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Role Playing Games => Vampire The Masquerade => Drakilian's Games => Side Quests => Topic started by: Drakilian on November 04, 2015, 11:11:49 pm

Title: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on November 04, 2015, 11:11:49 pm
1199, March 14th, 3:00 AM
Outskirts of Sofia, at the base of mount Vitosha, the village of Aleko.
Domain of Kiril, the Anointed


Carinus raises his eyebrows.

"I do not possess the ability to manipulate killing shadows, Kiril. I fear my own methods of disposal would result in my terrible demise in this particular situation."

Tendrils spring around Barabus, grabbing the massive man's arms and legs and restraining him. He appears to care about the tendrils exactly as much as he cares about the blades currently within his body.

The thing grins, showing off now-blackened teeth. It whips it's head to his left side and spits black blood into one of the guard's faces. The man screams and falls back, hands coming up to his face, releasing the grip on his blade.

Barabus then lets his right hand morph into a large spike that pierces the last guardsman's belly. The man sinks to his knees, then onto his other hand, pulling his sword from the monster and using it to support himself.

The demon turns his eyes onto Elias then.

The captain grits his teeth and takes a deep breath, almost as if to roar bloody defiance into the monster's face.

The captain croaks then, struggling to speak through the bone that had appeared in his throat. His eyes go wide and he raises his hands to the hole left behind as the lance withdraws into Barabus' body, as if he could stem the tide of blood that flows so freely through his broken artery.


Barabus' black eyes turn to Kiril, and he speaks with the chilling voice of a monster.

"No more games. Face me dark o-"

Barabus stops mid-sentence and looks over his shoulder. For the first time, Kiril sees fear and surprise on that terrible face. It soon gives way to a hatred that might have made even him shiver, were he still mortal.

The three demons still among the impaled bodies slink away from their master, any forward advancement they'd planned stopped immediately. Their whispering, however, is redoubled in its intensity.




"My lord! I must refuse, the captain of this squad can do his part, I must come with you to hunt this mighty beast I have heard so much of!"

The damned fool actually whistles to his wolves and starts charging towards the village, the things follow him with surprising loyalty (perhaps they wish to eat him?)

Ennius grits his teeth.

"We don't have time my lord, the situation appears dire. I suppose we will have to punish the fool at a later date."

Ennius rides forward on his charger, drawing his cavalry sword and maneuvering his horse with his feet as he loosens his shield from his back.

Following quickly after his most loyal knight and his most stupid ghoul, Lucien traverses the ruined village, the smell of death weighing heavily on him. He hears whispers travelling through the air, unable to make out the words but discomforted by them all the same.

It isn't long at all before they arrive at the village square, but the second they do Lucien instantly feels a powerful regret for every single life decision he's ever made that has led him to this particular moment.

Horrifying otherworldly darkness - more than Lucien has ever seen any Lasombra summon - fill the square, enough to drive an inlking of fear down even him. Things move and shift in the darkness, tendrils that whip and lash viciously at unseen monster. The whispers are much louder here, Lucien can start making out some of the words - he doesn't like any of them, of course.

Scanning the scene, he quickly locates Kiril - the Lasombra stands proudly and defiantly with his two servants, Carinus and Sherazhina. Three tendrils move out of his clothes visibly protecting him. Darkness surrounds him and Lucien cannot help but admire the Lord's power.

However, his attention is rapidly drawn away from his old companion and brought with utmost attention the the monster whom he stands in front of so defiantly.

It stares back at him.


Darius has stopped a good 50 feet away from Barabus, along with his three wolves, and he stands with his jaw wide open, frozen, unable to speak.

Ennius has pulled in his charge and has partially lowered his weapon, just long enough to mutter the words, heard by Lucien ever so acutely, more a statement than a question - "What the Fark is this."

While his features might resemble the old Barabus - before Lucien ever touched him - this Barabus is massive. Large to an inhuman degree, he towers over Kiril and 7 or so dead or dying, armoured men who lie in almost a circle around him. His body oozes black blood from cuts that he doesn't seem to notice, and he is restrained by tendrils which he doesn't seem to care about. He is completely naked, and this serves to outline the terrible, strained black veins that stand out on his body like tight cords. His lips and teeth, visible in a snarl, are black from bloody drool. As he tenses at Lucien's approach, he sees the man's horrifyingly large and powerful muscles ripple, not an ounce of fat on him.

He might be beautiful if he wasn't so terrifying.

Returning to his senses, Lucien realizes the voices are whispering something - this time clearer and louder and with more enthusiasm than ever before.

Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on November 05, 2015, 12:26:00 am
Lucien ignores all feelings for the moment. He steels his mind for the battle that would no doubt come.

He gasps when he lays eyes upon Barabus. He is beautiful, perfected. Lucien knew instantly that this was the form he would use for future ghouls.

He will cast wall of magma around him.

Then he remembers his idiotic servant. The fool was going to get himself killed, and not only that he was going to get his wolfs killed, unacceptable. If he survives this, he'll be the barabus lookalike ghoul.

Oh, thats right. Kiril was there. And by a stroke of luck his mortal guards all appeared to be dying.

"Greetings Kiril. I had hoped to catch up to you before encountering him, but it seems we were to late." He says loudly enough for him to hear over all those annoying whispers.

Then.. he gazed upon Barabus again. "Barabus. It seems you've been busy in since escaping from me. Impressive work." He says, and actually means it. This place.. so much death. "Demon. Will you leave my servants body?" He shouts, and not wanting to waste a good oppertunity also shifts to horrid form.

Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on November 06, 2015, 01:37:48 pm
Kiril has never liked Lucien- a tiresome, petty sadist lacking imagination.  His horrific mistreatment of Barabus only served to cement the Lasombra's disdain.  And now: his village is destroyed, his guards killed, because of this idiot's mistakes.

Lucien is going to leave. Without Barabus. Just as soon as he finishes delivering his exposition.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on November 07, 2015, 12:38:58 am
Lucien barely has time to get off his mount to begin his transformation into Horrid Form and finish congratulating himself on how amazing he is before Barabus has shifted out of Kiril's tendrils, his body turning liquid and shifting through them like water.

He manages to say "Barabus" before he realizes with almost absurd speed that Barabus' fist will connect with his face far faster than he will be able to speak.

Something feels wrong to him, Barabus shouldn't be this absurdly fast - at least not if he is supposed to be comparable to the other greater kupala Lucien had fought.

The monster reaches Lucien just as he finishes his transformation into Horrid form.

Ennius has tried to reach Lucien and intercept the demon but he was not fast enough.

Barabus pulls back his arm, and then then lets loose a terrifying roar before lashing out with all his strength at Lucien's comparatively fragile skull.

It was with great luck that Lucien managed to duck under the blow, using the giant's height against him and moving into his guard, prepared to unleash his own attack - only to be struck a blow to the stomach by Barabus' left hand. The hit pulls Lucien into the air, crushing his not-so-vital organs and bending his spine, certainly a crippling blow were he mortal. A quarter second after the blow lands Lucien gasps in pain as he registers the veritable springtime bloom of bone spikes that erupts out the side of his back, as Barabus' fist morphs while inside Lucien and explodes solidly outwards.

Barabus raises Lucien above his head, clearly intending to simply smash the Koldun against the ground like a doll until he was incapable of ever making any sort of movement again - only to find his arm gone, cut ever so cleanly at the elbow.

Ennius had finally caught up with Barabus, and in his charge had both severed Barabus' arm and grabbed the gravely injured Lucien (and remains of barabus' arm) with him.

Turns around and then leaps off the mount with Lucien - just in time to avoid the forest of bone that erupts from the earth to impale the horse, flesh tearing and coming to a sudden stop on the demonic spikes.

Ennius struggles to his feet and faces the demon, ready to protect his master to the last.

Lucien, meanwhile, is in great pain.

Darius and his wolves are staying as small and quiet as humanly possible.

Kiril, watching the proceedings with whatever interest he finds himself capable of mustering, has his attention seized by a croaking gasp he hears coming from the pile of dead bodies left by the demon.

"I... accept..."

Turning his head, Kiril realizes the painfully uttered two words seem to come from the wounded Captain Elias.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on November 07, 2015, 12:57:20 am
"Ennius." Lucien says as high as he can muster with a broken body. "Somethings... aw shit this hurts." He pauses slightly. "Something is wrong." He says then waits for Barsbus to disengage Ennius before casting combust on his face quickly followed by a wall of magma around him(Barabus).
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on November 07, 2015, 08:15:37 pm
Kiril feels fairly secure turning his attention away from Barabus and Lucien for the moment.
It's really not how he would have liked it- Elias is obviously just trying to avoid death.  Still, why turn down a useful companion.

Kiril uses his teeth to slice open his forearm, then gives his blood to Elias.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on November 11, 2015, 01:17:08 am
The captain struggles briefly to crawl towards Kiril - but Sherazhina moves quickly to turn him over so that he might accept Kiril's blood. His head turned towards the sky, he closes his eyes and lets the dead blood flow through him.

The hole in Elias' neck begins to close.


Ennius looks like he's resisting the urge to loudly declare "YOU DON'T FARKING SAY, SIR?". He is, however, somewhat preoccupied at the moment.

Barabus moves to strike Ennius with a powerful, wrecking blow - only to feint him out, reaching around Ennius' block and putting the knight into an incredibly painful looking bear hug.

The monster then rears back his head and brings it crashing down onto Ennius' metal-plated face, a sickening crunch sounds as he destroys his own nose and blinds himself in one eye - while incredibly managing to dent Ennius' helm, snapping the knight's head painfully back from the force of impact.

Barabus brings his massive forehead down onto Ennius' plated face again, and again, and again, and again. No regard whatsoever is given to the damage he causes to his own body, he simply continues mashing Ennius' face until the knight hangs nearly limp from his crushing embrace, the steel plated helm dented and ruined.

The demon moves his remaining hand up to Ennius' neck and then launches him through a nearby building, destroying a wall with the force of the blow.

He turns his terrible gaze onto Lucien next, his face ruined by his own efforts to attack Ennius, black blood dripping liberally down to the floor, teeth shattered by hard metal, nose split and partially removed, and one eye blinded by a badly-aimed headbutt that sent a piece of metal into his own face.

No reaction to the pain. If anything, the monster seems invigorated by the destructive effects his attacks have had on his own visage.

Seeing his opportunity, Lucien raises a hand towards Barabus and heats the air around him till he explodes into fire. The behemoth now burns, with still not the slightest sign of pain, or the slightest hint of panic. He takes one step towards Lucien.

Molten lava explodes out of the earth in a ring around him, rising ten feet high into the air, temporarily imprisoning the demon.

All Lucien can hear is Barabus' maddened laughter from behind the protective wall.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on November 11, 2015, 10:36:25 am
Lucien feels something he hasn't felt it in a long time. Fear? What kind of fear is this? He looks at the building Ennius landed in. A hole. He survived that. He must have.

"Barabus." He shouts over the flames. "Die."

He casts wall of protection again, altering its difficulty by changing the shape, shaping it to fill the previous magma wall as much as possible and killing Barabus with the flames.

Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on November 11, 2015, 02:08:12 pm
Kiril, satisfied that the captain is not going to die from that particular injury, returns his attention to the battle.

No.  He doesn't want Barabus to die.

In fact, he wants Barabus for his own.

Kiril uses shroud of night to smother luciens Fire..  Barabus doesn't seem affected by them, but few creatures are truly immune to flame.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on November 11, 2015, 06:17:30 pm
Lucien pours the strength of his will and all his koldunic might into creating a second geyser, having it fill the circle he has made entirely, in an attempt to destroy Barabus completely.

The earth shakes as Lucien calls on the spirits of the land to aid him in cleansing the world of this monster. The ground within the circle breaks.

Barabus comes flying over the top of the geyser, flames trailing after him, soles of his naked feet seemingly dripping lava. His flesh has begun to crack and sizzle from the heat of the flames.

He lands kneeling in front of Lucien, laughing and gasping all the while. He falls to a fist temporarily. For a second he looks like he actually begins to feel some of the terrible destruction that has been wrought to him.


Through his madness something seems to come forth

"You monster... Hahahahahaha, die?! DIE?! YOU WANT ME TO DIE?!!?!", Barabus roars.

Lucien recoils in fear. He doesn't know if the compulsion is supernatural or merely the knowledge that, unless Barabus is in much worse condition than he pretends to be, he's not much longer for this world.

Kiril's shadows come to put out the few fires still puttering around Barabus' raw, blistered skin. 


Barabus lunges towards Lucien and wraps his remaining hand around Lucien's face - slamming the horrid form Tzimisce's head into the dirt. Lucien tries to scramble and fight Barabus but his claws merely dig and tear apart unfeeling, uncaring flesh. When Barabus removes his hand Lucien is lying stretched out on the ground, with Barabus kneeling over him. He looks at Lucien through his last eye, and blackened, bloody drool leaks through his mangled lips and broken teeth onto Lucien's cheek.

Plant the Seed, the demons seem to whisper.

Then, with an unbecoming low tone, his lips barely moving, Barabus says - "and now i'll take away yours....".

Barabus jerks, and black liquid erupts from his throat, covering Lucien's face, blinding him, filling his nose, some entering his mouth where he notes the distinct taste of blood but blood that... is wrong. Blood that sickens him. Blood that he does not want anywhere in his system.. and yet it seems to force its way down his throat and into his body, through no choice of his own.

Barabus' hand rests on Lucien's face now, gentle as a lover's. The thumb rests near the edge of Lucien's nose, the base of the palm at his chin, forefingers reaching past his ear and onto his temple.

Barabus seems to slump over, no longer moving. But Lucien, though he cannot see, still feels the life in Barabus' touch.

He also hears Ennius moving through the wreckage of the house the demon had thrown him through.


After his last attack on Lucien, Kiril sees Barabus slump over the Tzimisce, no longer moving. Quickly activating his Auspex he notes that Barabus is still alive - he sees that, somehow, the strange energies within him refuse to let him die, sealing in his life force no matter the epic damage that his body has suffered. They appear, at least for the moment, to be overextended, however. Barabus has sustained far too much damage for whatever has made him what he is to keep him functioning normally.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on November 11, 2015, 07:00:28 pm
Still alive, not going to die, but temporarily incapacitated? That seems adequate for Kiril's purpose. 

Amalia will know what this undying demon energy is. She'll be able to help Kiril fix Barabus.  Kiril attempts to take Barabus into his carriage, so that he and what's left of his retinue can get the Fark out of here.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on November 12, 2015, 02:30:29 pm
Lucien gets away from Barabus if possible, after wiping the black stuff from his face he looks at his devastated body with a sick smile. He laughs crudely at the sight.

"Ennius." He barks out. "keep him down. Our goal is accomolished."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on November 12, 2015, 10:02:11 pm
Kiril goes ahead and tries to take Barabus with him.  Ennius sounds like he's still in the wrecked house, and Lucien doesn't seem in any condition to stop him.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on November 13, 2015, 04:07:14 pm
Ennius stumbles out of the wreckage of the house, coming out through the door rather than the hole that was made by his passing. his armor hangs off him in taters but he appears otherwise uninjured save some disorientation, likely having healed his wounds.

"Is the damned thing dead yet?"
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on November 14, 2015, 04:05:14 pm
"Not yet. I wanted to wait for you." He says as he steps back and casts a modified wall of magma to burn him. He will spend will to act before Kiril and/or that guard dude.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on November 14, 2015, 04:20:58 pm
Kiril, already nearby, sees Lucien begin to cast his spell and hears him announce his intentions before he casts his spell.

Lucien, notably having no reason to spend any willpower to act before Kiril, is warned by his common sense that he should ascertain just what, exactly, Kiril is doing going so close to Barabus and NOT summon a wall of Lava around him where it might discomfort Kiril.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on November 14, 2015, 05:03:35 pm
If Lucien starts to cast a spell, Kiril will do his damndest to beat him into torpor with whatever dark steel tentacles he has remaining.

(Knowing that Lucien intends to burn him with lava, Kiril does have a reason to try and spend will to go first.)

If Lucien's common sense prevails, and he refrains from spellcasting, Kiril will address Ennius, intending Lucien to hear as well:

"Your master has trespassed in my domain.  Worse, he has allowed my property to be damaged by his utter failure to properly manage his servants.

He was, however, an ally in Tihuta Pass.  Therefore, as a courtesy, I shall keep only Barabus as recompense. You will be allowed to take your master and depart.  As thanks for my magnanimity, I expect to be provided with any information you may possess regarding the demon that appears to have been driving his actions."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on November 14, 2015, 08:45:38 pm
Lucien stops his spellcasting at Kirils request. And looks at him. "Ennius, say nothing." Lucien says before turning to look at Barabus. "Check if he's still a threat." He orders before walking away from Barabus towards Kiril, and begins healing as much as possible by burning blood.

He stops about halfway and shifts his form back to a human. "I would appreciate it if you would address me and not my servants. And yes, i have intruded on your lands. I suppose the messenger and i sent didnt make it." He shakes his head. "But make no misstake, Barabus stopped being my property the moment he got possessed during kupalas night. We are doing you a favor here."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on November 14, 2015, 09:15:08 pm
"What is Kupala's night?  What happened to him?"

Kiril remains alert for possible attacks from Lucien or Ennius.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on November 14, 2015, 09:30:21 pm
"I am not surprised you have not heard of it. It is not a widely discussed topic outside our clan. It happens once a year, and we drive corrupted spirits, or demons whichever you prefer. And we kill them. Some escape though, this is such an incident."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on November 14, 2015, 09:58:42 pm
Kiril nods.  "You yourself said he ceased to be your servant when the Kupala possessed him.  *I* am doing *you* a favor by keeping him.  I have friends who can assist with the exorcism, or whatever is required."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on November 15, 2015, 09:19:08 am
"True." He nods at Kirils words. "This is acceptable if you'll allow me to alter his memory of me and Ennius."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on November 15, 2015, 09:56:16 am
". . . Do you even possess the ability to do that?"
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on November 15, 2015, 01:37:32 pm
Ennius tacitly shakes his head "no".
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on November 15, 2015, 01:47:24 pm
OOC: crap, i mixed up the disciplines. >.>
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on November 15, 2015, 03:05:45 pm

"He won't trouble you again," says Kiril.  Then, as an afterthought, "do you require transport back to your own realms?"
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on November 17, 2015, 10:27:12 am
Lucien looks at Barabus. Then he thinks of the corrupted foul blood. Crap. He needs to contact Sandor. "Indeed he wont." He replies with a non commited tone. "No thank you. my guards are all still alive and i have Ennius. "Do *you* need help getting Barabus to Sofia?"
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on November 17, 2015, 10:56:26 am
"I believe we can manage."  If Lucien has nothing further, Kiril will depart.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on November 17, 2015, 12:40:22 pm
"All your guards are dead. The only servant you have remaining is Carinus. Are you sure?" He asks. "And then there is him." He pointed at Barabus.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on November 17, 2015, 01:15:56 pm
Kiril looks at Sherazhina and Elias.

"Barabus is currently incapacitated.  I believe we can manage adequately."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on November 17, 2015, 01:32:18 pm
Sherazhina is trying to help Elias up, though the ghoul still struggles to stand himself.

It occurs to Kiril that it will be exceedingly difficult to even just raise Barabus to the carriage - though his tendrils should manage.

Still, nothing terribly wrong with accepting trivial aid, if only to ease the tension.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on November 17, 2015, 02:15:28 pm
Kiril shrugs.  "Very well then.  If you insist."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on November 17, 2015, 02:36:11 pm
"Oh you had two more." He says while looking at Sherazhina and Elias. "I do not wish to delay here." He adds.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on November 17, 2015, 03:04:09 pm
"Then, your servant may place Barabus in my carriage and we shall depart."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on November 17, 2015, 09:10:47 pm
"Darius" He says loudly enough for him to hear. "You and Ennius shall get Barabus into Prince Kirils carriage."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on November 19, 2015, 03:20:38 pm
Darius appears to have recovered from his dumbfounded state (at least just a tiny little bit). His newfound cowardice, however, has not deserted him.

"Uh... Are you sure?" he asks, looking with great reluctance towards Barabus' barely-living body.

On the bright side, this is probably the most intelligent thing he's done or said so far.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on November 20, 2015, 04:43:50 pm
"Just do it." He replied sternly.

Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on November 20, 2015, 04:59:24 pm
Kiril idly wonders just how difficult it might prove to obtain Ennius.  So sad, to see yet another powerful possession misused by that fleshcrafting disgrace to nobility.  Well, Barabus was his now. Perhaps Ennius someday.
For now, it's enough to consider the potential in the former coachman's interesting new form.  Hopefully there's some scrap of sanity or intelligence left inside him.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on November 20, 2015, 11:33:17 pm
Darius, cowed by Lucian and shamed by his own cowardice, begins dragging Barabus across the village with Ennius' help. Darrius tries to get the wolves to contribute but they refuse to come anywhere near Barabus, and are not nearly so pliable to threats from Lucien as Darrius himself is.

Elias, supported by Sherazhina and now Carinus, is lead over to Kiril. Some of Kiril's blood trickles down from the side of his mouth, intermingling with his own profusely shedded blood at his neck.

He frees himself from the supportive grasp of his two fellow ghouls and drops to one knee in front of Kiril. There is some hesitation as he struggles to speak - "I... I thank you Kiril. I owe you my life."

The guard captain looks back at his comrades, all dead save the two that had fled.

"I owe you my life", he mumbles again, numbly.


The group that had first come to Aleko in search of vengeance and peace of mind leaves greatly diminished. Lucien had managed to shift his way off of the remains of Barabus' arm - a feat accomplished so easily for him due purely to the fluid nature of his own flesh-crafting ability. A lesser shifter or someone lacking the ability to fleshcraft entirely would have been forced to leave it in so rooted as it was and tear out the pieces bit by bit.

Ennius grumbles about the need for new armour now that his current set has been ruined, but not much; he isn't the type to bitch and moan.

Most of all Kiril's guards are now dead, though he and Carinus and Sherazhina are unharmed, and now his eternal company has been joined by Elias, new captain of Sofia's guard.

Darius has seemingly been traumatized out of his stupidity-induced bravery.

All that remains is to go back to Sofia, and sort out the demon that still dwelt within the flesh of the former madman's ghoul.

They leave only one thing forgotten...

Amid the ruins of the town of Aleko, three Kupala stand, waiting, around the body of one of Kiril's guardsmen. Armon, his name was - though few ever asked him for it, Kiril not among them.

The black spit that Barabus had spewed into his face still covers him, though it has since dried into a thin black crust. His eyes are shut, closed by Elias before he left with Kiril.

The kupala whisper amongst each other, their voices the only sound in the quarter where the townspeople had all been impaled, among them the messenger Lucien had sent to Sofia, his message carefully read by Barabus, still literate in his demonically-induced madness.

Their dialogue is difficult to hear, for no one is listening, but oft repeated is the same thing they shouted before Barabus had vomited onto Lucien.

Plant the Seed

It is some time before it happens, but when it does it is stunning to behold. Armon wakes up.

He gasps, put into a sudden, profuse sweat. He tries to breathe in but his breath catches in his throat and he goes through the sounds of chocking.

He tries to sit up but his muscles spasm in pain. His heart begins beating wildly. His eyes are thrown open.

They are black, right down to the former whites of his eyes.


He coughs blood onto his palm and is frozen in fear when he sees that it is black.

His hands begin shaking and he looks over himself. His veins have begun to bulge and darken. He finds his voice, only to see that he has nothing to say.


"Hello, Armon", something alien says from inside his head.

"Nooooo!", He cries out, horrified. The guardsman immediately reaches for his belt and pulls out a dagger - and with a sudden jerk of his arm drives the thing through his eye, into his own brain. The pain is surprisingly numbed - almost non-existent. He still sits straight, and feels practically unharmed. Alive.

He cries out in terror again, screaming his pained obscenities. The Kupala whisper to each other.


On the third day of their trip back to Sofia, Barrabus remains in his torpor - but Lucien begins to feel ill. He has not felt himself since Aleko and can still feel whatever twisted essence had dwelt within Barrabus live within him. He feels his initial thought was correct - he must see Sandor as soon as possible. This was not something that could wait long.

Do the princes wish to converse during their trip? (Simply assume all conversations happen now).
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on November 23, 2015, 06:05:22 pm
"So, Kiril." Lucien says with a smile. "I have heard news of you becoming Sofia's new prince. I must congratulate you on achieving this."

"May i ask what made your Sire Basilio give up his prince title?"
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on November 23, 2015, 06:32:11 pm
None of your business.
"He is traveling."
Why is he asking?
He can't just be making conversation.  No one is ever just making conversation.
What do Tzimisce talk about?
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on November 23, 2015, 07:15:14 pm
"Traveling?" He asks, mildly surprised. "Why? It seems a bit... odd."

"But then again, i heard many Lasombra were sailors. Did he wish to sail the world?"
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on November 24, 2015, 07:27:10 am

What is so strange about it? Kiril is momentarily angered, thinking of how Basilio abandoned him.

"What of your own clan?  Were there many of you hunting these "kupala?""
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on November 24, 2015, 09:41:55 am
"Did i say something wrong?" He asks in a gentle tone.

Lucien momentarily thinks back to Kupalas night, how the tremere ambushed them on their sacred night.

 He feels himself getting more and more agitated the more he thinks about it. Oh, thats right. He was sick. Even now he feels the corruption budding in his body. Crap. Time's wasting. He shrugs it away for now. He will make sure to stop an hour earlier, and contact Sandor.

"I guess you can say that." He replies. "Our entire clan stops what we were doing, and seek out the nearest Voivoide. During Kupalas night, all Tzimisce put away their differences to cleanse this land from corruption."

Tremere. Farking Tremere. He closes his fist in anger.

"And ofcourse, this is also the usurpers favorite time of the year to attack us."

Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on November 24, 2015, 11:43:03 am
"What exactly happened with Barabus?"  Kiril is genuinely curious. 
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on November 24, 2015, 01:50:48 pm
"As we finished the ritual to drive the demons out of the ground, we were ambushed by tremere. The whole thing ended in a three way battle on top of a mountain in a magical storm. We crushed the tremere first, but as we did a greater demon escaped and made its way down the mountain where barabus and other creations waited. Its quite ironic actually."

He chuckles slightly.

"We didn't bring them to the top for the risk of them getting possessed." He clarified.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on November 24, 2015, 03:13:16 pm
"Did you make him into that new shape, or was that the demon's work?  Last I saw he was distinctly more canine in form."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on November 24, 2015, 04:04:55 pm
Lucien demeanor immedietly changes to a very serious one.

"That.. is a very good question Kiril. So good i do not know the entire answer. The shapeshifting is the demons work. The shape is of Barabus human form, albeit slightly more.. well more. "

"There is one thing i must tell you, a warning and.. a proposition if you will."

"Barabus did not act alone. The dead humans at the village, they were changed by someone immensly skilled in Viccistude. Barabus himself were also much more powerful than he ought to be. The speed in which he transformed his limbs... It doesn't add up."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on November 24, 2015, 04:42:02 pm
"You're Propositioning me?" says Kiril with a trace of alarm.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on November 24, 2015, 05:03:53 pm
OOC: please tell me i did not ask Kiril to Marry Lucien... XD

"Sort of. First, with your permission i will.. question Barabus when the demon is gone. To find out who.. or what helped him. I will ofcourse share all i learn with you."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on November 24, 2015, 06:04:01 pm
OOC: you're not his type! XD  although, doesn't luc have that super Sexy specialty?  And he can shapeshift. . .

"I'm not understanding- why should your questioning be any better than my own?" Kiril, still uncertain if Lucien is flirting, stalls for time.

what does he mean "sort of?" He is awfully feminine looking.  But he could shape shift, couldn't he?  But he's an idiot. A sadistic, borderline retard.  But he could shape shift.  And maybe after he let his guard down I could eat him. 

Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on November 24, 2015, 08:23:15 pm
OOC: Sexbomb  ;D while i didn't mean for this to happen, this is certainly interesting haha i'm going to go with it.

"Because." He raises his hand and shapeshifts it slighly for effect. "This.. can be very painful, should it not be enough i am trained in torture, and im pretty good at it if i must say so myself. And if we join hands, i gain a close ally and im sure i get to meet very interesting people in your company."

He smiles and look Kiril straight into his eyes. (Hooot)

"Besides, it would make some Tzimisce hate you less."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on November 24, 2015, 08:52:59 pm
OOC: damn luc's bad at sexytalk. XD

Kiril is confused.

"Join hands?  I thought we were merely interrogating Barabus together?"

Wonder what he's like in private.  Probably always wanting to torture people. 
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on November 24, 2015, 10:48:35 pm
"Why not both?" He winks at him.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on November 25, 2015, 12:45:57 am
"it would make some Tzimisce hate you less."  Is he talking about Myca?  How does he- Why would Myca hate me? 

"Barabus is my servant now, and I'll not allow him to come to further harm. I have no desire to see you torture him."

wait, does that make it sound like I *do* desire something else?
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on November 25, 2015, 08:34:23 am
"That may not be the wisest of decisions."

Idiot. It is always important to know who your enemies are.

"Really? You do not wish to know who is helping demons? For one to commit such a heinous crime..."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on November 25, 2015, 08:39:07 am
"There are other ways than torture."  Kiril leans forward.  "I am adamant upon this point, you will not harm what is mine."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on November 25, 2015, 09:02:07 am
other ways? naive.

Lucien nods. "Very well." he smiles. "Would you mind if i asked how exactly you plan on accomplishing this?"
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on November 25, 2015, 09:28:23 am
"You want reliable information, correct?"  Kiril, feeling the conversation shift away from bizarre flirtation, is more forthcoming.

"Torture never results in anything that can be trusted.  The tortured will say whatever they think you wish to hear- whatever seems to have the greatest chance of stopping their torment."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on November 25, 2015, 10:55:28 am
"Perhaps. But i doubt it would be very effective against him either way." He shrugs. "I'll have Ennius question him, with your permission ofcourse. "He will inflict no harm on his body or psyche."

"Would you mind if we stopped an hour earlier this evening?" He asked. "I must contact my sire, it is of dire need. I cannot tell you the exact details as to why, but suffice to say... a life will be saved."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on November 25, 2015, 03:37:48 pm
Kiril doesn't believe Lucien cares about saving any life but his own, but for now he may as well let him do what he wants.

As for questioning Barabus. . . Carinus could do just as well.  But then he wouldn't get to watch Ennius. . . But then his servant would be dominated by lucien's servant.

"We can stop early.  It's far too soon to be discussing Barabus's interrogation."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on November 25, 2015, 04:15:22 pm
"Thank you." Lucien replies with a smile. "As you wish." He nods slightly.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on November 26, 2015, 12:25:52 pm
OOC: Lucien doesnt have anything more to say. Unless Kiril have anythinh more to say fast forward untill Lucien casts his ritual?
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on November 26, 2015, 12:30:36 pm
OOC: sure. (Since we're not going to bang XD)
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on November 27, 2015, 10:34:19 am
OOC: Drak is slow per usual, might aswell rack up some point here! :D

BIC: Lucien looks out into the night. "Do you ever..." He begins, but cuts himself off. "Nevermind." He shakes his head. "What is it you fight for Kiril? What is it that makes you tick?" He asks, genuinely interested in his answer.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on November 27, 2015, 12:53:56 pm
OOC: we don't need him; let's go have our own adventure. XD
Also, way to use anachronistic idioms!

"You want to know 'what makes me tick?'  Isn't that how Tzimisce preface their vivisections?" Kiril is mostly joking.
"Anyway, that's an awfully personal question, considering this is practically the first in depth conversation we've ever had."

Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on November 27, 2015, 02:36:21 pm
OOC: yaay, adventure time :)

BIC: "Really?" He looks surprised. Then looks thoughtful for a moment. "Yeah, i guess you're right. I apologize. So, would you mind telling me something more appropiate about yourself?"
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on November 27, 2015, 03:51:13 pm
OOC: come on, grab your friends, we'll go to very distant lands


he wants me to talk about myself? This is so weird. Is he flirting again?

Kiril thinks for a moment.  "Something personal, yet appropriate? . . . Oh, how's this?
 I don't like to go first. Why don't you start?"
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on November 27, 2015, 03:59:05 pm
Lucien chuckles. "Why not." He smiles. "My goal is to create the ultimate soldier."  He says with intesnity burning in his eyes.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on November 27, 2015, 05:24:42 pm
"Really?"  Kiril pauses, no doubt attempting to reconcile such a masculine dream with such a feminine man.


Was that dog thing you did to Barabus part of that?  What's wrong with--" he indicates Ennius with a gesture.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on November 27, 2015, 05:34:16 pm
"Really " he smiles. "After seeing Ennius slaughter our ghouls at my sires sandors castle, with such efficiency... i saw beauty in it. Battle is an art, i want to witness it in its perfection. While Ennius is an excellent soldier, he has his limitations. You saw what chaos Barabus managed..."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on November 27, 2015, 10:05:14 pm
"If you're dissatisfied with Ennius, I'd gladly take him off your hands.  Leave you free to focus on your artistic pursuits."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on November 27, 2015, 10:12:49 pm
"No." He simply states, dead serious.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on November 27, 2015, 11:17:45 pm
Kiril shrugs.  "You're the one who found him lacking.

Anyway, Barabus was an accident.  Possession by kupala.  Are you turning your research towards demonology?"
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on November 28, 2015, 12:33:06 am
"Demonology? Never. My intrest with Barabus begins and  ends with getting to know who helped him . I am a Koldun, we work only with pure spirits. Willingly on their part i must add."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on November 28, 2015, 07:20:17 am

"Oh, so it matters to you if the spirits are willing?"
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on November 28, 2015, 11:38:02 am
Lucien looks at Kiril suspiciously. "Are you trying to imply something?" He asks.

"And yes, ofcourse it matters. I can see no good reason to work with demons."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on November 28, 2015, 12:19:38 pm
"Of course not.  It's simply. . . Interesting, that you hold such high standards towards spirits, when the cooperation of your fleshly subjects is of little consequence."

Kiril returns to his contemplation of Ennius, though he continues to speak with Lucien.

"Then, your interest in battle is that of an artist? observing from outside the work, as it were?"
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on November 28, 2015, 12:37:15 pm
"They need us as much as we need them." He replied with a shrug. "Now, i do believe it is your time to tell me something about yourself." He smiled.

Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on November 28, 2015, 02:40:36 pm
"There's really nothing to tell," Kiril demurs.  "I'm afraid my life holds little that might be of excitement or interest.  I'm quite average."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on November 28, 2015, 02:46:56 pm
"You want me to believe the prince of Sofia is just 'quite average'?" He smiles. "I find that very hard to believe."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on November 28, 2015, 03:33:10 pm
stop saying flirty things, dammit!

Kiril shrugs.
"Believe it or not, it's perfectly true."

Using his amazing social skills, he deftly switches the topic of conversation.

"So. Did Ennius always look like that, or is that more of your handiwork?"

Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on November 28, 2015, 04:06:14 pm
"I chose not to believe it." He says with a smile. "Smooth topic change." He winks.

"Mostly himself actually." He smiles. "I mainly removed his imperfections, like old scars."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on November 28, 2015, 04:11:38 pm
"I'm puzzled by your aesthetic sensibilities," says Kiril.  "You made Ennius more conventionally attractive, yet mutilated Barabus beyond recognition.  Plus, the changes  made to Ennius were merely cosmetic in nature, enhancing his skill in battle not at all."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on November 28, 2015, 04:41:42 pm
Lucien smiles. "Convenience mostly" He replies. "Barabus,  i needed him to be scary, to fulfill his duty in battle. If i scare away the opponents without having to raise my hand, i'd consider that a victory."

He raises an eyebrow. "Dutifull servants deserves rewarding." He smiles. "Believe what you wish about me, i am not a monster."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on November 28, 2015, 05:03:31 pm
Lucien smiles. "Convenience mostly" He replies. "Barabus,  i needed him to be scary, to fulfill his duty in battle. If i scare away the opponents without having to raise my hand, i'd consider that a victory."
"You did nothing of the sort with him. You put him in a pit fight with a mangled dog."

He raises an eyebrow. "Dutifull servants deserves rewarding." He smiles. "Believe what you wish about me, i am not a monster."

"You think that's the reward to which Ennius aspires? Cosmetic surgery?"

Kiril laughs.  "We are all monsters, Lucien."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on November 28, 2015, 05:30:03 pm
"Not all combat can be avoided Kiril. Sometimes you hafto fight, i needed to know if he were any good." He shrugs.

He looks out the window. "I do not know." He sighs. "That man is a mystery."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on November 28, 2015, 06:11:04 pm
OOC: yeah they can totally bond over their ghouls.


"Have you tried asking?"
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on November 28, 2015, 06:30:23 pm
Lucien mimicks Ennous voice. "A new armor." Then chuckles. "Yes. I have tried asking. Like squeezing water from a rock."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on November 28, 2015, 06:42:29 pm
Lucien mimicks Ennous voice. "A new armor." Then chuckles. "Yes. I have tried asking. Like squeezing water from a rock."

Kiril looks out the window and sighs.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on November 30, 2015, 09:39:16 pm
The caravan makes a stop, during which Lucien moves a ways from the group to enact a ritual to contact Sandor. It is a simple affair for Lucien to use a coin given to him long ago (for this exact purpose) by his sire to contact him, and it is not long before a link is established.

Lucien? Sandor's thoughts pop into the childer's mind.

What is this? Has something gone wrong in Shaasburg?


Ennius helps Elias set up camp, the two soldiers being the only ones either capable or willing to engage in any sort of manual labour.

Carinus takes a fine swig from a container of some unknown liquid. Probably just water, possibly wine.

"A surprising new individual you've brought into the fold, my friend."

He says, looking at Elias.

"I like him. He's rather competent, if somewhat rough around the edges", Sherazhina says, dismounting expertly from her horse, a finely muscled affair.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on November 30, 2015, 10:21:08 pm
Kiril manages to tear himself away from the enthralling vision of Ennius and Elias.

"I agree. He seems competent.  Besides, I was in need of a ghoul that could perform those sorts of tasks." He gestures towards the camp set-up.  "Also, he'll be captain of the guard.  All in all, a worthy addition to our companions.  Carinus, would you mind instructing him in the art of domination?"
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on November 30, 2015, 11:44:54 pm
Lucien hesitates for a moment. "No, sire." He pauses, "i hunted down Barabus, the ghoul that got possesed and ran away on Kupalas night, he defeated him, but first he forced some black disgusting blood down my throat, and.. and i fear i've been corrupted. I feel more and more ill."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on December 05, 2015, 11:01:04 am
Lucien hesitates for a moment. "No, sire." He pauses, "i hunted down Barabus, the ghoul that got possesed and ran away on Kupalas night, he defeated him, but first he forced some black disgusting blood down my throat, and.. and i fear i've been corrupted. I feel more and more ill."

A rather grave silence ensues, for long enough that Lucien begins to think the connection he has with his sire has been broken. Just as he is about to send his thoughts over a second time, he receives a reply.

The Blood of Flame ritual, I taught it to you three years ago. Enact it immediately. Keep it in effect as long as possible, I am coming. Where are you?

Kiril manages to tear himself away from the enthralling vision of Ennius and Elias.

"I agree. He seems competent.  Besides, I was in need of a ghoul that could perform those sorts of tasks." He gestures towards the camp set-up.  "Also, he'll be captain of the guard.  All in all, a worthy addition to our companions.  Carinus, would you mind instructing him in the art of domination?"

Carinus raises an eyebrow

"That is a surprisingly... provocative request to receive from you, Kiril."

Sherazhina coughs, her face red, before clearing her throat.

"Sorry, sorry...", though Kiril notes the slightest hint of a smile adorning her beauteous features.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on December 05, 2015, 03:14:43 pm

Carinus raises an eyebrow

"That is a surprisingly... provocative request to receive from you, Kiril."

Sherazhina coughs, her face red, before clearing her throat.

"Sorry, sorry...", though Kiril notes the slightest hint of a smile adorning her beauteous features.

"You know what I meant," Kiril says with amusement.  "Although. . ." he glances back towards Ennius and Elias.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on December 05, 2015, 03:18:38 pm
"I wonder what sort of depraved thoughts you'll indulge in when you are truly old, if your imagination is so easily stimulated now," Carinus states idly.

Sherazhina coughs again, apologizing suspiciously enough that Kiril suspects its nature of being somewhat less than genuine.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on December 05, 2015, 04:00:29 pm
"I thought it was the other way around-  the older you got, the less interested you were in things like that."

"I don't know why you're so amused," Kiril turns to Sherazhina.  "I'm told our dead guards couldn't stop talking about how obviously you displayed your desires."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on December 05, 2015, 04:15:05 pm
Carinus shrugs, "Perhaps for mortals, all you have to work off are memories of emotions and arousal, at least as far as Basilio told it. I should assume those memories are more difficult to call to over time."

"I don't know why you're so amused," Kiril turns to Sherazhina.  "I'm told our dead guards couldn't stop talking about how obviously you displayed your desires."

In the recesses of his mind, Kiril feels Husayn wince.

Sherazhina looks furiously at him, "Wishful thinking!" she snaps back.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on December 05, 2015, 04:22:10 pm
A rather grave silence ensues, for long enough that Lucien begins to think the connection he has with his sire has been broken. Just as he is about to send his thoughts over a second time, he receives a reply.

The Blood of Flame ritual, I taught it to you three years ago. Enact it immediately. Keep it in effect as long as possible, I am coming. Where are you?

Lucien describes their exact location.

(Assuming Lucien knows the ritual..) "Yes sire. I will start immedietly when we stop talking." He sighs. "I'm sorry for dragging you out here."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on December 05, 2015, 04:42:57 pm
Lucien describes their exact location.

(Assuming Lucien knows the ritual..) "Yes sire. I will start immedietly when we stop talking." He sighs. "I'm sorry for dragging you out here."

"Continue making your way towards Sofia. Inform Kiril I will be visiting soon, then have him restrain you as soon as you finish the ritual. I will meet you there."

Wait a second, restrain him? What?
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on December 05, 2015, 05:00:33 pm
Carinus shrugs, "Perhaps for mortals, all you have to work off are memories of emotions and arousal, at least as far as Basilio told it. I should assume those memories are more difficult to call to over time."

In the recesses of his mind, Kiril feels Husayn wince.

Sherazhina looks furiously at him, "Wishful thinking!" she snaps back.

oh, what did I do now to irritate you? I suppose you would have let her mock us?

Kiril nods. "I'm sure the guards had some reason to imagine your infatuation. 
It's none of my business."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on December 05, 2015, 10:28:11 pm
I'd have thought you'd have more tact than to tell a woman she's gotten a reputation as a lustful whore, my silver-tongued prince.

"Like I said, wishful thinking", she growls out, looking away from Kiril.

Especially when it's true.

Barabus gives a long, low groan just then, the first sound he's made since they left Alecco.

It's almost comical seeing how fast Ennius and Elias leap for their weapons, Elias literally diving across two of the tents he and Ennius had just spend a quarter of an hour putting up, ripping the tent pegs out and bringing the small structure down to lay a hand on his sword while Ennius clumsily gets caught in the canvased folds and rope he'd just been in the process of forming into a legitimate structure.

To be fair, they'd both had a fairly terrible experience dealing with the giant bastard.

"Our saviors. Oh mighty heroes, what would we do without you?" Carinus says, flashing small, white teeth in an amused grin.

"Shut the Fark up Carinus!", is Elias' skillfully chosen reply.

The sound is made again. Again. Again. It comes with unsettling regularity.

Cautiously checking the carriage that carries the monstrosity, Kiril might be relieved to know Carinus' good humour is not unfounded. Barabus is still fast asleep, it appears that he has just started breathing again. The groan was simply air escaping the various holes in his lungs.

"That will get annoying", Sherazhina mutters under her breath.

"So will sleeping on the ground," Carinus says, waving his hand towards the collapsed tents.

Grumbling, Elias gets back to work. Ennius follows, rubbing his forehead, presumably thinking back to the terrific beating his face had received.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on December 06, 2015, 12:40:47 pm
"Continue making your way towards Sofia. Inform Kiril I will be visiting soon, then have him restrain you as soon as you finish the ritual. I will meet you there."

Wait a second, restrain him? What?
"Restrain me? Sire, what exactly is going on? What is happening to me?" He asks with a slightly worried tone.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on December 06, 2015, 07:24:29 pm
"I am not sure, but from the sounds of it you are in the process of being possessed by whatever demon inhabited Barabus before he died."

Well, not quite dead.

"I hope that the ritual of burning blood would simply destroy the creature as it dwells within you, as it would destroy one of our own kind attempting to possess another through Eminence of Blood. It has worked in the past with Kupala who attempt to possess others."

Strange, Lucien's will is still his own - he has not at all felt as if he had to fight anything for control of himself (See untouched willpower score).
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on December 09, 2015, 11:52:47 pm
"Sire, i do not think im being possesed." He replies. "I have felt no presence in my mind, nor do i feel that anything has tried either. Most curious." He adds with a curios tone.

Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on December 23, 2015, 11:04:08 pm
A long pause.

"Do it anyway. I shall have to see what has happened myself before anything can be decided."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on December 23, 2015, 11:30:24 pm
"As you wish." He replies with sincerety in his voice.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on December 24, 2015, 07:32:31 pm
"If there is nothing else, i wish to get started in purging my body of this taint." He says, and if there is nothing else from Sandors side Lucien will go to pull Ennius aside and discuss the issue with him.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on December 26, 2015, 04:25:25 am
Kiril sees Lucien come and pull Ennius away from them, he notes a general air of concern.

"What did Sandor have to say Lucien?", Ennius asks quietly.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on December 26, 2015, 11:17:22 am
"He said.." he pauses. "He said i may be under the process of being possesed."

He turns around and stares at the horizon. "During the fight with Barabus, before he collapsed, he spewed tainted blood over me, and forced some down my throat."

He paused, and turned his head so he could look into Ennius eyes. "I'm sick. It gets worse every night that passes."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on December 30, 2015, 10:08:58 pm
Ennius places a comforting hand on Lucien's shoulder.

"Your will is strong, and your master skilled. We will find a way to fix this."

Kiril, his senses sharper than a knife, of course hears every word.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on December 30, 2015, 10:30:34 pm
Lucien smiles genuinely at Ennius. "Thank you, my friend." 

"The rational side of me, says i should get rid of this.. thing that dwells inside me." He says. "However, my scholarly side, wishes to know if the tainted blood is what gave Barabus his powers."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on December 30, 2015, 10:41:06 pm
Ennius raises an eyebrow.

"Last I checked, you haven't gone around madly slinging people through walls, followed around by a small host of demons, half naked and significantly increased in size and strength."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on December 30, 2015, 11:33:03 pm
"Barabus was a weak man with a strong body." He replies sternly.

"But i see your point." He says in a softer voice. "If there is any chance of me going insane the risk is not worth it."

He do, however think to himself or any unknown entity in his system. "Hello?" He shrugs
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on December 31, 2015, 09:06:55 pm
Lucien receives no response.

"No, no it's not" Ennius replies.

"Come on, I just about finished setting up your tent, get some rest sir."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on January 01, 2016, 11:00:46 am
Lucien looks at the tents. "Thank you. Once the evening comes, i will start with the ritual to purge me of this... Thing. Now, get some rest. You earned it."

He patted him on the back and started making his way to Kiril.

"Kiril. We must discuss something. First, i should have told you sooner, but i am sick. Tainted by wicked blood. It gets worse each passing night, My sire Sandor thinks im in the process of being possesed by whatever foul spirit that resided in Barabus."

"When i spoke to my sire Sandor, he informed me of what must be done, but i require some aid from your side. Once i finnish a ritual i need you to restrain me, and i'm also to inform you that My Sire Sandor is on his way."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on January 01, 2016, 12:12:33 pm
Are you going to strip naked & vastly improve in appearance?

"Of course, I'm pleased to assist."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on January 01, 2016, 12:27:20 pm
"Thank you. I will start the ritual when evening comes."

If there is nothing else, Lucien will take his leave and retire for the day.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on January 02, 2016, 02:37:48 pm
Sherazhina moves up to Kiril while Lucien moves away.

"This is an excellent opportunity for you."

She places a hand on Kiril's arm and leans in, whispering conspirationally, "He will never be more vulnerable than now. Sandor has some power and influence in Transylvania, and if Lucien puts himself in your mercy like this you can use them both."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on January 02, 2016, 05:03:59 pm
oh, you're speaking to me again?

"What exactly do you have in mind?"
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on January 03, 2016, 09:00:12 am
"There's quite a bit of opposition to your rule in Sophia. Boukephos' influence is great but it would be best not to have to rely on him alone. A... "Friend" among the Tzimisce would help."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on January 03, 2016, 11:07:47 am
"A friend.  Yes, of course."

A brief shudder swept over him-- the thought of diablerizing Sandor.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on January 04, 2016, 02:56:37 pm
"Are you okay?" Sherazhina asks at the shudder.

Terrible thoughts to hold, Kiril. Did my sacrifice mean so little to you?
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on January 06, 2016, 04:23:24 pm
"I-- yes.  Yes, I'm fine."

You're such pleasant company.  I thought perhaps we might add another companion. 

Kiril doesn't mean it, of course. Of course.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on January 08, 2016, 05:07:23 am
Kirin notes Husayn's habitual displeasure.

Your humour hardly befits the situation.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on January 08, 2016, 04:36:05 pm
So.  What would you have us do with Lucien and Sandor?
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on January 09, 2016, 11:11:44 am
No ally earned through treachery can be trusted, but a friend, especially one of the immortals, will last you an eternity, for they will have nothing else by the end of it.

We bond with so few in our lifetimes, and we grow so lonely. The ancients themselves have no friends, only enemies, and they do not kill their enemies for fear of destroying the only things left from an age they recognize. So they debase each other and live forever with their twisted company.

Do you wish to grow old with nothing but begrudging enemies? You can help Sandor, Kiril, and trust in his honour. Or you can spite him, and know of his hatred.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on January 11, 2016, 08:37:46 am
Friendship does not endure even a mortal lifespan-- how could it hope to withstand eternity? 
Sandor will not be our friend.  But we will help him.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on January 11, 2016, 01:58:00 pm
A bit of a pause, then with some concern

It hurts me to see you so weak and scared Kiril. I am a part of you now, please listen to me. No good will come of igniting a feud with Sandor.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on January 11, 2016, 03:02:28 pm
Do you only listen to half of what I say?  I'm not planning a feud!  In fact, I just told you we would help him.  I simply don't share your enthusiastic optimism towards a future friendship.   
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on January 12, 2016, 10:21:45 pm
If you say so.

(The time has come for Lucien to perform the ritual of Burning Blood)
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on January 13, 2016, 01:32:50 pm
Lucien begins.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on January 15, 2016, 07:33:19 pm
Taking some earth into his hands and heating it through his own powers, Lucien magically absorbs the stuff into his own skill. His eyes flare briefly with the power of the land as his blood turns to the blood of the earth. His skin goes dry and extremely hot, and when he exhales it's a blast of searing heat.

Not too bad, for someone who just basically took internal combustion to a whole new level.

He feels the evil within him scream, and goes light-headed, needing to sit down.


Kiril sees something black ooze out of Lucien's ears and mouth and nose, bubbling and hissing and spitting as it does so. Lucien stumbles a bit as he finishes his ritual and falls quite flat on his ass, seemingly thrown.

Be cautious

Ennius moves quickly to Lucien's side and puts a reassuring arm around him.

Reassuring perhaps, but see how tightly he holds his master. Ennius is also cautious, it would seem.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on January 16, 2016, 05:16:42 pm
Lucien coughs upbsome more black blood.

"Ennius.." he says in a searing voice. "I feel it screaming inside me. Its in pain."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on January 19, 2016, 05:46:24 pm
Ennius smacks Lucien forcefully on the back with a gauntleted hand. Had Lucien been mortal it might have bruised his backbone and possibly damaged some internal organ, as it is it simply made him retch out more of the black stuff, steaming and burning where it hits the ground, the grass around it growing brown and dying.

Lucien finds himself in terrible pain. Blood-Sweat shines on his forehead and he has to bite his tongue to stop himself from screaming. It's as if he's being burned alive. Everything in him is telling him to undo the ritual. He feels like he's going to die.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on January 19, 2016, 06:52:31 pm
"it burns..." Lucien spits out in a loud coarse voice."i can't contaarrghh" he almost screams the last part.

"It won't win." He finally spits out, more corrupted blood probarly dripping from his mouth.

Then he will whisper as quietly as he possibly can. "Ennius... if it wins... run."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on January 20, 2016, 11:50:25 am
Kiril is reluctant to interfere with Ennius.  However, he will summon tentacles with which to restrain Lucien should the need arise.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on January 22, 2016, 12:58:23 pm
Lucien struggles to keep control of his pained dead flesh, he wants to fly into a terrible rage, to scream and cut and bleed the fire from his veins even as he feels the flame melt them and his flesh both. His will fails him and he howls in abject horror. The world around him shines with a brightness that burns him more than even the fire in his veins. When He comes it isn't truly that Lucien is giving up control. It feels like Lucien never really had any.


Lucien's wail makes everyone uneasy. Blood steam rises from his flesh, as if the Koldun's ritual had failed to protect him from it's own effects. As the company looks on, and Kiril has tendrils rise from the shadows within Lucien's body to keep him in place, the Tzimisce's dry skin shows little lines of vivid darkness forming in spiderweb-like pattern across his hands and face, even in his eyes. A second's thought is all that's necessary to deduce that the lines are Lucien's veins.

Ennius keeps a tight hand on his sword. There's the brief sound of a tent collapsing as Elias pulls the wooden stakes used to anchor them in place from the ground, tossing one to Carinus and Sherazina.

It's when Lucien's whimpers stop that Ennius acts.

The knight rips his sword from it's sheath and with a heaving motion swings at his master's neck with both hands, seemingly among to decapitate him. Lucien turns his head to the side with an unnervingly sudden serpentine flexibility, and stops the sword with his teeth. It's almost comical, seeing the bulky knight's swing stopped in place when Lucien bites down on it, the metal bending and parting under his teeth.

Everything is still for a second, all save perhaps Kiril and the assassin that dwells within his mind stupefied by the powerful movement. Then Ennius cries out in pain, jumping back from his sword - which all see is now glowing red and bending as it melts in the heat of Lucien's fanged embrace.

When he speaks again, it is not with his spirit but with the words of an ancient thing, a deep and powerful baritone that seems to set the earth shaking in tandem with the cadence of his voice.

Two simple sentences are spoken, vile horror dripping off each letter as it is spoken in a tongue that all understand and would go deaf if it meant they could choose not to.

"My favoured have marked this one. He is mine to claim."

With that, whatever so briefly inhabited Lucien's skin takes it's leave. It leaves them in a wasteland, the very air and earth appearing to be corrupted by it's presence, little black veins running through all that lived before its passing. Lucien hangs limply in Kiril's tendrils, which were thankfully not destroyed by the heat that burned inside the Koldun.

"That's not good", Husayn says, stating the obvious.

"What the Fark was that", Elias says, asking the other obvious thing.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on January 23, 2016, 03:22:52 pm
So powerful. . .

Do you know what that was? Kiril asks Husayn.

He examines Lucien, trying to determine if the ritual caused any lasting harm.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on January 23, 2016, 10:41:44 pm
A monster who makes us seem tame, Husayn says. An odd feeling comes across Kiril in hearing those words, but it passes quickly enough.

I believe... I'd done some research into these creatures. You remember, those dark spirits we saw following Barabus around, almost deferring to him, seemingly almost as sacred of him as we were? Those were Kupala, I think. Lesser incarnations of a great demon the Fiends believe inhabits their sacred earth. What we just saw feels like it was some greater incarnation of Kupala. A truly, especially powerful one.

Carinus looks like he's going to try and stop Kiril from examining Lucien, but reconsiders. Elias outright says "wha- stay away from him!" In warning and Ennius seems to echo the sentiment in his demeanour, Kiril simply goes on however.

Lucien appears to be mostly fine, other than the plainly visible black veins, standing out on his skin as if his heart was somehow beating and sending the black blood pumping furiously through his body.

Opening an eye Kiril sees that they've descended to total darkness, as black as Barabus' eyes had been.

He's still hot to the touch, but it seems as if the fire's been taken from him.

The real question isn't just what it is we're dealing with, but what in hell it wants with Lucien.

Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on January 24, 2016, 09:41:27 pm
Kiril turns to Ennius.  "He's . . . Well, 'all right' isn't really accurate, but. . . The ritual hasn't harmed him."

Is Kupala our enemy?
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on January 25, 2016, 12:25:03 pm
*twitch twitch
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on January 25, 2016, 04:29:39 pm
He certainly has few friends, Husayn muses.

An enemy of the entire Old Clan.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on January 27, 2016, 03:15:30 pm
I asked if he were our enemy, not Lucien's.

To Ennius, he enquires "Did your master intend to wait here for his sire?"
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on January 28, 2016, 03:51:22 pm
Look to a man's friends and to his enemies to judge him. Kupala has no friends, only enemies. Make of that what you will.

"No, he wanted us to bring him to a more secure location in the city. Maybe have your necromantress take a look at him. If it is to your pleasure, Lord Veranin."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on January 28, 2016, 05:13:57 pm
"Very well."  If no one has any objections, they can pack up everything and head for Sofia.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on February 01, 2016, 12:02:59 am
The rest of the trip passes by rather uneventfully. Lucien regains consciousness on the second night but finds himself absurdly tired and starved for blood. He is given animal blood by Kiril and the others, but finds himself unsated. He considers ordering Ennius to surrender his own blood but decides against it. He is not sure he would stop at only a sample if it was offered.

Lucien feels as if he has a much greater connection with the land around him than he's ever had before, as well. He feels great powers moving beneath the surface of this tainted earth, and finds spirits with which to work his koldunic magicks with incredible ease - not that he has the chance to use his powers, so restrained by his companions as he is.

It is on the third night of their departure, near a week since they left the village in ruins, that the group arrives back at Sofia.

Kiril moves past the guardsmen at the gate without question. They welcome back their lord and captain and contain their worry at the apparent fact that of all who had left with him, only Elias had returned - and him... different.

Back in a place of his own choosing and absolute power, Kiril is freer to do as he wishes than ever before - though he notes that Sandor is more than likely already in the city by now. The good Cappadocian could easily be contacted with an outright query to the open air - Kiril never doubts that her spirits are constantly spying on him - or by sending in one of his companions to keep up appearances.

Ennius, ever the watchful guardian, rides his charger next to the wagon where Lucien is kept restrained, tied and chained with Barabus - who seemingly hasn't regained consciousness. Through his time with the unconscious man Lucien has begun to suspect that the kupala possessed thing is simply biding its time, waiting for a chance to attack. Its wounds have certainly healed.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on February 01, 2016, 11:14:09 am
"Biding your time huh.." Lucien smiles wickedly at Barabus. Lucien will try to fleshcraft out of his binds. they are wearing him out.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on February 01, 2016, 08:01:47 pm
Lucien first tries to simply craft himself out of his restraints, but he is so well secured with frictive ropes, tendrils and chains that he is unable to shake himself free. With a little bit of innovation, however...

The fleshcrafter first forces blood to come out of every one of his pores, making him a dark, slick red and lubricating his normally painfully dry body. He has his skin turn loose and saggy, and elongates his body, slimming down the rest of himself. He thus slowly pushes himself out of his restraints, straining through almost like a snake - even near shedding some of his skin in the process. When all is said and done he is completely free of the extensive efforts of his colleagues and servant to bind him.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on February 01, 2016, 08:07:59 pm
Meanwhile, Kiril requests Carinus invite Amalia to visit him.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on February 01, 2016, 08:16:39 pm
As Carinus walks away, Kiril's hyperactive senses pick up a sickening squelching sound coming from the wagon carrying Lucien.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on February 02, 2016, 06:48:09 am
"Thats better." He smiles. *squelch squelch. "Pfft, not even a comfortable chair. "Oh well." He says as he makes himself normal again.

He will then check put his body, mainly if something else changed apart from the obvious veins. And his eyes.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on February 02, 2016, 09:19:14 am
Kiril heads for the wagon.  What horrifying-yet-ultimately-pointless thing has the idiot done now? 

He summons dark steel tentacles as he goes.   Kiril was given a solemn request to keep the fleshcrafter securely bound until his sire arrived-- and while he wouldn't put it past that moron to have forgotten he was the one who requested confinement, the far more unsettling conclusion is that Lucien is no longer in control of his actions.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on February 02, 2016, 06:02:49 pm
Four tendrils come to life from within Kiril, anchored firmly to his body.


Lucien notes nothing off about himself other than the already stated things - unless feeling more amazing than he has in decades counts as something off. It's almost as if he's alive again.


Nudging his mount towards Lucien's carriage, Kiril hears the fleshcrafter talking to himself. Should he open the carriage door, he'll find Lucien in his current position, having shed his bindings (and clothes in the process), covered in blood (largely his own), sitting by the naked Barabus in what is absolutely not a compromising-looking situation at all, no siree.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on February 03, 2016, 07:05:58 pm
"There you are." Lucien says. I thought i told you to bind me properly." He scolds playfully. "I dont know what exactly happend. Just pain, unbearable amounts of pain... "Now,   i feel almost alive. I feel more alive than ever. I feel countless spirits around us. And my koldun magic, i dont know. it feels augmented. More powerfull" He states. "And him. His wounds are restored, the kupala is biding its time to strike."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on February 04, 2016, 10:58:36 am
"I presume this means you've changed your mind, then?" Kiril replies, carefully attempting to keep any hint of emotion from his voice.  "In that case, I'll have your sire notified you saw no further reason to abide by his request.   

You may want to put some clothing on before he arrives.  Or perhaps not, I can't say I know what Tzimisce consider mannerly."

Maintaining a calm demeanor, Kiril readies his tentacles to strike at any sign of resistance or aggression from Lucien.  "As I've stated, Barabus is no longer your concern.  He belongs to me, and I will deal with him as I see fit."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on February 04, 2016, 07:05:43 pm
"If the thing had meant to strike, these bindings of yours would be a mere invconvience." Then he smiles. "Then perhaps, dear Kiri, you'd be so kind and provide me with some."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on February 05, 2016, 09:01:32 am
"Clothes, or more appropriate bondage?"

Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on February 06, 2016, 10:52:56 am
"Bondage?" He raises an eyebrow. "Kinky." He smiles

"But alas, i need proper clothes."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on February 06, 2016, 06:44:09 pm
It's at this point that Ennius pokes his head in the wagon, looking tense, knuckles stabdung out tightly in his hand as he grips his sword.

He seems to visibly relax on seeing and hearing Lucien, "my lord, you have clothes in your wagon, let me escort you" - Ennius puts out his hand to Lucien.

As he puts out his hand to Lucien, he gives Kiril a hard look, as if he wants to tell the Lasombra something but can't in Lucien's presence.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on February 06, 2016, 07:41:00 pm
Kiril waits to see what Lucien does.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on February 07, 2016, 05:04:38 pm
Lucien takes his hand. Glad tonhave his own clothes and being free from a monstrosity.

"Thank you." He smiles
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on February 07, 2016, 07:42:28 pm
The second Lucien's hand reaches Ennius' the loyal servant jerks his hand back, pulling Lucien off balance. A sharp pain explodes outward from his gut, glancing downward he sees a sword sticking out of his stomach; attacked to it the same hand that had never left the hilt.

Looking back up, Lucien just manages to catch Ennius' gaunleted fist with his face, the blow snapping his head back and disorienting him.

Ennius then flings Lucien from the wagon onto the ground.

Ennius looks to Kiril - "Now, before he recovers!"
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on February 07, 2016, 08:07:42 pm
Kiril uses three of his tentacles to restrain Lucien.  With the fourth, he bashes Lucien in the face.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on February 08, 2016, 05:32:14 am
"Ow." Lucien says groggily. "Well, i did ask for this."

"But, if i could get out of your bindings that easy, so could that... thing."

"Do it properly." He orders.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on February 08, 2016, 02:44:06 pm
"We need a container liquid can't escape."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on February 08, 2016, 09:15:21 pm
"No you dont. I cant turn myself liqiud " he says honestly.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on February 10, 2016, 12:43:53 am
"But this has gone on long enough. I am in control of myself now, and Sandor is Certainly in the city by now."

Then he looks at Ennius. "Get me some clothes, and Sandors (whatever it is he gave him for Contact sire ritual).

Then he looks at Kiril. "Unrestrain me. I will contact Sandor once again."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on February 10, 2016, 12:54:13 am
Before Lucien can finish talking, Kiril's tendri whips him across the face, smashing the back of his skull open on the cobblestone path and shattering his jaw.

He is just barely clinging to consciousness at this point.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on February 10, 2016, 01:02:06 am
Lucien wisely does absolutely nothing, even though he really, really would want to make customised lava geyser, on the precise spot Kiril is standing. So insteads opts for continued nothingness until the point in time when he can talk to people without getting his face bashed in.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on February 12, 2016, 12:58:24 pm
"Ennius.  Would you kindly drain the rest of his blood?  Leave him just enough to prevent torpor.
That way he can't fleshcraft out of his new bindings."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on February 12, 2016, 06:19:42 pm
Lucien tries to say "No!" Harschly.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on February 13, 2016, 11:32:57 pm
Though his jaw is broken badly and he suffers from an uncomfortable amount of disorientation, his refusal is quite clear, though in his current state it comes off as pleading more than disciplinarian.

Everyone ignores him, of course, for he is not in any way to be trusted in his current state.

The disadvantages and advantages of having a loyal servant or good friends - when they do not think you are "yourself", they will do whatever is necessary to bring you back.

Ennius answers Kiril with some trepidation - "I suppose... I suppose if it's necessary."

Clearly Ennius does not relish the prospect of feeding from Lucien's tainted blood.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on February 14, 2016, 12:14:16 am
"It's not necessary at all," Kiril replies, reluctant to see Ennius damaged.  "We could easily dismember him instead. There are a number of viable options for arousing him from torpor."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on February 14, 2016, 08:12:14 am
Lucien just looks furiously at Kiril, before pushing all blood points but 1 out from his body.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on February 14, 2016, 01:53:28 pm
Lucien begins oozing dark, dark blood from his pores - a foul smell floods the air, inundating Kiril's senses as the blood reaches the street and sinks into the earth between the cobblestones, leaving dark stains behind as it does so. Kiril might find it curious that the earth almost welcomes the blood, seemingly drinking it up (it simply drains unreasonably fast). He also notes that the blood flows a distinct distance away from the tendrils - almost as if it refuses to touch them.

Ennius drops a torch onto the spot where the blood flowed out and sets it alight.


Lucien's head feels like it's being pounded by a gang of hammer wielding giants, he feels like a man stranded in a desert, being dipped up to his neck in sweet, sweet god-blessed water - but he cannot crane his neck far enough to bring his lips to the cool fluid.

His blood is drunk eagerly by the earth, and he feels a black stain spreading across the souls of the spirits below. They struggle briefly against the will of the Demon but succumb fully with startling speed.

The spirits gather up beneath Lucien, and what feels like a dozen whispering voices plead with him, beg him even - to tell them his will.

When Ennius drops the torch on Lucien's blood and picks him up, slinging him over his shoulder, the spirits scream in outrage. Lucien feels them preparing to come out of the ground and attempt to rend Ennius limb from limb for his presumptions. Not his picking up of Lucien, mind you, but the burning of that sweet nectarine blood.


Sherazhina frowns and states with unwavering certainty - "Something's just gone horribly wrong."

Kiril cannot help but agree, his preternatural senses fill him with terrible foreboding.

Lucky for him that he arrived at such a late hour, most of the city is asleep. Other than perhaps a beggar or two in the nearby alleyways, there are no witnesses to what is about to happen.

Elias draws his sword and sighs, facing Lucien, "Just when I thought we caught ourselves a break." The first words he's spoken since they got back to Sofia. No doubt the captain had been looking forward to a break.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on February 14, 2016, 03:38:14 pm
Lucien is shocked at what he feels. The power is disgusting. Tainting the earth, why had he been given this power? Was it not their lot in life, the old clan Tzimisce, who spent their lifes fighting this very corruption

"The spirits below await *my* instructions.." he thinks to himself. "Perhaps... i can undo what i did here..." then he stares at the earth below them as Ennius hews him up.

He feels them. Pounding, below the earth. Disgusting, really. "Very well." He thinks. He will with all his might try to get spirits to attack Kiril first. As long as it didnt require him to actually say anything. He didnt want to defy Kiril openly. Ennius will no doubt cast Lucien aside the moment the spirits emerge. But with any luck, his own servant will sustain minimum damage.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on February 15, 2016, 12:01:55 pm
Kiril knows that Kupala is a demon, and he has noted that the kupala and even Lucien's own blood have avoided his shadows.  This leads him to conclude that they fear the darkness of the Abyss- most likely because it is the place where demonic entities are kept chained.

He readies his tentacles to defend himself.  And his ghouls.

And Ennius.  Shame if he were harmed because of his master's incompetence. 
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on February 17, 2016, 08:20:07 pm
The spirits hesitate at Lucien's request. He sees that they fear the shadowcaster and their rage is directed almost exclusively towards Ennius - but they aquires a, still bound by the newly formed bond on a manner not unlike the blood bond Lucien has on Ennius.

Kiril has a moment's warning, his senses alert him to a slight tremble in the ground. Using his Read Aura ability he sees black lines of corruption (terribly reminiscent of the ones he created when he diabblerized Husayn) flowing out of Lucien and into the earth, where a mass of what appears to be pure hatred boils just below him.

He manages to step to the side just as the cobblestone street bursts apart, a blackish geyser erupting where he'd stood - drops of corruptive essence combining midair into 5 masses of the liquid, that quickly solidify into short, evil-looking wild things. Like little story-elves gone wrong, with vicious claws and teeth and thick furry hides.

They don't appear to be too threatening, none of them being any larger than a large dog, but looks can be deceiving.

The others react but Kiril moves faster than any of them...
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on February 18, 2016, 07:44:55 pm
Kiril attacks the spirits with his tentacles.  They seem to fear the shadow, perhaps they'll focus on him & leave Ennius and Elias free to attack.

Farking fleshcrafters.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on February 18, 2016, 08:40:16 pm
"Can't believe that worked." Lucien thinks to himself. Satisfied that the goblin thingys is attacking Kiril.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on February 18, 2016, 11:13:17 pm
Kiril's tendrils lash out at the kupala and the things all move to evade them, squealing with discontent and more than a bit of fear at the shadows - three of them evade the tendrils, and two are caught by them, their little bodies crushed and broken by the tendrils - though they do not appear to suffer any particular pain from being constricted, the things panic at the touch of the tendrils and flail about in a berserk rage, clawing desperately at the darkness and destroying it in the process.

Elias moves in front of Kiril and takes a defensive stance in front of his master, his shield raised and sword pulled back. One of the little demons tries to dart between his legs and is impaled for it's trouble. It screeches wildly and begins pulling itself up Elias' sword and clawing at his legs, while two others flank him - one leaping onto his sword arm and the other trying to jump on his left shoulder - though he bashes it out of the air with his shield and sends it flying into a wall. Cursing, the guard captain flings away his sword - the kupala still impaled on it screeching in indignation as it is thrown from the fight - and shield and pulls a dagger out of his belt with his left hand, stabbing at the kupala on his arm even as it bites into and through his armour, its tiny little teeth ripping apart the muscles in his right shoulder.

Ennius bullrushes the two injured Kupala, crushing one under his shield with such strength that it dissolves back into black liquid, and decapitating the other.

Lucien watches on contentedly. He doesn't even notice Sherazhina until she impales him with the stake, and by then it's too late. The revenant beauty leaves the Tzimisce paralyzed in his position on the ground while the others deal with the rest of the Kupala.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on February 19, 2016, 12:19:12 am
*Twitch twitch
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on February 19, 2016, 07:55:57 am
With however many tentacles he has left, Kiri attempts to help Elias. Ennius seems like he's doing fine by himself.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on February 20, 2016, 04:19:51 pm
Kiril's remaining two tendrils both snap at the Kupala on Elias' shoulder, one throwing it off his shoulder and the other grabbing it from the air and dashing it against the ground.

The one Elias batted out of the air picks itself up and hurls itself towards Kiril - the Lasombra sees it coming but moves to slowly to evade it, and it's little claws tear effortlessly through the muscles in his calf, tearing out large chunks of his flesh! Grunting in pain, Kiril stumbles as the muscles supporting him in his left leg are made completely useless.

The one on Elias' sword pulls itself free of its impalement and attacks the nearest target- right now Ennius, who had just destroyed two of its kind. It jumps up and rips at his stomach, tearing through the armour like wet paper but leaving the smooth, hard flesh under the armour completely untouched. Ennius smashes the thing's skull apart with two quick bashes with his shield.

Elias spins in place and cuts the Kupala tearing at Kiril's leg to pieces.

Everything has been destroyed. Elias begins stalking over angrily towards Lucien - Kiril notes Ennius shifts into his way.

Sherazhina moves to help Kiril and lets him lean on her for support. Fearing some sort of fight between Elias and Ennius (undoubtedly ending terribly for Elias), Kiril is about to speak up when he notices that Elias stops moving towards Ennius. Some sort of unspoken exchange passes between the two soldiers and Elias moves back to Kiril's side, a touch more relaxed but still most certainly displeased at the result of Lucien's actions.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on February 20, 2016, 06:15:46 pm
Kiril looks at Ennius.

Simply magnificent. . .

I suppose it would be imprudent to try and take him as my own while Lucien is otherwise occupied.

He beckons Elias.  "Hopefully we've finished with this nonsense.  Find me someone to feed from, so I can repair this damage."

To sherazhina, he says "That was perfect. We should have just staked him from the start."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on February 21, 2016, 05:10:46 pm
I believe Ennius would take as much of an affront to that as Lucien.

Elias frowns at Kiril's request but heads off in the direction of the castle overlooking Sophia.

At his statement to Sherazhina - It certainly would have been more prudent, Husayn mentions.

Sherazhina herself shrugs and says "no one thought to mention it."

Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on February 26, 2016, 01:29:57 am
Kiril is annoyed by Elias's reaction.  Why is he frowning?  What could I have done to upset him? 

. . . He wasn't really willing.  Only because he would have died. He doesn't want this. 

It won't matter.  Blood is all that binds any of us.

Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on February 26, 2016, 04:17:14 pm
Blood bonds all, Husayn echoes in agreement.

But in this specific case, I believe Elias may have been wondering how he could feed your appetite without the innocent citizens of this city suffering. See how he goes to the palace? Undoubtedly to bring you the scum in its dungeons to feed on.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on February 26, 2016, 08:27:58 pm
I don't want to drink from scum, Kiril objects.  Perhaps I should have told him my food won't come to any harm.

Presumably Ennius is caring for Lucien. 

Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on February 26, 2016, 08:43:00 pm
in his paralyzed state, Lucien begins to wonder how he magically got into a position for being staked when he was safely on Ennius back moments ago. Weird how the universe works.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on March 10, 2016, 05:06:41 pm
Indeed he is. Ennius has slung Lucien over his shoulder and makes to swing him back into the carriage - only to freeze in place.

"Oh god", he whispers ever so slightly.

Turning in place Kiril sees Barabus - massive, dried black blood crusting his body, sitting casually out the side of the wagon. His muscles are taught and the veins almost bursting out of his skin remain black. His wholly black eyes look on Ennius with something reminiscent of amusement. His savage face looks like it was shattered and very badly healed (which it was).

"It would seem the Shaper is just beginning to learn the various aspects of his curse."

The last time Kiril had seen Barabus the man had been more than insane, he was feral. Now he speaks with a practised quiet confidence and eloquence that reminds Kiril of Carinus.

"And the Knight the extent of his quandary."

He smiles, his teeth standing out with surprising whiteness against his blackened gums and saliva.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on March 11, 2016, 12:41:10 pm
"And 'NOW' He wakes up." Lucien thinks to himself. "Aw shit. Typical. Staked by the ghoul whore, only for barabus to wake in The middle of this shit. Bah."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on March 13, 2016, 07:31:35 pm
What fresh hell is this?
Kiril deeply regrets ever becoming involved in this situation. 
Shaper?  Knight? 

It's like accidentally wandering on stage in the middle of a play, and you're trying to discreetly exit, but now the actors are looking at you as though you're expected to say something. . .

Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on March 13, 2016, 07:42:01 pm
Perhaps a gentle touch is in order? Barabus does not appear to be hostile as of yet, and once Ennius' shock wears off he might just attack. Then who will carry Lucien?
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on March 16, 2016, 09:52:53 am
"Ennius, wait--"

Kiril has no idea if Lucien's servant will listen to him. 

"Perhaps we can discuss this like civilized people?"
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on March 16, 2016, 11:38:40 am
Ennius does not act, likely out of an exceedingly great reluctance to do so as well as Kiril's own request.

Barabus laughs - a deep, unsettling boom.

"Civility? You expect civility from us? From me, of all people? From them, of all monsters?"
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on March 16, 2016, 12:47:45 pm
"Well, you're conversing with us, rather than attacking," Kiril points out.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on March 16, 2016, 05:02:04 pm
The monster in the man laughs,

"Well said Kiril! Perhaps I should stop?"

"That... Won't be necessary", Ennius says.

"I would not fight you Barranus."

Something flashes in Barrabus' eyes. For a second something like a ripple passes over his skin, but Barabus settles himself back against the carriage.

"Interesting choice of words."

He looks to Kiril then, "I would have clothes, if you could spare them."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on March 16, 2016, 07:24:10 pm
"I get attacked and 'HE' gets a nice conversation? The world works in mysterious ways."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on March 17, 2016, 10:42:32 am
"Do you think you can find something appropriate?"  Kiril asks Sherazhina, since she's the only servant available.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on March 17, 2016, 11:50:54 am
Sherazhina nods and leaves, seemingly overjoyed at being given an excuse to leave.

The four are left alone then - Barabus, Kiril, Ennius and the staked Lucien.

"You could cut the air here with a knife", Husayn hisses.

Thankfully, Kiril is spared the awkward tension when Carinus reappears, a gloomy man with a strangely forced smile by his side.

Carinus looks everyone and from a flash in his eyes Kiril can tell he notes Sherazhina's absence. He addresses everyone then, "well, shall we be off then?"
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on March 17, 2016, 01:31:24 pm
"Sherazhina will return momentarily.  She's gone to find our friend a more suitable outfit."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on March 17, 2016, 03:50:52 pm
"Ah. So we wait then? What fun."

Carinus looks to Barabus.

"You slept well?"

"As well as could be hoped. I did not dream and was conscious of my surroundings. I am grateful to be out of that carriage. It should be burned."

"I'll toast to that", Ennius mutters.

"I found your work at Aleko... Surprising."

Barabus says nothing to this.

"You slaughtered an entire village of innocent people... Why? You have no grudge against Kiril, do you? Besides that, how did you do it? There were hundreds of people there, they would have raised an alarm, overpowered you by force - you fought like a madman. Unless that was a show?"

A deep, throaty growl escapes Barrabus' throat. The giant warrior spits black sputum at Carinus' feet, which the Cannibal accepts without comment.

"I don't need to give answer to your fetishes, Carinus the Cannibal."

Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on March 21, 2016, 10:28:19 am
"Actually, I'd like to know as well why you chose Aleko.  Have I given you cause for offense?"
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on March 21, 2016, 12:48:26 pm
Barrabus doesn't answer for a while.

"I did not choose Aleko," he finally relents.

"I fell unconscious at the edge of Sandor's lands, a good ways away from here. When I woke I was covered in superficial wounds that rapidly healed, in the ruined village of Aleko. I woke with few, if any, of my faculties. What happened in the interim is unknown to me."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on March 21, 2016, 01:46:54 pm
"Outside intervention it is." Lucien thinks to himself. "I wonder how long i'll stay like this." Then another thought strikes him. "I dont need to move to use ny magic, perhaps i can blow up Kiril? Argh, better to wat and kill tje whore."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on March 23, 2016, 10:02:52 am
Kiril is content to wait for Sherazhina's return.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on March 23, 2016, 10:11:20 am
Sherazhina soon returns with clothes belonging to a large man. Kiril does not recognize the clothing but he can hazard a few guesses as to how the gorgeous woman with mind-altering powers managed to aquire a man's clothes at short notice.

Barabus quickly dons the clothes, though they are a tight fit on what Kiril now recognizes as being a clearly flesh crafted body. Kiril hears footsteps approaching the party, though no one else seems to notice.

"There, much more respectable," Barrabus rumbles.

As Barabus finishes dressing himself, Kiril hears the footsteps stop and the hiss of a sword being drawn from it's scabbard.

Looking in the direction of the sound he sees the tip of a gauntlet and boot that resemble Elias' poking out through a shadowed alleyway. Concentrating, he also hears two other muffled breathing sounds - prisoners the captain brought with him?

Elias' head pokes out and the captain's eyes dart from Kiril to Barabus and then back to Kiril questioningly.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on March 23, 2016, 10:18:54 am
Kiril motions to Elias to come forward.

"It's fine, Elias.  Barabus has come to his senses."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on March 23, 2016, 08:22:19 pm
"Come to his senses? What senses? He had senses? Fooled me...", Elias joins the group. He leads two surprisingly compliant prisoners bound and hooded, guiding them by a chain.

"Your dinner, lord Kiril. Convicted murderers and madmen from Sofia's dungeons. Eyes, ears and tongues removed. Tortured extensively, not much of them left."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on March 24, 2016, 02:05:58 pm
Kiril would rather dine in his carriage.  It's unpleasant having people watch you eat. 

Poor things.  Here, have something pleasant before you die.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on March 24, 2016, 02:27:42 pm
Kiril leads the two men inside his carriage, where he gently steals the life from them both.

Meanwhile, Carinus and the others begin leading the carriage towards Amalia's haven in the Church of the Holy Light.

The carriage stood outside the church's graveyard. Stepping out, Kiril sees the elder Cappadocian waiting for him, along with Sandor. Barrabus greets Sandor with a terrible smile. Lucien's sire ignores him and goes straight for Ennius, who is holding Lucien slung over his shoulder.

"Ennius! Has his condition worsened?"

Ennius gives a subtle nod yes.

Sandor turns to Kiril and nods in recognition, "Prince Kiril, thank you for your hospitality. May I ask after your company?"
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on March 24, 2016, 02:38:31 pm
"Oh sandor is here. I got that going for me which is Nice." He thinks to his himself, with an imaginary shrug.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on March 25, 2016, 08:10:48 am
Kiril nods politely to Sandor.

"I don't quite understand it myself.  Lucien apparently did . . . something to Barabus, after which he seems to have chased Barabus into my territory, where he destroyed one of my villages. 
I dealt with the matter, and took Barabus into my custody. He's only recently awakened and informs me that the massacre was not of his own volition. 
Perhaps you possess some information that might clarify the situation?"
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on March 25, 2016, 09:48:30 am
"I feel preeettyyy, ooh soo prettyyy lalalalalala llaa lalaalaa" Lucien begins humming an imaginary song out of boredom. "So freaking boring doing nothing."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on March 25, 2016, 01:34:19 pm
"My sincerest apologies for this event then. Barabus escaped my childe, in my lands, and under the fourth tradition I shall recompense you personally for all losses."

He must care greatly for Lucien. Sandor has released Lucien from his charge, hence Lucien being the prince of Shaasburg. He is no longer responsible for anything Lucien does, yet he assumes responsibility nonetheless, Husayn comments.

"I would humbly request that I be given right to examine and then destroy Barabus, as well as provide care for my childe, all with the help of Amalia, who has already agreed to aid me."

Barabus grins, showing off his teeth again.

"Just try sorcerer. We'll see if the spirits answer you. How confident would you be without your sorceries?"

Sandor continues to pretend Barabus does not exist.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on March 25, 2016, 02:29:29 pm
I wonder why.  From what I've seen, Lucien's an idiot.

"Of course you may care for Lucien.  Regrettably, we were forced to stake him in order to prevent further assault.

As for destroying Barabus, I'm afraid I shall have to respectfully decline.  Lucien has given him to me."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on March 25, 2016, 02:32:02 pm
A parent loves its child, no matter how flawed.

"He's... what?"
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on March 25, 2016, 03:35:35 pm
. . . Yes.  Sadly the opposite is rarely true.

"Lucien gave Barabus to me.  I can't just casually allow him to be vivisected again."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on March 25, 2016, 05:48:19 pm
"Then I won't vivisect him, I'll melt him! Be reasonable Prince Kiril, he is clearly corrupt to a degree far beyond acceptability by terrible forces! You cannot keep such a thing as a retainer, no one can!"

Sandor comes close then, unsettlingly so. He speaks quietly, and it feels to Kiril that he's the only one who hears the following words, carried in a whisper on Sandor's breath directly to his ears.

"The vovoides here hate your presence on their lands. I can help you Kiril. My approval will keep you in control, your great grandsire's idle word will only keep you safe for so long."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on March 25, 2016, 06:32:11 pm
What do you think?

Barabus is not bound to us by blood- there's nothing stopping him from simply deserting us (or worse) the instant Sandor leaves.  Assuming the fleshcrafters don't decide to disregard is entirely and just kill him anyway.

And yet. . .  I have claimed him as my own. And I protect what is mine. 
Even when it makes no sense.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on March 25, 2016, 07:53:24 pm
That is good. You cannot always do what makes sense. You've made a vow to yourself, you should keep it.

Then again, I did that too, and look at what happened to me.

Sorry. Idle thought.

Sandor cannot afford to do anything; Basilio is in a very fragile state of mind, if anything were to happen to you it would ignite a war between half of Constantinople and an entire line of Boukephos' children and the Transylvanian vovoides. The vovoides would win but the losses would be terrible, the Lasombra are to be feared. Worse than that, it would leave them all unforgivably vulnerable to Jurgen and my own clan. The Ventrue lord has made his interests in Transylvania clear for years, and my own clan has maneuvered Turkish interests here for a similar amount of time. He cannot risk it. They would all lose everything.

But things don't always make sense. You have power over him but should not abuse it. Have a compromise. Barabus will not die or be harmed, let that be known. Ask him for other ideas.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on March 25, 2016, 08:13:59 pm
I'm actually surprisingly fond of our arrangement.  Such a pity I lacked this ability . . . back then.

"I'm terribly sorry, Prince Sandor; I simply can't permit a member of my retinue to come to harm.

Perhaps there is something else that could be done?"
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on March 25, 2016, 10:02:14 pm
Sandor takes a second to consider.

"We could try to cleanse him as I plan to cleanse Lucien. He might not survive the process", Sandor adds, "but Deatg would be preferable to... This."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on March 25, 2016, 10:25:23 pm
Kiril considers the offer.  Unless one of his entourage objects,  he's inclined to acquiesce.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on March 26, 2016, 12:22:22 am
It is a reasonable offer. You should be careful for treachery, however, he might try and kill Barabus "accidentally" during whatever proceedings he has planned.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on March 26, 2016, 07:03:21 am
"Thank you, Prince Sandor.  We will cleanse him along with Lucien."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on March 31, 2016, 03:58:42 pm
Sandor nods his acceptance - and then raises a hand and snaps his fingers, a spark flying from his hand as he does so.

All hell breaks loose.

Kiril is the first to notice anything - in the miliseconds before they reach Barrabus, he notices tight, quick, light breathing and the scrabbling of claws against the cold cobblestone.

He begins to turn, noting the speed with which the sound appears to be headed towards Barabus.

Now that's a hell of an ambush.

Kiril catches a brief glimpse of the thing from his periphery as it moves forward...


Barabus reacts second, whatever supernatural senses granted to him by Kupala alerting him to the danger he is in. He begins to crouch and Kiril sees his bones melting under his skin, but it's too late for him - the war ghoul slams into the Barabus from behind, driving massive, almost tree-like, clawed arms through the Kupala-blessed ghoul's body - it's tail sliding into the back of Barabus' skull and slicing it open like a soft fruit.

For a second Kiril wonders at the fact that such a giant creature could get past him unnoticed. Then the second one hits Barabus, giant hands grasping and tearing at his softened limbs. The third joins it, tail clawing at Barabus' thighs and general groin region. Two more crawl from the roof of the church and wait there, terrible sentinels standing guard for their master.

Husayn, meanwhile, curses softly. Not at the display of strength, Kiril soon realizes:

I know Sandor got here in a day or two by turning into wind and flying, like many of the Koldun vovoides. But these things... they would have had to get here by foot. Sandor's capital is at least five days travel, if you kill a herd of horses to ride here.

I suppose there's always the chance that he had them embedded in the countryside, but I cannot imagine that the vovoides have so many of these monstrosities as to leave them lying around transylvannia. These must be his personal war ghouls.

While Husayn goes on in Kiril's mind, Barabus reacts.

It's a wonder that the man is still alive, let alone able to counter attack - but somehow barabus simply... melts away. His flesh and blood and bone merge and slip through the claws of Sandor's guard, and he sinks into the earth. Sandor looks on in shock for a second.

"Is... where did he...", then Sandor's eyes widen and he takes a step back, already casting a spell when Barabus bursts out of the earth, all fire and bloody fury. The ghoul wraps a massive hand around Sandor's arm and squeezes. His other fist darts forward into Sandor's throat and the koldun's incantation is stopped as bone spikes sprout from his skull, impaling his tongue, gouging out his eyes and destroying his eardrums.

Deaf, Blind and Mute, Sandor nonetheless finishes his spell and his body dissolves into thin air before Barabus can finish the deed. In another moment Kiril feels his ears pop as all the air near Barabus bursts into flame. Rocked back by the blast and resisting the terrible fear that had instantly taken hold of him, Kiril covers his eyes to protect them from all the light before looking back to see a decent chunk of Barabus' midsection has been confiscated  by the explosion. Barabus sways in place, and the war ghouls move in to dismantle him once more. This time he doesn't get back up.

Sandor reforms a ways away. As Kiril watches his eyes, eardrums and tongue reform, but he can tell from the vovoide's movements that his senses have been compromised and that the fix he's applied has done little to fix the damage done by Barabus.

Surprisingly little collateral damage has been dealt out - perhaps a bit of damage to the street when Barabus burst out of the ground, little more.

Kiril realizes that he'd cast a spell of silence on the area while the ghouls and Sandor fought. Husayn must have seized control for a brief moment. Not a comfortable thought.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on April 10, 2016, 08:23:44 pm
Stupid, Kiril . . .  So stupid.  Pathetic, really.

Knew it didn't feel right, Sandor treating me like a respected colleague. Knew it didn't make sense.
Idiot.   Doesn't matter.  Couldn't have done anything about it.

Worthless, pointless. . .
As though I could protect anything, anyone.
As though anything I did ever mattered.

It's a play, going on all around us, and I'm the useless fool who doesn't know his part.

Kiril wraps himself in shadow and begins to walk away.  Nowhere in particular, just away from all of this.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on April 10, 2016, 08:54:33 pm
Where are you going?, Husayn asks.

Is this the same heartless bastard who fought me and took my soul when I was defenseless and maimed? The same man who wanted to please Basilio so much that he became one with the assassin he loved? Would you be a coward now?

Kiril's retinue follows him without a word.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on April 10, 2016, 09:54:10 pm
"Did I tell you to follow me?"  he says. 

Fighting Sandor is pointless.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on April 10, 2016, 09:57:58 pm
You don't need to fight. You just have to not be a coward. What you're doing is dishonourable. How will you keep your charge safe if you walk away? You made a vow

"You didn't have to", Carinus says.

Show them that you are worthy of their loyalty!
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on April 11, 2016, 11:10:14 am
It's not loyalty.  It's slavery.  You think I don't know they all loathe me?

Kiril stops walking.

So what do you suggest?  I go back, try to protect Barabus, get incinerated by koldunic magic or torn apart by war ghouls-- but at least my ghouls merely despise me for my idiocy and not my cowardice as well?
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on April 11, 2016, 11:20:09 am
You truly believe that Carinus stays with you because he is a slave? You so easily forget that Elias chose to serve you? You forget that you saved Sherazhina from slavers? You command loyalty. But you are right. You do not deserve it.

Not if you do this.

Self-doubt is only a virtue when it gives your actions caution. To run from this is folly.

Kiril hears the sound of tearing flesh, his senses pick up that it is not Barabus though, it comes from a different location than the one Barabus had been dropped and left i.

Besides. You are arrogant to assume you are the only one making sacrifices...


Lucien passes out as the war ghouls take him from Ennius and begin tearing him to pieces.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on April 11, 2016, 11:58:46 am
Kiril begins walking again, this time heading in the direction of Barabus's remains. 

Carinus stays with me because it affords him excellent opportunity to engage his true passions.  When a suitable moment presents itself, he will cast me aside, or strike me down as he needs to.
Elias quite definitively chose not to serve me-- he only recanted his refusal in the terror of imminent death.  Since then, it's obvious he questions the wisdom of that decision.
Sherazhina has repeatedly informed me that she neither wanted nor needed my so-called 'rescue."  She has been quite clear in her resentment over our continued relationship.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on April 12, 2016, 05:37:25 pm
It's like talking to a self-hating brick wall...

The war ghouls have torn Lucien limb from limb, in much the same way they tore apart Barabus. It would seem this is part of the process.

Sandor doesn't comment on Kiril's antics.

"They both cling to life, though just barely.  It was necessary to weaken them to this point."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on April 13, 2016, 08:20:42 am
Kiril says nothing.

Asshole.  I suppose it was "necessary" to surprise me, too.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on April 17, 2016, 10:12:30 pm
Perhaps the intention was to surprise Barabus. Look at what he did on being ambushed, after all.

Sandor seemingly takes Kiril's silence as acquiescence and looks to Amalia, who enters the church. Sandor follows, two of his war ghouls following after him, the rest staying outside.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on April 18, 2016, 06:46:15 am
Kiril goes along with the rest of the group.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on April 23, 2016, 06:03:00 pm
Inside the church, a strange scene has been set.

Father Patryn, Amalia's loyal servitor and a prominent voice in Sofia's catholic hierarchy, stands at an altar overlooking two circles that appear to have been painted with what Kiril immediately suspects to be Lucien and Barabus' blood. It was done suspiciously fast, if it is indeed those two substances. Around the circle at six equidistant points are massive candles shaped from red wax, Kiril suspects blood has been mixed in with regular wax to make the candles being used. Lines painted from the same black, Kupala-tainted blood lead to two large bowls at the center of both circles.

As he watches, Sandor has the war ghouls deposit Lucien's remains in one bowl, and Barabus' in the other. The vovoide then cedes the floor to Amalia.

The Cappadocian unsheathes a ritual knife and goes to the bowl containing Lucien's remains, where she carves out his heart and removes the stake from it. She then does the same to Barrabus, before looking to Sandor and nodding.

The vovoide nods back and waves his hands towards the candles, all of them igniting at the fire of his will. At first there is nothing remarkable about the candle flames save the unusual chill that Kiril feels coming from them, but as the minutes pass the candles begin to burn brighter and hotter and faster. In five minutes the once thick, foot-high candles have been burned down to the nubs, and where they used to be bonfires rage. The brass bowls that hold both Lucien and Barabbus' remains glow red hot, and the unpleasantly appetizing smell of roasting flesh fills the air. A light gleams in Carinus' eye.

The fire spreads around the circle, burning nothing but the blood that had been painted there, and then flows down the lines, reaching the bowl itself. Both of the two participants in the ritual catch fire.

In Kiril's mind, Husayn grows nervous.

I can't help but wonder if this is a power play on Amalia's part. If she could kill Lucien and Sandor both, and then blame you... But no. Sandor is one of the most powerful Vovoides alive, and his personal guard is here. She could not hope to be so ambitious.

Father Patryn exits the room and returns bearing two large, pointed iron rods. Without a word, Amalia spears both hearts onto the rods, and then hands one off to Sandor. In unison, the two blood mages step into the fire, and stab the rods blunt-end first down through the center of the bowl, breaking the fire-weakened metal and standing the rods atop both Barabus and Lucien's remains. They then step out, untouched by the flames.

The rods begin to heat up almost instantly, and the hearts begin to sizzle and burn...



The fleshcrafter finds himself woken up from his slumber. He finds himself in total darkness, though despite his blindness he can feel the terrible heat surrounding him.

Lucien, can you hear me?

The voice is deep and powerful, and strangely familiar. He cannot recall where he knows it from.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on April 24, 2016, 02:37:04 am
Lucian hopes it not familiar in a bad way.

"Yes? Who are you? And what is this intense heat?"
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on April 24, 2016, 10:18:38 am
Kiril just watches for now.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on April 24, 2016, 12:16:36 pm
For now, I am your patron

For a second Lucien thinks of Radu, who had taken that role himself - but no, how could Radu talk to him here? From so far away? No, this was.... Ah. Kupala.

Tell me, of those you've personally known in your pitifully short life, who is the most powerful?

And though Lucien thinks hard, he cannot doubt that it is his own site, Sandor. One of the most celebrated Kolduns of all Transylvania, it was said of his sire that he held secret rituals that could raze whole cities in a single casting. Lucien personally witnessed his magical night during the Tremere ambush on Kupala's night, where Sandor burned a mountain with a word just to send a single one of the mages fleeing, and duelled with demons thousands of feet above the earth.

Yes, I can sense your thoughts... Just know this, Lucien, that that man you know to be so powerful... He fears me.

He fears me so much that he would kill you rather than let you be mine. He fears me more than he loves you.

You asked about the heat? Look for yourself!

The scene unfolds before Lucien as it did before Kiril. With one exception - through Kupala's eyes, Lucien sees dozens of spirits of the dead in the room straining to hold back Kupala's influence, all drawing on the power of the spirits Sandor commands.

Serve me, Lucien. Choose a master who would be loyal to you. I would not have unwilling servants.

Serve me, and I will grant you freedom.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on April 24, 2016, 01:24:39 pm
Lucien is shocked. "No.. this cannot be." He replied with a shaking voice. "You... you're giving me false visions!"
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on April 24, 2016, 03:42:46 pm
Am I? The last thing you felt were his war ghouls tearing into your back! Even if I give you false visions, YOU LIVE BECAUSE I WILL IT!.

The voice of Kupala burns through Lucien's mind like one of Sandor's conjured flames. For a moment he is too terrified to reply, but Kupala gives him some strength to make his answer.

Join me.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on April 24, 2016, 06:07:14 pm
"I... I will do whatever you.. ask." Lucien replies with a strained voice."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on April 24, 2016, 08:15:04 pm


The church creaks and groans, as if a massive weight is pressing down on it. A piercing, humming noise replaces Kiril's hearing - as if an explosion had just gone off by his ears. It feels like an intense effort to just to stand.

Suddenly, every window in the church shatters, and a black mist comes tearing into the holy building. Father Patryn falls onto his back in his effort to scramble away. Kiril finds himself in a lethargic state, barely able to process what is happening. Out of everyone here, only Amalia and Sandor seem to still possess their mental faculties - but even they can do nothing as the mist breaks Lucien's circle, putting out the fire consuming the corruption in his soul.

For a second everything goes dark as the mist fills the room, but Sandor casts a spell that sets the winds howling - and the mist is violently expelled from the church.

Stunned by the blast and the loss of his senses, it takes Kiril a second to process the change in the room.

Lucien stands in the circle, whole once more. His skin has turned black as an ancient Assamite's, and his presence radiates that same incredible power he remembers out in the field. The scant amount of light in the church provided by candles and torches seems to be sucked away by his very presence, but the moon shines with unusual brightness outside, illuminating the scene in a way unhindered by Lucien.

Sandor struggles to get onto his feet, clearly afflicted by the same lethargy currently affecting the others in the room. Amalia tries to do the same.

Lucien reaches out to Amalia and the beautiful Cappadocian gasps as two massive rents are torn into her abdomen, through which gushes sweet vampiric vitae - more blood than even a mortal would bleed, Kiril understands that Kupala simply takes the elder's life essence from her and leaves her powerless before him.

Sandor immediately begins a casting, running through a massive series of complex incantations and motions with surprising speed and efficacy. Even Kiril, untrained in the sorcerous arts as he is, can feel the magnitude of the casting in the works - and how it is centered on the man's former childe. Something like this could very likely destroy everyone in this room, and if some of the rumours about Sandor were true, most of Sofia.

As Sandor runs through his castings, his war ghouls rush Lucien with the same blinding speed they'd used to dismantle Barrabus.

Lucien begins walking towards Sandor.

The first two war ghouls - who had been inside the church with the others - dart around Lucien and attack him from the side, each swinging clawed arms and stabbing with those scorpion tails of theirs. With incomparable grace, Lucien jumps into the air and lays a hand on one of the tails as it speeds past him, lifting himself off it as lightly as a feather, throwing himself forward. With the other hand he flicks the second war-ghoul.

The one he touched screams in pain and folds over, a black rot visibly spreading outwards from the point Kupala had touched, devouring the war ghoul's flesh.

The one he flicked is disintegrated outright, its body dissipating into black dust.

Even as Kupala moves through the air with the momentum from his jump, two more war ghouls burst in through the ceiling, all rage and and terror incarnate. Before they can lay a single hand on him, Kupala somehow twists in midair and strikes them both once each at the center of their chests, both of the ghouls' bodies imploding from the force of the blows.

Kupala lands lithely on his feet when the final war ghoul - the one who first struck Barabus, Kiril realizes - leaps in front of Sandor to protect its master.

It strikes at Kupala, the point of its tail hitting the demon's chest - and shattering, exposing the delicate flesh underneath.

The injured war ghoul screeches in pain and falls back, looking almost pitiful in its damaged state. Kupala motions towards it and the thing is abruptly twisted in half, its misery ended.

Kiril's attention turns to Sandor, who has seemingly completed his casting, his war ghouls having bought him enough time to do what was needed. The Vovoide of Arad blazes with a sorcerous power that confirms every hushed rumour spoken about the terrible might of the Tzimisce kolduns. Sandor speaks then - "I'm sorry Prince Kiril! I'm afraid I won't be able to compensate you for what i'm about to do!"


Sandor closes his eyes, and unleashes every bit of power he has within him - the Dragon's Rage, the most powerful ritual any Tzimisce Koldun can ever cast, made to destroy cities, the pinnacle of Koldunic sorcery channeling the most primal of natural energies. He closes his eyes... only to open them moments later. What he sees drives him to his knees.

Kupala stands before him, unimpressed. In one hand the demon seems to hold his ritual - stopped with a single, intangible motion, held in stasis, compressed to a single point within his almost closed hand.

With the other hand, the demon grips his throat.

"I am the greatest spirit to inhabit this land, koldun. You would use the power of my own making against me? You are a fool then, to think I would be vulnerable to such magicks."

Sandor feels a burning pain begin to spread outward from Kupala's hand.

"I cannot stay in this body long, your poor childe already begins to unravel beneath the weight of this small bit of my soul. Still, it is enough time to do what is needed, yes?

For a moment there is terrible pain, and then there is nothing. Sandor feels weightless, and it is with horror that he looks back and sees his physical body fall to the floor and crumble to dust, while his soul remains in his former childe's grip.

"Now, feed your childe your knowledge. He will need it for what is to come."

Kupala opens his mouth, and inhales deeply. Sandor feels himself pulled into Lucien. Then he feels nothing. Nothing at all.


If that thing comes for us too... all I have to say is that I think being eaten by you will be a preferable experience altogether.

Kiril cannot help but agree with Husayn's assessment of the situation. Yet Kupala does not even acknowledge the Prince of Sofia's presence.

Instead it turns towards the pile of burnt remains that is Barabus. The grating, painful voice of the demon fills the church as it addresses the remains.

"For your service I reward you with life. You are no longer needed. Thank you."

Barabus is immediately reassembled into his old, living form - where he falls to the ground, gasping and sweating black ooze. The stuff comes out of his eyes, his mouth, and even his skin - and Kiril sees that as it leaves him, it travels to Kupala and sinks into its body. Soon Barabus lays shivering on the ground, untainted by the demon's powers.

Then the demon disappears. The lethargic weight leaves the room. Nothing is left behind but a terrible sense of loss.


Lucien finds himself regaining consciousness in the city of Arad, where he sits in Sandor's throne at Castle Arad. In his lap is an obsidian stone.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on April 24, 2016, 09:39:24 pm
Lucien takes a deep breath. He knew he didn't need too, but it felt calming. He never meant for this to happen. All he wanted was his escaped servant back. Now... Sandor is probarly dead. He looked at his hands, following The stained veins with his gaze. Then remembers The obsidian in his lap. What were it doing there? He inspects it.

Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on April 29, 2016, 09:07:40 pm
On his disturbing the stone It flies from his lap and strikes the floor hard enough to shatter - except it shatters into a small cloud of dust that settles into a written text, the language one that Lucien does not recognize (though he understands it perfectly).

You are now Vovoide of Arad. Await further instructions. Secure your holdings. Keep your service to me a secret. You have but a small portion of Sandor's old strength, but enough to fool others.

Reshape yourself into your old sire's form and assume his identity until you are powerful enough to manage on your own. Deal with insubordination harshly.

Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on April 30, 2016, 03:19:39 am
(If he can't, ignore the first part)

Lucien reads it for himself, then closes his eyes. He feels his flesh and bone shift slightly. He tries his voice. "Ennius." He says loudly. Nope, it needs a deeper toner. "Ennius?" He calls out again, and begins to look around for him.

If he cant he'll just try out his new spirit powers and get a feel for the place.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on May 01, 2016, 04:34:54 pm
Stepping from his throne Lucien hears a groan come from behind his self. He looks behind the throne and sees Ennius there, looking like he is just now starting to regain consciousness.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on May 02, 2016, 12:28:32 pm
Apparently we were beneath its notice. Kiril sighs.  We would have made a better servant than that idiot Lucien.

He heads over to Barabus, intending to finally ghoul him, if possible.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on May 03, 2016, 12:04:47 pm
"Ennius" he says softly.  "It appears we serve a new master." He says quietly.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on May 03, 2016, 10:26:19 pm
"Ennius" he says softly.  "It appears we serve a new master." He says quietly.

"What did you do?", Ennius moans, his eyes closed.

Apparently we were beneath its notice. Kiril sighs.  We would have made a better servant than that idiot Lucien.

He heads over to Barabus, intending to finally ghoul him, if possible.

Better to rule Hell than to serve Heaven. Better still to rule Heaven than to serve Hell. Your fate is the better one.

Approaching Barabus, Kiril sinks his fangs into his own arm and lets the blood begin to flow.

Reaching out to the ghoul, Kiril is thrown off guard when the massive man's arm snaps out and grabs his, stopping him from moving his arm any further.

Barabus looks up at Kiril not with hostility, but with fear, and confusion.

"Kill the Master, Kill the Shaper, Kill the Knight"

He says it with meaning, as if he wants Kiril to understand something.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on May 04, 2016, 07:44:36 am

Better to rule Hell than to serve Heaven. Better still to rule Heaven than to serve Hell. Your fate is the better one.

Approaching Barabus, Kiril sinks his fangs into his own arm and lets the blood begin to flow.

Reaching out to the ghoul, Kiril is thrown off guard when the massive man's arm snaps out and grabs his, stopping him from moving his arm any further.

Barabus looks up at Kiril not with hostility, but with fear, and confusion.

"Kill the Master, Kill the Shaper, Kill the Knight"

He says it with meaning, as if he wants Kiril to understand something.

"Yes, we will.  We'll kill them all. You're finally mine and I'll kill anyone who tries to hurt you.

Oh.  Unless the knight is Ennius.  Him I would keep.

Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on May 04, 2016, 01:43:38 pm
"I saved us." Lucien says slowly. "I saved the city of Sofia."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on May 04, 2016, 02:19:58 pm
Barabus closes his eyes, and leans back until his head is resting on the floor.

He lets go of Kiril's arm, and drinks deeply when Kiril lets his blood flow.

"I saved us." Lucien says slowly. "I saved the city of Sofia."

Ennius's shakes his head.

"Would you lie to me even now, after you've damned us both?"
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on May 04, 2016, 04:29:52 pm
"Lie?" He asks surprised. "I saw what happend when i was staked. I saw the fire, i felt the burning of my heart. I SAW Sandors ritual, i know what would have happend. We all would be dead. The city of Sofia would be a burning pile rubble."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Sethaniel on May 04, 2016, 05:26:06 pm
Once he's certain Barabus is reasonably okay, Kiril checks on Amalia.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on May 05, 2016, 03:17:57 pm
Amalia appears to be unable to move. Her blood is pooled on the floor, sickeningly attractive to Kiril's open senses. It's all he can do to stop from kneeling and lapping at the stuff like a dog.

Her ghoul, father Patryn, seems to be trying to help her up.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on May 06, 2016, 10:35:57 am
"Lie?" He asks surprised. "I saw what happend when i was staked. I saw the fire, i felt the burning of my heart. I SAW Sandors ritual, i know what would have happend. We all would be dead. The city of Sofia would be a burning pile rubble."

"You idiot..." Ennius groans out loud. Lucien is stunned by his loyal, respectful servant's demeanour.

"He was trying to save you. He was going to burn Kupala from your soul. He sacrificed so much for you, this was how you chose to repay him?"
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on May 08, 2016, 04:00:29 pm
"By casting a ritual to destroy the city? NO,  you will not convince me on this." He said with a final tone. "Now, are you alright?"
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on May 08, 2016, 09:28:37 pm
Ennius gets up and slams a fist straight into Lucien's jaw. He seems to be doing that a lot lately. He speaks in a menacing tone.

"I'll never be, not with how you've damned us both. We're dead Lucien, do you understand that? The both of us are doomed. You killed Sandor! That thing, that horrible, evil thing that you let control you killed Sandor! We have NOTHING now! He was going to save you damn you! He was going to save your goddamned, worthless life, until you decided to choose a fate worse than any death!"
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on May 09, 2016, 09:22:06 am
"Lies!" Lucien screams. He looked absolutely furious. "You  want your god damned freedom? COME TAKE IT" He shouts furiously while changing to horrid form.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on May 14, 2016, 06:47:41 pm
Ennius leaps at Lucien, tackling the Kupala-blessed Koldun to the ground. The Damned Knight straddles Lucien, locking his legs down with his knees, and then strikes him again with a gaunleted fist.

"I'll never be free again, you fool!"
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on May 15, 2016, 11:50:59 am
Lucien closes his eyes briefly, spends a blood point on celerity and activates Endurence of stone. Then he will break lose from Ennius grip. before throwing him into one of the walls if he can, otherwise he'll just put som distance between them for now. "I told you already, the only way for you to bee free is to kill me. YOU COULDEN'T DO IT BEFORE AND YOU CANT NOW. The only reason you're a slave is because you're weak Ennius."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on May 18, 2016, 07:23:06 pm
Lucien, in his Horrid form, sidesteps Ennius' next blow and catches his arm with both hands while spending a blood point on Potence, shifting his weight to his right leg and launching the Ventrue knight - heavy armour and all - across the room and straight into one of the heavy stone walls.

A murmured word of power and Lucien's skin hardens and takes on a more resilient texture, while Ennius regains his feet, slowly, wordlessly unsheathing the greatsword that Lucien had forged for the knight.

Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on May 19, 2016, 07:00:06 pm
"You always were the stoic type." He says grimly. "Ennius, you were my friend once. You can be again. Stop this foolishness." He says as he spends another blood point on celerity. Dodging Ennius first strike and then sucker punch him across.

Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on May 19, 2016, 09:50:00 pm
Ennius runs right into Lucien's strike, shrugging it off even as Lucien severely dents the knight's armour, then he swings with his greatsword, catching Lucien on the side (despite his efforts to evade the hit). The greatsword sinks up to an inch in Lucien's hardened skin, while Ennius lets go of the blade, letting the weight drag Lucien down. He then steps back, out of Lucien's reach, and swipes a torch off the wall.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on May 20, 2016, 04:46:43 am
Lucien grits his teeth togheter from the pain when he removes the greatsword. Crafty bastard.

Lucien looks around the room for what Ennius might do with the torch.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on May 20, 2016, 12:48:11 pm
While Lucien is looking around, Ennius smashes the torch into Lucien's face, sparking the Red Fear - though Lucien quickly shoves it back down, his ability to resist rotshreck bolstered by his mastery of Fire Koldunism, the torch still leaves a painful burn on his cheek.

Ennius reaches down as Lucien reels and swipes his greatsword off the ground, wielding it one-handed now, switching the torch to his left hand.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on May 21, 2016, 01:34:10 pm
"Tsk. Fire? What would you hope to achieve with that puny flame?" Lucien asks with a raspy voice. "Dont you know me at all?" A wicked grin forming on his dark lips. "My turn."

Immedietly after he will charge Ennius with Celerity and use his claws to pierce his armor.

"Dont forget. You dont want me too close!" He says before using Vicissitude to pierce Ennius heart.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on May 21, 2016, 06:38:24 pm
Lucien sinks his claws into Ennius' platemail and strains, opening a large rent in the Ventrue's chest. He then tries to craft through Ennius' body and destroy his heart, only to encounter an armour more impenetrable than any metal - Ennius' own skin. He can barely depress the Ventrue's chest an inch before Ennius brings his metal-clad arm down onto Lucien's forearm, breaking his grip. He then dives to the side and shoves the torch into the hole left by the greatsword - Lucien grits his teeth at the pain.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on May 21, 2016, 06:56:36 pm
Lucien will make sure to keep his distance from the knight. If melee didnt work, his magic would. He will take extra effort to stay out of range from his sword and that damned Torch. With a flick of his wrist he will combust Ennius.

Lucien will use Celerity to put some distance between them if Ennius get too close for Comfort.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on May 21, 2016, 07:17:20 pm
Lucien leaps back across his throne room, diving behind his chair while ripping the still-burning torch out of his body, and super-heats the air around Ennius. Black flames explode around the knight, eating through stone and metal and flesh alike with an intensity unlike Lucien has ever dreamed of conjuring. The combustion sets fire to some tapestries hanging from the wall and inundates the room, temporarily blocking Ennius from the Kupala-blessed vampire's sight.

For a second, Lucien thinks the knight has been finished - only for Ennius to burst from the roiling flames, his armour shed, his shield held out in front of him, and slam into the massive stone structure that is Lucien's throne. It shakes and grinds underneath Ennius' laboured charge, and then it shifts and slowly begins to topple backwards. Lucien is forced to dash out from his makeshift cover while Sandor's - no, his throne - is smashed apart on hitting the floor, bits of stone cutting through the air on its destruction.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on May 21, 2016, 07:38:07 pm
BURN Lucien shouts as he summons a wall of Magma, not around himself like he usually does instead creating a circle around the room around them. Why does he fight? He shoulden't be able too, not with the blood bond.

"Why?" He asks. "While you were a slave at first, you became my friend. My brother. The only thing that changed is that Sandor died. I'm still me, and with you at my side and Kupala protecting us, we'd be unstoppable. Join me."

Again, he wil use celerity if Ennius tries anything.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on May 21, 2016, 07:52:40 pm
Molten rock explodes through the granite flooring, black eddies moving through the wall of fire ringing the two combatants. Ennius stays back, away from Lucien, and drives his greatsword into the lava with immense effort, his muscles straining to push the metal blade into the super-dense liquid. When he pulls it out, the end of the blade glows red and bits lava stick to it - no doubt ruined, but perhaps better serving its purpose for now.

"The only thing?!" Ennius exclaims as he runs towards Lucien while brandishing his makeshift burning blade.

Lucien steps under Ennius' guard and grabs his arm and his throat, swinging him around and throwing him directly into the lava wall - which burns so hot that not even the Ventrue knight's nigh mythical Fortitude can resist it. Despite the terrible pain he must feel, Ennius expresses no discomfort.

"You are not my master anymore, you are not my friend, not Lucien. The man I knew died in that church and before he did, he gave away our souls. That man was a terrible, faithless coward for what he did, but even he was better than you."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on May 21, 2016, 08:17:57 pm
ah, so thats why. I'm dead to him, the bonds are broken. Or possibly.. maybe. a bitter smile forms on his lips. "I... I see, Ennius, of clan Ventrue."

"Then why fight me here? You said it youself, Lucien is already dead. Sandor too. You have no master!"

Another combust follows his words.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on May 21, 2016, 08:52:44 pm
Lucien releases Ennius and jumps back so that he can ignite the air around the knight - Ennius strains with terrible ferocity, and forces himself out of the lava, though bits of it still burn on his skin and harden into rock. He sees the spell coming and dives down, throwing his shield over his head to partially shield himself from the blast of flame before surging back upright and tackling into Lucien, bringing him down. Lucien groans in pain as the lava still stuck to Ennius' skin burns him as well.

"BECAUSE YOU'RE BETTER OFF DEAD! Why can't you understand the price you've paid?"


It almost seems as if... is Ennius trying to save him?
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on May 21, 2016, 09:27:33 pm
While Lucien finally understood what he had dragged them into, it was too late for him. He knew in his long dead heart, that this was the end for him. Ennius, on the other hand still has a chance. And Lucien will make sure he takes it.

"Flee this place. Flee Transylvania. Never step your foot here again."

"Ennius, you have failed task at keeping me safe. You are a failure of a knight He says while using his sorcery to power his words.

"Goodbye, brother."
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on May 21, 2016, 09:33:46 pm
Ennius goes limp then, and Lucien sees the despair in his eyes.

The molten rock has solidified by now, and Lucien's spell begins to recede into the earth. Lucien feels that the castle's foundation has been destoryed by the summoning of the lava, and even now the building begins to crumble.

"You always were a bastard", he says softly, before sinking his fangs into Lucien's neck.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Daedalus on May 21, 2016, 09:42:33 pm
Fitting. Dying, here where it all began. May this place never be restored to its former glory. Let it crumble to dust with me.

Lucien closes his eyes.
Title: Re: Monstrous Mistakes - Kiril and Lucien
Post by: Drakilian on May 21, 2016, 10:12:18 pm
Memories flash in and out of Lucien's mind as his soul reflexively fights Ennius despite his inertia, though he quells its attempts to assert dominance rapidly enough. Much of what he sees is himself - himself as a monster, himself as a master, himself as a friend, himself as someone worth dying for - himself as someone worth damning himself for.

All of a sudden he sees Ennius' rage through his eyes, and he understands the pain and the loss that his dearest friend felt for him. Pain at knowing that Lucien was dead. Loss at knowing he would have to destroy the shell that was left of him.

Rage at knowing that he would have to damn himself if he was to free Lucien.

For a second, doubt clouds his mind - will he let his friend sacrifice himself like this, just to grant Lucien oblivion? But Ennius sweeps away Lucien's doubts for him, his will as enduring as his flesh. His fangs drink deeply of Lucien's blood, as they have so many times in the past, while he fulfills the obligation set by his Blood Bond, and by his loyalty - to do what is best for Lucien. He breaks into the Heart's Blood, and Lucien feels the corruption lifted from his soul, and taken into Ennius. He feels Ennius begin to tear apart the fabric of his very consciousness, and cannot muster the strength to thank him.

Then it all goes wrong.

A third presence joins this - this most intimate connection between these two, this final goodbye. It dwarfs the momentousness of the finality of Lucien's existence with its very presence.

No, I don't think so. You agreed to serve me Lucien. Ennius would take your place, but I would not let you go. Let's have a compromise shall we?

Then, Ennius, who had never showed an ounce of pain or fear in the entirety of his existence, not even when Yorak captured him in the Cathedral of Flesh when he left the city of Rome to slay the Ancient, not even through the centuries of torture, of reprogramming, of painful reconstruction, not through every horror that Lucien and Sandor could think to visit upon him - he screams.


Gedric steps back from the gatehouse - the other guardsmen had already run off to their families or loved ones when the castle started shaking, most everyone had been evacuated and now the worry was only that the earthquake would extend past the castle and into the city. He had no loved ones to worry about however, and was brave or stupid enough to stay and watch.

One of the few guards blessed by Sandor's special attentions, he was aware enough to understand that what was happening was not natural - this was magic at play, and big stuff too. Something the ancient sorcerer might summon up himself.

He takes cover when he judges that its about to collapse. When the keep goes down its like an implosion - the whole thing just kind of falls into itself, stones collapsing onto everything that had been inside. A short while after the dust clears, Gedric feels a sort of low-pitched boom that sets his heart racing. Something big either just showed up or just left - hell, maybe both.

Despite his better judgement, he runs up into the inner courtyard and scrambles up the wreckage of the keep. He had to see some things for himself - especially Sandor. If the old man was dead... he didn't want to think about the possibility. Didn't even dare hope for it.

He gets to the top of a particularly large bit of wreckage when he feels a falling sensation in his gut immediately followed by an enormous blast that sends him flying into the air, knocking his head on one of the blocks of granite from the throne room. Tons of stone fly through the air and smash apart on other masses of rubble. He reflexively closes his eyes when blood starts pouring into them, himself on the verge of passing out, when a hand that feels like it's made of well-forged steel grabs hold of him and lifts him to the air. Squinting through bloodied eyes, he sees that monstrously enduring knight of Lucien's - Ennius - standing in front of him. But something's wrong - his veins are all lined in Black, his body is covered in burns, he's far bigger than he should be, swollen to the point of impossibility, his eyes are dark as night, and a terrible, terrible evil rages its way into his soul in its presence.

Gedric tries to croak out something, but finds his jaw doesn't seem to work the way it should. The thing seems to understand the question, however.

"We are Lucius. Avatars of Kupala. We grant you your right to die."

End Sidequest