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Author Topic: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI  (Read 175112 times)


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #400 on: March 28, 2015, 11:21:24 pm »

"Can't she just come?" Udo responds, confused.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #401 on: March 29, 2015, 09:49:35 am »

"What? The Ancestral Palace?" Jenna asks. "Yeah... I'll be fine here. Yunikawa isn't after me."


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #402 on: March 29, 2015, 10:19:02 am »

In response to Udo meanwhile, the Ki-Rin he summoned rears up and stamps its fiery hooves on the stones a number of times, sending sparks showering out in all directions. It whinnies loudly and snorts - which is then answered by more whinnying from above - as five more Ki-Rin trot down out of the sky and alight near the others.

Again, they are all appalled at the presence of the Kyoso-No-Oni and fidget uneasily in her presence.

"Got a spare?" the she-Demon asks in jest - "I just love seared horse flesh. Yes. . . Almost as tender as innocent children. Mmm . . . "

Needless to say, the Ki-Rin are not amused.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #403 on: March 29, 2015, 10:44:28 am »

Meanwhile, Yuki sits awkwardly on her Ki-Rin with her arm still in the air. Eventually, realizing that they're waiting for the others, she lowers her arm and hangs her head in defeat, then waits silently.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #404 on: March 29, 2015, 10:57:11 am »

"Alright, so we'll be heading to the Ancestral Palace then." Roka states.

"You sure you don't want to come with, Jenna? I could definitely use your help with this. I don't know what we can do without you." Roka adds.

"And, Kyoso-No-Oni, what would be really useful right about now would be someone spying on Yukinawa. It'd really make me happy if you did that, instead of... Well, doing this."
« Last Edit: March 29, 2015, 11:23:13 am by Aman »


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #405 on: March 29, 2015, 11:24:05 am »

"With pleasure," the Kyoso-No-Oni replies and abruptly sinks into the ground and is gone.

"Creepy bitch." Jenna pouts.

"Yeah, I can't say I'm sorry to see her go" Yuki's mother says. Then noticing that there is a spare Ki-Rin, she asks, "Do you think I should come with you?"


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #406 on: March 29, 2015, 11:39:45 am »

Rai  will look to see if he recognize his old steed. If he does he will ride that one to the palace.
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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #407 on: March 29, 2015, 11:56:04 am »

Sure enough, the Ki-Rin are the ones that the Samurai had ridden before, plus a few new ones.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #408 on: March 29, 2015, 12:01:12 pm »

Miya nods to Yuki's Mother.

"I think that'd be best."

She then will look to where the Kyoso-No-Oni went underground.

"I won't forget what happened today, bitch."

She'll think to herself.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #409 on: March 29, 2015, 12:11:16 pm »

Before leaving, Yuki will send thoughts to General Kaori Meji, informing him that Yunikawa's Palace has already been destroyed, mentioning the battle between the demons and Naga. She'll mention the big bad dragon, and that Yunikawa lives, but won't mention the Massaki Dai-Oni.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #410 on: March 29, 2015, 12:35:27 pm »

Udo spits as the Oni leaves, "Alright guys, get up on your Kirin and be on guard... Or something. If that Demoness screws something up somehow we'll be in big trouble. Hopefully the Ancestors will be able to bring us back to full energy or something, I think I'm still bleeding..."

Trying to reinspire Yuki, Udo awkwardly just announces, "Onwards!... Then?"


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #411 on: March 30, 2015, 07:19:16 am »

Strengthened by the urgency of the situation and Udo’s encouragement, the Ki-Rin took to the sky like streaks of lightning. The clouds parted and the Ki-Rin galloped into the Spirit World and on up – higher and higher and higher.

At this rate, they would make the Ancestral Palace in just under three hours.

It was two and a half hours into the trip and the Ki-Rin sweating from the effort, when the superlative expanse of star-filled night opened before the Samurai and the gleaming alabaster city of the Ancestors came into view under the corona of U-Mani the Moon.

Just a little further and they would arrive at the Court of the Ancestors, to petition the Exalted Patriarch and Matriarch for help – or at this point, even something as simple as honest advice concerning the dire situation now at hand.

“It is beautiful,” Lady Shirihata gasped.

“Absolutely amazing,” Sakura agreed.

Then, halfway across the remaining divide, Roka, Yuki, Udo, and Sakura slowly started to feel sick. It started in their stomach as a bit of nausea, but then, as they drew closer to the Ancestral Palace, grew to be a low burning sensation throughout their entire bodies and ungodly screams anguish from the voice in their head – it was the demon within – it could not abide the holy light of U-Mani’s corona.

It was all very uncomfortable, but not something they couldn’t push through.

But then – without warning – Roka, Yuki, Udo, and Sakura’s minds were blasted with white hot pain that seemed to consume even more of their dwindling psyche! They were knocked unconscious and rocked from their mounts – though it was an easy matter for the Ki-Rin to swoop around to scoop them back up in their protective halo of flames.

Surging themselves back to consciousness, the four remaining Sacrifants had to abruptly pull up their steeds to a stop – because the light of U-Mani now boiled their very skin! What had a moment ago been a surmountable obstacle was now an impossible barrier.

‘HAHAHAHA!’ the voice in their minds laughed – and they could feel that Yunikawa was now with them – inside them somehow, like Kaitaro. The Epic Wu-Jen was dead!

Rai, Miya, and Lady Shirihata meanwhile, looked on in unmitigated shock.

Roka, Yuki, Udo, and Sakura were now barely human-looking at all – and as they soon realized looking at themselves – they were each ten feet tall, had red skin, orange fangs and orange claws on both hands and feet, while black horns jutted from their still hollow-fire-eyed heads!

They felt stronger though, but also the Voice in them raged like a river – it compelled them to kill each other – promising even more power to the survivor! (Will Save every Minute or Berserker Rage on other Sacrifants)

‘THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!’ (if you’ll pardon the plagiarism haha!)


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #412 on: March 30, 2015, 01:28:21 pm »

Rai looks at his friends (and Roka) and knows this situation is getting dangerous. So he yells, "I will go on ahead and try to get help you guys should spread out so the temptation to kill each other is less!" He then yells "Hah" On the kirin and rides as quickly as possible to the palace. He whispers "Show me how the fast the fastest Kirin can go."
« Last Edit: March 30, 2015, 04:05:21 pm by cool74 »
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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #413 on: March 30, 2015, 03:23:45 pm »

Yuki looks at herself and her friends in horror, realizing that it is now only be a matter of time before they all succumb to the voice inside their heads.

"Yunikawa... must be dead somehow..." She asserts, gently grasping at the horns coming out of her head.

"You should hurry... we'll wait here..."

Yuki then looks at the other sacrifants, trying to stop herself from shaking.

"The Ancestors should be able to help. Until then, we should wait here. It will be better if we can't see each other though... so I'll see you when it's safe."

She says, casting Illusion. With Illusion, she'll make it so Roka, Udo and Sakura can't see or hear each other, or Yuki. Since Yuki can see both the illusions and the normal world, she won't bother altering what she can see or hear, figuring she can hold out against the voices anyway.

She'll also make Roka, Udo, Sakura and herself appear normal, both in appearance and voice, to themselves and everyone else.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2015, 04:36:13 pm by killa_robot »


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #414 on: March 30, 2015, 04:37:14 pm »

"By the ancestors!" Yuki's mother gasps. Turning away to hide tears.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #415 on: March 30, 2015, 04:38:00 pm »

"It seams that we cannot go further," Sakura says, "Let's hope the Ancestors receive Rai well..."


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #416 on: March 30, 2015, 04:39:03 pm »

"Damn this eye," Miya says, trying not to look at Roka, Yuki, Udo, or Sakura with her illusion-piercing vision.

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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #417 on: March 30, 2015, 04:48:17 pm »

"Ach, my skin burns." Roka mutters.

"But with Yukinawa dead, we should be fine, right? Just need to get rid of the dragon, and then we'll have saved everyone."


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #418 on: March 30, 2015, 05:11:10 pm »

"By the Gods..." Udo mutters in horror, shuddering as he recognizes just how horrid his physical being has become. And slowly, he realizes, what on the outside will become the inside...

"Rai, Miya, and Mrs. Shirahata-- please beckon from the Ancestors help. Whether to heal us all or to give us any sort of edge against the incoming evils. Yunikawa may be slain or something, but that only means his servants are on the loose."


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #419 on: March 31, 2015, 05:52:44 am »

Rai hurries toward the Ancestral Palace and is met well before arriving, by the Celestial Patriarch and Matriarch, with a contingent of Ancestors - all flying out to meet him.

They sweep Rai and his Ki-Rin up in some wave of the wind that they appear to be riding and continue out to the rest of the Samurai.

Upon arriving at the others, the Heavenly Parents say in unison, "So the Naga have failed most spectacularly."


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #420 on: March 31, 2015, 06:02:18 am »

"Patriarch and Matriarch, I apologize for I have failed in both my duty of driving the Rokurbuki out of nippion and in stopping Yunikawa before his plan came to fruition. The holy shrine of the naga is desecrated and there appears to be something there tearing asunder the demon parts they all hold." Rai with a desperate look in his eye continues, "and to make matters worst the twisted herald of Fire has escape his mountain jail." Bowing deeply he adds, "In this hour of great and desperate need we have turned to you for whatever help you can provide."
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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #421 on: March 31, 2015, 06:22:17 am »

"Rai, did you really believe you could rid Nippon of the Rukurokubi in three days?" the Ancestors ask in surprise at Rai's sense of failure in the matter.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #422 on: March 31, 2015, 06:27:48 am »

Rai shakes his head and says, "No but if we had headed your advice we would not be here and I feel the need to apologize for both of the mistakes."
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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #423 on: March 31, 2015, 01:22:08 pm »

Rai hurries toward the Ancestral Palace and is met well before arriving, by the Celestial Patriarch and Matriarch, with a contingent of Ancestors - all flying out to meet him.

They sweep Rai and his Ki-Rin up in some wave of the wind that they appear to be riding and continue out to the rest of the Samurai.

Upon arriving at the others, the Heavenly Parents say in unison, "So the Naga have failed most spectacularly."

Yuki nods solemnly.

"Yunikawa is dead, but the Naga temple is damaged beyond our ability to repair, and Infernumis has been released..."

She states.

"And we're... we're..."

Yuki starts, but fades off, unable to bring herself to tell the Ancestors the condition of the sacrifants.

"We need your help."
« Last Edit: March 31, 2015, 01:23:48 pm by killa_robot »

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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #424 on: March 31, 2015, 01:25:49 pm »

Roka nods, as he can't really bow on a horse.
"Yukinawa has died, my lords, permenatley. All we need to know now is the way to destroy the Demon God. Being chosen as a sacrificiant has been an honor, but it is far too dangerous a tactic to countinue with."


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #425 on: March 31, 2015, 01:31:37 pm »

"We need to, uh, find a way to stop the process of us turning into the Demon before its too late. Already... The voices tell me to hurt my friends, and I don't know how long I'll be able to hold out. Every time another of us die the feeling becomes stronger."

Udo takes a deep breath, "Like Roka said, I don't think the Sacrifice idea is good route to go for eternity. Please! Tell us a way to stop all of this forever!"


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #426 on: April 01, 2015, 07:50:11 am »

The Celestial Patriarch and Matriarch looked on the afflicted Samurai with great compassion; and while they were in their presence, the beast inside the Sacrifants was somewhat subdued – though it wouldn’t last long.

“As you have found from the Naga Book of Secrets,” they explain,  “a Pact was agreed to, between all the Powers of Creation to Bind the Father of Demons using the bodies of Man and great magic focused in a special Shrine.”

“You are those to whom this duty has fallen at this incarnation of yourselves. From the beginning, only the most honorable of Spirits have shared in carrying out this burden, and now is no different.”

“With the destruction of the Shrine however, and the corrupted Fire Herald certainly after you to complete the liberation of Masaki-Dai-Oni, Creation has been plunged into unprecedented peril.”

“No doubt that the Moon Goddess U-Mani could address this, but the Gods sleep. And what to her would be a simple matter, to us would end Creation as we know it, as the Goddess irrevocably wiped clean the slate of existence to start things anew.”

“If this were so, we do not know what would become of us. We prefer then to see if we can solve this ourselves.”

“Therein must be why we – at a future time – sent Kioko back to us. She is an Incarnation of Sakura and shares a link with her. We suspect, that should Sakura be lost, Kioko would then become the vessel for the portion of Masaki-Dai-Oni in Sakura. And, as we now hold Kioko in deep Stasis, perhaps that will be enough to prevents Masaki-Dai-Oni from ever becoming whole.”

“What?” Sakura asks, “Who’s Kioko? I don’t get it.”

“When you died, saving your friends,” the Heavenly Parents answer Sakura, “Another incarnation of yourself, a So-Kitsune from the future, was sent to replace you. The honorable Samurai of Sendai brought her here, where we set her to sleep to await rebirth into her own time-line.”

“Oh, I see,” Sakura nods.

The Celestial Patriarch and Matriarch then continue - “Unfortunately, we don’t believe the Elemental Herald, corrupted or not, can be kept long from coming after, should Kioko become a vessel for its Demon Master. While we can certainly mount a significant defense, the Herald is god-spawn, not to mention demon enhanced, and would cause great loss before we could subdue it.”

Here the Patriarch and Matriarch stop talking and look into Creation itself. Then with a stoic countenance they add, “Yes; The Elemental Herald comes for you even now. It is currently two hours behind you. It will follow you one at a time, killing you as quickly as it can, until it has brought back its Master.”

“We can suggest two courses of action,”
they conclude, “We let it come and fight it here in the corona of U-mani the moon – which hopefully will burn off its demonic corruption to the point we can try to revive the Herald himself.”

“If successful, then we can then work to restore the Shrine. Once complete, you will then give your lives to reclaim the demonic prisoner.”

“The drawback here, is that you are currently corrupted to the point that you cannot enter U-Mani’s corona without yourselves being lost and giving more power to Masaki-Dai-Oni. Given that, the Herald has little reason to actually come into the corona at all, until Kioko is the only one left.”

“In this you are lucky however, as Yunikawa has blundered. Had he waited to take his own life, letting you attain the Celestial Palace beforehand, he would have achieved his cause – as you would all have been consumed by holy fire before you could have escaped. Masaki-Dai-Oni, being then released, would have dropped back down to Earth to claim it his own.”

Then, after a thoughtful pause, they finish with – “The second option is to travel to the Heart of Creation and use your magic to control the Heartstone. Use it to travel back in time to when Yunikawa was young. Take his life and send him to the Shrine, before he can ever live long enough to learn of its secrets and cause such calamity in the first place.”

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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #427 on: April 01, 2015, 09:40:50 am »

Heart of Creation? Roka thinks, remembering his own adventure in the earth realm.

"Wait, is that the what the prophecy thing was talking about?" Roka asks.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #428 on: April 01, 2015, 10:20:43 am »

"What prophesy?"
« Last Edit: April 01, 2015, 10:22:28 am by BerkaZerka »

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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #429 on: April 01, 2015, 10:33:57 am »

"Yeah, the wasp people prophecy. That the... son? of masaki-dai-oni would go into the Heart of Creation and save the world of man." Roka says.

"Wait, you didn't know about it?" He then asks.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #430 on: April 01, 2015, 11:38:58 am »

"Each tier in the Order of Creation has their own Prophesies."

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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #431 on: April 01, 2015, 11:59:35 am »

Roka furrows his brow, but then nods. Thinking isn't his specialty, after all.

"So, is this what the prophecy was referring to?"


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #432 on: April 01, 2015, 12:00:32 pm »

"If we kill a child-Yunikawa..." Udo starts, "What happens to our experiences up until now?"


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #433 on: April 01, 2015, 12:57:11 pm »

"As we stated, we are not familiar with the Bisan Prophesies," the Patriarch and Matriarch answer Roka.

Then to Udo they say, "Killing Yunikawa would alter everything; but for the better. The Naga and their Shrine would be restored, you would never have been corrupted by Yunikaw's influence. You would live your young lives in peace until the Naga came to collect you."

"Then, as has always been, you would come here to rejoin the Ancestors and await a new incarnation back on Earth."


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #434 on: April 01, 2015, 01:26:29 pm »

"How do we travel to the heart of creation?" Yuki asks, remembering Roka needed to pass a blue wall before, which is no longer there.

"And is there no way to truly defeat the Masaki-Dai-Oni for good?"


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #435 on: April 01, 2015, 01:48:52 pm »

"Does this not defeat him? Or are you asking if he can be destroyed? In which case, no. One cannot destroy a god."


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #436 on: April 01, 2015, 02:01:14 pm »

"Does this not defeat him? Or are you asking if he can be destroyed? In which case, no. One cannot destroy a god."

"I see..." Yuki replies, disheartened.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #437 on: April 01, 2015, 02:08:24 pm »

Rai thinks for a second and says, "Why don't we make more sacrifices and dilute the power again?"
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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #438 on: April 01, 2015, 02:12:32 pm »

"It is within Yuki's power to do so, but not before the Elemental Herald will undo everything."


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #439 on: April 01, 2015, 02:30:57 pm »

Rai thinks and says, "If she makes either me or Miya sacrifices then they can enter the palace and we can try and make the dragon uncurupted again. Or am I missing something?"
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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #440 on: April 01, 2015, 02:35:56 pm »

"Perhaps," the Ancestral Parents reply to Rai.

"It would require two willing volunteers to put you back to the loss of only one Sacrifant. Then you could enter the corona and make a stand against the Herald if you desired."


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #441 on: April 01, 2015, 02:55:36 pm »

"I thought we had only lost two? So wouldn't adding one make it down to one loss?" Rai replies.
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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #442 on: April 01, 2015, 04:14:26 pm »

"No. It doesn't work that way." Rai is answered. "You will only be able to divide the segments that you currently possess."

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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #443 on: April 02, 2015, 10:25:48 am »

Roka shakes his head.

"There would be no point, Rai. This timeline is farked, the Naga have all died. We need to restart it all, and the best way to do so is through the Heartstone." Roka states.

"How can we get there, Ancetors?"


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #444 on: April 02, 2015, 10:29:42 am »

Rai stares at Roka and says, "You realize that your signing your death warrant if you do this right."
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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #445 on: April 02, 2015, 10:35:48 am »

"Ancestors... How can you expect all the Sacrifants in the future to go along with this? Yunikawa can't be the only one to run away from his duty."
Udo pauses, "I just don't like the idea of hoping our reincarnations do the right thing for the next eternity. IS there truly no way to break the cycle?"

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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #446 on: April 02, 2015, 10:42:38 am »

Rai stares at Roka and says, "You realize that your signing your death warrant if you do this right."
Roka chuckles.
"Rai, I already signed that aeons ago. My oath is far more important then anything else."


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #447 on: April 02, 2015, 11:27:58 am »

Answering Udo, the Ancestors reply, "This was set up by the Naga, who acted in direct accordance with U-Mani the Moon. It is what the gods have decided would be the way to deal with another god."

"There is nothing we Spirits or Man can do to improve upon that."

Then to Roka they answer - "The Ki-Rin can take you there from here, but it is a very long way."


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #448 on: April 03, 2015, 04:29:16 pm »

"Then let's go." Roka states.

"Someone tell that to Yuki and Udo." Roka adds.

"Thank you for your advice, Ancestors."


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #449 on: April 03, 2015, 05:14:19 pm »

"Before we go though," Udo meekly raises his hand, "Can you give us your blessing, Ancestors? I do admit, some of us might be battered up-- I certainly am, and it'd be much appreciated if you could, uh, help us in any way you can right now."

(OOC Note: he's referring to both a rejuvenation-spell and maybe the Ancestors Rebuke thing back XD)
« Last Edit: April 03, 2015, 05:17:03 pm by Tanstaafl »
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