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Messages - killa_robot

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Side Quests / Re: Yuki's Gatestone Quest
« on: October 20, 2013, 04:58:14 pm »
Yuki turns to Miya, adjusting her mask so Miya can see her face.

"Hmm, want to make camp here and continue tomorrow in the morning?"

She asks, glancing at the cave then to Miya.

"Hey Miya, are oni nocturnal?"

She asks.

Side Quests / Re: Yuki's Gatestone Quest
« on: October 19, 2013, 09:29:54 pm »
"Oni eat people though, don't they..."

Yuki says, sharing Miya's uncertainty.

Side Quests / Re: Yuki's Gatestone Quest
« on: October 19, 2013, 08:12:15 pm »
"Hmmm....I don't think it'd be too quick to leave it's a plan?"

Yuki asks, then upon hearing Miya's ending statement comments on it.

"Ah yeah. You always have had good vision, like a cat! Meow!"

She says happily, attempting to mimic a cat meowing with her hands pawing the air.

Side Quests / Re: Yuki's Gatestone Quest
« on: October 19, 2013, 02:27:56 pm »
"Hm? Well we'll probably be fine...."

Yuki replies with a slight head tilt, showing that she's not entirely sure. She then pulls out the Kabuki mask.

"The cave will probably be dark, right?"

She says, putting on the mask.

"Are you having second thoughts?"

Yuki asks from beneath the mask.

Side Quests / Re: Yuki's Gatestone Quest
« on: October 19, 2013, 11:27:44 am »
"Hehe, thanks mom!"

Yuki replies happily. She then gives a quick bow, and leads Miya to the location where the silver weapons are kept, since she obviously knew they had them all along. Once there she gets as many silver-tipped arrows as she can, and picks up a silver lined sword for good measure, handing one to Miya as well should she want one.

The two of them then head towards the cavern her mother spoke of.

(OOC: Not sure if this is "controlling" Miya too much, but I figured I'd say what I plan to do even if Fireplay needs to confirm it.)

Side Quests / Re: Yuki's Gatestone Quest
« on: October 19, 2013, 10:46:27 am »
"Hmm, do we have any silver-tipped arrows or weapons here?"

Yuki asks.

Side Quests / Re: Yuki's Gatestone Quest
« on: October 19, 2013, 10:29:37 am »
"Hehe, that seems like a pretty interesting way to get a gatestone!"

Yuki replies happily.

"Let's do it! Ah, how far away is it? Since it's an oni do we need anything special to fight it?"

Yuki asks.

"Ooh this is so exciting!"

Side Quests / Re: Yuki's Gatestone Quest
« on: October 18, 2013, 08:12:41 pm »
Yuki smiles.

"Hi Mom! Well, first we helped a spirit, then we took a bath, then had a party, then we arrived in Aomori. The people there didn't seem too happy to see us, and a bunch of ronin claimed that Ho Kasamatsu was their Daiymo and that ours held no rights over the town. So we defeated them and brought one of them back with us. We didn't find anything that would prove Ho Kasamatsu was posing as a Daiymo, though we did find papers claiming the ronin were his samurai....."

She then pauses briefly.

"We also had to bring six women back as punishment to the town, because the Daiymo requested it."

She then sighs, clearly not all too pleased at the last part.

"Anyway, that was it. We have other things to discuss though."

Yuki says.

"I think I should get my own gatestone, so that I can continue down my path of Discord. So, I was wondering, if you knew where I could get one...."

She asks her mother in an unsure tone.

Spell Notes
Focused Spells_
Enhance (Artisan; 13♠; 24 hours) Attack/Touch: The Enhance spell temporarily changes the quality of any one nonliving object touched to that of a higher state and value.  Any object Enhanced with this spell instantly doubles in value; and if it is a weapon, both its Accuracy and Damage are increased by +1; other Enhanced objects may or may not grant a +2 Bonus to their use as determined by the GM.  Enhanced objects revert back to normal after twenty-four hours, or if hit with Dispel Magic.

Fortify (Artisan; 8♠; 24 hours) Attack/Touch: The Fortify spell allows the Hexslinger to improve the structural integrity of any one object touched, temporarily increasing its Structure Points by +10 and its Hardness or Armor Value by +2.  Fortified objects revert back to normal after twenty-four hours, or if hit with Dispel Magic.

Make Whole (Artisan; 18♠; Pmt): The Make Whole spell instantly restores any broken or destroyed nonliving object (of any size) to the condition of its original construction.  Some portion of the original object must remain and be within the Hexslinger’s line of sight when the spell is cast, though that portion can be as little as single pinch of ash.  Objects that are portable can be restored anywhere, but objects rooted to a specific location, such as a ruined building, must be remade where they once stood.  When cast, the Make Whole spell consumes all the original pieces of the object in question, regardless of distance or location, and then reforms them into a new and completely whole version of the original object.

Repair (Artisan; 10; I) Attack/Touch: Each casting of the Repair spell instantly restores a number of lost Armor, Hardness, Structure, or System Points, to any one nonliving object touched, equal to 10 (plus the X-Roll of the casting).

Spiff (Artisan; 5; I) Attack/Touch: The Spiff spell instantly cleans and polishes any one nonliving object or area that the Hexslinger touches; making it appear upkept and well cared for, but not actually affecting its normal wear and tear in any way.


Passwall (Dimensional; 10; R) Po: Passwall allows the Hexslinger to become Incorporeal for one round, untouchable, ghostlike, and able to pass through solid objects, as if they were not there.  Because the spell lasts for a complete round, only his available movement limits the distance that the Hexslinger can pass through solid objects.  Getting caught in a solid object when the spell ends kills the Hexslinger instantly however – but does allow him or her to come back as a Ghost or Haunt.

As appropriate to the setting, this spell can also be used to cross the barrier between the Physical and Spirit World, much in the same way that the Manifest Edge allows other creatures to do so.

Jump (Dimensional; 13♠; I/S*): Jump allows the Hexslinger to instantly move a limited distance without actually crossing the space in between – he simply blinks from one position to the other.  When using the Jump spell, the Hexslinger is limited in what he can take with him by his normal Carrying Capacity, up to Encumbered.  In addition, it is not possible to Jump into a position already occupied by another creature or object.  In the case where a Hexslinger attempts to do so, either inadvertently or by intention, the spell will automatically fail. 

When used with a Surge Point, Jump can be held active for a Combat Scene; meaning that it can be used without further casting during each Round, simply by spending a Move Action.

The distance a Hexslinger can Jump, is limited by his Wisdom Score, as noted on the table below. 

Wisdom Jump Distance
1-2| 100 ft
3-4| 300 ft
5-6| 1000 ft
7-8| 1 mile
9-10| 10 miles

Teleport (Dimensional; 18♠; I): Teleport allows the Hexslinger to instantly move any distance, to any location he has ever been to, without actually crossing the space in between – he is suddenly gone from the one place and appears as suddenly in the other.  When Teleporting, the Hexslinger can also bring a number of passengers along with him (and whatever gear they can carry among them), as long as they are in linked contact with the Hexslinger (i.e. holding hands together, with the Hexslinger physically touching at least one of them).  Just how many passengers, is limited by the Hexslinger’s Wisdom Score, as outlined in the table below.

Note however, that it is not possible to Teleport into a position already occupied by another creature or object.  In the case where a Hexslinger attempts to do so, either inadvertently or by intention, the spell will automatically fail.

WisdomMax Passengers
1-2| 2
3-4| 10
5-6| 25
7-8| 50
9-10| 100

Gate (Dimensional; 18♠; M): Gate allows the Hexslinger to create a portal between any two points, allowing himself (and anyone else) cross through from one side to the other for as long as the gate remains open.  Anyone standing between a Gate when it closes will be shunted harmlessly out one side or the other, determined randomly or by GM whim.  The size of the Gate (and what can pass through it), is determined by the Hexslinger’s Wisdom Score as follows: 

WisdomGate Size
1-2| Small
3-4| Medium
5-6| Large
7-8| Huge
9-10| Colossal

Dismiss (Dimensional; 18♠; I) Attack/Touch; Partial Save: Dismiss allows the Hexslinger to instantly teleport a single creature (of any size) to any point he has ever been to, yet remain himself behind.  Inanimate objects can also be moved with this spell, but are significantly more limited as to how much can be moved at a time.  To determine how much inanimate material can be moved with this spell, substitute the Hexslinger’s Wisdom score in place of Strength on the Carrying Capacity table of the core rules and multiply the indicated Limit by 10.

Once cast, the Hexslinger must then touch his intended target to Dismiss it.  Touching a target that is intentionally avoiding contact with the Hexslinger requires a normal Unarmed or Grapple Attack.  In addition, the target can make a Willpower Save to avoid being Dismissed, but gains a level of Fatigue from the effort if successful.

Only the whole creature can be affected by the spell – no, you can’s just teleport away someone’s head.  Inanimate objects on the other hand, can be affected piecemeal by weight – you could dismiss an entire building a couple of tons at a time.

The Hexslinger should take some care when using this spell however, as creatures killed by the clever use of Dismiss return as Ghosts and can haunt the caster or seek Resurrection from someone else.


Stunning Grasp (Energy; 5; I) Attack; Po: When cast, the Stunning Grasp spell charges the Hexslinger’s touch with a powerful electric charge that Stuns on contact.  Once contact with a victim is made, the energy is transferred and the spell ends – although a Hexslinger can hold the energy indefinitely until then.  Touching a victim that is intentionally avoiding contact with the Hexslinger requires a normal Unarmed or Grapple Attack.

Crackling Aura (Energy; 8♠; S) Partial Save; Po: The Crackling Aura spell surrounds the Hexslinger in a nimbus of arcing electrical energy that radiates 5’ from his person.  Anyone coming into this area takes a flat (no X-Roll) 4L AP Damage per round and must make an Endurance Save or be Stunned.

Static Shock (Energy; 8♠; Until Discharged): With the Static Shock spell, the Hexslinger causes a powerful surge of static electricity to build up in any one metal object within his line of sight.  The energy then remains in the object until a living creature comes within 10’ of it, at which point the energy is discharged from the object to the creature, who takes 8L AP Damage (plus the X-Roll of the casting) and must make an Endurance Save or be Stunned.

If there are already living creatures within 10’ of the object when the spell is cast, then the nearest creature not actually touching the object takes the shock. Any creature in physically contact with the object when the spell is cast is considered a part of the object and is not in danger of being hit by the energy, unless they break contact with the object before the energy is released.

Plasma Burst (Energy; 13♠; I) Partial Save: The Plasma Burst spell causes the air around the Hexslinger to spontaneously erupt in a chaotic burst of electrical energy, causing everything within 30’ of the Hexslinger to take 10L AP Damage (plus the X-Roll of the casting) and to make an Endurance Save or be Stunned.  In addition, a Plasma Burst will also fry any electronic equipment within the area of effect, except for that which is in physical contact with the Hexslinger at the moment the spell is cast.

Lightning Bolt (Energy; 18♠; I) Partial Save: The Lightning Bolt spell causes a devastating bolt of lightning to leap out from the caster at any target within 100’.  As long as the Hexslinger has an uninterrupted line of sight to the target, the Lightning Bolt will hit (no Attack Roll required), doing 18L AP Damage (plus the X-Roll of the casting) and forcing an Endurance Save to avoid being Stunned.


Restore Vitality (Life; 5; I) Po: Restore Vitality instantly restores 10 Vitality Points each time it is used and counters the Conditions of Fatigued, Exhausted, Unconscious, Nauseated, and the special Disabled status induced by Surgery.

Suppress Toxins (Life; 5; I) Po: Suppress Toxins instantly counters the effects of all poisons or diseases, reversing any Condition change, Ability Point, or Wound Point loss imposed by the toxin.

Close Wounds (Life; 10; I) Po: Close Wounds instantly restores a flat (no X-Roll) 5 Wound Points each time it is used, Stabilizing Dying characters and taking Disabled characters back to Wounded.

Heal (Life; 13♠; I) Po: Heal instantly restores a character to full Vitality, Wound, and Ability Points.  In doing so it also counters the Conditions of Blinded, Deafened, Disabled, Diseased, Dying, Exhausted, Fatigued, Poisoned, Stabilized, Unconscious, and Nauseated.

Regeneration (Life; 18♠; I) Po: Regeneration does everything Heal does but also allows the restoration of lost limbs and organs, instantly re-growing them all in a matter of seconds.


Light Touch (Air; 10; M): Light Touch allows the Hexslinger to telekinetically pick up and move any object (or creature) up to 50 pounds, within line of sight.  The object moves at a Base Movement of (5’ x INT) and can be double moved (two Actions) if desired, but not ‘Run’.  Creatures caught with this ability can still change facing and attack (if in range), but have no control over their own Movement.  Light Touch can be maintained over multiple rounds with concentration.

Heavy Hand (Air; 8♠; M): Heavy Hand allows the Hexslinger to telekinetically pick up and move any object (or person), within line of sight, up to a number of pounds limited only by the Hexslinger’s Wisdom Score.  To determine how much weight can be moved with this spell, substitute the Hexslinger’s Wisdom score in place of Strength on the Carrying Capacity table of the core rules and multiply the indicated Limit by 10.  The object can be moved at a Base Movement of (5’ x WIS) and can be double moved (two Actions) if desired, but not ‘Run’.  People caught with this ability can still change facing and attack (if in range), but have no control over their own Movement.  Heavy Hand can be maintained over multiple rounds with concentration.

Flight (Air; 8♠; M) Po: Flight allows the Hexslinger to fly through the air at a Base Movement of 30’.  He may also ‘Run’ his flight if desired going up to (30’ x INT).

Deflection (Air; 13♠; I): Deflection can be cast as a Defensive Action and allows the Hexslinger to stop dead (or deflect to the side) any incoming attack or blast, as long as the attack is coming at him from the front.  This includes all Close Quarter Combat attacks and Ranged Combat attacks, as well as vehicle Ramming attacks, and Area Attacks that originate within 45° to either side of his facing (although it does not prevent poison gas or Fire Hazards from effecting him after the initial blast).

Fling (Air; 18♠; I) Indirect Save: Fling allows the Hexslinger to telekinetically pick up any object (or person) up to 5000 pounds and hurl it through the air with great force.  Objects are treated as if they had fallen 100’ (30SL Damage, no X-Roll) whether they are thrown strait up or into another object (Tumble may be used as normal to reduce this damage).  Objects or people may also be targeted by something telekinetically hurled at them.  In this case, resolve the attack as a Targeted Area Attack that only affects the individual targeted (defend against the attack as per the standard Area Attack rules outlined in the core rules).


Tone (Light & Sound; 5; M or I) Po: Tone allows the Hexslinger to cause individual tones of sound to be heard at varying volumes that move about anywhere he desires within his line of sight.  Once created, the Tones remain in existence until dismissed or the Hexslinger moves more than 100’ away, at which point they fade out.  There is no limit to the number of Tones the Hexslinger can bring into being, although an excessive amount can drown out normal hearing.

This ability also allows the Hexslinger to create a sudden and intense sonic boom (centered on himself), which can be heard up to 10 miles away.  All those within a 50’ radius (excluding the Hexslinger) must make a MTN 10 or Crit Fortitude Save or be Stunned and then Deafened a number of rounds equal to the X-Roll of their Save.  A Botch on the Save means the character temporarily gains the Impaired Hearing Flaw for 24 hours after his hearing returns.

Mote (Light & Sound; 5; M or I) Po: Mote allows the Hexslinger to cause small dazzling motes of light to appear and move about anywhere within his line of sight, each about as bright as 100 watt bulb.  Once created, the motes remain until dismissed or the Hexslinger moves more than 100’ away, at which point they flicker out.  There is no limit to the number of Motes the Hexslinger can bring into being, although an excessive amount can obscure vision (see Concealment in core rules).

This ability also allows the Hexslinger to release a sudden blinding flash of brilliant light from his body if desired, visible up to 10 miles.  All those facing the Hexslinger’s direction with an unimpeded line of sight when this happens must make a MTN 10 or Crit Reflex Save or be Blinded a number of rounds equal to the X-Roll of their Save.  A Botch on the Save means the character temporarily gains the Impaired Vision Flaw for 24 hours after his sight returns.

Sound Manipulation (Light & Sound; 8♠: M): Sound Manipulation allows the Hexslinger to control all sound within a 100’ radius, increasing or decreasing its volume as desired.  He can keep all sound out, creating an area of dead silence, or increase the volume of an area to such an intensity as to deafening all within.  He can also create bubbles of sound or silence of any number or size within the 100’ radius, controlling not only the amount of sound within each, but also how much sound escapes.  Because of this, it is possible to have an area of deafening blare hidden from the hearing of those standing nearby (although the sound within is intense, the Hexslinger is not allowing any of it to leave the area, so those outside perceive only the conditions they are already in).

Light Manipulation (Light & Sound; 8♠; M): Light Manipulation allows the Hexslinger to control all light within a 100’ radius, increasing or decreasing it as desired.  He can keep all light out, creating an area so pitch black that even night vision cannot penetrate, or increase the light to a intense white-out glare blinding everyone within.  He can also create bubbles of light or dark of any number or size within the 100’ radius, controlling not only the amount of light within each, but also how much light escapes.  Because of this, it is possible to have an area of blinding white light or pitch dark hidden in plain view (although the light or dark within is intense, the Hexslinger is not allowing any of it to leave the area, so those outside perceive only the conditions they are already in).

Illusions (Light & Sound; 13♠; M): Illusions allows the Hexslinger to create perfect audio-visual holograms of anything he can imagine, anywhere within his line of sight.  There is no limit to the number of holograms the Hexslinger can produce at one time, nor to the actions the holograms can take.  Each hologram is indistinguishable from the real thing by sight or hearing alone, although other senses like touch, or close interaction where some aspect of the hologram is missing (such as heat from a holographic fire), will reveal the hologram as a fake.  This ability also allows the Hexslinger to alter someone’s speech as they talk, or to make it appear and sound as if they are talking when they are not.  The Hexslinger can see through his holograms at will, allowing him to observe both the real world and his illusory creations simultaneously.  This ability can also render objects and persons invisible, by covering their presence with holograms of empty space, or allow them to look like someone else entirely.

Power and Edge Notes
Born Leader: The character has the natural ability to encourage, motivate, and push others beyond their normal limitations. The character gains a second set of Surge Points (equal to his own), which he can give to others within the sound of his voice. Unlike his personal Surge Points, these are not limited to being spent just one per round.

Evasion: The character has superior agility and grace when dodging attacks. He can use the Full Defense Action (Defend + Defend) without spending Surge Points during combat.

Mastered Spell: The Mastered Spell Edge allows the Hexslinger to designate a particular spell from one of his Focused Spheres of Magic, as one in which he has mastered to such a degree that he no longer suffers any Drain when casting the spell successfully; zero Drain when failing to cast a Mastered Basic Spell; and a only 2 Drain when failing to cast a Mastered Advanced Spell.

Mobility: The character is skilled at dodging past opponents and can move through an opponent’s space when taking Move Actions.

Rapid Shot: The character has superior speed and grace attacking at distance. He can use back-to-back Attack Actions (Attack + Attack) when making Ranged attacks, without spending Surge Points during combat.

Sensitive: The character can feel the presence of supernatural energies when they are nearby, whether magic, demons, spirits, or psychic powers. Only the proximity of these energies are felt, but not their precise location or nature (unless the Sensitive happens to be touching the source at the time).

Amazing Feats_
Epic Magic: See Hexslinging

Group Harmony: The Zen Master can now Harmonize with and entire group – allowing free sharing of Luck Points between all willing participants (through the Zen Master) – up to a number of participants equal to Wisdom.

Multi Shot: The character can take two Ranged attacks per Attack Action, sacrificing accuracy for speed. Multi Shots cannot Crit, suffer a -2 Penalty on each attack, and cannot be used with Called Shots or any other roll that requires a MTN to succeed.

Spirit Sight: The character can see through the curtain that separates the realms at will, allowing him to notice any unmanifested spirits, demons, or oni within his line of sight.

Summon Kirin: [1 Surge | Full Action | 1 Day]
Certain ‘blessed’ individuals can spend a Surge Point and fervently petition the Ancestors to send them a celestial steed from the heavens above. In answer to their call, the clouds part and a Kirin descends to faithfully serve them for 1 Day.

The Zen Master no longer needs a Lopan or Gatestone in order to use any of the lesser Feng-Shui or Discord Powers, being able to use them subtly with the mind alone. Furthermore, Alter Chance can now be used as a Free Action.

*Gained without Prerequisites by Rebirth through Naga Shrine

Uncanny Dodge: [1 Surge| Free Action | Instant]
Spend a Surge Point to automatically Dodge any one attack, or area attack, even if the attack does not require a roll to hit. This includes both physical and mental attacks, such as those produced by spell effects, psionics, and feng-shui powers.

Valiant Sacrifice: [5 Vitality Points| Free Action | Instant]
Sacrifice 5 Vitality (or Wound) Points for +1 Surge Point (Only when at Zero Surge).

Zen-Mastery: Allows equal use of both sides of Feng-Shui with no Luck or Surge Point Penalty for using the ‘wrong’ side. Furthermore, it now opens the Lucky Edge up for Multiple buys, with the following restriction: [m – Multiples limited by Wisdom Score: 5-6 x2; 7-8 x3; 9-10 x4)]

Alter Chance: Alter Chance allows the Feng-Shui or Discord Master to alter the die result (the actual number rolled on the die) for a single roll by +/–4. Doing so requires one Action of Lopan study and a Luck Point, although it can be used to affect anyone’s roll (including the GM’s – who does not have to roll openly, but should take the result in the character’s best favor). Note that the die roll does not have to be adjusted if the natural result is better than an adjustment up or down.

Curse: Curse takes an Action to use and bestows the Unlucky Flaw on a single target each time it is used.  Once bestowed, the Unlucky Flaw can only be removed by buying it off with XP, or by receiving four Luck Points from a Feng-Shui Master using the Harmony power.  This power can also be used on a ship, building, or other generalized location to Curse the area and impose –2 Penalty to all die rolls made in that location.  Only a Feng-Shui Master using the Harmony power and four Luck Points can lift a Curse from a ship, building, or other location.

Danger Sense : Danger Sense gives a Feng-Shui Master advanced warning of any imminent danger to himself (like an ambush), although it doesn’t give him specific information about what the danger is or where it will originate. While in effect however, the Feng-Shui Master gets a +2 bonus to Initiative and Reaction Saves, and cannot be caught Flat-Footed except on a Botched Initiative roll. Danger Sense lasts as long as the Feng-Shui Master has his Lopan in hand.

Discord: Discord messes with another’s aura, placing it in temporary opposition to the natural flow of fate, luck, and Chi.  It takes an Action to use Discord against a single target, following which, the victim suffers a –2 Penalty on all die rolls for the next 24 fours.  Discord can be countered at anytime however, by receiving a Luck Point from a Feng-Shui Master using the Harmony power.

Divine Location : Divine Location allows the Feng-Shui Master to concentrate on his Lopan, in order to determine the direction to and vector (direction of movement) of any object or person he has ever touched. This ability does not provide information about the target’s range, although the Feng-Shui Master could triangulate a more exact position by using the ability from several different locations, charting each reading to the point they intersect.

Jinx : The Jinx power can be used as a Limited Free Action, but requires a Luck Point to activate.  When used, it causes another to automatically fail whatever Action they are trying to do at the time.  Victims can spend a Luck Point of their own to shrug off the Jinx, but doing so only removes the automatic failure and not the possibility of failure normally associated with the task (in this case roll or reroll as normal). While using Jinx is a Free Action, it can still only be used once against each individual Action, unless a Surge Point is spent to 'force the issue'. Even so, forcing the issue can still be countered with another Luck point, provided the victim has them to spare.

Harmony : Harmony and a Gatestone allow the Feng-Shui Master to attune himself more keenly than ever to the forces of fate and destiny, increasing his Total Luck Points by +4 for as long as a Gatestone remains in his possession. In addition, the Feng-Shui Master can now spend Free Actions (when desired) to give one or more of his own Luck Points to others for immediate use.

Karma Drain: Karma Drain and a Gatestone allow the Discord Master to actually steal Luck Points from another, up to a maximum of four additional Luck Points to his regular total at any given time.  Stealing a Luck Point requires a line of sight to the victim and an Action of Lopan manipulation.  Needless to say, Luck Points can only be stolen from those who actually have any in the first Place.

Killjoy: Killjoy allows the Discord Master to spend a Luck Point, as an Action, in order to Double the Cost of another’s use of Luck for one Scene. In other words, the target must spend 2 Luck Points to get the benefit of having spent 1.

Read Aura : Read Aura allows the Feng-Shui Master to spend a Round to study the Lopan in such a way as to reveal the nature and condition of anyone he concentrates on. Information gleaned from the Lopan includes whether the target has a good heart or is evilly inclined; what the target’s three highest skills are (but not their level); whether the target has Psychic, Feng-Shui, or other Powers; the target’s current health status, including internal injuries, diseases, common mental disorders (including Psychosis), drug use, poisons, radiation, implants, and memory loss; and when the target is lying.

Summon : Summon allows the Feng-Shui Master to cause people to come to him (or a specific location) through happenstance and chance, completely unaware that they are going to arrive, unless they themselves are also looking for the Feng-Shui Master or his location. How long it takes, or the circuitous course of events that will lead the person to arrive is up to the GM, although the closer a person is when summoned, the faster he will arrive. This can be a few days to weeks, months, or even years, depending on distance and countless other factors. Both non-specific persons and individuals can be summoned, such as the closest hacker in the area, or ‘Mean Joe’ the current Bounty Head. In order to summon a specific individual however, it must be someone the Feng-Shui Master has seen before and is familiar with. In the case where the target of a Summons cannot get to the Feng-Shui Master, or is intentionally hiding, then the Summons works in reverse and the Feng-Shui Master is led to them in the same manner as outlined above.


Physical Boost (Body; 13♠; S) Po
Physical Boost allows the Hexslinger to double his STR, CON, DEX, and Base Movement for one Scene.  Vitality and Wound Points are recalculated from the new totals, but are lost (as Damage) when the effect wears off.

Elemental (Summoning; 18♠; 24 hours)
The Elemental spell allows the Hexslinger to summon a faithful Elemental servant of Air, Earth, Fire, or Water.  Once summoned, the Elemental will remain for 24 hours, or until destroyed, or hit with Dispel Magic.

Further, a Hexslinger can only have one Elemental in his service at any particular time, but can swap one out for another simply by recasting the spell.  Since Elementals are not truly mortal, a particular Elemental can be resummoned over and over again, even after it has been physically destroyed, thus allowing the Hexslinger to develop a familiar relationship with one.

Note that Elementals always attack Imps and Demons on sight (to the exclusion of all else) until either one of them is destroyed.

See Creature Appendix for Elemental stats.


Feather Stance
The character becomes almost weightless with perfect balance. When using Feather Stance, one’s Jump Distance is doubled, they can glide through the air at a 5:1 ratio, take no damage from falls of any height, and they can even run across water; but they are also much easier to move around and suffer a -4 Penalty to all Close Quarter (Grapple) rolls.


Blessing of The Ancestors_
Ancestor’s Rebuke [1 Surge | Add | Instant]
This feat allows the user to double the Total Damage of a single successful Attack against Undead, Spirits, Demons, and Oni.

Yuki Shirahata ~ (Samurai-Ko Ki-Zen Epic Wu-Jen) - 254 / 255 XP

Gender Female; Age 16; Ht 4’8”; Wt 80 lbs; Stature Small and Harmless; Disposition Whimsical, Friendly, Mischievous; Distinctive Features: Fox ears, fox tail, orange eyes, orange hair

Mark of Maski-Dai-Oni: 10 ft tall; STR 6; Heavy Hitter; Cargo Carrier; Red skin; Orange fangs & claws; Black horns; Burning eyes; Malevolent

Str 2; Agi 5; Con 3; Int 4; Wis 8; Pre 2; Vitality (0) 28 24; Wounds (-2) 8 (Armor 12; AP 5)
Str 4; Agi 10; Con 6; - - - Vitality (0) 33 29; Wounds (-2) 11 (Armor 12; AP 5)
React 14; Endure 8; Will 21; Luck 9 7; Surge 5 3 / 5 6
Psychosis 6
React 19; Endure 11; - - -
Init 18; Move 35ft (Run 70; Leap 2 high/10 long)
Init 23; Move 70ft (Run 280; Leap 4 high/20 long)

Unarmed Strike 9/2S; Grapple Moves 9/2S; Short Sword 9/5L; Short Bow 17+2X/5L/300x ft; Arcane Masterwork Gold and Ivory Greatbow 18+2X/6L♠/400x ft
Unarmed Strike 11/4S; Grapple Moves 11/4S; Short Sword 11/7L; Short Bow 22+2X/7L/300x ft; Arcane Masterwork Gold and Ivory Greatbow 23+2X/8L♠/400x ft

Combat Skills (+2 Str; +5 Agi)
Defense 15 (Dodge +2; Parry) ~5
Ranged 15 (Shoot +2; Target; Throw) ~5
Close Quarter 9 (Grapple; Melee; Unarmed) ~4

General Skills (+2 Str; +5 Agi)
Acrobatics 15 (Balance; Escape +2; Tumble) ~5
Artistry 11 (Cooking, Painting; Sculpting; Music; Writing)
Athletics 8 (Climb; Jump; Sprint; Swim) ~3
Evaluate 14 (Appraise; Gamble; Sense Motive; Streetwise) ~3
Fabricate 7 (Construction; Mechanics; Weaponsmith)
Face 5 (Bluff -4; Entertain; Feint; Intimidate; Taunt)
General Knowledge 10 (Trivia; In The News; Who's Who) ~3
Larceny 8 (Forgery; Open Locks; Sleight of Hand)
Medic 7 (Slow Poison; Treat Injury)
Outdoors 11 (Handle Animal; Ride; Survival; Track)
Perception 16 (Listen; Search; Spot) ~5
Sabotage 7 (Disable Device; Trap Setting)
Socialize 7 (Diplomacy; Interrogation; Gather Info)
Stealth 14 (Conceal; Disguise; Hide +3; Move Silently +0) ~3

Advanced Skills
Occult Sciences 18 (Arcana; Occult; Spells +2) ~9
Political Sciences 8 (Economics; Law; Politics) ~1

Edges and Feats
Born Leader; Discord Master; Evasion; Mastered Spells (Dispel Magic, Haste, Heal); Mobility; Rapid Shot; Sensitive; Wu-Jen; Acrobatic; Agile; Archer; Charismatic; Discord Powers (x3); Iron Will; Lightning Reflexes; Fast; Linguist; Lucky; Marksman; Minions (24); Occult Ties; Photographic Memory; Potency; Secondary Languages (Old Realm, Imperial, Merchant’s Cant, Primitive); Spell Reserves (x3); Sphere Focus (Artisan Magic, Dimensional Magic, Energy, Levitation Magic, Life Magic, Light & Sound Magic, Mind Magic, Sense Magic, Time Magic, Protection Magic, Weather Magic); Spirited; Toughness; +1 Luck Point

~Epic Magic; ~Group Harmony; ~Heroic Surge; ~Multi-Shot; ~Spirit Sight; ~Summon Kirin; ~Transcendent*; ~Uncanny Dodge; ~Valiant Sacrifice; ~Zen Mastery

Feng-Shui Powers
Read Aura/Killjoy
Danger Sense/Jinx
Divine Location/Discord
Alter Chance
Harmony/Karma Drain

Spells: (Spiff 5, Repair 10, Fortify 8♠, Enhance 13♠, Make Whole 18♠); (Passwall 8♠, Jump 13♠, Teleport 18♠, Gate 18♠, Dismiss 18♠); (Stunning Grasp 5, Static Shock 8♠, Crackling Aura 8♠, Plasma Burst 13♠, Lightning Bolt 18♠); (Restore Vitality 5, Suppress Toxins 5, Close Wounds 10, Heal 13♠, Regeneration 18♠); (Light Touch 10, Heavy Hand 8♠, Flight 8♠, Deflection 13♠, Fling 18♠); (Tone 5, Mote 5, Sound Manipulation 8♠, Light Manipulation 8♠, Illusions 13♠); (Send Thoughts 10, Read Minds 10, Mental Invisibility 8♠, Psionic Blast 13♠, Mind Control 13♠); (Shield 10, Unbreakable 8♠, Magic Ward 8♠, Dispel Magic 13♠, Reflect Magic 13♠); (Danger Sense 10, Clairvoyance 8♠, Divine Location 8♠, Postcognition 13♠, Precognition 18♠); (Initiative 5, Slow 10, Haste 8♠, Time Stop 18♠, Rewind 18♠); (Precipitation 8♠, Temperature 8♠, Wind 8♠, Weather Set 18♠, Disaster 18♠)

Epic Spell 18♠♠

Impulsive; Obligation (Daimyo); Rotten Liar; Short

Equipment Normal Load 25; Encumbered 50; Limit 75; Drag 300 | Normal Load 75; Encumbered 150; Limit 225; Drag 900
Manor; Noble’s Diet; Horse; Traditional Samurai Kamishimo; Functional Kimono (Light Blue); Fancy Kimono (Black with bright pink and blue flower patterns); An Amber Ring; Divine Ephemeral Soulsteel Scale; Blessed Jade Chain Armor; Short Sword (Kodachi); Short Bow, Arcane Masterwork Gold and Ivory Greatbow, & Arrows (Yumi Hankyū); Lopan; Six-sided Die (a fox face replacing the six, and a rat face replacing the one); Shogi Board; Pair of Fake Fox Ears; Piñata Stick; Leather Shoulder Bag; Coin Pouch; Travel Pack (backpack, bedroll, candles, lantern, rations, tent, tinderbox); Permit To Carry Arms; Emblems of Station; Traveling Papers

(Pittances 60; Goods 80; Assets 16; Riches 4)
  • Doshin Contact: Rei Kitao (Bully)
  • Demon-Eye Gatestone
  • Knows Location of Level 3 Spirit Well (Sea Cave)
  • 3 Gold Luck Charms (1 Luck Point Each) Attuned to Arcane Bow
  • Gold Luck Charm (1 Luck Point)
  • Arcane Masterwork Gold and Ivory Greatbow (Physical Boost 2/day; Elemental 1/day)
  • Potions of Ice Walk (2)
  • Copy of Book of Secrets
  • Unrequiting Mirror: Protects the user from Reflect Magic (but not Dispel Magic) and Grants +4 to Will Saves. In the Spirit World however, the properties of the Mirror are somewhat reversed, in that it has a 50% chance of Reflecting any Spell cast by the user back onto the user, or spells cast on the user onto someone or something else, and imposes a -4 Penalty to Will Saves.
  • Black Pearl of The Magi: This large lusterous black pearl, grants the bearer +2 Wisdom and +5 Spell Points.
  • Lightning Arrows: transform into a bolt of lightning as they are shot from the bow. They travel up to 1000 ft, Require a normal Attack roll to hit, and do 18L AP Damage (plus the X-Roll). (8 )
  • Ofudas of Spell Absorption (3) - Each can be set to absorb a single spell, cast in a specific geometric area, set when the Offuda is placed. Limited to the size of one house.
  • Silky Dragon Slippers: Never touch the ground; Mental Movement; Continual Feather Stance AF; +8 Move Silently
  • Divine Ephemeral Soulsteel Scale (Armor 12 (AP 5)/0/0) : Manifest/Unmanifest a number of times per day equal to Presence; Permanent Radiate vs. Undead, Demons, Oni, and Spirits; Grants wearer Immunity to Fire; The visage of anyone slain by the wearer is permanently absorbed into the Soulsteel. Drawback: Wearer takes X2 Damage from Cold based Attacks.
  • Blessed Jade Chain Armor (Armor 9)
  • Ritual of Seeing
  • Iron Kisaru of Tranquility: Major Artifact. When the Iron Kisaru of Tranquility is smoked, no one can bring themselves to directly attack the smoker for as long as they take no other actions over a full round, except for speaking between puffs. Even trying to get around this, by attacking something nearby with an area effect attack (thus making an indirect attack), requires a MTN 15 or Crit Will save to pull off.
  • Ancestral Jade Bracers: +2 Dodge; Regeneration (1 VP/Round; 1 WP/Hour)
  • Earth Elemental (24 Hours)
Blessing of The Ancestors: Ancestor's Rebuke

Introductions / Re: Heya BZ!
« on: August 19, 2013, 05:24:15 pm »
Sure it was.

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