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Topics - Sethaniel

Pages: [1]
Community Conversation / So I'm not dying!
« on: September 28, 2016, 01:12:14 pm »
Home from surgery.

Good news: it wasn't a hernia

There was a lot of weird crap in there.  Mostly: a piece of my appendix that they missed in 2009. Also that cystic thing, which has been sent to the "are you sure this isn't cancer" lab.

Thanks everyone who cares. *_^. Super high right now.  Prolly still down/out for the next week they said

Media & Mayhem / Seth's Kickstarter
« on: August 10, 2016, 08:44:30 am »

As you might remember from "So, I might be dying II," I'm having surgery at the end of September. 
They're telling me the recovery time is at least a month.  Unfortunately, my job only pays half wage for short term disability. So, I'm trying to find something I can do to make up for lost wages.  And my options are kinda limited by the fact that I can't do much that isn't just using a computer.

If I can get this funded, I can afford to take medical leave. And I'll have 50+ hours a week to devote solely to the creation of this story.

This one is part of the ever-popular "transfer student discovers their new school is weird" genre. 
(Drakilian, come back, I promise it isn't a 'school game.')
You're a serial killer, and the school is full of demons.

The basic game has demon hunters, succubi, werewolves, and over 20 different endings.
You can play as male or female, each with their own unique storyline, and there are male and female optional romance sidequests for both characters.

There are also options to fund extended editions of the game.  These take the basic edition and add new content:

This is the version I would buy, if I were purchasing the game instead of writing it.
New romance options, more characters, and a whole new storyline focused on the relationship-building aspect of the game.

Drak, this is for you: a version focused on grimdark. 
More 'bad' endings, more options for NPC death, and a whole new storyline focused on the serial-killer aspect of the game.
Yes, the basic edition's romance is still in there, but you can ignore it.  In fact, you can kill off all the love interests so you don't have to worry about accidentally triggering a love story.

The Ultra-Deluxe version of the game.  Has all the content from both Lovely and Deadly editions, as well as a third completely new storyline.

Community Conversation / So, I might be dying II
« on: July 03, 2016, 08:30:50 am »
(Aka "what is wrong with you? Every other month it's something!")

Speaking of: how are you, Aeon?

Anyway, this s one of those "if it's nothing then I'm kinda pissed they made me spend all this $ on tests."

So I have a "complex mass" in my pelvic area. It's only about as big as a fun-size Snickers. Which isn't really very big. But now they wanna do a pelvic MRI because the ultrasound couldn't identify what it was.

My wife's like "does it really matter what it is? Is there anything it could be that's like 'oh that's good, we should totally leave that in there.'" (She's basically pushing for "tell them to just take it out, then they'll be able to tell what it was for sure.")

Which if it's just a cyst, they won't do. It's not really big enough. Anyway, it's prolly just a cyst because it hurts. So much. Not as much as when my appendix ruptured or anything.

TL;DR: hypochondriac

Disciples / Elizabeth Hastings (Avenging Angel)
« on: May 21, 2016, 10:34:50 am »

Elizabeth Hastings (Avenging Angel)
Experience: 0/24 Arcane: 0/0

Health 8
[  ][  ][  ][  ][  ][  ][  ][  ][  ][  ][  ][  ]

Willpower 5
[X][X][X][X][X][  ][  ][  ][  ][  ]

Mana (Max 10/1 per round)
[X][X][X][X][X][X][X][  ][  ][  ]
[  ][  ][  ][  ][  ][  ][  ][  ][  ][  ]

Gnosis 1

Size: 5
Defense: 2
Perception: 3
Initiative Mod: 3
Speed: 8

Unarmed Strike: Damage 0(B)


Protective Spells

Spells Cast Upon Self (Spell Tolerance 3)

Active Spells (Max 4)

Dedicated Magical Tool

Acana Based Tools

Enchanted Items

Equipment Carried
Messenger bag with mace, taser, various paperbacks, cell phone, penlight, magnifying glass



Media & Mayhem / Saints row
« on: May 01, 2016, 01:36:02 pm »
I've been gifted saints row iv.  Do i need to go find/play the other 3?

Media & Mayhem / A longer story than it needed to be
« on: April 19, 2016, 03:42:51 pm »
So:  I'm at home, middle of the day, and there's a knock at the front door.

Now, where I live, anyone you'd want to talk to doesn't come to the front door.  If they know you at all, they'll come around back.  The "back" door is the main door to the house, and in my family, it's the only door that's actually used.  The doorbell didn't work when we moved in, and we've never fixed it.  In fact right now (since Xmas) there's a coffee table blocking the front door from even opening more than enough to turn a pizza box sideways and slide it through.

So I don't answer the front door.  I don't care who you are, if you're at the front door I'm not home.  But wife is on the couch where she can see out the window, and she says "hey I think it's the police?"

I climb over the coffee table and crack the door, and it's actually the same cop 911 sent a couple weeks ago to make sure I didn't die before the paramedics got there. (small towns are great!)

Anyway, he says . . . "Your neighbors didn't think you were home."   


First of all, if you didn't think we were home, why were you knocking?  Second, you didn't remember two weeks ago when you tried to come in the front door?  (Okay, maybe he thought that was a temporary thing.)

So he goes around back, where we can actually open the door and talk to him.  Which is super convenient, as it turns out the thing he wants to talk to us about is, in fact, over by the back door.

Officer Friendly has shot a sick skunk right next to our deck.
(Which means he was right by the back door and I still don't get why he didn't just knock there.)

And now his earlier statement makes a little more sense.  Apparently, he was explaining why he unlatched our fence gate and came into the yard and shot the skunk before coming to talk to us.

I still want to know who the hell called the police in the first place.  Neighbors say it wasn't them.
I mean really, that's how little actual crime/danger there is around here, that someone thought the appropriate response to a skunk in our yard was to sic the police on it?

Anyhow, he left it there.  Said it would ruin his squad car/ uniform if he touched it, but that after we let it air out overnight, it was okay to throw in the trash.

Really?  Are we sure it's safe to do that?  I mean, what do you mean it was "sick?"  Do you mean rabid?

Teal deer:
My whole backyard smells like dead skunk.

Media & Mayhem / >:(
« on: April 05, 2016, 02:31:06 pm »
So. What I did yesterday in three sentences:

My wife had always said she would never call 911; this turned out to not be true.
Apparently, I told the paramedics I didn't need to go in the ambulance because I was indestructible.
My right hand only just stopped shaking this morning.

Now, I just so happened to have a preexisting appointment with a neurologist scheduled for this very day.  Which the ER dr was like "oh that's good, you can discuss this with them."  They gave me 24 hours worth of anti-seizure medication & said neurologist could determine if I should keep taking it.

Except I got Farking lost Farking twice on the way to the neurologist.  Which turned out to be goddamn right across the street from the Farking hospital I was just at yesterday.  Which you'd think the person who gave me directions might have mentioned at some point.

But I got lost twice and was ten minutes late.  So obviously there was no possible way the neurologist could see me.

However, in their infinite mercy, they did allow me to reschedule the appointment.  For next month.

So I called my pcp's office but she was gone home for the day.  & no other drs in the office had any availability. 
And I'm like "could I just leave a message for someone?"
Because I kind of would like to know if I should keep taking the anti-seizure pills, and if so, could someone write me a rx for them?

Community Conversation / Pets
« on: February 27, 2016, 06:43:49 am »
My rabbit died.  He was 8.

He was a great rabbit; so friendly.

When I was on the computer, he'd come sit under my chair & thump on the ground to warn me when the cat was in the room.

Cillian Summers (Luck Point Dispenser) - 52/70 XP

Gender Male; Age 14; Ht 4’10”; Wt 75 lbs; Stature Unassuming; Disposition Despondent, Distraught, Neurotic; Distinctive Features: none

Str 1; Agi 5; Con 1; Int 3; Wis 5; Pre 5; Vitality (0) 22; Wounds (-2) 6 (Armor 0)
Speaks English & Japanese
React 12*; Endure 6; Will 10; Luck 8 4; Surge 3
Init 17*; Move 25 ft (Run 50; Leap 1 high/5 long)

Unarmed Strike 4/1S; Grapple Moves 4/1S

Combat Skills
Defense 15 (Dodge; Parry) ~5
Ranged 8 (Shoot; Target; Throw)
Close Quarter 4 (Grapple; Melee; Unarmed)

General Skills
Acrobatics 12 (Balance; Escape +2; Tumble) ~4
Artistry 8 (Cooking; Expression; Rendering)
Athletics 7 (Climb; Jump; Sprint; Swim) ~3
Control 11  (Drive; Pilot; Operate Heavy Machinery) ~3
Evaluate 13 (Appraise; Gamble; Sense Motive +2; Streetwise) ~6
Fabricate 6 (Construction; Mechanics; Weaponsmith)
Face 9 (Bluff; Entertain; Intimidate; Taunt) ~4
First Aid 6 (Slow Poison; Treat Injury)
General Knowledge 6 (Trivia; In The News; Who's Who)
Larceny 8 (Forgery; Open Locks; Sleight of Hand)
Outdoors 8 (Handle Animal; Survival; Track)
Perception 16 (Listen; Search; Spot) ~6
Sabotage 6 (Demolitions; Disable Device; Trap Setting)
Socialize 13 (Diplomacy; Interrogation -3; Gather Info) ~5
Stealth 11 (Disguise; Hide +2; Move Silently) ~3
Tech 6 (Computers, Electronics, Security Systems)

Evasion; Feng-Shui Master; Forensic Analysis; Insightful Profiler; Zen Mastery; Agile; Alert; Feng-Shui Powers x7; Lucky; Toughness

Psychic or Feng-Shui Powers
Read Aura/Killjoy; Danger Sense/Jinx; Divine Location/Discord; Alter Chance; Harmony/Karma Drain; Gatestone Required); Summon/Curse (Gatestone Required); Chart Fate (Gatestone Required)

Code of Honor (Altruism); Heroic; Kid; Short

Equipment Normal Load 10; Encumbered 20; Limit 30; Drag 120
Pink cat backpack; black hoodie (with cat ears); Lopan w/ Gatestone

AKA 'Simon Mayhem' (Rock & Roller Discord Master) - 0/29 XP

Gender Male; Age 24; Ht 5’5”; Wt 110 lbs; Stature Dynamic; Disposition Mercurial, Imaginative, Dissatisfied; Distinctive Features: Asymmetric outfits, multiple piercings, unnatural hair color

Str 1; Agi 3; Con 3; Int 3; Wis 5; Pre 5; Vitality (0) 14; Wounds (-2) 8 (Armor 0)
Speaks English & Sign Language
React 8; Endure 8; Will 10; Luck 4; Surge 3
Init 13; Move 30 ft (Run 60; Leap 1 high/5 long)

Unarmed Strike 4/1S; Grapple Moves 4/1S; 9mm Deck Pistol 7/8L 40ft (12); Taser 5/♠ 40ft max (2); Spray Mace 9/♠ 10ft max (5♠)

Combat Skills
Defense 6 (Dodge; Parry)
Ranged 6 (Shoot; Target; Throw)
Close Quarter 4 (Grapple; Melee; Unarmed)

General Skills
Acrobatics 6 (Balance; Escape; Tumble)
Artistry 12 (Cooking; Expression; Rendering) ~4
Athletics 7 (Climb; Jump; Sprint; Swim) ~3
Control 6  (Drive; Pilot; Operate Heavy Machinery)
Evaluate 13 (Appraise; Gamble; Sense Motive; Streetwise) ~5
Fabricate 6 (Construction; Mechanics; Weaponsmith)
Face 15 (Bluff; Entertain +2; Intimidate; Taunt) ~5
First Aid 6 (Slow Poison; Treat Injury)
General Knowledge 9 (Trivia; In The News; Who's Who) ~3
Larceny 10 (Forgery; Open Locks; Sleight of Hand) ~4
Outdoors 8 (Handle Animal; Survival; Track)
Perception 13 (Listen; Search; Spot) ~5
Sabotage 6 (Demolitions; Disable Device; Trap Setting)
Socialize 13 (Diplomacy +2; Interrogation +2; Gather Info) ~5
Stealth 11 (Disguise; Hide; Move Silently) ~3
Tech 6 (Computers, Electronics, Security Systems)

Discord Master; Rile a Mob; Compelling; Discord Powers x2; Lucky; Popular

Feng-Shui/Discord Powers
Jinx/Danger Sense*; Killjoy/Read Aura*

Compulsive Gambler; Distinctive Features (Mode of Dress); Impulsive

Equipment Normal Load 25; Encumbered 50; Limit 75; Drag 300
9mm Deck Pistol; Taser; Chainsaw; Spray Mace; Smoke bombs (for magic tricks!); Casual clothes; More outfits with stripes; Collection of neckties; Nail polish; Lots of different flavors of Jupiter Gloss; Stage costume (magician); Stage costume (rock star); Sunglasses; Too much facial jewelry; Audio recorder; Bullhorn (for riling mobs); Cell phone; Deck of cards; Dice! (Pretty ones); Handcuffs (for escape tricks. Really); Hidden video recorder; Laser microphone; Lock pick set; Lopan w/ Gatestone; Memory vid (wow, that's awesome); Micro Comlink; Musical instruments of all kinds, including a Theremin (so sci-fi!); Notebook computer; Pocket secretary; Sol phone; Surgical tools; Video equipment; Permit to Hunt Bounty; Multiple forms of identification with alternate names; Agent (Sid Royal. I'm a rock star!); Diplomat for Hire (Sir Melborne Smithe on Retainer)

Vampire The Masquerade / Kiril Petrov Veranin
« on: January 19, 2015, 10:40:50 pm »

BRUISED [ O ] |INJURED (-1)[ O ] | CRIPPLED (-5) [ O ]
HURT (-1) [ O ] |WOUNDED (-2) [ O ]
HURT (-1) [ O ] |MAULED (-2) [ O ]

Permanent: 10
Temporary: 10/10

Courage: 5
Conviction: 3
Instinct: 2

Blood Pool


6 per turn

Path of the Grey Hunter




(Auspex 1-3, Empathy 1-3)

Base Initiative



Kiril is periodically subject to Husayn's memories and opinions.

Any time Kiril must make a Willpower roll in order to resist desire, he rolls his current Willpower as opposed to his permanent Willpower.

If another vampire enters Kiril's territory uninvited, he must make a frenzy roll. If he fails, he immediately attacks the interloper and continues attacking until the intruder is dead or has left his hunting grounds.

Kiril makes all frenzy checks at +2 difficulty around peasants. If he does frenzy, he will always attack peasants first.

Kiril is devoted to the protection of his mortal descendants.

Casts no reflection.

Kiril will never break the terms of an agreed-upon contract - unless the other contract holder betrays him first.

Kiril must gain three successes on a willpower roll (difficulty 9) in order to break his word.

Kiril cannot ever attempt to kill (directly or indirectly) his sire, Basilio the Elder.

Any time Kiril wishes to act against the Assamite faction he must garner at least 3 successes on a willpower roll of varying difficulty.

At the beginning of each night, Kiril must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 7) or lose one die on all actions for that night.

Kiril's aura shows that he has committed diablerie.


Kiril may ignore a single "one" on every roll he makes.

Kiril may spend a Willpower point to shake off the effects of the vampiric Dominate or Demention Disciplines, as well as Mind-based charm and possession spells.  In addition, he has three extra dice to resist any mind-altering magic, spell or Thaumaturgy path, as well as any type of brainwashing.  Each turn he spends actively resisting the spell costs one point of temporary Willpower.  (No effect on Spirit-based magic, the Presence Discipline, or other emotion-based charm/appeal.)

At the conclusion of any frenzy, Kiril rolls Courage (difficulty 5). Each success restores one point of Willpower, up to his usual maximum.

Kiril remembers, with perfect detail, things seen and heard. (Under stressful conditions involving numerous distractions, he must make a Perception + Alertness roll (difficulty 6) to summon enough concentration to absorb what his senses detect.)

Kirin occasionally recalls information about Husayn's former acquaintances.

+2 to initiative
-1 to difficulty of tasks requiring fine manipulation
-1 to difficulty when making a contested roll versus lie detection
-1 to difficulty when making a contested roll to conceal emotion
-1 to difficulty of manipulation when Kiril has researched the topic or target
-1 to difficulty of discerning information about a person by looking at them, or their home.
-1 to difficulty when recalling information about demons
-1 to difficulty of pretending to be someone else

Character Creation / Aman's Brother (by seth)
« on: January 06, 2015, 01:26:35 pm »
Name: Kiril Petrov Varenin

Player: Seth

Chronicle: Transylvanian Chronicles


Demeanor: Chameleon

Sire: Basilio

Clan: Lasombra

Generation: 7

Concept: Imposter Nobleman



Physical 3

Strength: 1; Dexterity: 4; Stamina: 1

Social 7

Charisma: 2 Manipulation: 6 Appearance: 2

Mental 5

Perception: 2; Intelligence: 2; Wits: 4

Abilities  13/9/5

Talents 9

Alertness: 3; Awareness; 0; Athletics: 0; Brawl: 0; Dodge: 0; Empathy: 0; Expression: 1; Intimidation: 1; Leadership: 1; Streetwise: 0; Subterfuge: 4

Skills 5

Animal Ken: 0; Crafts: 0; Riding/Drive: 1; Etiquette: 2; Firearms: 0; Melee: 2; Performance: 0; Security: 0; Stealth: 0; Survival: 0

Knowledge 13

Academics: 1; Politics: 1; Finance: 1; Investigation: 3; Linguistics: 3; Medicine: 0; Occult: 3; Science: 0; Law: 1


Dexterity: Manual Dexterity (-1 to difficulty of tasks requiring fine manipulation)
Manipulation: Practiced Liar (-1 to difficulty when making a contested roll versus lie detection)
Manipulation: Concealed Emotions (-1 to difficulty when making a contested roll to conceal emotion)
Manipulation:  Well-Rehearsed Story (-1 to difficulty of manipulation when Kiril has researched the topic or target)
Wits: Quick Reflexes (+2 to Base Initiative)
Subterfuge: Trained Impersonator (-1 to difficulty of pretending to be someone else)


Obtenebration 3, Potence 3, Dominate


Courage: 5

Conviction:  3

Instinct:  2




Allies: ; Influence: ; Mentor: ; Resources: ; Contacts: ; Generation: 5; Herd: ; Retainers:  ; Status:


(Leave this section of your character sheet blank. This part is here purely for my use. If you gain any enemies or adverse backgrounds during your in-game time, they will show up here.)


Via Venator Umbra


Permanent Willpower: 10/10

Temporary Willpower: 10/10


Full; No penalty;

Blood pool

Points: 20

Points per turn:  4

Merits and Flaws

Charmed Existence (5-pt. merit 7 pt merit by ST fiat)

Your unlife is somehow protected, and you do not face the perils that others must. It could be that you are simply lucky. Whatever the reason, you may ignore a single "one" on every roll you make. This makes it far less likely that you will ever botch, and grants you more successes than others obtain.

Iron Will (3-pt. merit)

Nothing can break you. Monsters and sorcerers can throw their mojo in your face, but nothing sticks for long. Sooner or later, you can break almost any charm or compulsion laid against you. When you do, heads will roll....
This Merit allows you to spend a Willpower point to shake off the effects of the vampiric Dominate Discipline, as well as Mind-based charm and possession spells (as opposed to Spirit-based ones). In addition, you receive three extra dice to resist any mind-altering magic, spell or Thaumaturgy path, as well as any type of brainwashing. Each turn you spend actively resisting the spell's effects costs you one point of Willpower, though, so your resistance is only as strong as your determination. This Merit has no effect against spirit-or Spirit-magic-based possessions, or against any emotional-based charms or appeals (such as Presence). Even the toughest badass can have a Silly-Putty heart.

The Merit: Iron Will grants immunity to Dementation in the same manner as it does versus Dominate: By spending a Willpower point, the player negates the effect of a successful application of Dementation to her character. However, as is the case with Dominate, high levels of Dementation may overwhelm even this resistance. Rather than completely negating the effect of an elder Dementation power, the use of Iron Will raises its effective difficulty, which may reduce the number of successes rolled. Against Dementation Level Six, the expenditure of a Willpower point through Iron Will raises the difficulty of the Dementation roll by two. Against Dementation Level Seven, the same expenditure raises the Dementation difficulty by one. Dementation Level Eight and higher cannot be resisted with Iron Will.

Cathartic Fury (2-pt. merit)

Forced to play the part of the civilized monster, you find solace and strength in periodic outbursts of rage. At the conclusion of any frenzy, roll Courage (difficulty 5). Each success restores one point of Willpower, up to your usual maximum. Vampires with this Merit still suffer degeneration for their frenzy if such anger violates the tenets of their road.

Eidetic Memory  (2-pt. merit)

You remember, with perfect detail, things seen and heard. Documents, photographs, conversations, etc., can be committed to memory with only minor concentration. Under stressful conditions involving numerous distractions, you must make a Perception + Alertness roll (difficulty 6) to summon enough concentration to absorb what your senses detect.


Spoiled Beast (3-pt. flaw)

What the Beast has had before, it wants again, and it wants it now. Any time the player must make a Willpower roll in order for her character to resist desire, she does so with only as many dice as she has in her Willpower pool, as opposed to her rating. That is, she rolls her current Willpower as opposed to her permanent Willpower. This Flaw can be particularly debilitating when it comes to staving off hunger for example.

Territorial (2-pt. flaw)

You are extremely territorial, staking out a particular area as your hunting ground and reacting aggressively to trespassers. If another vampire enters your territory uninvited, you must make a frenzy roll. If you fail, you immediately attack the interloper and continue attacking until the intruder is dead or has left your hunting grounds. You are reluctant to leave your territory except in desperate circumstances.

Fierce Bigot (2-pt. flaw)

You hold particular hatred or disdain for a specific class or community of mortals, most likely the common rabble of serfs and servants. You make all frenzy checks at +2 difficulty around such individuals and always attack them first if you do succumb to frenzy.

Ward (3pt Flaw)
You are devoted to the protection of a mortal. You may describe your ward, though the Storyteller will actually create her. This character is often a friend or relative from your living days. Retainers do not count as wards, as they "pay their own way". Wards have a talent for getting caught up in the actions of stories, and are frequently target’s of a character’s enemies.






Weapon/Attack: Saber Difficulty 0 (+1 on land) Damage: +4-L Range: Swing rate: 1/swing Clip: 1 Conceal: No
Weapon/Attack: Fangs (infinite bitings!)
(More will be added as needed)


Expanded backgrounds
(Here you provide descriptions of your background)


Contacts: XX

Influence: XX

Herd: XX

Retainers: XX


Status: XX

Other: XX


Gear (Carried): XX

Equipment (Owned): XX

Vehicles: XX

Feeding grounds: XX

Blood bonds/Vinculi

Bound to: XX (Rating: XX)


Location: XX

Description: XX


His story till now: XX

Goals/Destiny: XX

Why he is willing to join the coterie (besides sire's request): XX

Connection to other characters: Anton's brother


Age: 38

Apparent Age: 30

Date of Birth: 1160

Death: 1191

Hair: Dark brown

Eyes: Hazel

Race: Vampire

Nationality: Bulgarian

Height: XX

Weight: XX

Sex: Male

Physical description:

Betrayal at House on the Hill / Map
« on: August 01, 2014, 03:59:26 pm »
There are three levels- Ground, Upper, and Basement.

Room names are in black.

Room special info is in blue-violet.

The gray boxes represent doors to other rooms.

Turn Order
Miranda: Yellow
Sarah: Green
Ensio: Violet
Professor Jones: Blue
Fabio: Red

Room Special Info:

*Traveling between Grand Staircase and Upper Landing does not count as moving a space.

Betrayal at House on the Hill / Betrayal Gameplay Thread
« on: August 01, 2014, 03:48:52 pm »
A retired professor, a wealthy heiress, a paranormal expert, a circus strongman, and a witch!

Betrayal at House on the Hill / Characters
« on: July 30, 2014, 09:21:26 pm »
There are 12 base characters to choose from:
Two old men, two old women,
two young men, two young women,
two little boys, and two little girls. 

Only one of each character type can be in play at a time.

When you select a character, give them a name and physical description, as well as three hobbies/interests.

Betrayal at House on the Hill / Rules!
« on: July 30, 2014, 08:54:06 pm »
In Betrayal at House on the Hill, each player chooses a character to explore a creepy old house.  As you explore the house, you discover new rooms.  Each time you enter a new room, you might find something. . . Or something might find you.  Explorers get better (or worse) depending on how they deal with the house’s surprises.  The house is different each time you play.

At some random point in the game, one explorer triggers a scenario called a haunt.  When the haunt is revealed, one explorer betrays everyone else.  That explorer becomes a traitor bent on defeating his former companions.  The rest of the explorers become heroes struggling to survive.  From then on, the game is a fight between the heroes and the traitor, often to the death.

The game has 50 potential haunts, and each one tells a different story.

Object of the Game:  Explore the house and make your character stronger until the haunt begins.  After that, your goal is to complete your side’s victory condition first- either as traitor or hero.

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