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Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« Reply #150 on: January 08, 2015, 05:29:28 pm »

He'll be residing in Constantinople, as for where you're residing, find a reason for yourself to currently be living in Transylvania.

I'm thinking of dropping enchanting voice and putting a single point into mentor and taking the sweet blood merit that I just saw Bo post lol added to being invisible he could sneak around and blood bond people by replacing their table wine with his blood when they have no idea he is even in the building :)

My thinking is that after choosing Heldric as his successor, he sent him out to prove himself in Transylvania and to gain lands for his sire/the Nosferatu. That means when they travel to Constantinople he would be well placed to 'Report back' how he has done and to have the obvious 'increase mentor score' sidequest


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Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« Reply #151 on: January 08, 2015, 06:24:57 pm »

Please don't start the game with only a 3 in Willpower haha!  ;D


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Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« Reply #152 on: January 08, 2015, 07:15:37 pm »

Please don't start the game with only a 3 in Willpower haha!  ;D

3 freebies took it to 6


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Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« Reply #153 on: January 08, 2015, 09:38:46 pm »

Please don't start the game with only a 3 in Willpower haha!  ;D


Spoiling my fun.


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Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« Reply #154 on: January 08, 2015, 09:39:09 pm »

3 freebies took it to 6

Where'd you take them from?


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Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« Reply #155 on: January 09, 2015, 01:34:08 am »

Where'd you take them from?

It was when he dropped intimidate 4, melee 1 and brawl 5, on I think the second page, listed on the second post where I was keeping track of freebies
« Last Edit: January 09, 2015, 01:37:14 am by Forge »


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Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« Reply #156 on: January 09, 2015, 01:44:21 am »

My thinking is that after choosing Heldric as his successor, he sent him out to prove himself in Transylvania and to gain lands for his sire/the Nosferatu. That means when they travel to Constantinople he would be well placed to 'Report back' how he has done and to have the obvious 'increase mentor score' sidequest

That works really well with the principles of "The Dream" -essentially the idea that Cainites can build something beautiful, pure and everlasting - it was introduced by the Patriarch Michael, a Toreador who believes he is an archangel (and who's about as powerful as one), and his two lovers the Dracon (an equally powerful Tzimisce Methuselah) and Antonius (equally powerful Ventrue Methuselah), who formed a trinity to rule over the greatest city.

Malachite could have sent you and your servant back to your homeland to spread the ideals of the Dream - he wanted you to try and make another Constantinople. Which becomes significant, later on in the Bitter Crusade.


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Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« Reply #157 on: January 09, 2015, 01:48:16 am »

Hmm, just checked, you're over by 3 now.

Brawl 4 = 2 freebies

Stealth 5 = 4 freebies

Discipline point = 7 freebies

Backgrounds = 5 freebies

Willpower = 3 freebies

Merits = 7 freebies

2+4+7+5+3+7= 28

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Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« Reply #158 on: January 09, 2015, 01:51:01 am »

That works really well with the principles of "The Dream" -essentially the idea that Cainites can build something beautiful, pure and everlasting - it was introduced by the Patriarch Michael, a Toreador who believes he is an archangel (and who's about as powerful as one), and his two lovers the Dracon (an equally powerful Tzimisce Methuselah) and Antonius (equally powerful Ventrue Methuselah), who formed a trinity to rule over the greatest city.

Malachite could have sent you and your servant back to your homeland to spread the ideals of the Dream - he wanted you to try and make another Constantinople. Which becomes significant, later on in the Bitter Crusade.

Then you get the crazy gargoyle who thinks he's a Fallen Angel and got a 9 in true faith and you're all like; aww shit.

And it's not fun.


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Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« Reply #159 on: January 09, 2015, 01:57:45 am »

Pffffffft, True Faith can't be that ba-



1   Any character with Faith may attempt to ward off vampires by branding a holy symbol or uttering prayers. (This is the Hollywood cliché of the vampire being held back by a crucifix.) The person rolls Faith against a difficulty equal to the vampire's Willpower. The number of successes indicate the number of steps backward which the vampire is forced to take. If no successes are scored the vampire need not step back, but may not advance. A botch indicates that the vampire may advance unhindered.

Further, if the cross, Bible, or other symbol is placed against the vampire's body, each success causes an aggravated Health Level of damage, burning into the flesh.

2   A medieval person with a Faith rating of 2 or more is a "neutral," immune to Dominate.

3   A person with a Faith of 3 or more may sense the presence of a vampire. She need not consciously try to sense a vampire's presence, but must be in peaceful, quiet surroundings -- perhaps alone in thought, praying, reading pious books, meditating on the Bible, et. The person will not sense the vampire's presence if she is preoccupied or in a crowded, noisy place . This ability need not be infallible; the Storyteller should let the person sense the vampire only when it is dramatically convenient. Note that the person cannot know exactly what she senses through her faith; all that she will know is that something unclean or evil is nearby.

4   The person may not be turned into a ghoul and is unaffected by any mind-affecting Disciplines like Presence and Obfuscate.

5   The person is so pure, so holy, that she can fill a vampire with self-loathing, disgust, terror, even physical pain. Any vampire hearing the person pray, preach, or recite psalms, or being touched by the person, may be forced to flee immediately by any available means. A vampire who is unable to flee is reduced to a gibbering wreck, flailing on the floor and screaming, sobbing, or begging forgiveness. To avoid fleeing, the vampire must either expend one Willpower point per scene, or must make a Stamina roll each round (difficulty of 5 + her own Intelligence). That's right -- the higher the vampire's Intelligence the higher the difficulty, because the more tortured and guilty she will feel.

Faith Level 6:

Sanctify an area, temporarily granting a location a +1 to its Faith rating for the next 24 hours. If the location didn't previously have a Faith rating, then the area has a temporary 1 Faith.

Create an area of tranquility: The difficulty of reaction rolls are reduced by 1. Werewolves' difficulty to Rage rolls is increased by 1 while in this area.

Feel God's faith in you: You get an extra Willpower Point for the rest of the scene.

Laying on Hands: Wounded mortals will heal at twice their regular rate, provided they rest according to standard healing rules.

Banish any demon or summoned spirit.

Faith Level 7:

Cause a creature with murderous intent -- vampire, werewolf, or even mortal -- to be overcome by guilt. You may be kind-hearted to the individual, or a stern disciplinarian, but you won't take advantage of the creature's temporary collapse.

Provide "countermagic" against any mage's magic use in your vicinity, whether directed at you or not.

Add three dice to any reaction rolls made toward you, even with animals. "Calm yourself, Brother Wolf"

Cure a serious -- but not terminal -- disease.

Bless a religious icon so that if put into contact against a supernatural being (including mages) it does damage. Characters using such weapons need not have Faith. Such "weapons" will do one level of damage (non-aggravated) every Willpower Point you spend during the blessing. The icon must be representative of your faith and used by someone of your faith.

Receive a sign which inspires you and your allies. You each receive an extra Willpower Point for the rest of the scene.

Bring a werewolf out of frenzy.

Faith Level 8:

Conversion: Temporarily or permanently change someone's nature, depending upon how well you roll your Charisma + Empathy versus the target's Willpower:

Successes   Effect
1   One day.
2   One week.
3   One month.
4   One year.
5   Permanent (more or less; people's lives do change).
Reduce the level of vampiric Disciplines by one per success on a Faith roll. This only lasts for the rest of the scene.

Faith Level 9:

Exorcise demons and evil spirits without the recourse to ritual: Your Faith versus the demon's or spirit's Willpower.

Lay a ghost to rest: The wraith reaches Trascendence.

Permanently set an area of tranquility (as described in rating 6). The area will become more kind and caring (crime will drop, people will show the better facets of humanity): Your Faith has left its permanent mark upon the world.

Become completely immune to and protected from supernatural evil (or whatever supernatural force that would cause you harm), provided you remain passive and concentrate. You can take no violent actions, and may protect others as well, but only if they remain peaceful.

Cause an evil being to realize that it truly deserves death, provided that this is the absolute truth. Hahaha, run Anton This takes five successes on a Faith roll (difficulty of the opponent's Willpower roll). The target can't have more than a Humanity 2 (or similar behavior, if using one of the systems that doesn't have Humanity), and must be truly guilty of atrocities. If successful, the creature will remorsefully commit suicide or submit to execution, which must be humane: Quick and as painless as possible.

Awwwww shiiiiiiit.

Add in the Holy ground and Holy Water....


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Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« Reply #160 on: January 09, 2015, 12:45:31 pm »

Hmm, just checked, you're over by 3 now.

Brawl 4 = 2 freebies

Stealth 5 = 4 freebies

Discipline point = 7 freebies

Backgrounds = 5 freebies

Willpower = 3 freebies

Merits = 7 freebies

2+4+7+5+3+7= 28

Dam you Drak, I was correct till you posted a while ago saying I has spare freebies!

Also one day I will work out how to do these damnable sheets! I can work out the exact amount of radiation to use from a 3 imput factor system to achieve the exact necessary dose over a volume area of variable tissue types in my head but I can't put points into slots on a page correctly...


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Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« Reply #161 on: January 09, 2015, 12:47:15 pm »

Fixed now. Dropped Enchanting voice Merit and dropped Will to 5


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Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« Reply #162 on: January 09, 2015, 12:55:21 pm »

Dam you Drak, I was correct till you posted a while ago saying I has spare freebies!

Also one day I will work out how to do these damnable sheets! I can work out the exact amount of radiation to use from a 3 imput factor system to achieve the exact necessary dose over a volume area of variable tissue types in my head but I can't put points into slots on a page correctly...

I just input numbers randomly,  then wait for Drak to tell me where I'm wrong. XD

Your analogy is. . . Less than reassuring ;)


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Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« Reply #163 on: January 09, 2015, 01:00:01 pm »


Ok swapped things yet again. Dropped Brawl 4 to gain back two points and took Enchanting voice again.

My main issue has been I don't want a purely support char however I have issue with him being an awesome combatant right off the bat. Therefore I lowered his combat a little and gave him a more mental/social ability to affect people. He can gain combat skills again as the story progresses.

I might change things a little more but I will see as others finish and we get closer to the go time.

And already did, Swapped a point into courage, meaning that I get a point back from Will (Leaving it at 5) which I used on the sweet blood merit, stealing it from BO
« Last Edit: January 09, 2015, 01:08:13 pm by Forge »


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Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« Reply #164 on: January 09, 2015, 01:54:15 pm »

Now thinking about dropping sweet blood for somthing else...

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Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« Reply #165 on: January 09, 2015, 01:56:27 pm »

You have a problem forge. XD


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Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« Reply #166 on: January 09, 2015, 02:04:00 pm »

You have a problem forge. XD

Yup. Its cos I went for a complicated char that I will find interesting to play.

Means I have issues with making sure he really fits my ideas for him and his character, which is a lot harder than with someone like Gorn who has clear, overarching goals of 'Fight Stuff' and 'Kill Stuff'.


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Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« Reply #167 on: January 09, 2015, 04:01:30 pm »

So, i'll review your sheet for, like, the 10th time after you're done with all of this (want to make sure you're done switching stuff around first)


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Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« Reply #168 on: January 09, 2015, 04:11:31 pm »

So, i'll review your sheet for, like, the 10th time after you're done with all of this (want to make sure you're done switching stuff around first)

Made a rule. I can't change it again...

I'm done


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Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« Reply #169 on: January 09, 2015, 06:50:43 pm »



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Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« Reply #170 on: January 09, 2015, 06:52:03 pm »

hmmm the Python reference means I now must edit and watch it explode


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Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« Reply #171 on: January 09, 2015, 06:53:27 pm »

You shall not pass!


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Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« Reply #172 on: January 09, 2015, 06:55:48 pm »

Nah don't worry I am finished. Not letting myself get drawn into fiddling again.

I think my issue has now become less about the char and more about seeing if I can get extra useful merits at the expense of other things then try and survive until I get enough xp again. That would be min maxing to a degree that I dislike though so I'm finished fiddling.

The only think which might change is one of the languages once I work out where on Earth Heldric is supposed to be residing at the start...


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Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« Reply #173 on: January 10, 2015, 12:42:47 pm »

So should I be posting a thread?


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Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« Reply #174 on: January 10, 2015, 02:09:45 pm »

Yeah, you're good.


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Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« Reply #175 on: January 10, 2015, 02:36:11 pm »


I can count, and it only took 8 tries!


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Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« Reply #176 on: January 10, 2015, 02:54:15 pm »

Ok starting to fill in the bits I think I can do for you.


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Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« Reply #177 on: January 10, 2015, 03:02:26 pm »

If you want the actual bolding and colours and everything, then quote and copy-paste without the [qu ote] [/qu ote]


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Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« Reply #178 on: January 10, 2015, 03:14:44 pm »

Ah, it was a nice gesture anyways.


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Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« Reply #179 on: January 10, 2015, 03:26:34 pm »

Ah, it was a nice gesture anyways.

Well I tried...


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Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« Reply #180 on: January 10, 2015, 03:29:59 pm »

Hmm, Breaking limbs doesn't work for me (you already have lowered difficulty for brawling maneuvers, which factors in Breaking limbs - so you can choose another).


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Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« Reply #181 on: January 10, 2015, 03:30:48 pm »

Well I tried...

XD Your left your character's name as Steeple Carson Olaf


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Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« Reply #182 on: January 10, 2015, 03:32:32 pm »

XD Your left your character's name as Steeple Carson Olaf

Was trying to work out why the colours hadn't copied lol


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Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« Reply #183 on: January 10, 2015, 03:37:54 pm »

Erm for Str:

Throwing heavy things?
Moving heavy objects ie. To drop on people?
Jumping further?
Extra strong grip?

Also... Contagious... I was looking at it about touch, but would it mean that putting blood into someone's drink to ghoul and bind them that they would take ill?
« Last Edit: January 10, 2015, 03:43:42 pm by Forge »


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Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« Reply #184 on: January 10, 2015, 03:42:08 pm »

Erm for Str:

Throwing heavy things?
Moving heavy objects ie. To drop on people?
Jumping further?

You know, there are more things than combat in the world XD

All of those work.

Was trying to work out why the colours hadn't copied lol

You have to insert things like [ color=purple] [ /color], copy-pasting only gets you text. If you quote a post then you get the things with everything altered for you.


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Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« Reply #185 on: January 10, 2015, 04:01:26 pm »

Erm for Str:

Throwing heavy things?
Moving heavy objects ie. To drop on people?
Jumping further?
Extra strong grip?

Also... Contagious... I was looking at it about touch, but would it mean that putting blood into someone's drink to ghoul and bind them that they would take ill?

I thought that was part of the contagion flaw was that anyone you fed on got sick?  If that's the case then wouldn't they definitely catch the disease from actually ingesting your blood?


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Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« Reply #186 on: January 10, 2015, 04:03:28 pm »

I thought that was part of the contagion flaw was that anyone you fed on got sick?  If that's the case then wouldn't they definitely catch the disease from actually ingesting your blood?

Yep. It's why the flaw is so bad, you can't have human ghouls. Well, you can have them, but they'll never last long enough to become powerful or useful, and they'll be plagued by sickness the entire time until they die.

Animals are fine though.


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Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« Reply #187 on: January 10, 2015, 04:15:00 pm »

Yep. It's why the flaw is so bad, you can't have human ghouls. Well, you can have them, but they'll never last long enough to become powerful or useful, and they'll be plagued by sickness the entire time until they die.

Animals are fine though.

because there's no diseases that spread between people and animals.

forge is gonna cause the black plague, isn't he. . . XD


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Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« Reply #188 on: January 10, 2015, 08:35:26 pm »

Ok dropping sweet blood and taking a point of will lol


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Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« Reply #189 on: January 10, 2015, 09:15:35 pm »

because there's no diseases that spread between people and animals.

forge is gonna cause the black plague, isn't he. . . XD


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Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« Reply #190 on: January 10, 2015, 09:18:30 pm »


He was being Sarcastic D XD

(Black plague spread from fleas to humans, haha)


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Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« Reply #191 on: January 12, 2015, 04:12:36 pm »

So busy lol

But second strength thing should be strong grip (this is mainly aimed at climbing etc.)

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Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« Reply #192 on: January 12, 2015, 04:13:38 pm »

He was being Sarcastic D XD

(Black plague spread from fleas to humans, haha)

You mean, Jews to humans, right?


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Re: Forge's vamp who's prob going to be nosferatu
« Reply #193 on: January 12, 2015, 04:15:27 pm »

You mean, Jews to humans, right?

No, the Jews carried the fleas.
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