Ugilick, you have one epic goatee. Holy shit man.
Thank you! I was impressed with your facial follicle power as well. My picture is actually a little over a year old, I was almost 20 at the time. I look almost the same. Goatee is thicker, mustache is thicker. That's about it. I might have an extra wrinkle around my eyes.

Damn! You really do look like a Conquistador haha!
I wasn't foolin! Yeah. My ancestors slaughtered the Aztecs. If my picture weren't in black in white, you'd see my skin tone is a bit darker than the standard, "Caucasian." Not as dark as Aman though. Still, ask Bo sometime if you see him around, Allot of people thought I was Hispanic until I set the record straight.
while I'm just repeating what everyone else said, damn Ugi, you've got an awesome Beard. And the look of villain in a Spain-themed movie.
You're not the only one. Also, I have an aunt who's always telling me that I'm tailor made for Shakespearean plays.
Hey, Morgan.