So, currently Im a player in a dnd5e campaign and DM for a different game.
I've only played in the 4e system and found it unwieldy and rule heavy, if still fun.
5e feels so much nicer for new players and is way better for quick flowing games as things dont get bogged down in rules and floating modifiers. for anyone unaware they entirely scrapped the systems where you would have 2items and 3 buffs and height advantage and surprise giving you +x while distance and obscured sight give -x etc. etc. (This sucked in flowing combat as you had to recalculate everything each turn if you move or buffs change or target moved etc.) while now you simply roll normally, with advantage or disadvantage and get to leave out all the fiddly bits.
so basically yeh Im really enjoying the playing and Dming. Anyone else played 5e?