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Author Topic: Mythic Nippon Adventure III  (Read 340016 times)


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure III
« Reply #200 on: April 03, 2014, 08:01:00 pm »

Feeling uneasy as well, Yuki decides to cast Danger sense, to see if there's any imminent danger to the group.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure III
« Reply #201 on: April 03, 2014, 08:01:58 pm »

Nothing imminent...


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure III
« Reply #202 on: April 03, 2014, 08:04:39 pm »

Knowing she won't be lying, Yuki now answers Kioko.

"Don't worry Kioko, even if they're scary they don't mean us any harm. The Wu-Jen mage here can help us get you home."

Yuki says.

"We'll keep you safe, don't worry!"


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure III
« Reply #203 on: April 03, 2014, 08:10:26 pm »

As Yuki says this, the unmanifested Kyoso-No-Oni (without even standing up) sinks slowly into the stone landing and disappears from Yuki and Kirito's view - though Yuki's danger sense gives no indication that this has changed anything...


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure III
« Reply #204 on: April 03, 2014, 08:12:37 pm »

Rai gets off his horse and moves to go up the stairs.
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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure III
« Reply #205 on: April 03, 2014, 08:12:54 pm »

Udo just moves forward, "C'mon guys, uh, not much to do other than continue on. If the invisible demon-thing wanted to harm us it would attack us already,  I think"

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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure III
« Reply #206 on: April 03, 2014, 08:13:53 pm »

Udo just moves forward, "C'mon guys, uh, not much to do other than continue on. If the invisible demon-thing wanted to harm us it would attack us already,  I think"

"Yup. Sounds good. Come on lads." Roka says to his students, motioning for them to follow him.

"Except you, Renzo. Tie down the horses, and then come up."


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure III
« Reply #207 on: April 03, 2014, 08:14:29 pm »

Yuki waits for Kioko's reaction to her before deciding to move forward or not.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure III
« Reply #208 on: April 03, 2014, 08:18:05 pm »

Udo stops, looking at those who are dismounting they're horses, grunting a bit, he makes out several animal sounds (yep, surge point and all that).
"Yoshi? Uh, you wanna come with? Or just stay here?"


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure III
« Reply #209 on: April 03, 2014, 08:35:48 pm »

'Stay with horses,' Yoshi neighs simply...


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure III
« Reply #210 on: April 03, 2014, 08:36:37 pm »

Yuki waits for Kioko's reaction to her before deciding to move forward or not.

At Yuki's gentle prompting (and no longer able to see the Oni), Kioko is OK with heading up to the citadel now...


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure III
« Reply #211 on: April 03, 2014, 08:46:10 pm »

'Stay with horses,' Yoshi neighs simply...
Udo frowns, "All right big-guy, stay safe!". Scratching Yoshi's mane, Udo looks at Roka's lackey (the guy tiring the horses) and tells him,
"This one is called Yoshi, so don't make his rope too restrictive. Thanks"


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure III
« Reply #212 on: April 03, 2014, 08:48:32 pm »

'Hey! I think those eagles want to eat us!' protests one of Udo's squirrels...


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure III
« Reply #213 on: April 03, 2014, 08:58:22 pm »

He looks up, searching for birds other than Chiko, who is perched on his shoulder. Looking down at his squirrel companions, he raises an eyebrow. Perhaps, if one of the eagles tried to eat a squirrel... He could grab it? That'd be kinda cool.
I don't think they'd attack you with all the humans around haha, but if they get too close you could seek refuge in my armor if you wish. Well, not all of you, I don't want Roka to try to drown me again...


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure III
« Reply #214 on: April 03, 2014, 09:27:20 pm »

The Samurai led their horses carefully up the ancient stone steps and across the heavy rope bridges, arriving at the upper landing where Yuki and Kirito had seen the Oni.

There was nothing about at the moment; just the cold wind that whipped through the spires of rock upon which the citadel was built. The horses jostled nervously, though there was plenty of room for them on the landing – which offered a spectacular view to anyone who cared to look over the edge. Below was a sheer drop, six hundred feet to a jagged floor of broken rock and stone.

From the landing, the Samurai only had fourteen more steps to climb and one final rope bridge. Having situated the horses, they moved up the steps and across the bridge, knocking loudly on the heavy ironbound door that led from there and into the citadel.

There was the sound of a bar being raised, and then the massive door swung outward slowly, revealing the beautiful, yet cold face of one of the four Samurai-ko who had made an appearance at the tournament with the mysterious old man.

“Welcome Samurai of Sendai; Master Yunikawa is expecting you,” she said with a soft yet unemotional voice, as she made a bow – “Come inside out of the wind and into the warmth of the Master Yunikawa’s fire.”

Moving in cautiously, the Samurai and little Kioko saw a large and inviting meeting hall, set with dark and intricate wood furnishings and lit by a large fireplace on each side. To the far end was a raised platform with a small rock garden and coy fish pond built into it. Seated on a high-backed chair bordered by a carved pair of dueling dragons was the mysterious old man from the tournament – Master Yunikawa; blind-eyed and baldheaded. Seated before him on the floor were the three other Samurai-ko he had been seen with earlier.

“Welcome to my home,” Master Yunikawa said in a frail yet deceptively articulate voice. “I am glad to see that you have come. I have a matter to speak with you about, but first I will show you all the proper hospitality. Please come in and warm yourselves. We will eat and see to your rooms for the evening and then we can talk business.”

“Oh, what’s this then? You brought a little So-Kitsune with you? She is welcome too of course – you can tell me all about her as we dine.”

At that, the three Samurai-ko seated before Master Yunikawa rose, and after a short bow to the Samurai of Sendai, they and the one who had opened the door, retired through an archway exiting the room to prepare the dinner.

Looking around, everyone could see a number of these rounded archways, all leading away into other parts of the citadel – and one of which (immediately off the meeting hall) looked to lead into an expansive library and study.

Kioko clamped onto Yuki’s leg and had a look of extreme uncertainty about her – and her little spirit familiar was still hiding inside Yuki’s armor, having yet to even so much as peek out. Kioko was staring at the archway leading into the library and would not turn away, practically hiding behind Yuki’s leg from it.

Master Yunikawa seemed to notice this and spoke to her in a reassuring voice (though the last part was obviously meant as a warning to the Samurai as well – “Do not fear little one, they will not harm you, or even move from that spot, as long as you do not try to pass that arch – it is forbidden and to do so is death. It is important that you understand this.”

Still having Spirit Sight up, Yuki and Kirito understood what had gotten into Kioko and just who ‘they’ were – two massive unmanifested Oni stood guard outside the archway entering the library. They were Me-Zu-Oni, fourteen foot tall, seven feet wide, shaggy horse-headed demons that wielded great iron ono (double-headed pole axes) – each of the massive axe blades wreathed in a strange bubbling silver energy.

These were Captains of Dai-Oni-Nai-Anchi’s Iron Circle’s Army – Independent demons of the First Circle and they stood guard, scanning the area with a piercing gaze that could actually be seen radiating from their eyes – a gaze that Kirito knew could pierce any illusion.

Their presence here, and the Kyoso-No-Oni outside, spoke volumes of Master Yunikawa’s power – These were the very most dangerous of Oni to summon and exceedingly difficult to bind – only the most powerful of Wu-Jen could even attempt such a thing and few there were brave enough to take the terrible risk involved in doing so.

Then looking upon Master Yunikawa, Yuki’s heart jumped a beat. At the tournament, she had been sure that she had seen a feint line of spiritual attunement (exactly as hers) with him, while in the Magically warded area. Here however, there was no such line and the area was certainly not warded against magic – far from it – the place was simply overflowing with arcane energies!

As for her danger sense, she could feel no immediate threat - though this place was certainly not safe.

It made her feel on edge - sort of like she imagined she would feel if she decided one day to sit on the edge of a volcano to have tea with a dragon...
« Last Edit: April 03, 2014, 09:31:58 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure III
« Reply #215 on: April 03, 2014, 09:47:19 pm »

"We are very vulnerable here. If we are betrayed then we will all die and I can not allow that to happen." Miya whispers to Rai a quietly as she can.
"Who says nothing is impossible? I've been doing nothing for years." -Unknown
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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure III
« Reply #216 on: April 03, 2014, 09:57:51 pm »

Rai slowly nods and whispers back, "To late to turn back now without being rude."

Rai looks at the old man and asks, "How many oni do you have here?"
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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure III
« Reply #217 on: April 03, 2014, 10:01:29 pm »

Roka looks sharply at Rai, and then bows towards the Wu-Jen.

"Apologies for my friend's disrespect. He means well, grand Wu-Jen. It is a great honor to be invited to your Castle. Yuki Shiratahara has told us much about your grand magic prowess."


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure III
« Reply #218 on: April 03, 2014, 10:04:29 pm »

Yuki uneasily looks at the archway with the two oni guarding it, before looking back to Master Yunikawa.

"Are there any other places that are...forbidden?"

She asks, looking back at the two oni. Since most of the samurai can't see the oni, she figures it's best to get the ground rules now.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure III
« Reply #219 on: April 03, 2014, 10:16:56 pm »

Udo enters through the heavy door, and squints at the old man. Looking around at the refined surrounding he suddenly feels a bit self conscious about his out-of-place animal troupe...
"Uh, Wujen Kenjiro? I, uh, hope you don't mind my animal gang here... Uh, sorry about that"


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure III
« Reply #220 on: April 04, 2014, 02:50:32 pm »

“'Enough'; Ha ha ha ha!” laughed Master Yunikawa at Rai’s question and the mild tension that was filling the air. “But please, you must all call me ‘Uncle’; I insist and will accept no less!”

“And I give you my word that you (and your pets) will come to no harm while in my home, as long as you are respectful and follow this one rule – ‘do not pass through that arch under any circumstance’ – for as I have said, to do so is death.”

“Nothing else is ‘forbidden’ as you say, and you are free to explore anywhere else in my home that you like.

“But now, come with me into the dining hall and we shall eat!”

Master Yunikawa got up and motioned for the Samurai to follow.

Moving into another richly appointed room, the group was met by the four Samurai-ko, who busily laid various foods out on a large low hibachi table in the center of the chamber.

Kioko was noticeably more relaxed in this room (not being able to see the two large Oni guarding Master Yunikawa’s library).

Sitting around the table, the Samurai and Kioko were treated to a multiple-course meal starting with various sushi rolls, expertly made by the Samurai-ko, and culminating in a comical show of cookery, when two minor fire spirits – each about the size of a chipmonk, jumped out of the hibachi table and began playing with the assorted dishes – cooking them to perfection in the process.

Kioko laughed in delight at the antics of the two animated motes of hovering flame and for a while looked happy to actually be here.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure III
« Reply #221 on: April 04, 2014, 03:03:00 pm »

Kirito who had been quiet most of the time speaks up. "So.. what is secret, how do you manage to get the Oni's to serve you Uncle?" He asked carefully.

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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure III
« Reply #222 on: April 04, 2014, 04:08:25 pm »

i won't stare I won't stare I won't stare... Okay, just a bit. Roka thinks to himself, as he winks at one of the samurai-Ko, and then turns to the wujen.

"The food your Samurai-Ko have made is delicious."


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure III
« Reply #223 on: April 04, 2014, 04:10:26 pm »

"Yes, my lovely Samurai-ko are quite the exceptional chefs!" Uncle Yunikawa remarks.

Then turning to Kirito he begins to answer the Priest's question about the Oni.

"Over the years, I have mastered the summoning and binding of various Oni," he says, "and have even developed some techniques for dealing with the most powerful of them..."

Then seeing Kioko begin to get uncomfortable at the talk of 'big scary monsters' as far as she was concerned, Yunikawa smiled and changed the subject - "But we can speak of that at some other time."

"So, tell me about this most beautiful little fair folk girl," he said, winking at Kioko, but expecting the Samurai to answer...


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure III
« Reply #224 on: April 04, 2014, 04:20:30 pm »

Yuki is about to answer, but realizing she'd fail at lying, and that Kioko shouldn't directly be told she's dead, she leaves it to the other samurai to explain her.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure III
« Reply #225 on: April 04, 2014, 04:26:22 pm »

"She is.. how to put it... a little fox girl." Kirito smiled. "Excuse me Kioko, i need to explain this in another language." He smiled at her.

"Kioko is a mystery to us too, we know she is one of our deceased friends, reborned in the future. Around 700 years. We also think its likely that the Kitsune killed her, as i assume you know she is a ghost already. But how she got here remains a mystery. We brought her along too ask for your guidence regarding her." He added in the old realm tongue.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2014, 04:49:46 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure III
« Reply #226 on: April 04, 2014, 04:39:00 pm »

Unsure what to add on, and assuming that Kirito said something somewhat informative, Udo blurts out, "Uh, Wujen Kenj- err, Uncle, do you remember Sakura Kahiwagi? When she, uh, died there was an odd burst of light, and her familiar spirit thing is for whatever reason really attached to the uh, Kioko."

Gulping, as he has been wondering about this for months, "Why did Sakura, and uh, also one of the Samurai we were with, Keitaro, die like that?"


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure III
« Reply #227 on: April 04, 2014, 05:13:36 pm »

Rai looks at Udo and says, "I hadn't know that the light had happened before Keitaro."
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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure III
« Reply #228 on: April 04, 2014, 05:15:11 pm »

"Kietaro!" Kioko said sadly at the mention of his name and began to tear up. She had just found out about his and Jei Hu's deaths yesterday and had really grown fond of the large samurai by then.

"There there," Yuki said, comforting the little girl and holding her close until Kioko had had a good cry.

"Feel better now? Yuki asked.

"Yes, and I'm sorry," Kioko sniffed, "I know he has gone to live in heaven with the ancestors, but I still miss him. I'll be OK."

“I see,” Yunikawa then said thoughtfully, after Kioko had regained her composure, “we must continue this conversation elsewhere.”

“But first, my Samurai-ko will show you to your rooms.”

“Those of you who wish to discuss this matter can meet me back in the main hall, while the rest stay with Kioko.”

“When this matter is resolved, then we shall discuss why I have called you here.”

The four Samurai-ko then rose and led the Samurai down a hall to a series of three large rooms, each connected to the other two by a curtain covered archway. The furnishings were a simple yet comfortable – each room containing enough places to sleep, plus a large low table, plenty of seating, and a scribe’s table set with parchment, inks, and brushes.

Once the Samurai had seen their rooms, one of the Samurai-ko knelt down to speak to little Kioko – “Kioko, why don’t you draw us some pictures, while some of your friends go to speak with Uncle Yunikawa?”

Kioko looked up at Yuki with a worried expression and asked “you’ll stay with me right big sister?”

When she had said that, the little spirit familiar that had been hiding in Yuki’s armor finally came out – chirped loudly and hoped back onto Kioko’s shoulder – where it stared humming, as it mimed painting a picture in the air.

Laughing, Kioko went over to the scribe’s table and pulled a large sheet of paper out of the well-stocked cubbyholes underneath.

Then getting a brush and ink, she looked at the others still in the room – “What shall I draw?”

“Oh – I know, I will draw the little fire creatures that cooked us our dinner! Mother will want to hear about that! And I can draw one for Mama Shirahata too!”
« Last Edit: April 04, 2014, 05:29:16 pm by BerkaZerka »

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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure III
« Reply #229 on: April 04, 2014, 05:22:48 pm »

"Hmm... I think Yuki would love to, little Kioko, but she's the only one here with a tiny bit of knowledge about the occult. Hmm... Do you want to draw with the Onohara boys? I heard at least one of them can draw.Right?" Roka asks, looking at the students sternly.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure III
« Reply #230 on: April 04, 2014, 05:37:45 pm »

"I want Yuki! But they can draw too." Kioko replied honestly.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure III
« Reply #231 on: April 04, 2014, 06:04:43 pm »

Yuki smiles at Kioko and nods.

"Of course I'll draw with you! But in exchange, when everyone else comes back, I'll go talk to Uncle Yunikawa, and you'll stay here with them, okay?"

She asks, bargaining with Kioko.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure III
« Reply #232 on: April 04, 2014, 06:08:51 pm »

"Hmm... I think Yuki would love to, little Kioko, but she's the only one here with a tiny bit of knowledge about the occult. Hmm... Do you want to draw with the Onohara boys? I heard at least one of them can draw.Right?" Roka asks, looking at the students sternly.
"Roka... Just..." Kirito just shakes his head, it was pretty obvious he took offense at Rokas statement.

Yuki smiles at Kioko and nods.

"Of course I'll draw with you! But in exchange, when everyone else comes back, I'll go talk to Uncle Yunikawa, and you'll stay here with them, okay?"

She asks, bargaining with Kioko.

"There really is not any need Yuki. I am the most knowledgable of the occult in our little group, and if you have any questions, i can answer them for you after our talk with uncle Yunikawa.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure III
« Reply #233 on: April 04, 2014, 06:12:14 pm »

"Oh, I don't mind," Kioko adds - just because she can.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure III
« Reply #234 on: April 04, 2014, 06:17:39 pm »

"There really is not any need Yuki. I am the most knowledgable of the occult in our little group, and if you have any questions, i can answer them for you after our talk with uncle Yunikawa.

Yuki looks at Kirito for a moment silently, before smiling.

"That's nice."

She replies politely.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure III
« Reply #235 on: April 04, 2014, 06:48:40 pm »

Yuki looks at Kirito for a moment silently, before smiling.

"That's nice."

She replies politely.

"Kirito, learn to be respectful to your peers." Miya says to him in a protective force before turning to Rai. "It happened a long time ago, as far as I know we thought nothing of the light until Keitaro's 'experience'."
"Who says nothing is impossible? I've been doing nothing for years." -Unknown
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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure III
« Reply #236 on: April 04, 2014, 06:52:38 pm »

"Kirito, learn to be respectful to your peers." Miya says to him in a protective force before turning to Rai. "It happened a long time ago, as far as I know we thought nothing of the light until Keitaro's 'experience'."
"To my peers? Need i remind you that of us, i have the highest political standing?" Kirito replied, now stanrting to get mad, walking away to where Uncle was.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure III
« Reply #237 on: April 04, 2014, 07:12:25 pm »

Rai looks at Kirito and says, "Your family my have the highest standing but that does not mean we are not in the same boat."
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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure III
« Reply #238 on: April 04, 2014, 08:12:07 pm »

"To my peers? Need i remind you that of us, i have the highest political standing?" Kirito replied, now stanrting to get mad, walking away to where Uncle was.

"I have little respect for somebody who can not hold his tongue among allies. Perhaps you should have learned how to be humble before you became a Samurai." She snaps at him with a glare before turning away.
"Who says nothing is impossible? I've been doing nothing for years." -Unknown
“There's always another secret."    “I’m so storming pure I practically belch rainbows.”


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure III
« Reply #239 on: April 04, 2014, 08:17:57 pm »

Kirito stops in his tracks and turns back, with a slight bow he says. "Yes, you are right. Sorry for my sudden outburst."


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure III
« Reply #240 on: April 04, 2014, 08:21:54 pm »

"Apology accepted." Miya responds without turning toward him.
"Who says nothing is impossible? I've been doing nothing for years." -Unknown
“There's always another secret."    “I’m so storming pure I practically belch rainbows.”


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure III
« Reply #241 on: April 05, 2014, 03:32:48 pm »

And now, Kirito walks towards the other room to talk to uncle.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure III
« Reply #242 on: April 05, 2014, 04:11:10 pm »

Rai leaves to meet with "Uncle".
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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure III
« Reply #243 on: April 05, 2014, 07:50:26 pm »

"Ha ha, sorry about that guys. The words simply slip out in this case." Roka says with a chuckle.

"I should probably go. The two of them will probably accidentally insult the wujen." Roka says, shaking his head. 


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure III
« Reply #244 on: April 05, 2014, 08:08:14 pm »

Udo keeps silent, perhaps realising he probably shouldn't have reminded Kioko of Keitaro's death. Interested nonetheless, and shrugging during Kirito's ego-fest, "C'mon Bleach"

Him and his tiger walk to Uncle, hoping his his answer will clear up some things.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2014, 09:41:45 am by Tanstaafl »


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure III
« Reply #245 on: April 06, 2014, 09:25:55 am »

Rai leaves to meet with "Uncle".

Miya begins to follow Rai with a protective eye before giving a short glance back at Yuki.

Be safe. She thinks to herself.

She then continues on her way to meet "Uncle".
"Who says nothing is impossible? I've been doing nothing for years." -Unknown
“There's always another secret."    “I’m so storming pure I practically belch rainbows.”


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure III
« Reply #246 on: April 06, 2014, 03:47:33 pm »

As the Samurai moved together out of the rooms and back towards the main hall, they arrived through one of the rounded archways and saw that Uncle Yunikawa had returned to his chair to smoke a long thin pipe and that the Samurai-ko were all there as well, seated before him.

When he saw the Samurai enter, he smiled and motioned with his pipe for them to take a seat on the raised platform before him – his Samurai-ko moving back behind him to make room.

After handing his pipe to one of the Samurai-ko to put away, he looked thoughtfully for a moment before speaking.

“A most intriguing So-Kitsune you have brought,” Uncle Yunikawa began – “And while all re-incarnate back into Creation in time following their deaths, I have never heard of something like this. It is true that Kioko is your friend Sakura Kashiwagi – reborn in a new life that will not happen for another seven hundred years – but why has she come back this far in time now? That is the question.”

“Of course, I can help you return her to the Ancestors (and will), but I am left to ponder the disparity in times.”

“A lot can happen in seven hundred years,” Yukikawa continued on – “But unless we know of what transpired in between, there is little we can do to change the future – what will be will be.”

Then giving a thoughtful look, Yunikawa made a proposition – “It is a simple thing to look into the dreams and memories of a man, Spirit, or Oni.”

“If you will consent, I shall do so tonight with Kioko as she sleeps. She will of course be unharmed by the experience and it may shed more light on this perplexing mystery.”

Not Aman

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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure III
« Reply #247 on: April 06, 2014, 03:58:16 pm »

"Uncle, I... Well, all we want is to return the girl to the ancestors. The sooner the better. She has suffered much, you see."


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure III
« Reply #248 on: April 06, 2014, 04:05:26 pm »

Uncle Yunikawa regarded Roka – “Getting into the Spirit World is easy – getting to the Ancestral Palace requires great sorcery.”

“It exists in the Spirit World just below U-Mani the Moon and is a very long way up – many days journey for creatures that can fly and completely out of reach for most men… but with certain knowledge and the right spells, it is possible.”

“I will provide a means for you to take Kioko to the Ancestral Palace, but before that you must do me a service. This is after all, why I have called you here, but once that is done, I will grant you this boon.”


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure III
« Reply #249 on: April 06, 2014, 04:16:42 pm »

Rai nods his head and asks, "Uncle, do you have any idea why the previous samurai in our group dissolved into light?"
Ideals are peaceful; history is violent.
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