise is a lower demon or witch, she might even have her own gang of disciples - all of which I can deal with given I am not separated and killed away from the group. They are certainly expecting us, the administrator's omniscience in that realm and our appearance at the auction should have been more than enough. We might even find the warehouse empty yet again, though if I was them I would use the time to set up defenses and kill a gang of disciples in unfamiliar territory, isolated from their immortal mentors.

My daughter will most certainly be taken hostage. Once we are in the building I want you to find her and do everything you can to protect her or get her out of there. You have my full permission to do whatever you need to do to make that happen. Any use of your powers, even any contact with Faith - though it might scare her - will be worth it if you can secure her safety. I want to say that I can do it myself but I will probably be preoccupied in the fight, and you can slip by them more easily.

There might be other girls there with Faith when we enter the building. Ignore them unless it adds no risk whatsoever to Faith. Faith's safety is paramount, I will do what I can to help them but in this kind of situation sometimes it just isn't possible to save everyone."


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #358 on: December 05, 2017, 12:23:47 am »

Beats simply keeps moving at his current pace. He had business to attend to in that place and he was gonna deal with it himself. If the others kept up and joined in that was fine especially since the priests daughter had been taken but he was going to end his own nightmare his own way.

He will only pause if he detects the edges of the ward in order to make a note of its boundries


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #359 on: December 05, 2017, 10:44:30 am »

Emend follows Beats forward, hoping they make it into the building without any trouble.

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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #360 on: December 06, 2017, 10:19:59 am »

Robor follows the rest.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #361 on: December 06, 2017, 08:23:00 pm »

"I understand," Miguel replied to the Saint (Killer), following along with the others.

The direction Beats was headed, followed the bank of the river, passing between a large apartment building and a coastguard police station. Continuing on, it passed another large condominium complex that sat on the riverside, then dropped down into a wide field with high-tension power lines running though it (parallel to the roadway leading up to the commuter bridge).

A number of locals watched the disciples passing with curiosity, but no one bothered to approach them. A few laughs were heard however - probably at Robor's expense.

The pavement ended at the edge of the field, but a worn footpath led down a broken section of the ten-foot high retaining wall abutting the condominium complex. From there, it ran across the field, over the train tracks, and up to the roadway. Looking out across the way, the neighborhood seemed a mix of old, new, and refuse. The college campus, apartments, and condominium complex behind the disciples were new and modern, while it looked like a shanty town up ahead and across the river, interspersed here and there with huge tin-roofed factories and large warehouses. Almost everything was overgrown with tropical vegetation, cracked, broken or rusted. Trash was piled up in the out of the way places and the flip-flop footed locals had a 'third world' look about them.

There was a decent amount of traffic on the road, mostly small motorcycles, but it had sidewalks running up and down it. Directly across the highway, was a ten-foot high security fence with razor wire on top. It looked like it encompassed a large campus of some kind - with a half dozen or more large buildings - though it was different from the college the disciples had just walked from. It was also twenty or so feet lower than the highway - as the tops of tall coconut palms on the other side of the fence were almost level with the roadway. The sound of children playing could be heard from somewhere within the campus.

Beats stopped at the base of the fence - sensing the outer edges of the spatial ward they had encountered earlier - which gave the rest of the team time to catch up.

To the right, the road went over the river bridge, being about thirty feet off the water on the bank, and rising up to perhaps fifty feet at the center. The oil refinery, and who knew what else, lie on that side of the river.

To the left, the road followed the fence-line of the large campus before hitting cross-streets. A number of vendors were set up along the way, selling tee-shirts, cigarettes, and barbequed meats on a stick from little umbrella-ed carts.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2017, 08:50:51 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #362 on: December 06, 2017, 08:42:51 pm »

"Emend, mind dampening the sound this is going to make?"

After saying so, Killer hacks open a hole into the fence from which they can enter the property bounds using his sword.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2017, 01:36:29 am by Drakilian »


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #363 on: December 06, 2017, 11:40:51 pm »

Beats takes two strps back ad scores the dirt in a rough X with his shoes. As the others catch up "Line is marked" He announces, he waits for Saint to cut a way in then will immediatly head inside keeping an eye out for powerlines and internet cables, preferably the connecting junction boxes for the building (He will change to forces based siggt if needed)


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #364 on: December 07, 2017, 12:40:19 am »

"Sure," Emend replies, using Thunderous Whispers to reduce the noise it makes.

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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #365 on: December 07, 2017, 12:51:27 am »

Robor keeps his eyes out for more dangerous spirits or spies. Theyre literally walking into the base of a demon, they need to be ready for dangers.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #366 on: December 07, 2017, 08:45:05 pm »

Given that he had both an enhanced strength and a magical sword, the Saint (Killer) easily slashed an opening into the security fence.

While it made little to no noise (thanks to Emend), the action itself proved reckless and poorly thought out - as the sight of a Catholic Priest, wielding a sword on a busy public street, appeared to have caught the attention of a number of locals, who gawked at the strangeness of it all.

That, and the disciples still had a twenty foot drop straight down to the campus below - though it looked possible to jump from the hole in the fence to the trunk of a nearby palm tree - where (presuming one did not fall and break their neck), it could be used to shimmy down to the ground.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #367 on: December 07, 2017, 10:52:45 pm »

Killer casts a casual eye over the crowd looking at them.

Well this won't do

He mumbles a casting of Trigger the Lizard Brain - he amplifies the crowd's Lust and Rage, directing their feelings towards each other. Perhaps a riot or some other series of violent crimes would be enough of a distraction.

He then turns away and mumbles another spell on the tree (Transform base) to shape a part of the trunk so that a branch extends outwards far enough to make the jump easier on the other disciples.

"You all go ahead, I'll follow behind".

He momentarily cancels Clamour of the Departed in order to do this.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #368 on: December 07, 2017, 11:48:14 pm »

Beats leaps down and keeps looking for the main junction box of the campus


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #369 on: December 09, 2017, 12:42:48 pm »

"Bonzai!!!" UsdiYona says, casting dance of vines as she jumps down into a shrub, letting it catch her and the other disciples as they come down.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #370 on: December 09, 2017, 01:10:56 pm »

The Saint (Killer) found that he could not create the spell's imago for triggering the lizard brain, being that he was over-reaching in the desired effect. As none of the onlookers were actually coming any closer, it was debatable if the spell was really even necessary.

Moving on to altering the palm tree, he was able to get a branch-like growth to sprout close enough to the hole in the fence to allow easy access to the trunk.

Beats, stepped over and shimmied down to the ground - the act actually looking somewhat physically demanding.

UsdiYona meanwhile, simple jumped down into a bush, the branches of which reached out to catch and break her fall.

That left the Saint, Emend, and Robor to follow.

On the ground, Beats and UsdiYona were neatly hidden in the foliage behind one of the large buildings. From here, they could still hear the sound of children playing outside, but they couldn't see around the building to get a glimpse of them.

The building in question looked like a chapel of some kind.

Looking at the power structure for the campus with his eyes of the matrix, Beats could see that it was being supplied in the usual manner from the local power lines.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #371 on: December 09, 2017, 01:40:38 pm »

Killer goes down the same way Beats did, confident in his physical abilities.

Once down he'll wait to catch the others in case they fall (assuming they hadn't already gone down).


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #372 on: December 09, 2017, 02:13:18 pm »

Emend climbs down as well, using a will point if required.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #373 on: December 09, 2017, 04:04:39 pm »

Beats tracks the overhead powelines to where the main ones enter the campus and Influencing Electricity, He tries to get the main power from each of the overhead cables to ark a couple of feet directly into the junction box/transformer where the line for the campus comes off. (The smallish box that hangs off the main lines pole that alters the amplitube and voltage to the levels usable to buldings OOC. neither I nor Beats can remember the name right now) "Cutting dem off from da internet and power. lets see what happens now." He quietly says to Usi

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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #374 on: December 09, 2017, 05:55:50 pm »

Robor looks at the crowd, and shakes his head.
"Definitely one of their weirder days I guess." Robor says, following the rest down.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #375 on: December 10, 2017, 01:32:28 pm »

About three hundred feet up the fence line (on the roadside), Beats could see a telephone pole with three transformers, that appeared to feed the campus its electricity. It was adjacent to a five story building, the exact function of which was not apparent from this angle.

Concentrating, Beats was able to cause an electrical arc between two of the transformers - that quickly resulted in a loud blast, as one of the transformers abruptly blew out.

People on the street gasped at the sudden occurrence and looked back and forth between the now smoking transformer and the two disciples still visible at the hole in the fence.

Paying the onlookers no heed, Emend climbed down the trunk of the palm tree, followed by Robor, joining everyone already on the ground.

People on the street above then moved en-mass to the fence itself, lining up along its length, peering down into the campus to see what the odd group was up to.

The sound of children playing meanwhile, had stopped with the sound of the exploding transformer - now replaced by curious chatter and the voice of a man telling them something in Tagalog.

From their hidden position (to those in the campus at least) the disciples could see, to the left, that they were behind a large chapel on the edge of the river. A five foot high stone wall appeared to run along the river, where, on the other side, an artificial concrete bank sloped steeply down into the water - about fifteen feet below. It would not be possible to travers the slippery angle of the concrete bank without some kind of unnatural aid.

Straight ahead, was a gap between the chapel and what looked like a school house, through which an open area could be made out beyond. The top of an open pavilion could be seen in that area - which was where the sound of children had been coming from.

To the left, the disciples could see the school house, followed by another school house-like building, then the large five story building adjacent the transformers, then a broad open space, and two more large buildings at the northern boundaries of the campus (that being some 1,200 feet away).
« Last Edit: December 10, 2017, 01:34:58 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #376 on: December 10, 2017, 06:30:38 pm »

"The wards extend across the entire campus? I can't help but feel as if that is a bit excessive." Killer comments as he continues following Beats.

He cancels his transform base spell and recasts Clamour of the Departed.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #377 on: December 10, 2017, 08:06:18 pm »

Beats chuckles to himself at the small explosion from the trans former "Ha! I took da power out. Which way Saint?"


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #378 on: December 10, 2017, 09:23:48 pm »

Killer shrugs.

"I have no idea, you're the one who saw the warehouse.

If I had to guess it's one of those large buildings over there", he says pointing to the 2 large buildings to the north.

"It's a bit of a trek but it looks about right."


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #379 on: December 10, 2017, 09:43:17 pm »

Beats quickly uses his spacial senses to try and work out which of the buildings looks to be the right dimentions then picks whichever looks most promising and heads that way


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #380 on: December 11, 2017, 11:54:51 am »

Taking a moment to analyze the current ward, Beats was surprised to discover that it only prevented scrying. If what he was reading was correct, then portaling, teleporting, and the like would actually still work.

Given that there had definitely been a ban against portaling into the warehouse, it was unclear if this was even the same ward.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #381 on: December 11, 2017, 07:43:04 pm »

"Dis ward is different, only covers scrying. Gonna check for a different ward blocking portals real quick."

He then uses spacial senses to see if there are different wards in or over any specific building.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #382 on: December 11, 2017, 08:52:40 pm »

"You know Beats, they could have a backup generator, or be using a magical power source," Emend remarks. "Either way, we're going to lose whatever element of surprise we still have soon. Let's hurry."


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #383 on: December 12, 2017, 10:08:05 am »

Maybe the slavery ring isn't the only thing on this campus. I wonder just who's territory we're intruding on?

Something just doesn't feel right about this. Could we have been misdirected?

"Beats, you saw the warehouse on google maps right? Could you take out your phone and see if we're in the right area? If you have no internet maybe Emend can open a connection.

It should clarify which building is which as well."


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #384 on: December 12, 2017, 06:59:21 pm »

Checking out google maps, showed Beats that they were currently in some place called 'Tzu Chi Great Love Campus' - whatever that was. The warehouse that the disciples were looking for, was actually about four hundred feet further down the river - in another area, beyond the current campus.

Reaching out with his spatial senses, Beats could feel a much smaller ban against portaling in that general area, preventing a lock on an area roughly fifty by fifty feet square.

A number of Filipino men meanwhile, dressed in white pants and blue jackets, moved into sight at the end of the large five story building to the north. They spent some time looking up at the telephone pole and its blown transformer, then walked back out of sight (presumably into the building again). Not long after, the sound of a large diesel generator could be heard firing up.

That would be the backup generator Emend had just mentioned.

As this went on, some of the gawkers on the road, above the disciples' hidden position, began to yell things down in Tagalog - though none of disciples could tell what they were trying to say, until one guy called down in English - "Hey, what are you doing down there? Do you need help?"


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #385 on: December 12, 2017, 09:05:38 pm »

"Ah crap, gotta head dat way about 400 feet. Warehouse is dere and it's protected lets move!"

Ignoring the people watching Beats sets off at a jog, trying to keep to cover where he can.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2017, 01:40:49 am by Forge »


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #386 on: December 12, 2017, 09:37:50 pm »

No wanting to yell back, Emend simply attempts to use the emotional urging ring to calm them (or the one that spoke English specifically if the ring can't affect more).

"We should circle around the building once we get there to get an idea of what we're up against. We shouldn't just rush in."


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #387 on: December 12, 2017, 09:55:06 pm »

"Now that you mention it," UsdiYona calls back up to the guy on the street, "I'm out of popcorn and I only got 47 cents. Where can a girl get a respectable meal around here?"


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #388 on: December 12, 2017, 10:05:25 pm »

"... Eh?" The English speaking guy replied to UsdiYona, "They have a soup kitchen in their main building, but you probably should have just gone in through the front gate."

"That way," he motioned to the north by north east.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2017, 10:09:17 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #389 on: December 12, 2017, 10:08:10 pm »

"I stand ready to scout out ahead, wherever you require," the ghost Miguel offered to the Saint.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #390 on: December 13, 2017, 03:00:52 am »

"Go", Killer says, while he follows Beats to their destination.

"400 feet downriver, the warehouse. As far as you can, make sure the path there is clear as well."

« Last Edit: December 13, 2017, 12:08:24 pm by Drakilian »


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #391 on: December 15, 2017, 05:00:02 pm »

"Yay! Free soup!!!" UsdiYona replies to the man, waving goodbye and then turning to follow the others.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #392 on: December 16, 2017, 02:45:48 am »

The disciples moved forward, out from between the chapel and school building into an open space, flanked on each side by a large pavilion with picnic tables underneath. A volleyball court had been set up in the center of the area, where about three dozen elementary school kids and their teachers currently stood.

Beyond them, was a three story building with a large sign in Tagalog, hanging over the double glass doors. An English translation was written on the bottom of the sign and read: "Dental Clinic."

Looking north, a similar sign could be seen out in front of the large five story building, only that one read: "Eye Surgical Center."

Both the surgical center and dental clinic shared a wide parking lot.

The children and their teachers meanwhile, gave the passing group of unusual Americans some curious looks, but quickly resumed their game at the direction of a teacher.

Making their way to the south end of the dental clinic, the disciples were met with a ten foot high concrete wall that separated the Tzu Chi Great Love Campus from its neighboring compound.  Over the wall and behind a cluster of trees, the disciples could see the top of the warehouse that Beats had identified on google maps.

It was not necessary to scale the ten foot wall however, as the five foot seawall following the river ran up to it and ended there. Hopping onto the seawall allowed one to simply swing oneself around to the other side of the concrete wall - where a flat concrete dock ran alongside the warehouse.

Two flat river barges, each a hundred feet long, were secured to the dock - though they were well past their days of usefulness. Both were completely cankered in rust and one was already half sunk.

Some tractor trailer trucks were also parked at the end of the dock, where a dirt road went up between the warehouse and a huge factory of some kind - in addition to even more warehouses, workshops, and other buildings.

Noise from the factory indicated that work was in full swing - meaning lots of people would be about - though there was currently no one in sight on this southern side of the warehouse.

As instructed, Miguel had gone on ahead, entering the warehouse to get an idea of what might await the team inside...


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #393 on: December 16, 2017, 07:02:31 am »

"We should wait three minutes, Miguel just went in. If he doesn't come out by then we should probably go in.

Beats, is this place's power separate from the campus?"


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #394 on: December 16, 2017, 10:59:22 am »

Beats looks around for powerlines as before but doesnt trigger them yet, willing to wait the 3 minutes. While he waits he tries to work out where the noise is actually coming from "Does anyone see da actual workers or just da noise?"


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #395 on: December 16, 2017, 11:26:10 am »

With eyes of the matrix, Beats could see where the power lines fed into the warehouse, but the actual source for the compound itself, was a set of transformers four hundred feet to the north - hidden from his view with the naked eye.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #396 on: December 16, 2017, 11:29:28 am »

Killer again temporarily cancels clamour of the departed to cast Sense life and confirm/disprove Beats' suspicions


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #397 on: December 16, 2017, 01:00:41 pm »

The Saint (Killer's) sense life spell revealed a myriad of people working in the adjacent factory and all of the other buildings for that matter - except for the warehouse itself, which appeared to be completely empty of any occupants at the moment.


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #398 on: December 16, 2017, 01:40:46 pm »

"The warehouse is void of any life that I am capable of sensing" Killer says.

"The factory is filled with workers, however".


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Re: Dark Web
« Reply #399 on: December 16, 2017, 03:26:43 pm »

With the ghost scouting for them, there was no reason to endanger themselves.

"I wonder if it's actually void, or if something is preventing you from seeing inside," Emend suggested.
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