Haloo! Glad to see you two there on Staurday. No, I missed out on the Poo as well.

I have to be honest, I was mad and insulted listening to you describe the Penguins of Madagascar to the table of players. How dare they sign up for a game and
had no idea what the tv show was about or
had never seen the frikken Madagascar movies! For cripes sake! Those seats were like gold and they took them from people (like me) who had been boning up on the show, practicing the voices of the characters, just on the chance I could play in the game.. razzum frazzum..
At least they all got into it after I left.

Anywho.. My nephew and I had fun playing Pathfinder games, though the second game was marred by a bitchy older dude who got snappy whenever the GM didn't allow him to whip out his I WIN button. Plus there were two other Pathfinder Society members who really seemed to just want to play with each other's charaters and ignored the rest of us unless we desperately needed healing. The first game we played (before visiting with the Zerkas) was awesome though. Lots of laughs, roleplaying, and tense combat.
Friday I made it up for part of the day and was lucky enough to get into a pick-up game of the Dresden Files run by one of the writers of the game, Ryan Macklin (the lead project developer) and co-chaired by Chad Underkoffler (the lead setting developer)! It was a blast!

Nestor, that's awesome that your kids have an interest, especially since they all have
different interests around the hobby.
My oldest is 8, and she played her first game of Small World with me, my sister and brother-in-law on Sunday. She played with my sister for her first game, but went solo for the second, and came in second place! I was proud of her.