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Author Topic: Operation A.P.E.  (Read 161085 times)


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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #150 on: January 20, 2016, 09:27:59 pm »

"Butch, come on!"

Heart racing, she sprints over to the loading area door on the far right (or middle if she can't make it across in one round.

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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #151 on: January 21, 2016, 04:38:51 pm »

Butch nods, and follows.
"Can't lettem get that explosive to the vents!"


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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #152 on: January 21, 2016, 06:08:45 pm »

Round 3
Wave 1
Butch 8
A.P.E. Team Charlie 7
A.P.E. Team Delta 7
Montoya 5
Umberto 5
Crystal 2
Jacob 1
Victor 2

Wave 2
Cillian 20
Xavier 18
Rafael 17
A.P.E. Team Bravo 13
Gilbert 18
Ethel 14
Loadmaster Anthony Quin 14
« Last Edit: January 21, 2016, 06:15:09 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #153 on: January 21, 2016, 06:41:10 pm »

Butch and Ethel race to the starboard side door, as the Team Charlie thugs take the pallet of poison gas down the cargo elevator. The door does not appear to be locked, but both Butch and Ethel know there are likely men guarding it on the other side – ready to shoot them when they poke their heads out.

Montoya meanwhile, rushes into the Casino to see six gasmasked men in the course of robbing it! From the carnage, it looks like they gunned down casino security and then tossed grenades into the Security Office to finish off those inside. They also dropped a number of suppression gas grenades and Montoya is suddenly glad he thought to bring a gasmask of his own on this cruise.

Dozens of frightened passengers (including the Red Sharks football team) cower on the floor, coughing and choking in the deployed suppression gas, as two thugs pass a loot bag around to collect their valuables, while another two thugs clean out the cash drawers and the vault – the later having been melted open with thermite.

Assessing his foes, Captain Montoya sees the four thugs are each armed with a deck pistol, while one of the leaders wears an armored vest and carries a submachinegun (Victor).

Another leader-type is a grizzled Mexican mercenary (Umberto); wearing an armored vest with 2 sawed-off shotguns, a bandolier of 20 extra shells, a deck pistol, 4 military hand grenades, and a really big flashlight.

He currently stands over Doctor Benson and his Feng-Shui lady (the two SSPD bodyguards apparently killed along with casino security) and holds a sawed-off shotgun at each of their heads.

They are all more surprised by Montoya’s odd attire than his sudden entry, but hesitate nonetheless – allowing Montoya to pitch his concussion grenade at the dangerous-looking Mexican fellow.

Montoya Throw 11 1d20 : 6, total 6


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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #154 on: January 21, 2016, 06:44:51 pm »

Montoya’s grenade hits the man and goes off under his chin, stunning him and rattling the hair on his chest for 6 Damage!

As this goes on, Crystal has almost caught up the where Montoya dashed into the Casino, when a man at the far end of the Promenade shoots at her with his riotgun!

Wells, Riotgun w/ Range Penalty 13 1d20 : 7, total 7
Crystal Dodge 13+2X 1d20 : 18, total 18



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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #155 on: January 21, 2016, 06:54:13 pm »

Crystal is hit for 17 Damage – taking the buckshot to the guts!

Topside, Cillian hears the pop of Montoya’s grenade and the report of the shotgun that hits Crystal. When he looks at his Lopan to see where Doctor Benson might be, the line indicates somewhere almost directly below him.

As this is all unfolding, Gilbert heads down the hall, dragging Credence Jones behind his hover-round, toward Montoya’s Jacuzzi Suite 12.

As he passes Executive Suite 6, an old man looks out at him, as his wife calls from inside – “What’s going on now?”

“It’s hard to explain dear,” he answers, “just hard to explain...”

With that he closes his door once more.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2016, 06:56:20 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #156 on: January 21, 2016, 07:00:43 pm »

Down at the restricted door, off the Main Dining Area, Nameless Hacker Bob shakes his head at Jacob’s question about opening the door.

Jacob is forced to shoot the lock off and kicks the door in.

Dragging Nameless Hacker Bob into the hallway, he sees some of the Crew doors quickly close – they inside, perhaps thinking he is another hijacker.

A real hijacker is at the other end of the corridor however and fires a deck pistol at Jacob when he steps into sight.

Thug Deck Pistol 12 1d20 : 13, total 13



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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #157 on: January 21, 2016, 07:05:01 pm »

The bullet wizzes past Jacob's head, ricocheting off some pies behind him.

"AH!!! THEY"RE SHOOTING AT US!!!" Nameless Hacker Bob wails, throwing himself in a corner and curling up into the fetal position.


(OOC: On to Round 4)


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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #158 on: January 21, 2016, 07:10:26 pm »



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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #159 on: January 21, 2016, 07:11:06 pm »



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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #160 on: January 21, 2016, 07:12:10 pm »



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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #161 on: January 21, 2016, 07:14:22 pm »

Grimacing, Crystal wonders why she didn't stay down and continues following after Montoya.


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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #162 on: January 21, 2016, 07:29:18 pm »

Cillian looks around to see if there might be a quicker way to go straight down from here.


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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #163 on: January 21, 2016, 07:34:39 pm »

Gilbert continues on his noble path. He also checks montoya's room for bombs and ties up his captive, to be safe.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2016, 02:31:11 pm by killa_robot »


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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #164 on: January 22, 2016, 12:22:50 am »

"You guys never learn do you?" Jacob mumbles as he pulls out his military gun and shoots the man twice.


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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #165 on: January 22, 2016, 12:07:05 pm »

Montoya is heroic and obvious but not stupid, he leaps behind some slot machines to try and completly Conceal himself from the left side of the room (Victor and the two extras) he then whips out his concealed deck pistol to fire at the stunned Mexican holding too many weapons, surging for a second shot.


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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #166 on: January 22, 2016, 02:13:51 pm »

Trying not to lose momentum, Ethel slides open the door and shoots at the first thing she sees.

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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #167 on: January 22, 2016, 03:42:32 pm »

Butch'll quickly open the door, throwing a grenade at the Loadmaster (if still in sight), and then shooting one of the extras with a thumper round.

"Goddamn bastards."


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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #168 on: January 23, 2016, 01:14:42 pm »

Round 4
Wave 1
Butch 8
A.P.E. Team Charlie 7
A.P.E. Team Delta 7
Montoya 5
Umberto 5
Crystal 2
Jacob 1
Victor 2

Wave 2
Cillian 20
Xavier 18
Rafael 17
A.P.E. Team Bravo 13
Gilbert 18
Ethel 14
Loadmaster Anthony Quin 14


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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #169 on: January 23, 2016, 01:49:17 pm »

Cillian doesn’t see any way down below, quicker than the stairs Montoya and Ethel took on the starboard side of the pool area. Of course someone was shooting at them down there. Maybe the portside stairs then?

In the Aft Storage meanwhile, Ethel swings the door wide and two Team Charlie thugs open fire (having held actions in anticipation of a door opening).

Thug 1 shooting at Ethel w/ cover penalty 10 1d20 : 15, total 15
Ethel Dodge 11 1d20 : 1, total 1

Thug 2 shooting at Butch w/ cover penalty 10 1d20 : 12, total 12
Butch Dodge 12+2X 1d20 : 9, total 9



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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #170 on: January 23, 2016, 02:24:18 pm »

The two shots strike off the door ineffectually, sparing Ethel and Butch any harm.

Butch doesn’t see Loadmaster and notes the Cargo Elevator has gone down. He throws his concussion grenade at the man standing near the loadmaster’s office and fires a thumper round after.

Butch Concussion Grenade 14 1d20 : 19, total 19
Thug Endure 8 1d20 : 17, total 17
Butch Thumper Round 14+2X 1d20 : 10, total 10

Ethel shoots the guy in the portside loading area.
Ethel Deck Pistol 16 1d20 : 3, total 3


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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #171 on: January 23, 2016, 02:37:13 pm »

Butch’s grenade lands behind the thug, but still catches him in the blast radius – Stunning him. Butch then KO’s him, when the thumper round, shot from Butch’s sawed-off, ploughs into the man’s face!

Ethel’s shot also hits her man for 11 Damage, but is not enough to drop him yet.

Down below in the corridor, the thug and Jacob continue to exchange fire, while the Loadmaster and Raphael hurry the gas cylinders from the cargo elevator, toward the Air Systems Control Room.

Thug Deck Pistol w/ range & cover penalty 8 1d20 : 18, total 18
Jacob Military Sidearm w/ cover penalty 16+2X 1d20 : 9, total 9
« Last Edit: January 23, 2016, 02:38:49 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #172 on: January 23, 2016, 03:07:47 pm »

The thug misses Jacob again, moments before Jacob puts a 12mm round center of the thug’s mass for 21 Damage.

The thug looks gravely injured, but refuses to quit the fight!

As this goes on, all hell breaks loose in the Casino above, where Crystal (diving into the room to avoid more fire from the guy on the Promenade) has joined Montoya behind a bank of slot machines to engage fire at the bad guys!

Victor and the two Thugs in the room stop what they are doing and saturate the sides of the slot machines with weapons fire! Fortunately for Montoya and Crystal, the slot machines prove to be a rather effective form of cover – which allows Montoya to fire twice at the threatening Mexican mercenary.

Montoya w/ Stun bonus 16+2X/ 2d20 : 15, 16, total 31


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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #173 on: January 23, 2016, 03:18:31 pm »

Montoya hits twice – his second a Crit (but negated buy Umberto’s luck point)!

The two rounds slam into the man’s armored vest for 15 & 16 Damage. Umberto take the first and halves the second with another luck point.

He then Surges to shake off Stun – and yelling unintelligible Mexican insults, fires both barrels of each sawed-off back at Montoya!

Umberto Sawed-Offs 13 2d20 : 17, 16, total 33
Montoya Dodge 13 2d20 : 8, 7, total 15



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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #174 on: January 23, 2016, 03:23:31 pm »

Another slot machine bites the dust and the roulette wheel will never be the same!

Meanwhile, on the top deck, in Jacuzzi Suite 12, Gilbert secures the prisoner and sweeps the room for anything unusual.

The only thing that really catches his attention is a quarterly magazine on the coffee table, titled ‘Aye Me Hardies!’

There’s a glossy picture on the cover of a scantily clad space vixen in the arm of a swarthy-looking brigand with a Jolly Roger tattoo on his bicep – swinging on a rope between two spaceships. It is not clear what the rope would be attached to at the upper end, nor how the smarmy pirate and said space vixen would not be suffocating out in the unforgiving vacuum of space.

It does look rather heroic though all the same.

As Gilbert considers taking a peek inside the quarterly, some flashing lights outside the balcony catch his eye. Looking, he sees four military-looking scout ships coming in over the ship.

Out on the pool deck, Cillian sees the scout ships too – as they fly over and then circle back. They didn’t look like the SSPB. . .


(OOC: On to Round 5)
« Last Edit: January 23, 2016, 03:31:50 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #175 on: January 23, 2016, 03:29:46 pm »



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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #176 on: January 23, 2016, 03:30:35 pm »



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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #177 on: January 23, 2016, 03:31:08 pm »



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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #178 on: January 23, 2016, 04:01:04 pm »

"Just surrender damn it! Dont waste your life here!" Jacob says loud enough for the thug to hear. "There's no need for you to die here."

Ofcourse, if the man won't surrender... he'll shoot again.


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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #179 on: January 23, 2016, 04:24:05 pm »

"Crystal! Let's show them how it's done and show that cowardly Sharks team what real Heros are like!" Montoya announces loud enough to ensure the Sharks can hear him, maybe some will be embarrassed into action. (Also that's a surge for Crystal)

He then takes another shot at the Mexican before surging to lob another stun grenade, this time lobbing it blind over his cover at Victor (can I stay in cover and lob a grenade over it without revealing myself?)


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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #180 on: January 23, 2016, 06:21:10 pm »

Crystal makes use of Montoya's surge, going out of cover to shoot twice at Mexican-face, then dropping back to either cast heal on Montoya (if he's been injured) or just to hide behind proper cover.


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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #181 on: January 23, 2016, 07:18:35 pm »

Gilbert does his best to keep himself and Credence out of sight of the scout ships while keeping an eye on them.


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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #182 on: January 23, 2016, 07:20:51 pm »

Cillian heads for the port side stairs.

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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #183 on: January 24, 2016, 11:10:45 am »

Butch quickly fires on the next target.

"Ethel! Grab a gas mask!"


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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #184 on: January 24, 2016, 11:28:42 am »

"OH yeah, right! That could be important..."

Ethel rushes to any dead/unconscious bodies in the vicinity to loot them for the gas masks (or other valuables) and rushes back to support.


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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #185 on: January 24, 2016, 11:34:18 am »

Round 5
Wave 1
Butch 8
A.P.E. Team Charlie 7
A.P.E. Team Delta 7
Montoya 5
Umberto 5
Crystal 2
Jacob 1
Victor 2

Wave 2
Cillian 20
Xavier 18
Rafael 17
A.P.E. Team Bravo 13
Gilbert 18
Ethel 14
Loadmaster Anthony Quin 14


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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #186 on: January 24, 2016, 03:06:12 pm »

Butch and the thug in the Loading Area exchange fire!

Butch Thumper Round 14+2X 1d20 : 5, total 5
Thug 2 shooting at Butch w/ cover penalty 10 1d20 : 1, total 1
Butch Dodge 12+2X 1d20 : 18, total 18



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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #187 on: January 24, 2016, 04:12:18 pm »

Butch once again strikes true – KO’ing the thug with the other thumper round from his sawed-off. As the thug drops, his gun goes off – but the round goes up into the ceiling overhead.

As this goes on, Ethel retrieves a gasmask from one of the fallen thugs and puts it on – as she and Butch hurry to the stairs.

Down below, the Loadmaster Anthony Quin and Raphael, get the pallet of smallpox gas into the Air Systems Control Room. There, Raphael takes up a guard position at the door, as the Loadmaster opens a panel in the wall to allow access to the ship’s airflow…

Out in the long corridor, Jacob’s ultimatum get through to the thug that he put a hole in. The man slumps down against the wall, holding his chest, and slides the deck pistol up the hall toward Jacob.

Jacob grabs Nameless Hacker Bob and continues toward the Engine Room (the fat hacker blubbering all the way).

Meanwhile, in the Royal Casino a few decks up, the two Team Delta Thugs in the room fire at Montoya’s position ineffectually, then go to move around to flank him. That’s when Montoya’s encouraging words inspire the Red Sharks football team – and they abruptly gang-tackle the two thugs and pig-pile on them to hold them both down.

Montoya fires at Umberto again, as he Surges to pull a grenade and toss it at Montoya first! Montoya Surges to Interrupt and hopefully stop him, before he kills a bunch of innocents. Crystal also Surges to pop up and fire two rounds off at the menacing mad Mexican!

Montoya Deck Pistol 14+2X 1d20 : 11, total 11
Umberto Dodge 11 1d20 : 11, total 11
Crystal Military Sidearm 10 2d20 : 18, 11, total 29
Umberto Dodge 11 2d20 : 1, 10, total 11
Umberto Frag Grenade 9 1d20 : 16, total 16


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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #188 on: January 24, 2016, 04:23:14 pm »

Montoya’s shot hits the wall behind Umberto!

Crystal misses as well, until she focuses her will (Luck) on the second shot and strikes Umberto for 11 more Damage (1 of which gets through his armor).

Umberto’s aim with the grenade is upset by Crystals shot slamming into him and lands on the other side of the slot machines. It goes off with a loud band for 22 Damage – catching Victor and a dozen passengers in the blast radius.

Victor tries to dive out of the room before it goes off –

Victor Dodge 10 1d20 : 8, total 8



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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #189 on: January 24, 2016, 04:26:56 pm »

Victor dives out of sight in time and doesn’t reappear for some reason. A number of passengers have been killed by Umberto’s blast and even more seriously injured.

Umberto reaches for another grenade with an evil smile…

On the deck above, Cillian runs for the portside stairs, as the scouts ships circle back.

In Montoya’s Suite, Gilbert sees the ships fly over and out of his field of view (they are now on the other side of the vessel).


(OOC: On to Round 6)


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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #190 on: January 24, 2016, 04:33:16 pm »



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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #191 on: January 24, 2016, 04:33:49 pm »



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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #192 on: January 24, 2016, 04:34:24 pm »



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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #193 on: January 24, 2016, 05:39:04 pm »

Jacob continues, still dragging Mr. Blubber along. Should he encounter more locked doors, he'll shoot them open aswell.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2016, 05:57:56 am by Daedalus »


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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #194 on: January 24, 2016, 10:38:06 pm »

"Crystal, drop the Mexican now!" (OOC: surging Crystal again) Montoya then takes up further heroic action and sprints directly for the Mexican, firing his pistol and he runs before intending to leap at him with his stun sword (OOC: surge for the extra Attack unless surge needed to Interupt and if needed luck for the shot/sword strike to hit)


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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #195 on: January 25, 2016, 08:23:40 am »

Everyone's dying!  Everyone's dying and it's my fault and I can't find anyone and I can't help them and I can't find anyone to help them!

Cillian continues trying to reach someplace or someone.


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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #196 on: January 25, 2016, 10:46:53 am »

"Fark!" Ethel cries out, deciding to either run down the stairs to follow them or try the elevator, whichever on a cursory look would seem to go faster.

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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #197 on: January 25, 2016, 10:51:50 am »

Butch nods.
"Get down! We need to stop them!" Butch shouts, following down. He'll surge to get to the aircontrol and throw a grenade in if he can reach it


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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #198 on: January 25, 2016, 07:31:30 pm »

Crystal "drops the Mexican now!", firing off two more rounds at him (using Montoya's surge). When she sees Montoya charge out she curses and waits in cover, prepared to surge to heal him from a range if things get bad.


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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #199 on: January 25, 2016, 08:02:15 pm »

Round 6
Wave 1
Butch 8
A.P.E. Team Delta 7
Montoya 5
Crystal 5
Umberto 5
Jacob 1
Victor 2

Wave 2
Cillian 20
Xavier 18
Rafael 17
A.P.E. Team Bravo 13
Gilbert 18
Ethel 14
Loadmaster Anthony Quin 14
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