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Author Topic: Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth  (Read 70907 times)


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Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth
« on: January 09, 2015, 06:49:14 pm »


BRUISED [   ] |INJURED (-1)[   ] | CRIPPLED (-5) [   ]
HURT (-1) [   ] |WOUNDED (-2) [   ]
HURT (-1) [   ] |MAULED (-2) [   ]

Permanent: 10
Temporary: 10/10

Courage: 4
Conviction: 2
Instinct: 4

Blood Pool
4 per turn

Path of Caine


(Thaumaturgy 5, Celerity 1-2, Manipulation 2 | Survival 1-2, Path of Mercury 1, The Way of Fire 2 | Auspex 2, Empathy 1)

Base Initiative

Must ask Prince Maurice to feed.

-2 to rolls that normally require two arms to use.

Must make a Courage roll (difficulty 8) whenever confronted with Priests or nuns. Failure to achieve 3 successes results in the character fleeing the object of their fear. If fleeing is not an option, the character continues but at a penalty of -2 to all dice rolls. (overcome by 'assimilating' two priests and a nun)

Must make a willpower roll (difficulty 9) whenever confronted by a cross, unless the vampire achieves at least 1 success they will be forced to flee. If they botch then not only do they flee, but if they are touched with a cross they will suffer a level of unsoakable aggravated damage.

Overconfident: Must roll willpower any time he chooses to be cautious. (This is reflected by Prince Maurice's urgings taking over Steeple's actions).

Behaves in a stereotypically vampiric manner, making his true nature rather obvious - behaviour is extreme and other Kindred find it embarrassing, suffer +2 to difficulty rolls with other, more discreet vampires.

Must ask Prince Maurice to feed

Aura never shows the signs of diablerie.
Steeple gains a small advantage in acts of diablerie against other vampires (including acts against himself).

-1 to difficulty when rolling to lessen fall damage/trying to stick a landing.
-1 to difficulty to snake out of physical bonds.
-1 to difficulty when making special maneuvers with a sword cane.
+2 to intiative

Aura:  + 1 to researching a subject.

Can extinguish a bonfire sized flame 4 times today.

+3 strength
+1 dexterity

« Last Edit: April 02, 2017, 09:49:23 pm by Drakilian »


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Re: Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2015, 06:49:20 pm »

Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth

Player: BZ
Chronicle: Transylvanian Chronicles

Nature: Deviant
Sire: Stephan Vladivostok
Demeanor: Conniver
Clan: Malkavian
Generation 7th
Concept: Rich Lay-About
Coterie: The Squamous Thugs of Brutal Doomosity and Some Random Tzimisce Who Keeps Following Them Around All The Time

Physical: Strength 3(4), Dexterity 6(8), Stamina 3
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 2
Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 2, Wits 4

Talents: Alertness 3; Athletics 1; Awareness 0; Brawl 0; Dodge 3; Empathy 1; Expression 0; Intimidation 0; Leadership 0; Streetwise 2; Subterfuge 0
Skills: Animal Ken 1; Crafts 2; Riding/Drive 0; Etiquette 1; Firearms 0; Larceny 3; Melee 3; Performance 3; Stealth 3; Survival 2
Knowledge: Academics 1 (religion); Finance 0; Investigation 0; Koldunism 1; Law 0; Linguistics 2; Medicine 1 (herbalism); Occult 3; Politics 0; Science 0

Auspex 2; Celerity 2; Dementation 0; Koldunic Sorcery 2 (The Way of Fire); Obfuscate 2; Potence 1; Thaumaturgy 5 (Elemental Mastery 5; Path of Mercury 1); Vicissitude 0

Courage: 4
Conscience/Conviction: 2
Self-control/Instinct: 4

Ally (Celestyn, Master Librarian of Ceoris) 5; Influence (political) 3; Gargoyle Retainer 3; Generation 5; Resources 5; Retainer 1; Status 2

(Leave this section of your character sheet blank. This part is here purely for my use. If you gain any enemies or adverse backgrounds during your in-game time, they will show up here.)

Merits and Flaws
Additional Discipline; Cost 5
Hidden Diablerie; Cost 3

One Arm; Cost -3
Phobia (Priests and Nuns); Cost -2
Repelled by Crosses; Cost -3
Stereotype; Cost -2

Cannot function without pet rock ‘Maurice’ – must ask its permission to feed
Steeple has a form of schizophrenia, where he will sometimes hear mild whispers that seem to say nothing and everything at once. -2 to perception checks during these events.
Addiction (vampire blood) rank 3

Slavonic, Yiddish, Romanian

Weapon/Attack: Morningstar; Difficulty: +1; Damage: 5-L; Range: Hand-to-Hand; Rate: 1/Action; Clip: Infinite Smashings; Conceal: (Cloak/Robes)

Weapon/Attack: (one-handed) Swordcane; Difficulty: 0; Damage: 5-L; Range: Hand-to-Hand; Rate: 1/Action; Clip: Infinite Slashings; Conceal: Always (in form of cane).  Special notes: It takes one action to draw the swordcane, a person who gains 3 successes on a Perception+Crafts roll (difficulty 8) recognizes the cane as concealing a sword.

Weapon/Attack: Eternal Thirst Bone Sword - deals +3 Aggravated damage and drinks one blood point for every level of damage it causes.

Class: Heavy; Rating: 3; Penalty: -1 to Dexterity and Perception
Description: Chainmail armour.

Gear (Carried): Morningstar, Swordcane, ritual components.
Equipment (Owned): Greatswords, Knight Armor, Flails, Footmen's shield, Cavalry shield.
Vehicles: Riding horse with a Fancy Saddle, a Four Horse Carriage, an Eight Horse Salt-Wagon, Rowboat, River Barge.
Special: Seelie Mirror, Mirror of Second Sight, Vessel of Transference, Prince Maurice Talisman, Eternal Thirst Bone Sword

Blood Bonds/Vinculi
Bound to: Stephan Vladivostok (Rating: 1)
Bount to: Gutka (Rating: 1)

Location: Manor in Prague, Hunting Lodge in the outskirts of Prague, Warehouse in Prague, The Fortress of Tihuta Pass.
Description: A large home in Prague staffed by Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth's herd/servants. The steeple has a hidden room under the manor where he sleeps. The Hunting lodge is less secure but also has a hidden room should the Steeple need to rest. The Warehouse is simply a storage facility that the Steeple has access to, it belongs to the family company.

His story till now:

Steeple's vast resources are the result of a family inheritance; his father Moshe Soloveitchik of Prague having amassed a fortune in the salt trade - bequeathing numerous mines, trading routes, and holding companies to his only son Steeple.

Of course, Steeple doesn't run anything, being completely inept when it comes to governing such wealth (or anything else for that matter), and is largely just a figurehead or 'benefactor' to the many revenue streams across Europe, Asia, and Africa that still bear his father's name.

In fact, those actually running things, take great care to ensure that Steeple wants for nothing, constantly filling his coffers, under the express agreement that he stay out of the business and let them oversee things for themselves.

For the most part, Steeple enjoys the life of a fabulously rich lay-about, but deep down, harbors fear that the 'Businessmen' want him dead, so that they can own the businesses for themselves. He's probably correct, being that he's the sole heir of the family fortune with no-one to pass it along to.

Of course, all this wealth was the reason he was embraced, being a conveniently naive cash-cow for his Sire.

Goals/Destiny: Secretly Kill All Vampires to Achieve Golconda (the bad ones anyway) - Find and Consume the Book of Nod, because it has to taste COMPLETELY AWESOME - Set up a street urchin ghoul cult of thieves in Prague - Lean More Magic, so that the Tremere will all be my friends

Why he is willing to join the cotterie (besides sire's request):  A Cotterie? What's a Cotterie? But I do have this righteous band of 'drinking' buddies, who I like to party & kill stuff with.

Connection to other characters: I've got some serious big balls. Folks love my balls. My balls are the talk of the region. Everyone who's anyone has seen my balls.

Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky the Fourth (Steep to his friends) is a six and a half foot tall rail-thin lay-about with foofy white hair and a pathetic excuse for a goatee.  He carries a silver-tipped heavy mahogany walking stick (that doubles as a sword cane) and dresses in an orange and brown pinstriped suit with a short magician’s cape.

Hanging from his left shoulder is the empty armguard and gauntlet from an old suit of plate armor (where his arm use to be), while a he wears a garishly white codpiece over his clothing – because he refuses to go anywhere without his ‘protection’.

Steeple insists he lost his real arm to fiendish nuns many years ago while he slept in a gutter near a cathedral.  To this day, he can’t go anywhere near a Catholic Nun or Priest without suffering debilitating ‘flashbacks’.

Steeple always carries a strange rock with him and can sometimes be seen listening to it closely – On rare occasions, he has been know to argue with it.

« Last Edit: June 01, 2017, 08:39:08 pm by Drakilian »


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Re: Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2015, 06:49:25 pm »

Expanded Backgrounds:

Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth comes from a rich family who provides him with the majority of his resources.

Mundane, by virtue of being Seneschal of Tihuta Pass

Nadia the Maid:
Offered blood after Igor and Sebastian were killed by Mitruu's burning arrows, Nadia is now Steeple's faithful ghoul.

Maximus Ferrum, Gargoyle:
A reward from Celestyn for destroying Artur the Childe of Rostog his War-ghoul, Vozhd, and small army - allowing Celestyn the time he needed to accomplish the mission he was sent on.

Barabus the Despicable:
The not so faithful Barabus was pawned off on the Tzimisce Prince Lucien Lupei, as a way to rid Steeple of his Sire's spy and to absolve himself of any further responsibility over the disagreeable dolt.


Being paranoid about the 'Businessmen' out to get him, Steeple has been burying a variety of hidden cache's throughout the region. His caches contain gold and silver coins mostly, but also a few pieces of jewelry and the occasional weapon, piece of armor, or fancy children's toy.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2016, 04:51:31 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2015, 06:49:34 pm »


[ 1 ] Heightened Senses
This power sharpens all of the vampire's senses, effectively doubling the clarity and range of sight, hearing and smell. While her senses of taste and touch extend no farther than normal, they likewise become far more acute; the vampire could taste the hint of liquor in a victim's blood, or feel the give of the board concealing a hollow space in the floor. The Kindred may magnify her senses at will, sustaining this heightened focus for as long as she desires. At the Storyteller's option, this may make hunting easier.
Occasionally, this talent provides extrasensory or even precognitive insights. These brief, unfocused glimpses may be odd premonitions, flashes of empathy or eerie feelings of foreboding. The vampire has no control over these perceptions, but with practice can learn to interpret them with a fair degree of accuracy.
Expanded senses come at a price, however. Bright lights, loud noises and strong smells present a hazard while the vampire uses this power. In addition to the possibility for distraction mentioned above, an especially sudden stimulus - like the glare of a spotlight or a clap of thunder - can blind or deafen the Kindred for an hour or more.

This power doesn't normally require the use of dice, instead being defined through the Storyteller's descriptions and the player's imagination. In certain circumstances, use of this power requires a die roll: for a normal Perception roll (the Storyteller may reduce the difficulty by the character's Auspex rating), to notice a subject using Obfuscate, or to perceive a threat (the Storyteller privately rolls the character's unmodified Auspex rating, applying whatever difficulty he feels best suits the circumstances). For example, in the last instance, sensing that a pistol is pointed at the back of the character's head may require a 5, while the sudden realization that a rival for primogen is planning her assassination may require a 9.
This power does not let characters see in pitch darkness, as does Eyes of the Beast but it does reduce difficulty penalties to act in pitch darkness from +2 to +1, and the character may make ranged attacks in pitch darkness if she can hear, smell or otherwise detect her foe.

[ 2 ] Aura Perception
Using this power, the vampire can perceive the psychic “auras” that radiate from mortals and supernatural beings alike. These halos comprise a shifting series of colors that take practice to discern with clarity. Even the simplest individual has many shifting hues within his aura; strong emotions predominate, while momentary impressions or deep secrets flash through in streaks and swirls.

The colors change in sympathy with the subject’s emotional state, blending into new tones in a constantly dancing pattern. The stronger the emotions involved, the more intense the hues become. A skilled vampire can learn much from her subject by reading the nuances of color and brilliance in the aura’s flow.

Aside from perceiving emotional states, vampires use Aura Perception to detect supernatural beings. The colors in Kindred auras, while intense, are quite pale; mage halos often flare and crackle with arcane power; the race of shapeshifters has strikingly bright, almost frantic, auras; ghosts have weak auras that flicker fitfully like a dying flame; and faerie creatures’ radiance is shot through with capricious rainbow hues.

After the character stares at the subject for at least a few seconds, the player rolls Perception + Empathy (difficulty 8); each success indicates how much of the subject’s aura the character sees and understands (see the table below). A failure indicates that the play of colors and patterns yields no prevailing impression. A botch indicates a false or erroneous interpretation. The Storyteller may wish to make this roll, thus keeping the player in the dark as to the veracity of the character’s interpretation.

Successes Result
1 success Can distinguish only the shade (pale or bright).
2 successes Can distinguish the main color.
3 successes Can recognize the color patterns.
4 successes Can detect subtle shifts.
5 successes Can identify mixtures of color and pattern.

The Aura Colors chart offers some example ideas of common colors and the emotions they reflect that Storytellers can use. Note that it is nearly impossible to determine with certainty if a particular character is lying or not with this power – vampires are inherently deceitful by nature, but even mortals might react with anxiety to questions while still being truthful. It is, however, helpful in determine the target’s emotional state, which might lead the vampire to decide that a particular target is suspicious.

A character may choose to perform a very cursory aura scan of a large area like a nightclub’s dance floor or the audience in a gallery. In this case, the player decides which characteristic of auras she’s looking for, and that’s the only information she’s able to glean if the roll is successful. (At the Storyteller’s discretion, on this general scan roll, more successes on the roll may more quickly yield what the character seeks.) For example, the player may specify, “Who’s the most nervous person in attendance?” or “Are there any vampirically pale auras among the CEO’s entourage?” Thereafter, the player may narrow down her scrutiny of a single individual, with an additional roll as normal.

The character may focus in on a particular subject’s aura only once per scene with any degree of clarity. Any subsequent attempts that result in failure should be considered botches. It is very easy for the character to imagine seeing what she wants to see when judging someone’s intentions. After 24 hours, the character may try again at no penalty.

It is possible, though difficult, to sense the aura of a being who is otherwise invisible to normal sight.

The Embrace gifts some vampires with startling speed and reflexes. They can use Celerity to move with amazing swiftness in times of stress. Mortals, and even Kindred lacking this Discipline, move as if in slow motion compared to the astonishing blur the vampire becomes.

[ 1 ] Cloak of Shadows
At this level, the vampire must rely on nearby shadows and cover to assist in hiding his presence. He steps into an out-of-the way, shadowed place and eases himself from normal sight. The vampire remains unnoticed as long as he stays silent, still, under some degree of cover (curtain, bush, door frame, lamppost, alley) and out of direct lighting. The immortal's concealment vanishes if he moves, attacks or falls under direct light. Furthermore, the vampire's deception cannot stand concentrated observation without fading.

No roll is required as long as the character fulfills the criteria described above. So long as he remains quiet and motionless, virtually no one but another Kindred with a high Auspex rating will see him.

[ 2 ] Unseen Presence
With experience, the vampire can move around without being seen. Shadows seem to shift to cover him, and others automatically avert their gaze as he passes by. People move unconsciously to avoid contact with the cloaked creature; those with weak wills may even scurry away from the area in unacknowledged fear. The vampire remains ignored indefinitely unless someone deliberately seeks him out or he inadvertently reveals himself.
Since the vampire fully retains his physical substance, he must be careful to avoid contact with anything that may disclose his presence (knocking over a vase, bumping into someone). Even a whispered word or the scuffing of a shoe against the floor can be enough to disrupt the power.

No roll is necessary to use this power unless the character speaks, attacks or otherwise draws attention to himself. The Storyteller should call for a Wits + Stealth roll under any circumstances that might cause the character to reveal himself. The difficulty of the roll depends on the situation; stepping on a squeaky floorboard might be a 5, while walking through a pool of water may require a 9. Other acts may require a certain number of successes; speaking quietly without giving away one's position, for instance, demands at least three successes.

Some things are beyond the power of Unseen Presence to conceal. Although the character is cloaked from view while he smashes through a window, yells out or throws someone across the room, the vampire becomes visible to all in the aftermath. Bystanders snap out of the subtle fugue in which Obfuscate put them. Worse still, each viewer can make a Wits + Alertness roll (difficulty 7); if successful, the mental haze clears completely, so those individuals recall every move the character made up until then as if he were visible the entire time.


Thaumaturgy: Elemental Mastery

[ 1 ] Elemental Strength
The vampire can draw upon the strength and resilience of the earth, or of the objects around him, to increase his physical prowess without the need for large amounts of blood.

The player allocates a total of three temporary bonus dots between the character's Strength and Stamina. The number of successes on the roll to activate the power are the number of turns these dots remain. The player may spend a Willpower point to increase this duration by one turn. This power cannot be "stacked" - one application must expire before the next can be made.

[ 2 ] Wooden Tongues
A vampire may speak, albeit in limited fashion, with the spirit of any inanimate object. The conversation may not be incredibly interesting, as most rocks and chairs have limited concern for what occurs around them, but the vampire can get at least a general impression of what the subject has "experienced." Note that events which are significant to a vampire may not be the same events that interest a lawn jockey.

The number of successes dictates the amount and relevance of the information that the character receives. One success may yield a boulder's memory of a forest fire, while three may indicate that it remembers a shadowy figure running past, and five will cause the rock to relate a precise description of a local Gangrel.

[ 3 ] Animate the Unmoving
Objects affected by this power move as the vampire using it dictates. An object cannot take an action that would be completely inconceivable for something with its form - for instance, a door could not leap from its hinges and carry someone across a street. However, seemingly solid objects can become flexible within reason: Barstools can run with their legs, guns can twist out of their owners' hands or fire while holstered, and statues can move like normal humans.

Objects affected by this power move as the vampire using it dictates. An object cannot take an action that would be completely inconceivable for something with its form - for instance, a door could not leap from its hinges and carry someone across a street. However, seemingly solid objects can become flexible within reason: Barstools can run with their legs, guns can twist out of their owners' hands or fire while holstered, and statues can move like normal humans.

[ 4 ] Elemental Form
The vampire can take the shape of any inanimate object of a mass roughly equal to her own. A desk, a statue or a bicycle would be feasible, but a house or a pen would be beyond this power's capacity.

The number of successes determines how completely the character takes the shape she wishes to counterfeit. At least three successes are required for the character to use her senses or Disciplines while in her altered form. This power lasts for the remainder of the night, although the character may return to her normal form at will.

[ 5 ] Summon Elemental
A vampire may summon one of the traditional spirits of the elements: a salamander (fire), a sylph (air), a gnome (earth) or an undine (water). Some Tremere claim to have contacted elemental spirits of glass, electricity, blood and even atomic energy, but such reports remain unconfirmed (even as their authors are summoned to Vienna for questioning). The thaumaturge may choose what type of elemental he wishes to summon and command.

The character must be near some quantity of the classical element corresponding to the spirit he wishes to invoke. The spirit invoked may or may not actually follow the caster's instructions once summoned, but generally will at least pay rough attention to what it's being told to do. The number of successes gained determines the power level of the elemental.

The elemental has three dots in all Physical and Mental Attributes. One dot may be added to one of the elemental's Physical Attributes for each success gained by the caster on the initial roll. The Storyteller should determine the elemental's Abilities, attacks and damage, and any special powers it has related to its element.

Once the elemental has been summoned, the thaumaturge must exert control over it. The more powerful the elemental, the more difficult a task this is. The player rolls Manipulation + Occult (difficulty of the number of successes scored on the casting roll + 4, and the player may substitute Spirit Lore for Occult if he so desires).

Botch  The elemental immediately attacks the thaumaturge. 
Failure  The elemental goes free and may attack anyone or leave the scene at the Storyteller's discretion. 
1 success  The elemental probably does not attack its summoner. 
2 successes  The elemental behaves favorably toward the summoner and may perform a service in exchange for payment (determined by the Storyteller). 
3 successes  The elemental performs one service, within reason. 
4 successes  The elemental performs any one task for the caster that does not jeopardize its own existence. 
5 successes  The elemental performs any task that the caster sets for it, even one that may take several nights to complete or that places its existence at risk. 


Thaumaturgy: Path of Mercury
Many Indian manuals of magic promise to teach Praapti, the power of instantaneous travel. The sadhus developed a path devoted to this power. At low levels, a sorcerer can travel only short distances, but at the higher levels of mastery a practitioner can move hundreds of miles. Some Cathayan vampires command a magical power to teleport long distances along lines of mystical force; Indian Kindred needed some way to match their mobility.
In legend, a master of Praapti could travel to the moon. Three centuries ago, the sorcerer Raivata devised an ancillary ritual that enabled him to perform this feat... but Raivata was a better mystic than astronomer. He forgot that he could see his lunar destination because it was in sunlight. No sorcerer since then has performed Raivata's ritual.

Individual levels of the Praapti Path do not require special description. The chart below describes the path level needed to teleport a given range.

To use this path safely, the sadhu must see his destination or know it very well. She can use a telescope, but TV images or magazine pictures will not suffice. If the character can distinctly see the target location, a failed roll results in nothing worse than some wasted vitae (and a lost point of permanent Willpower, if the player rolls a botch). Likewise, a magician faces little risk in teleporting to the other side of a wall.

When performing a long-distance "blind teleport," however, rolling a botch means that the character succeeded in working the magic… but reappeared interpenetrating a solid object. This inflicts one health level of aggravated damage to the vampire for every "1" rolled. Losing three or more health levels indicates that so much of the sorcerer's body fused with other objects (usually the ground) that she can free herself only with great difficulty — if at all. Fortitude enables a vampire to soak damage from a botched blind teleport. Blind teleports can modify a Praapti power's difficulty depending on the thaumaturge's familiarity with the target location:

Familiarity    Difficulty Modifier 
Intimately familiar (own haven)  -1 
Moderately familiar (visited regularly)  +0 
Unseen, but an understood spatial relationship ("On the other side of this wall")  +0 
Not very familiar (visited a few times; hazy on spatial relationship)  +1 
Unfamiliar (a point on a map)  +2 

Even if the Willpower roll succeeds, a blind teleport rarely lands a sorcerer exactly on target. Accuracy varies with the number of successes. Four to five successes means arriving exactly on target, while one success gives an error of 10% of the distance traveled, in any direction. For instance, a teleport of 400 miles could result in an error of up to 40 miles.

[ 1 ] Teleport up to 10 yards


Koldunic Sorcery: The Way of Fire
The ancient anathema of vampires, the element of fire offers the most powerful and dangerous tool available to koldun. The Way of Fire shares aspects with the Way of Earth in that it focuses more on magma and fiery rock than pure, naked flame. Koldun never risk Rötschreck from fire and magma they conjure, though any secondary fires may engender the Red Fear

[ 1 ] Fiery Courage
No vampire can master an element he fears, so this power dims that fear to a mere ember of its former intensity.

Once learned, this power is permanent and requires no activation roll or blood. The koldun subtracts his rating in the Way of Fire from the difficulty of Courage rolls to resist Rötschreck from exposure or proximity to flame. This power does not aid in resisting the panic that accompanies sunlight or any other causes apart from actual fire. If this reduces the difficulty of a Courage roll below 2, the koldun simply does not succumb to the Red Fear.

[ 2 ] Combust
The Cainite's eyes flash vivid orange with sorcerous power as superheated air coils around the target. In moments, the target bursts into spontaneous flame.

For every success on the activation roll, the target suffers one level of aggravated damage. This attack may be dodged, but not blocked, and can affect living (or unliving) beings at +2 difficulty. It is possible to make only one fiery attack per turn.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2016, 03:05:55 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2015, 07:33:36 am »

Thaumaturgy Rituals

Level 1
Blood Rush
This ritual allows the vampire to create the sensation of drinking blood in himself without actual feeding. The ritual can be used for pleasure, but is more often used to prevent frenzy when confronted with fresh blood. The vampire must carry the fang of a predatory animal on his person for this ritual to work. Performance of the ritual results in the Beast being kept in check automatically. Blood Rush allays the Beast for on hour, at which point the Cainite feels hungry again (assuming he did before). This ritual takes only one turn to enact.

Defense of the Sacred Haven
This ritual prevents sunlight from entering an area within 20 feet of this ritual's casting. A mystical darkness blankets the area, keeping the baneful light at bay. Sunlight reflects off windows or magically fails to pass through doors or other portals. The caster draws sigils in her own blood on all the affected windows and doors, and the ritual lasts as long as the Tremere stays within the 20-foot radius.

This ritual requires one hour to perform, during which the thaumaturge recites incantations and inscribes glyphs. One blood point is required for this ritual to work.

Dominoe of Life
This ritual allows the vampire to simulate one aspect of humans. The vampire can eat, drink or breathe just as a mortal can. The Thaumaturgist can assume the flesh tone of a mortal, cause her temperature to rise to 98.6, make her heart beat, or anything else she desires. The effects last for one entire night.

Engaging the Vessel of Transference
This ritual enchants a container to fill itself with blood from any living or unloving being who holds it, replacing the volume of blood taken with an equal amount previously held inside the container. When the ritual is enacted, the vessel, which must be between the size of a small cup and a gallon jug) is sealed full of the caster's blood and inscribed with the Hermetic sigil which empowers the ritual. Whenever an individual touches the container with his bare skin, he feels a slight chill against his flesh but no further discomfort. The container continues to exchange blood until it is opened. The two most common uses of this ritual are to covertly create a blood bond and to obtain a sample of a subject's blood for ritual or experimental purposes.

This ritual takes three hours to enact (reduces by 15 minutes for each success on the casting roll) and requires one blood point (although not necessarily the caster's blood), which is sealed inside the container. The ritual only switches blood between itself and a subject if it is touched bare-handed - even thin cotton gloves keep it from activating.
Individuals with at least four dots in Occult or three in Expert Knowledge: Mage Lor recognize the Hermetic sigil with two successes on an Intelligence + the appropriate Knowledge roll (difficulty 8).

Illuminate Trail of Prey
This ritual causes the path of the subject's passing to glow in a manner that only the thaumaturge can see. The footprints or tire tracks (or whatever) shine distinctly, but only to the eyes of the caster. Even airplane trajectories and animal tracks shine with unhealthy light. The ritual is nullified if the target wades through or immerses himself in water, or reaches the destination of his journey. The thaumaturge must burn a length of white satin ribbon that has been in her possession for at least 24 hours for this ritual to take effect.

The thaumaturge must have a mental picture or know the name of her prey. The individual's wake glows with a brightness dependent on how long it has been since he passed that way - old tracks burn less brightly, while fresh tracks blaze.

Impressive Visage
A thaumaturge may enhance his sexual appeal and charm when interacting with other individuals after casting this ritual. When this ritual is cast, the thaumaturge gains a degree of animal attractiveness; he’s simply more desirable than everyone else and commands attention as if he were a top model. For this ritual to take effect, the caster places a sprig of dried mint in a pocket or in his shoe.

The caster gains two dice on all Appearance-related rolls for the duration of this ritual. This power lasts for a number of hours equal to the successes scored on the activation roll. Storytellers may opt to narrow the use of this ritual by having a player dedicate one of the character’s characteristics as being more appealing above and beyond his other attributes. Hence, the character might gain a bonus when staring into a person’s eyes, speaking in a deep baritone voice, flashing a pearl-white smile, etc.

Purge The Inner Demon
All Kindred have a raging monster within their souls. A thaumaturge invoking this ritual can silence the Beast in a vampire for a time, even removing the vampire from the Beast's control. The caster must push a sturdy pin through his own hand to begin the ritual. This causes the subject to become strangely submissive, even pulling her out of frenzy. In actuality, her bestial nature has been temporarily separated from her psyche. According to legend, some Kindred have willingly starved themselves into torpor after having been subjected to this ritual.

This ritual lasts for a number of nights equal to the number of successes the caster scores on a Manipulation + Empathy roll (difficulty 10 minus the subject's Humanity, but never less than 1). During this time, the subject cannot frenzy. The thaumaturge may not use this ritual on himself.

The Scribe
This ritual creates a written document from the spoken words of the caster. The thaumaturge simply speaks, and her words mystically appear on paper before her. Some thaumaturges have observed variants of this ritual that involve moving feather-pens writing the words as they speak them, but the most common form of this ritual makes no such overt display. Further, some young thaumaturges have developed a variant that records their words directly to computer fi les — which their elders almost universally decry as vulgar. This ritual requires the beak of a bird or the tongue of a lizard to be crushed between the caster's thumb and forefinger.

For the duration of the scene, any words spoken by the thaumaturge are transcribed to whatever surface she wishes. This is most commonly paper (whether loose or bound into a book), but may also be a wall, the head of a pin, anything. The Scribe automatically fits the thaumaturge's ideas on a given surface, but it makes no provisions for legibility; transcribing all 400 pages of The Seventh Sigil onto a note card isn't going to make it readable without a microscope. Additionally, the Scribe does not improve a speaker's eloquence — in matters where clarity or quality is crucial, the speaker's Expression Trait may come into play. The Scribe may be cast on someone other than the thaumaturge, should the latter so wish. Also, she may voluntarily end the effects of the power before the end of the scene.

Will o' the Wisp
This ritual allows a Thaumaturgist to produce a supernatural ball of light. The ball of light travels as the vampire mentally commands. The ball of light, referred to as a Will o'the Wisp, can be made to travel anywhere within sight of the vampire and perform tricks.

Among the things the ball of light can do are: glow brighter, glow dimmer, divide into many smaller balls, fly about, bathe someone in its magical glow, swirl, remain stationary or perform whatever maneuver the vampire can imagine. This ritual is useful as a diversion or simply a light source.
This ritual requires a small branch from a willow tree. The vampire must recite the magical incantations and throw the stick into the air, whereupon it bursts into the ball of light. The light lasts as long as the vampire concentrates upon it.

Level 2
Bureaucratic Condemnation
Developed as the antithesis of Expedient Paperwork, this ritual causes forms, letters or other paperwork tendered by the target to become lost in red tape. Use of this ritual has created many apocryphal tales among the Tremere, who boast of rivals' havens foreclosed upon, cars repossessed and building permits revoked. The earliest recorded use of this rituals seems to have been during the Renaissance, when a Tremere had a Lasombra rival excommunicated for failing to submit a writ to the Inquisition. A thaumaturge must sketch an effigy (however crude) of her subject in squid ink when casting this ritual.

The time any single bureaucratic action takes to complete is tripled, including mailing documents, applying for licenses, etc. Characters with sufficient Influence or the like should still be able to "push things through," however, though they are likely to experience additional difficulty.

Burning Blade
Developed during Clan Tremere's troubled inception, Burning Blade allows a thaumaturge to temporarily enchant a melee weapon to inflict unhealable wounds on supernatural creatures. While this ritual is in effect, the weapon flickers with an unholy greenish flame.

This ritual can only be cast on melee weapons. The caster must cut the palm of her weapon hand during the ritual - with the weapon if it is edged, otherwise a sharp stone. This inflicts a single health level of lethal damage which cannot be soaked but may be healed normally. The player spends three blood points which are absorbed by the weapon. Once the ritual is cast, the weapon inflicts aggravated damage on all supernatural creatures for the next few successful attacks, one per success rolled. Multiple castings of Burning Blade cannot be "stacked" for longer durations. Furthermore, the wielder of the weapon cannot choose to do normal damage and "save up" aggravated strikes - each successful attack uses one aggravated strike until there are none left, at which point the weapon reverts to inflicting normal damage.

Calling the Restless Spirit
This ritual allows the caster to speak with someone who has died. Successful casting requires an Intelligence + Occult roll (difficulty the target's Willpower); the caster needs two cussesses. This ritual must be cast within 10 feet of the corpse. If the caster attempts to communicate with a ghost, she does not have to be near the body but must be in the area the ghost haunts. This spell does not affect vampires unless they have been destroyed.

This ritual eliminates the threat that fire poses to Kindred. The caster is able to douse dangerous flames, leaving vampire hunters quite surprised when their torches and brands are no longer effective tools. To enact this ritual, the caster pinches out a candle's flame while spitting on the floor.

The ritual is set up in advance, but for the entire night the vampire has but to speak a single magical syllable to extinguish one fire up to the size of a bonfire. For the duration of one night, the thaumaturge can use this power a number of times equal to the number of successes on the initial ritual roll. Pinching a candle's flame in preparation is likely to require a Rötschreck check, as well.

Summon Guardian Spirit
This power allows the vampire to summon a spirit for the express purpose of guarding him. The spirit aids the vampire in no way except to alert him to danger. Vampires often summon spirits to fill this duty while they sleep. The vampire is able to see the spirit summoned, but the spirit may not speak. In addition, the spirit will only be visible to the vampire during times of danger. Though the spirit cannot speak, it may communicate by ringing a bell, knocking on the bed, etc. The spirit serves the vampire for 24 hours.

Level three
Clinging of the insect
The vampire can crawl on walls and ceilings using this ritual. The only material component is a small living spider, which must be eaten alive. The vampire is then able to crawl upon any surface that will support her weight. Completely smooth, slick surfaces (such as Teflon or slimecovered glass) will negate this ritual.

Incorporeal Passage
Use of this ritual allows the thaumaturge to make herself insubstantial. The caster becomes completely immaterial and thus is able to walk through walls, pass through closed doors, escape manacles, etc. The caster also becomes invulnerable to physical attacks for the duration of the ritual. The caster must follow a straight path through any physical objects, and may not draw back. Thus, a Kindred may walk through a solid wall, but may not walk down through the earth (as it would be impossible to reach the other side before the ritual lapsed). This ritual requires that the caster carry a shard from a shattered mirror to hold her image as she moves insubstantially.

This ritual lasts a number of hours equal to the number of successes scored on a Wits + Survival roll (difficulty 6). The thaumaturge may prematurely end the ritual (and, thus, her incorporeality) by turning the mirror shard away so that it no longer reflects her image.

Mirror of Second Sight
This object is an oval mirror no less than four inches wide; no more than 18 inches in length. It looks like a normal mirror, but is much more useful in the hands of a Sabbat thaumaturge. Once created, the mirror is used by the vampire to see the supernatural; it reflects the true form of Lupines and faeries and enables the owner to see ghosts as they move though the Underworld. The thaumaturge creates the mirror by bathing an ordinary mirror in a quantity of her own blood while reciting a ritual incantation.

The ritual requires one point of the vampire's blood. Thereafter, the mirror reflects images of other supernatural creatures' true forms – werewolves appear in their hulking man-wolf shapes, mages glow in a scintillating nimbus, wraiths become visible (in the mirror) and changelings appear in their natural aspect. Sometimes, the mirror also reveals those possessed of True Faith in clouds of golden light.

Level 4
Drawing upon the Bound
This special ritual allows a vampire to utilize the Disciplines of any individual, Kindred or kine, who is Blood Bound directly to her. This ritual does not work for the Vinculum created by the Vaulderie, as the individual must be Blood Bound directly to the vampire. This ritual is used most often with ghouls, calling upon their Potence or other Disciplines. The victim cannot use the Traits while the vampire does. This ritual requires the vampire to carry a small vial containing a drop of the Bound individual's blood. This ritual was originally employed in Haiti, but has rapidly spread. Unfortunately, it is of much less use to Sabbat than it is to most other Kindred.

Peace of the Dead
This ritual causes the victims to fall into a deep slumber, akin to torpor in disadvantages but not in benefits. The area of effect is based on the number of successes obtained with a Manipulation + Occult roll (difficulty 6):

1 success  One square yard  (1 yard diameter)
2 successes  10 square yards  (3 yard diameter)
3 successes  100 square yards  (10 yard diameter)
4 successes  1,000 square yards  (30 yard diameter)
5 successes  5,000 square yards  (70 yard diameter)

Each turn that a character (aside from the caster) is within the area of effect, she must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 7) to remain unaffected. There are three levels of success possible. A complete success or better (three or more successes) means that the character remains completely unaffected that turn. A moderate success (two successes) means that the character feels drowsy and that all her Dice Pools for the turn are reduced by one die. A marginal success (one success) means that the character may perform no actions during the turn. A failure means the character falls asleep for two minutes (longer than combat typically lasts), while a bitch means the character falls asleep for two hours.

Level 5
A Curse Upon Thy House
This affects not only a person upon whom it was cast, but his entire progeny and brood also. The caster rolls Manipulation + Intimidation (difficulty 8). One success is needed, but for every success thereafter, one other vampire is affected (beginning with the closest to the target). Each Willpower point spent likewise affects another vampire. They will all have the Dark Fate Flaw until the head of the house (the target) atones for the crime done to the curser. If the curser was an anarch, and the target was the prince, then the prince must somehow pay reparation to the anarch's memory. A "good deed" must be done to overcome the curse, or else all the brood are affected. If the target dies, then the next one who was affected by the curse takes on the responsibility of reparation.

Enchant Talisman
This ritual is the first taught to most Tremere once they have attained mastery of their first path. Enchant Talisman allows the thaumaturge to enchant a personal magical item (the fabled wizard's staff) to act as an amplifier for her will and thaumaturgical might. A Tremere's talisman is a great source of personal pride, and any insult directed against a talisman is an insult at the thaumaturge herself. Many talismans are laden with additional rituals (such as every ward known to the thaumaturge). The physical appearance of a talisman varies, but it must be a rigid object close to a yard long. Swords and walking sticks are the most common talismans, but some innovative or eccentric Tremere have enchanted violins, shotguns, pool cues and classroom pointers.

This ritual requires six hours per night for one complete cycle of the moon, beginning and ending on the new moon. Over this time, the thaumaturge carefully prepares her talisman, carving it with Hermetic runes that signify her True Name and the sum total of her thaumaturgical knowledge. The player spends one blood point per night and makes an extended roll of Intelligence + Occult (difficulty 8), one roll per week. If a nights work is missed or if the four rolls do not accumulate at least 20 net successes, the talisman is ruined and the process must be begun again.

A completed talisman gives the thaumaturge several advantages. When the character is holding the talisman, the difficulty of all magic or magick that targets her is increased by one. The player receives two extra dice when rolling for uses of the character's primary path an done extra die when rolling for the character's ritual castings. If the talisman is used as a weapon, it gives the player an additional die to roll to hit. If the thaumaturge is separated from her talisman, a successful Perception + Occult roll (difficulty 7) gives her its location.

If a talisman is in possession of another individual, it gives that individual three additional dice to roll when using any form of magic or magick against the talisman's owner. At the Storyteller's discretion, rituals that target the thaumaturge and use her talisman as a physical component may have greatly increased effects.
A thaumaturge may only have one talisman at a time. Ownership of a talisman may not be transferred - each individual must create her own.

Escape to a True Friend
One of the few rituals available to the Tremere that allows a form of teleportation, Escape to a True Friend allows the caster to travel to the person whose friendship and trust she most values. The ritual has a physical component of a yard-wide circle charred into the bare ground or floor. The caster may step into the circle at any time and speak the True Name of her friend. She is instantly transported to that individual, wherever he may be at the moment. She does not appear directly in front of him, but materializes in a location within a few minutes' walk that is out of sight of any observer. The circle may be reused indefinitely, as long as it is unmarred.

This ritual takes six hours a night for six nights to cast, reduced by one night for every two successes. Each night requires the sacrifice of three of the caster's own blood points, which are poured into the circle. Once the circle is complete, the transport may be attempted at any time. The caster may take one other individual with her when she travels, or a maximum amount of "cargo" equal to her own weight

Lion Heart
The vampire using this ritual may temporarily increase her abilities as a warrior. The ritual grants the vampire two points of Strength, one point of Dexterity, and one point of Stamina. The vampire's Courage or Morale is also increased by three points. Even beyond this, the vampire gains two extra points in her Brawl and Leadership Talents. The effects of this ritual lasts for 20 minutes. The vampire using this ritual must rest within two hours after this ritual ends or she will begin to lose Health Levels at a rate of one every 10 minutes until she rests. This can be a very dangerous ritual to cast, but its effects are incredible.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2016, 05:20:02 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2015, 08:57:39 am »

Koldunic Rituals

Level 1
Reawakening Dead Water
With this ritual, a koldun may mingle his blood with stagnant water and drink from it, absorbing the vitality and rejuvenation of water and earth.

After dripping a point of vitae into the water, the vampire stoops and drinks a full double handful of the brackish liquid. If the activation roll succeeds, the vampire may drink the water without vomiting and regains one point of temporary Willpower. This cannot bring her temporary Willpower above her permanent rating, and the ritual may only be cast once per night.

The koldun draws upon the elements present in a location to learn more information about that area. The caster need simply take any object from the room, area or location. The object must consist primarily of natural materials, rather than synthetic; thus, a pencil suffices, but a notebook computer does not. Within the next 24 hours, the koldun may cast this ritual over the item. For a number of turns equal to her successes plus her Willpower, her mind travels to the area from which the object was taken, and she may proceed to examine it in detail, even going so far as to look behind furniture or inside drawers that she did not search before. She observes the area exactly as it was when she took the object. This ritual is particularly useful for searching the haven or offices of an enemy at leisure. Any given object may be used only once, after which it becomes useless for purposes of this ritual.

Level 2
Blood Walk
A thaumaturge casts this ritual on a blood sample from another vampire. Blood Walk is used to trace the subject's Kindred lineage and the blood bonds in which the subject is involved.

This ritual requires three hours to cast, reduced by 15 minutes for each success on the roll. It requires one blood point from the subject. Each success allows the caster to "see back" one generation, giving the caster both the True Name of the ancestor and image of his face. The caster also learns the generation and clan or bloodline from which the subject is descended. With three successes, the caster also learns the identities of all the parties with whom the subject shares a blood bond, either as a regnant or thrall.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2016, 03:58:30 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth
« Reply #6 on: April 28, 2015, 05:47:35 pm »

Combination Disciplines
Blood Apocrypha
Disciplines Required: Auspex 1, Obfuscate 1
Description: In an attempt to create a secret language all their own, the Nosferatu have generated different methods of coding their speech and messages. One faction living in the Levant uses Blood Apocrypha for private dialogue based on the nuances of expending blood within their body. The Parisian Nosferatu, however, use a variant whereby they write actual script that remains unseen. In both cases, the only people who understand this language are those with Blood Apocrypha as well. Most broods who employ this trick have one Nosferatu among them who can provide translations since it would be unreasonable to expect all clan members to be versed in this language.

This Discipline allows a vampire to relay coded information in one of two fashions. If related to speech, the two discoursing Cainites must be close enough to smell and taste the atomized blood. Kissing is the safest route. The second method, scripting, enables the writer to draw blood pictographs using his own vitae on cloth. The blood never actually touches the medium, but its dissipation infuses the porous fabric to create the message.
The recipient, in turn, must expend a small taste of blood to speak to the other vampire or he can breathe blood vapors upon parchment to highlight the text. In both cases, Blood Apocrypha does not supply the coded message; it is merely the ink used to relate instructions. This means that a vampire with this Discipline must also understand the codes being used. That is why the Levantine and Parisian broods are able to maintain their secrets.

Regardless of whether the message is in speech or script, and whether the vampire is the sender or receiver, the player must spend on blood point for the character to retrieve or relate the message. In spoken communication, as long as the two Nosferatu are face to face, no roll is necessary. For written missives, the sender’s player should roll Perception + Subterfuge (difficulty 5) to determine how long the message will last (see below). Reading the message requires blood expenditure but no roll—it succeeds unless the message has expired.

Successes          Survival of Written Messages
1                       Two days
2                       Four days
3                       One Week
4                       One Month
5                       Indefinitely

Hand of the Master Artisan
Disciplines Required: Auspex 1, Celerity 1
:Toreador employ this power to create laborious works of art with impossible speed and precision. Painters casually daub the work of hours in a blur of minutes, while sculptors appear to mold clay as though it were somehow alive.

The vampire’s player spends one point of Willpower plus a variable quantity of blood. The desired artistic task has its duration divided by the number of blood points spent, rounded up. Thus, a mosaic that normally required three hours to assemble would require only one if the vampire’s player spent 3 blood points. The trance of accelerated speed applies only to the single selected task. The vampire may break off and perform other actions without breaking the power, as long as he spends no more than a single hour away from the endeavor. This power may aid only in acts of deliberate artistic creation.

Quickened Instincts
Disciplines Required: Auspex 1, Celerity 2
Description: With this power, a vampire hones his senses to detect the sudden motion of ambushes and reacts with inhuman grace to evade or parry the attack.

Whenever the vampire is attacked from ambush or fails to notice an incoming attack through the natural senses, his player must spend one blood point. The player may also spend additional blood points to retroactively purchase extra actions with Celerity, although these may only be used for purely defensive actions. Once this power is activated, the character may respond to the attack as though he saw it coming, suffering none of the usual penalties for surprise. This power can be consciously suppressed for a scene at no cost; however, it cannot be reactivated until the following scene.

Quicken Sight
Disciplines Required: Auspex 1, Celerity 2
Description: The hand is not quicker than the eye when the eye belongs to an archon or templar with this power. Quicken Sight allows the character to see fast-moving objects in detail that even Heightened Senses alone cannot reveal. A character with this power can focus on and follow a single card while the deck is shuffled, track the single loaded chamber in a game of Russian roulette, read the headlines on a newspaper as he drives past the newsstand at 60 mph or even pick out subliminal images in film.

The player spends one blood point to activate this power, which lasts for a scene. Any time the character wishes to see, follow or examine something that is moving too quickly for normal observation, the player must make a Wits + Alertness roll (difficulty based on how quickly the item is moving, but normally 6 or 7). Even one success allows the character to observe the item, though more successes bring greater detail and clarity.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2016, 05:14:25 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth
« Reply #7 on: April 28, 2015, 06:01:21 pm »

OK, here's what I'm Thinking -

Thaumaturgy 4 to 5 : 20 XP
Manipulation 1 to 2 : 4 XP
Celerity 1 : 10 XP
Celerity 1 to 2 : 7 XP
Total : 41 XP
« Last Edit: March 16, 2016, 05:13:55 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth
« Reply #8 on: April 28, 2015, 08:35:04 pm »

Steeple and Kiril get three background points and two points of Status, both being seneschals. Kiril earned his city, I just haven't given it yet because there's a much better story opportunity coming up for it.


Steeple will take all three Background Points in Influence.

Which form of influence?

You get one level 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 thaumaturgy ritual by taking thaumaturgy 5
« Last Edit: March 16, 2016, 05:12:38 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth
« Reply #9 on: April 29, 2015, 09:13:59 am »

Level 1. Engaging the Vessel of Transference
Level 2. Burning Blade
Level 3. Mirror of Second Sight
Level 4. Peace of the Dead
Level 5. A Curse Upon Thy House Enchant Talisman
« Last Edit: April 30, 2015, 05:43:22 am by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth
« Reply #10 on: April 29, 2015, 04:14:42 pm »

Which form? What forms are there? I figure it would just be political clout for running the town, but what are my actual options?


Sweetness +5!  ;D

Religious influence, Political/bureaucratic influence, merchantile influence, medical influence, transportation influence, etc.


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Re: Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth
« Reply #11 on: April 29, 2015, 04:53:16 pm »

Political/bureaucratic influence, Mercantile Influence - a little of both I suppose.


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Re: Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth
« Reply #12 on: May 02, 2015, 09:04:10 am »



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Re: Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth
« Reply #13 on: November 07, 2015, 06:56:35 pm »

Steeple receives a reply.


It was a pleasure aiding an ally in need, unfortunately you can't eat pie though.

Until we next meet.

« Last Edit: March 14, 2016, 05:16:11 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth
« Reply #14 on: February 26, 2016, 04:05:47 pm »

For the diablerie of Artur, Childe of Rostog, 8th generation:

Artur was an exceedingly arrogant individual - a character trait that would lead to his death at the hands of Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky the Forth in the ruins of an Ancient Koldun's temple after being ripped nearly in half by one of his own ghouls. Steeple gains the delusion "overconfident" (must roll willpower any time he chooses to be cautious. This is reflected by Prince Maurice's urgings taking over Steeple's actions).

Artur also had a cruel streak and this will be reflected in the delusion of Prince Maurice (who I have decided will become an amalgamation of all those who Steeple diabblerizes. The prince will also have more control over Steeple the greater his delusions become).

Steeple gains a working understanding of the Koldunic path  of fire (path level one), which is permanently set as his base path in Koldunism.

He also learns the ritual "communicate with the Kindred sire" (so useful!) and gains a rank of knowledge in Koldunism.

In addition to this, he gains the ability to start learning fleshcrafting without the need to be taught by a Tzimisce.

Steeple also gains Addiction (vampire blood) rank 1


EDIT: Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky the Fourth

« Last Edit: March 09, 2016, 07:15:57 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth
« Reply #15 on: March 12, 2016, 07:34:00 pm »

Ritual points:

Steeple gets 20 points to spend on rituals of rank 5 and below. Each ritual costs as many ritual points as their rank - so Steeple can get four  level 5 rituals, 5 level four rituals, etc.

Steeple will still have to put the time in to learn the rituals, once he receives the books for them.


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Re: Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth
« Reply #16 on: March 13, 2016, 06:58:58 pm »

Steeple gains 15 experience points, 16 of you post a good learning curve.

(16 is max experience, by the by).


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Re: Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth
« Reply #17 on: March 13, 2016, 07:25:11 pm »

One Experience Point: Learning Curve - What did the character learn during the course of the story. If the character did indeed learn something, such as a lesson in life or unlife, one point is awarded

So, life lessons, how has Steeple changed as a person from his experiences, what has he learned?

Don't have to give me two, soesnmt have to be both adventures, but give me something to show that steeple has, in some way, developped as a character.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2016, 07:28:31 pm by Drakilian »


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Re: Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth
« Reply #18 on: March 13, 2016, 07:38:24 pm »

Ah, I see. How's this?

Steeple definitely learned that Diablerie comes with a terrible price, one that has completely wiped out any previous fantasies about feasting on his Sire's soul! In fact, Steeple knows that such an act would forever place him in thrall under that madman's iron handed control. Should Steeple ever consider doing it to anyone more powerful than himself, it would have to be a virtual saint. Maybe that Michael guy everyone is always saying such good things about?


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Re: Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth
« Reply #19 on: March 13, 2016, 08:33:19 pm »

Yep, that works.

You have 16 exp points to spent.

Oh, yeah, Steeple also gains a 5 point ally: Celestyn, Master Librarian of Ceoris.


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Re: Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth
« Reply #20 on: March 14, 2016, 04:57:55 pm »

Steeple will see about having someone teach Fortitude to Nadia ...

Maximus, please instruct our frail Nadia in the ways of Fortitude and Potence, thank you.  ;D


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Re: Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth
« Reply #21 on: March 14, 2016, 05:05:56 pm »

So, what does the Latin on the bone sword say?

Steeple will do simple research on it.

Eternal Thirst

(Shouldn't be too hard to figure out what it is XD)

Does Steeple's Courage go up by one perhaps? Due to the new hindrance in being cautious?

Hahahahahaha no ;)

Maximus, please instruct our frail Nadia in the ways of Fortitude and Potence, thank you.  ;D

"See sister, I shall strike you, and your skin shall toughen as mine has. You will strike me in turn, and your arms will strengthen. Do you understand? Sister, stop screaming and answer me!"
« Last Edit: March 14, 2016, 05:11:54 pm by Drakilian »


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Re: Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth
« Reply #22 on: March 14, 2016, 05:13:24 pm »

Steeple does gain a point in his path though.


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Re: Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth
« Reply #23 on: March 14, 2016, 05:14:58 pm »

Excellent! Makes sense though too - finding out all sorts of Secrets and all haha!  :)


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Re: Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth
« Reply #24 on: March 14, 2016, 05:20:24 pm »

"See sister, I shall strike you, and your skin shall toughen as mine has. You will strike me in turn, and your arms will strengthen. Do you understand? Sister, stop screaming and answer me!"

Oh Lord!  ;D


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Re: Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth
« Reply #25 on: March 14, 2016, 05:43:14 pm »

Would Maximus Ferrum be considered a Retainer? If so, what Level?


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Re: Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth
« Reply #26 on: March 14, 2016, 05:52:42 pm »

He would be considered a rank 3 Gargoyle retainer.

See next to the character creation subtitle:


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Re: Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth
« Reply #27 on: March 14, 2016, 06:13:32 pm »

The sword deals +3 Aggravated damage and drinks one blood point for every level of damage it causes.


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Re: Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth
« Reply #28 on: March 14, 2016, 06:35:26 pm »

Oh, is that all?  j/k ;D


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Re: Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth
« Reply #29 on: March 14, 2016, 06:37:28 pm »

I probably need to hide it from Tremere, right? I mean it practically has "This Sword Stolen From Etrius" written down the side!  :D


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Re: Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth
« Reply #30 on: March 14, 2016, 09:20:54 pm »

The sword is easy to hide, the gargoyle? Not so much XD

I'd recommend having him learn a few levels of Obfuscate.

Oh, side note, the sword is indestructible unless suffering through a very, very specific situation that I'll keep a secret (it likely won't ever become relevant).


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Re: Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth
« Reply #31 on: March 15, 2016, 04:15:01 pm »

How's this:

Survival 1 (3 XP)
Survival 1 to 2 (2 XP)
Path of Mercury 1 (7 XP)
The Way of Fire 1 to 2 (4 XP)
Total 16 XP
« Last Edit: March 15, 2016, 05:14:50 pm by BerkaZerka »

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Re: Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth
« Reply #32 on: March 15, 2016, 04:23:07 pm »

Shouldnt you get some subterfuge so you can lie convincingly?


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Re: Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth
« Reply #33 on: March 15, 2016, 04:25:07 pm »

Shouldnt you get some subterfuge so you can lie convincingly?

Nah, he always believes what he says is true, so it's impossible for him to lie  ;D


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Re: Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth
« Reply #34 on: March 15, 2016, 04:25:56 pm »

Level 1. Blood Rush; Illuminate Trail of Prey; Scent of the Lupine's Passing; The Scribe?
Level 2. Bureaucratic Condemnation
Level 5. A Curse on Thy House; Lion Heart; Escape to a True Friend
« Last Edit: March 15, 2016, 04:31:54 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth
« Reply #35 on: March 15, 2016, 04:42:16 pm »

Nice, was hoping you'd take the scribe. it's such an awesome ritual - just wait till you decide to scribe all over someone's body XD


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Re: Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth
« Reply #36 on: March 16, 2016, 10:04:34 am »

OK, for Rituals...

From Path of Mercury 1
[ 1 ] Purge the Inner Demon


From Koldunic Sorcery 2
[ 1 ] Reawaken Dead Water

[ 1 ] Reflections

[ 2 ] Blood Walk
« Last Edit: March 17, 2016, 03:59:46 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth
« Reply #37 on: March 17, 2016, 10:58:32 am »

Of course Steeple is going to triple Blood Bond Maximum, but he's going to do it with the Vessel of Transference and include Nadia the first time.

Nadia will pick up the vessel first (absorbing Steeple's Blood).

Then Steeple will then pick it up (absorbing Nadia's blood) and hand it to Maximus (who will absorb his blood).

Finally, Maximum will hand it back to Nadia, so she can get a dose of Gargoyle blood - and stop with her blood in the vessel.

Steeple figures one dose of Maximus' blood should calm her about him and might make it easier for her to learn his Disciplines.

Steeple will then make sure Nadia knows not to take any more of his blood, not wanting Nadia bound to Maximus beyond that.

So when all is said and done, Maximus will have a level 3 blood bond to Steeple along with Nadia; And Nadia will have a level 1 bond to Maximus.


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Re: Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth
« Reply #38 on: March 17, 2016, 11:09:47 am »

Nadia is already triple-bound to Steeple, you can only ever have one triple (slavery) bond. So it doesn't really matter how much of anyone's blood Nadia drinks, she'll never advance beyond the two-step bond.


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Re: Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth
« Reply #39 on: March 17, 2016, 01:15:51 pm »

True, and nothing of the above has anything to do with further bondimg Nadia to Steeple. It's about bonding Maximus.

Specifically, using the Vessel of Transference to do so - while simultaneously giving Nadia a bond to Maximus to help 'endear' her to him


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Re: Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth
« Reply #40 on: March 17, 2016, 01:19:42 pm »

Ah, I see what you are getting at now. Guess we'll see if Maximus is already triple bound to someone else then, right?
« Last Edit: March 17, 2016, 02:38:02 pm by BerkaZerka »

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Re: Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth
« Reply #41 on: March 17, 2016, 02:41:44 pm »

No hes just saying that steeple doesnt need to worry about maximus blood bonding nadia too much


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Re: Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth
« Reply #42 on: March 17, 2016, 03:00:19 pm »

Yeah, I got that {after re-reading Drak's post}.   :)


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Re: Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth
« Reply #43 on: March 17, 2016, 03:11:16 pm »

Ah, I see what you are getting at now. Guess we'll see if Maximus is already triple bound to someone else then, right?

Well, you wouldn't really. If Maximus was a sleeper agent then he'd just pretend he was fully bound to Steeple.

Blood walk would have been your reassurance, but since you didn't go with that it's not really an option.


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Re: Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth
« Reply #44 on: March 17, 2016, 03:54:14 pm »

You are really trying hard to sell that Blood Walk...


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Re: Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth
« Reply #45 on: March 17, 2016, 03:55:36 pm »

So, seeing as I don't plan on focusing much more into Kaldunism, I guess I'll swap out Reawaken Dead Water Ward vs. Ghoul for Blood Walk now, as I my never get another chance.  8)
« Last Edit: March 17, 2016, 03:59:15 pm by BerkaZerka »

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Re: Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth
« Reply #46 on: March 17, 2016, 03:56:50 pm »

It's like animalism. Drak tried to sell me it so hard he suggested a pacifistic gangrel.


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Re: Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth
« Reply #47 on: March 17, 2016, 03:58:39 pm »

It's like animalism. Drak tried to sell me it so hard he suggested a pacifistic gangrel.

I did?

Not trying to sell Blood walk, but you're talking about finding out a blood bond level and you're talking about how you don't like the level two rituals, I'm pointing out Blood Walk is a level two ritual that gives you what you said you wanted, haha


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Re: Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth
« Reply #48 on: March 17, 2016, 04:01:12 pm »

Anyway, Congrats to Steeple on getting two of the rarest disciplines in the game. Get Valeren/Obeah and Assamite Sorcery and you'll be on a cloud


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Re: Steeple Carson Olaf Trevesky The Fourth
« Reply #49 on: March 17, 2016, 04:01:21 pm »

Yeah, I do like that I can get Ward vs. Ghoul through Thamaturgy. So getting Blood Walk now makes more sense.  :)
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