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Author Topic: Keitaro Hokusai (Aeon’s Samurai Warrior)  (Read 12062 times)


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Keitaro Hokusai (Aeon’s Samurai Warrior)
« on: September 25, 2013, 02:54:59 pm »

Keitaro Hokusai ~ (Drunken Master Samurai Warrior) - 64 / 74 XP

Gender Male; Age 20; Ht 6’4”; Wt 235 lbs; Stature Dominant & Sturdy; Disposition Not a Deep Thinker, Graced with Common Sense, Loyal to Bushido Code; Distinctive Features: a blue dragon tattoo on his neck that runs up the back of his neck and breathes a bright red flame that goes under his ear to his jaw line.

Str 3; Agi 5; Con 5; Int 1; Wis 3; Pre 3; Vitality (0) 36; Wounds (-2) 15 (Armor 14)
React 10; Endure 14; Will 8; Luck 4; Surge 6 5 / 6
Psychosis 1
Init 15*; Move 35 ft (Run 105; Leap 3 high/15 long)

Unarmed Strike 13/3S; Grapple Moves 15+2X/3S; Ancestral Nagamaki 15+2X/10L; Katana 15+2X/6L; Wakisashi 15+2X/6L; Tanto 15+2X/5L; Obsidian-Edged Club 15+2X/5SL; Thrown Tanto 8/5L/20x ft

Combat Skills
Defense 12 (Dodge -1*; Parry +2) ~4
Ranged 8 (Shoot; Target; Throw)
Close Quarter 13 (Grapple +2; Melee +2; Unarmed) ~5

General Skills
Acrobatics 8 (Balance; Escape; Tumble)
Artistry 6 (Cooking, Painting; Sculpting; Music; Writing)
Athletics 9 (Climb; Jump; Sprint; Swim) ~3
Evaluate 11 (Appraise; Gamble; Sense Motive +2; Streetwise) ~5
Fabricate 4 (Construction; Mechanics; Weaponsmith)
Face 13 (Bluff; Entertain; Feint; Intimidate; Taunt) ~5
General Knowledge 4 (Trivia; In The News; Who's Who)
Larceny 8 (Forgery; Open Locks; Sleight of Hand)
Medic 4 (Slow Poison; Treat Injury)
Outdoors 10 (Handle Animal; Ride; Survival; Track) ~4
Perception 13 (Listen; Search; Spot) ~5
Sabotage 4 (Disable Device; Trap Setting)
Socialize 9 (Diplomacy; Interrogation +2; Gather Info) ~3
Stealth 9 (Conceal; Disguise; Hide -3; Move Silently) ~3

Advanced Skills
Political Sciences 5 (Economics; Law; Politics) ~1

Edges and Feats
Born Leader; Martial Throw; Move Through Attack; Rapid Strike; Alert; Combat Reflexes; Compelling; Duelist; Fast; Grappler; Great Fortitude; Hard to Kill; Spirited; Toughness (x2); Weapon Specialist

~Draw Fire; ~Heroic Surge; ~Multi Attack; ~Drunken Master; ~Bumbling Fool; ~Blundering Menace

Big ‘Un; Heavy Drinker; Illiterate; Obligation (Daimyo)

Equipment Normal Load 50; Encumbered 100; Limit 150; Drag 600
Manor House; Farm House; Noble’s Diet; Horse; Wagon; Commoner’s Garb; Great Armor (black plates w/ blue highlights & shiny brass symbol on crest); Buckler; Nagamaki; Katana; Wakisashi; Tanto; Obsidian-Edged Club; Paper; Pens; Waterproof Case; Containers; Wulong Tea (6); Ranger’s Kit (canvas tarp 10x10ft, lantern-shuttered, net, rope 100 ft, signal whistle, spyglass, steel-jawed traps); Canoes (2); Chain 50 Ft; Travel Pack (backpack, bedroll, candles, lantern, rations, tent, tinderbox); Permit to Carry Arms; Emblems of Station; Traveling Papers

(Pittances 10; Goods 50; Assets 55; Riches 1)

  • Doshin (9 in Sendai / 1 with)
  • Doshin Leader: Monomaka Rikishi (Intuition)
  • Ancestral Nagamaki (+2 Initiative, Accuracy, & Damage; Spirit Cutting; Spirit Sight 3/day)
  • Lamellar Armor (3)
  • Shark Teeth and Fins

« Last Edit: March 16, 2015, 05:32:44 pm by BerkaZerka »
Suffering is permanent, obscure and dark, And shares the nature of infinity. ~William Wordsworth


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Re: Keitaro Hokusai
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2013, 02:55:12 pm »

Power and Edge Notes
Born Leader: The character has the natural ability to encourage, motivate, and push others beyond their normal limitations. The character gains a second set of Surge Points (equal to his own), which he can give to others within the sound of his voice. Unlike his personal Surge Points, these are not limited to being spent just one per round.

Martial Throw: The character knows how to use the ground against an opponent. He can cause unarmed damage on any successful Grapple Trip and +5 damage on a successful Grapple Body Slam attack.

Move Through Attack: Combine a Move and Attack Action to move and attack anywhere along the move.

Rapid Strike: The character is lightning quick in close quarter combat. He can use back-to-back Attack Actions (Attack + Attack) when making Close Quarter attacks, without spending Surge Points during combat.

Amazing Feats_
Draw Fire: [1 Surge | Instant | 1 Scene]
This Amazing Feat allows a Born Leader can spend a Surge Point to Draw Fire to himself for the duration of one Combat Scene (or until withdrawn, KO’d, or Disabled). While in effect, the character will stand out on the battlefield as a key element, absolutely irresistible to Extras, and forcing Major NPCs to make a Will Save to resist singling him out for all attacks as well.

Heroic Surge: The character can explode with a burst of adrenalin, allowing him to spend as many of his Surge Points per round as he likes, without the usual one per round restriction.

Multi Attack: The character can take two Close Quarter attacks per Attack Action, sacrificing accuracy for speed. Multi Attacks cannot Crit, suffer a -2 Penalty on each attack, and cannot be used with Called Shots or any other roll that requires a MTN to succeed.

Drunken Master: A Drunken Master is perhaps one of the most bizarre masters of combat around. Empowered with booze, they somehow manage to stumble through combat, puzzling friend and foe alike. Furthermore, Drunken Masters can only get Drunk when they intentionally drink enough to get Drunk and unlike normal people, they suffer no Die Penalty when actually being Drunk – in spite of their greatly impaired appearance! Drunken Masters also suffer no Wound Penalties when Drunk – being greatly numbed to pain.

Bumbling Fool: [1 Surge Point | Instant | Scene]
A Drunken Master's haphazard movements allow for him to embarrass and frustrate the foe. Any time the Drunken Master is hit with a Close Quarter Attack, he reflexively ‘bumps into’ his opponent – forcing the attacker to make a Reflex Save to resist tripping over the Master and falling Prone.

Blundering Menace: [Bumbling Fool Active | Add | Scene]
As long as Bumbling Fool is Active, every successful attack the Drunken Master makes, also involves the Drunken Master stumbling into the foe – forcing the foe to make a Reflex Save to resist tripping over the Master and falling Prone.


Spirit Sight: The character can see through the curtain that separates the realms, allowing him to notice any unmanifested spirits, demons, or oni within his line of sight.

Spirit Cutting: The weapon can make any damaging attack (that would normally pass harmlessly through) affect an incorporeal or unmanifested Spirit or other such creature.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2014, 04:05:33 pm by BerkaZerka »
Suffering is permanent, obscure and dark, And shares the nature of infinity. ~William Wordsworth


  • BHB Titan
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Re: Keitaro Hokusai
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2013, 02:55:29 pm »

Memoirs of a Warrior; Keitaro Hokusai's tale.

House Hokusai rose to fame for their ability to get the most of the farmers under them and the wise ministration of the lands entrusted to them by the Sendai Daimyo’s throughout the ages. The Ancestral members of the house were honored and respected by both nobility and plebeians alike, renowned for having the finest crop year to year. This honor allowed them to continually amass more and more wealth, until they were one of the wealthiest families on all of Honshu. In spite of their fortune and fame however, the family held little real power in the court beyond their wealth – as most of the nobles within Sendai itself, looked upon them as ‘lords of dirt’ more than they did as the equals they really were.

When the war came about, House Hokusai was called upon to send men into battle; those men of the land being of tough mind and body, as laborious farmers would be. Keiaro's father, Ichiro, was sent in as Calvary due to his years of experience riding horses. He died holding back a vast group of Chinese soldiers who were advancing on a monastery, where hundreds of women and children were seeking refuge. His sacrifice allowed the refugees time to escape out a secret way and saved them from rape and torture at the enemy’s hand.

As time progressed and memories of the occupation dwindled, Keitaro grew up on his Ancestral lands with his mother and elderly grandparents. His family was miraculously spared from receiving a new Chinese ‘father’, as none of the occupying Chines Nobles wanted to the dubious title that ‘lord of dirt’ had come to represent. With this small blessing and being the only one to help his mother oversee the farmlands, Keitaro learned early of back breaking work, little rest, and how to push himself past his physical limits.

Because of the work load and being so remote from Sendai, Keitaro never got the chance to go to school. Though illiterate, he proved his worth many times over and was honored by visiting Magistrates as being an upstanding citizen, who continued to ensure his Father’s great legacy and the renowned quality of their crops from year to year.

He even proved himself somewhat of a hero for his actions in what would locally come to be known as the ‘Great Flame’. The great flame began during a terrible storm when a single bolt of lightning struck the barn where the villagers stored their crude lards and animal fats from hunts and harvest. It exploded, setting vast portions of the field on fire. Many of the villagers were injured in the initial event and while trying to put the fire out. Keitaro pulled them all to shelter, saved a good majority of the animals and put the fire out by using great bags of wet flour to smother the flames. No one else could have hefted the amount of weight, and definitely not as quickly as he.

Following the Incident, the Magistrates saw how much the farmlands were really worth to them and assigned more than enough commoners to the area to work the lands under Keitaro’s mother. This finally freed Keitaro up enough to pursue his Samurai training with full attention. His mother gave him his father's armor and Nagamaki to train with and he accepted the Magistrate’s honor with humility and moved to the Fortress City of Sendai. Now, after years of training, Keitaro has become full Samurai.

And so his adventures begin.

Other Notes
Doesn't trust cats (they are evil, like that foul Priest guy...)
« Last Edit: December 26, 2013, 08:55:30 pm by BerkaZerka »
Suffering is permanent, obscure and dark, And shares the nature of infinity. ~William Wordsworth


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Re: Keitaro Hokusai (Aeon’s Samurai Warrior)
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2014, 10:20:05 am »

Starting Skills_

Combat Skills
3+1 Defense
4+1 Close Quarter

General Skills
3 Athletics
5 Evaluate
4 Face
4 Outdoors
5 Perception
3 Socialize
3 Stealth

Advanced Skills
1 Political Sciences

XP Bumps_
Great Fortitude Edge (4 XP)
Hard to Kill Edge (4 XP)
Toughness Edge (x2) (8 XP)
~Multi Attack AF (4 XP)
Born Leader Edge (4XP)
Compelling Edge (4XP)
Spirited Edge (4 XP)
Face: 4 to 5 (4XP)
~Drunken Master AF (4 XP)
~Bumbling Fool AF (4 XP)
~Blundering Menace AF (4 XP)
~Draw Fire AF (4XP)
~Heroic Surge AF (4 XP)
Grappler Edge (4 XP)
Martial Throw Edge (4 XP)
« Last Edit: March 21, 2014, 04:03:02 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Keitaro Hokusai (Aeon’s Samurai Warrior)
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2015, 12:07:19 pm »

Shattered ...
« Last Edit: March 17, 2015, 04:58:50 pm by BerkaZerka »
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