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Author Topic: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI  (Read 198024 times)


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #500 on: April 11, 2015, 09:56:53 pm »

He then sighs.
"I said that I would be fine with this whole plan of ours, but... this whole thing is... We're gonna be erasing our whole lives, everything we've ever done is gonna be erased forever. It's a difficult task that we've been given." Roka states.

"Oh!", Yuki exclaims, surprised.

"You understand! Good, good" she says, nodding in approval.

"It's true that everything we've done will be erased, but we may be able to make it so we ourselves aren't quite erased."

« Last Edit: April 11, 2015, 10:01:04 pm by killa_robot »


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #501 on: April 12, 2015, 02:51:41 pm »

"Should we warn everyone about the Chinese invasion?" Rai asks everyone.
Ideals are peaceful; history is violent.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #502 on: April 12, 2015, 03:19:21 pm »

"Should we warn everyone about the Chinese invasion?" Rai asks everyone.

"Of course", Yuki replies.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #503 on: April 13, 2015, 07:00:49 pm »

"So that means it doesn't succeed." Rai smiles thinking all the lives that would be saved then frowns, "Wait what happens to us?"
Ideals are peaceful; history is violent.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #504 on: April 13, 2015, 07:10:14 pm »

"So that means it doesn't succeed." Rai smiles thinking all the lives that would be saved then frowns, "Wait what happens to us?"

"We'd probably disappear, but we don't have to", Yuki replies.

"We can put our souls into objects, and use them to merge with our future selves."


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #505 on: April 13, 2015, 07:29:19 pm »

"Wow, Yuki! That's Brilliant!" Sakura replies.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #506 on: April 13, 2015, 07:30:15 pm »

"I've heard worse ideas," Miya adds, making a token effort to remain in the conversation.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #507 on: April 13, 2015, 07:40:39 pm »

"Wow, Yuki! That's Brilliant!" Sakura replies.

"Ehehe", Yuki replies bashfully.

Yuki will then use epic magic in the heart of creation to send everyone back in time to when Yunikawa was a baby.


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #508 on: April 19, 2015, 02:36:09 pm »

Five Hundred Years In The Past

Yuki’s spell allowed her the ability to pass through the Heart of Creation, with control of when and where she would emerge. Instructing the Samurai of Sendai and Yuki’s mother to all hold hands (forming a human chain with Yuki in the lead), Yuki placed her hand on the massive magical diamond in the center of the chamber.

Immediately, the world shattered around them!

The Samurai felt their physical bodies disintegrate into their atomic structure – becoming acutely aware of every particle of their beings – their motions, orders, and functions when joined together to form the whole. They swirled around everyone’s consciousness as they seemed to flow morpheus through the very strings of time and space.

Drifting, each Samurai found themselves envisioning their entire existence – their minds filled not just with that of their mortal lives – but of each life they had ever lived from their very first incarnation at the dawn of mankind. In a flash, they all experiences every birth, every life, and every death of each generation of themselves from the creation of man until the moment Yuki had placed her hand on the Heart of Creation. For Roka and Yuki, it was a redundant experience, yet still mind-shaking in its magnitude. For everyone else, it was positively mind blowing and they reeled mentally from the overload.

Then, as suddenly as the knowledge had come, it quickly faded away and the Samurai felt themselves reforming in the ether.

That is when something else coalesced together near them. It was a three hundred foot tall leviathan of dark and sinister evil.

Masaki-Dai-Oni in whole.

The Demon God’s red scaled skin was shrouded in radiating hell fire (the same sort as the Kyoso-No-Oni had tormented the Samurai with). It had orange fangs and claws, five dragon eyes on its face, long black horns jutting from its head, and an array of spikes and quills sprouting from its back.

It didn’t seem to notice the Samurai floating near, as it towered over the entire world. Filled with limitless cruelty, it reached down and wounded the earth – tearing open the land and releasing all manner of terrible Oni from the depths below.

Not satisfied there, the Demon God turned his attention to the still sleeping Sun and Moon, and seeing how small and insignificant they were in comparison to his own might, he crushed them in each of his hands – plunging the dying world into an eternity of darkness.

The shock of seeing this snapped the Samurai out of wherever they were; and they wearily came to, lying on a dirt road somewhere. Everyone was whole again, but felt strange, all but Yuki’s minds buzzing with chaos and unable to cope with all that they had seen and experienced.


Taking a moment, Yuki cast Heal on everyone, tied with her Feng-Shui powers, to remove the massive Psychosis that besieged the Samurai’s burning psyches.

When that was done, Yuki directed everyone off the road into the woods, where the burned out ruins of a humble cottage could be seen.

Yuki explained that this was the birthplace of Kenjiro Yunikawa – after brigands had come through and slain his family, leaving the baby Yunikawa to starve alone in the crib. From her tracing back Yunikawa’s timeline, Yuki knew that a wandering monk had heard the baby Yunikawa crying, as he walked down the road, and had taken him to the a nearby orphanage outside the city of Sendai.

As the place was abandoned, Rai and Udo used Easily Overlooked Campsite and the Samurai rested the night. The next day, Yuki cast Make Whole on the cottage and the Samurai then had a proper place to lay low, while they carefully set their plan into motion.

The first thing was to prepare the spell by which the Samurai would transfer their souls into objects upon the death of Yunikawa. This way, using Epic Magic, tied with the Feng-Shui power of Summon, Yuki could ensure that the items would find their future selves on the day of their Gempuku – and when they touched the enchanted Items, the two souls would merge – becoming one.

The old selves would not be lost to the paradox of time travel and the new selves would benefit from the vast experience, memories, and powers of their current selves.

Each Samurai carefully chose an item and the spell was cast.

The Samurai then took the items into Sendai and gave them into the care of the Exalted Patriarch of the Temple of The Ancestors – after explaining their purpose and of the impending doom of Nippon to come by way of the Chinese Invasion in the distant future.

Knowing that what he was hearing was true, the Exalted Patriarch promised to prepare Nippon with holy prophesies against the arrival of the Chinese and to also see that the items were delivered to the Samurai of Sendai and Rai of Edo, at the appropriate time.

With that set, the only thing left was to deal with Yunikawa.

Rather than dirty their own hands killing an innocent baby, Yuki first visited the orphanage in secret and spotted Yunikawa by his Line of Attunement. Then, taking the baby with her, she returned to Yunikawa’s family cottage with him.

Placing him in his crib, the Samurai all went outside and bid each other farewell and good fortune, hoping that this would work – that by this infant’s sacrifice, the World could be saved.

Roka, then used the power of his armor to summon a Fiend and ordered it to go inside the cottage and quickly slay the baby within – something the Fiend was more than happy to do.

It lumbered into the cottage radiating fire and catching everything alight.

Moments later, the Samurai of Sendai all began to fade away into nothingness …



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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #509 on: April 19, 2015, 02:36:33 pm »

Epilog 1

It was the day of their Gempuku, when the strange items of the past were delivered to the new Samurai of Sendai at their coming of age, to Yuki’s Mother Lady Shirahata, and to Rai Go Uda of Edo.

The items were ancient things – five hundred years old the Priest had said, as the handed them to their respected recipients.

And touching them – an alternate life was suddenly opened up before each of them – and they knew who they had once been and how they had saved the world from the Father of Demons and his wicked pawn Kenjiro Yunikawa.

It took some time to come to terms with who they now were.

They were still themselves, but also much more – and with experience and powers unlike their wildest dreams.

And they realized that there was still much to do – especially Yuki.

They had to change the way the Naga Shrine worked – to free Mankind from the sacrifice of the Sacrifants. To ensure that what had happened in another lifetime could not happen again in this or any other.

It would be challenging, but not beyond their incredible new powers – and after that? Who knows, maybe even immortality!


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Re: Mythic Nippon Adventure VI
« Reply #510 on: April 19, 2015, 02:36:54 pm »

Epilog 2

It was a hot summer day in the city of Sendai as the children of Headmaster Gakusha’s class sat enthralled at the stories he had been telling of their great nation’s past. Particularly of the great Chinese invasion attempt lead by the Kublai Khan some seven hundred years ago.

As the headmaster spoke, one child in particular listened most attentively – It was Kioko Kikuchi.

Something about the stories struck a cord with her and she was especially interested in the heroic figures of the time; Samurai like Shinsen Hasekura, the Daimyo of Sendai and his trusted Yoriki, who together repelled the first invasion of the Chinese at the decisive Battle of Sendai.

And then later, when the Chinese tried to invade a second time, the legendary Wu-Jen Kenji Nogachi, who summoned up a Divine Wind to sink the retreating ships of the Chinese and burry them once and for all in the sea.

To Kioko, the stories and legends seemed to come alive in her mind and she could envision what the people were like and the adventures they must have had. If only she could have lived back then, she would have been a Samurai-ko and fought alongside heroes like these!

Then suddenly a bell was rung, snapping Kioko out of her daydreams and marking the end of the school day. Grabbing her books, she rushed outside and found a long stick – and just in time too! The Chinese were invading and she would need a sword to fend them off and protect the land!

Then with a grin, Kioko stepped forward and swatted at a boy with her stick. To which the boy responded by finding one of his own and the battle commenced.

Today the fate of Japan would be decided by a mighty battle between the heroic Samurai-ko Kioko Kikuchi and the wicked invader Kublai Khan!
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