Im Not even white! 
XD know, I was kind of wondering about this, recently. Because I do sometimes refer to my Jewish housemate as white... and he's never corrected me, and I don't think he's just being polite? I mean, I really hope not, because we are close enough friends that he shouldn't feel the need to
politely ignore me saying a
dumb thing? I saying a dumb thing? :/
I mean, I know
really Farking well that there are white people who don't think that Jewish people
who share their exact skin tone are white. Just... as someone who thinks that belief is generally connected to a certain degree of bigotry... I would be inclined to think that you are white. Because, you know. You are a very similar color to myself, with respect to skin tone.
But. If that response was in the mode 'ha ha only serious,' and
you do not think you are white? I will stop thinking that.
And, let's face it...
nobody is 'white.' Those of us who say we are?
Kind of pink, actually. XD