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Author Topic: John The Deprived - Diablerized by Steeple  (Read 25545 times)


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John The Deprived - Diablerized by Steeple
« on: May 26, 2016, 10:20:34 pm »


BRUISED [ * ] |INJURED (-1)[ O ] | CRIPPLED (-5) [ O ]
HURT (-1) [ O ] |WOUNDED (-2) [ O ]
HURT (-1) [ O ] |MAULED (-2) [ O ]

Permanent: 8
Temporary: 8/8


Blood Pool

Path of the Grey Hunter



Base Initiative


Takes aggravated damage from Silver.

Must dole out vengeance unless he spends a temp willpower point.

-2 to hiding in the dark.

Has a fairly powerful enemy he knows nothing about.

+1 difficulty to vision based rolls.


Can reroll three rolls per story.

+1 Health

Gains a 1.5 blood consumed modifier

+2 to Willpower and virtue rolls while following code of honour (never commit an act of violence against mortals without good reason).

Immune to supernatural toxins and venoms.

-1 to intimidation rolls against mortals.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2017, 07:42:48 pm by Drakilian »
"Heroes die, Heroism never shall." -Statue in King's Row
"Why are living weapons such ASSHOLES!?" -Roark


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Re: John The Deprived
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2016, 07:46:29 pm »

Johnathan Melrowe Jacobim *AKA John the Deprived*

Player: cdrive1
Chronicle: Transylvanian Chronicles

Nature: Soldier
Sire: Edward Mordred
Demeanor: Architect
Clan: Brujah
Generation 8th
Concept: Former sellswords
Coterie: The Squamous Thugs of Brutal Doomosity and Some Random Assamite Who Keeps Following Them Around All The Time

Physical: Strength 4(7), Dexterity 2(4), Stamina 4
Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Appearance 3
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 3

Talents: Alertness 3; Athletics 3; Awareness 1; Brawl 4; Dodge 2; Empathy 2; Expression 0; Intimidation 0; Leadership 0; Streetwise 0; Subterfuge 0
Skills: Animal Ken 0; Crafts 0; Riding/Drive 0; Etiquette 3; Firearms 0; Larceny 0; Melee 2; Performance 1; Stealth 3; Survival 2; Security:2
Knowledge: Academics 0; Finance 0; Investigation 2; Koldunism 1; Law 1; Linguistics 2; Medicine 2; Occult 3; Politics 0; Science 0

Potence 4; Celerity 2;Presence 3

Courage: 3

Conscience: 2

Self-control: 5


Allies: 1; Influence: 2; Mentor: 0; Resources: 0; Contacts: 0; Generation: 4; Herd: 0; Retainers: 0; Status: 3

Merits and Flaws

Merit: Code of Honor; Type: Mental; Cost: 2

Description: You have a personal code of ethics to which you adhere. The specifics of this code must be worked out with the Storyteller prior to play, and the character must follow it strictly. Characters with this Merit gain two additional dice to all Willpower or Virtue rolls when acting in accordance with their code (e.g., defending the helpless) or when attempting to avoid situations that might force them to violate their code.

Merit: Light Sleeper; Type: Mental; Cost: 3

Description: You can awaken instantly at any sign of trouble or danger, and do so without any sleepiness or hesitation. You may ignore rules regarding how Humanity/Path restricts the number of dice available during the day.
This may not be taken with the flaw Deep Sleeper.

Merit: Efficient Feeding; Type: Physical; Cost: 3

Description: You are able to draw more than the usual amount of nourishment from blood. When feeding, you gain an additional point to your blood pool for every two points of blood you consume. This Merit does not allow you to exceed your blood pool maximum.

Merit: Huge Size; Type: Physical; Cost: 4

You are abnormally large in size, possibly over seven feet tall and 400 pounds in weight. You therefore have one additional Health Level, and are able to suffer more harm before you are incapacitated. Treat this extra Level as an extra Hurt Level, with no penalties to rolls.

Merit: Lucky; Type: Supernatural; Cost: 3

Description: You were born lucky - or else the Devil looks after his own. Either way, you may repeat any three failed rolls per story, including botches, but you may try only once per failed roll.

Merit: Antitoxin Blood; Type: Supernatural; Cost: 1

Description: Although vampires are typically immune to mortal drugs and poisons, there are supernatural venoms that can affect Kindred physiology. A vampire with this Merit is immune to all forms of drugs and poisons, including the venoms and toxins of supernatural creatures or those created by supernatural powers. 

Flaw: Vengeful; Type: Mental; Cost: 2

Description: You have a score to settle, incurred either during your mortals days or after the Embrace. You are obsessed with taking your revenge on an individual or group, and it is your overriding priority in any situation in which you encounter the object of your revenge. You may temporarily resist your need for vengeance by spending a Willpower point.

Flaw: Vulnerability to Silver; Type: Physical; Cost: 2

Description: This flaw may only be taken by a supernatural (or normal) who is not normally harmed by silver. You suffer aggravated damage from silver weapons and silver against your skin annoys you greatly

Flaw: Glowing Eyes; Type: Physical; Cost: 3

Description: You have the stereotypical glowing eyes of vampire legend, which gives you a -1 difficulty on Intimidation rolls when you’re dealing with mortals. However, the tradeoffs are many, you are a walking tear in the Masquerade and must constantly disguise your condition (no contacts don’t cut it); the glow impairs your vision and puts you at +1 difficulty on all sight-based roll (including the use of ranged weapons); and the radiance emanating form your eye sockets make it difficult to hide (+2 difficulty to Stealth rolls) in the dark.

Flaw: Enemy; Type: Social; Cost: 3

You have an enemy, or perhaps a group of enemies. Someone wants to harm you. The value of the Flaw determines how powerful these enemies are. The most powerful enemies (Masters or elder vampires) would be five point Flaws, while someone nearer to your own power would be worth only one point. You must decide who your enemy is and how you earned such enmity in the first place.

None (yet)


Weapon/Attack: Light, Masterwork Broadsword; Difficulty: 0; Damage: +5 lethal; Range: Hand-to-Hand; Rate: 1/Action; Clip: Infinite Slashings; Conceal: No

Class: Light; Rating: 3; Penalty: None
Description: Masterwork chainmail

Gear (Carried): A set of armor that is old but well cared for, a set of chainmail which promotes his highly mobile fighting style while giving adequate defense.

A broadsword with a flexible grip which allows him to wield it one handed, it comes at the cost of weight which reduces the power of slashes.
Equipment (Owned): A good number of Gold Coins from his profession and from those he has slain, his reasoning for taking said gold being, 'They won't need it where they're going.'

A very humble home, being a simple man, he only asked that his home have a basement with sound cancelling charms so as to prevent screams from escaping the room. While he does have the simple items you would expect a peasant to have, he also owns 5 different torture devices that are well known, and 3 that are recent creations from his ally.
Vehicles: None, save what is provided to him.

Blood Bonds/Vinculi
Bound to:Edward Mordred (Rating: 2)

City of Temechburg

His story till now:

John was once a Sellsword, one of the most vicious to have ever walked the earth: Having a Penchant for cruelty would bring that idea to the forefront. However, he contrasts this heavily with a surprising amount of honor, taking orders without a complaint and twitch of rebellion and doing his job within the letter and spirit of said job. Until his last day as a living being...

He was hunting a man who had been a strange case: Having attacked villages and murdered all who were within, draining them of blood and leaving their withered corpses where they lay. He was hired to eliminate this threat and was told not to take his time with this one, the one thing he noted as he was sent, was that the gentleman in front of him seemed off. When he found the man, he was horrified as he was as pale as a corpse, his teeth dripping with fresh blood, and a set of wounds which were as fresh as the blood he drank, it was only through ducking that he wasn't killed in the first blow.

As the two fought, John had actually gotten some good wounds on the vampire, to the point where his target was forced to act quick, John had gone numb and only regained feeling when said target was forced off the neck, he felt lightheaded and weak. He saw his rescuer right there and then, who he would later know as Edward Mordred...In his lightheaded state, he drew his blade and got into a shaky battle position, almost certain to try and fight this unbeatable foe, when he spoke suddenly.

"Why would you fight a Vampire by yourself? You can barely stand and yet you seem to think yourself able to take me on when someone far weaker nearly killed you?" His rescuer had asked, curious as to the near suicidal nature of his actions, an answer that John wasn't expecting rolled from his mouth before he could stop it, something he had acknowledged at the same time as him realizing he had no true purpose, "The only thing a Misbegotten Sod like me deserves, a senseless death."

Of course, in his dazed state, he nearly fell over onto the floor as he said these words, and after a discussion, he was embraced. He 'Died' and became something new...something less, yet something more...From that point forward, he is now known as 'John the Deprived.'

Goals/Destiny:  He wishes to create works that would last throughout the ages, though there is only one art he knows full well enough: Pain. He wishes to make new types and forms of pain as he believes a simple truth: Pain is Honesty in its purest form.

Why he is willing to join the cotterie (besides sire's request):

Why he is willing to join the cotterie (besides sire's request):  Why he is willing to join the cotterie (besides sire's request): To see more of the world, to find ideas for his work and spread his legacy of pain. To honor his Sire by making full use of his unlife.

Connection to other characters: His sire is a close friend to Brutus, one of Heldric's closest allies.

A Bald man with an OK Appearance, something you would expect from a physically active 32 year old man, is never seen without his armor which has flecks of paint where a cross once was painted, a few tears and dents from battles he's been in, and a marking meant to signify that he works for the Tzimisce Vovoides. A good number of scars are also on said face and along his body.

Age: 42

Apparent Age: 32

Date of Birth: 1160

Death: 1192 by Vampirism

Hair: None *Used to be short black hair*

Eyes: Green

Race: White

Nationality: Spainish-English

Height: 6'10''

Weight: 300 pounds

Sex: Male
« Last Edit: June 06, 2016, 04:00:25 pm by Drakilian »
"Heroes die, Heroism never shall." -Statue in King's Row
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Re: John The Deprived
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2016, 11:05:40 pm »

Expanded Backgrounds

Allies: He has only one ally from his days as a Sellsword, a Blacksmith who he currently retains the services of, John only knows him by his moniker: 'Merchant of Death' as he's the only one who would sell him weapons and torture devices *even ones with Exacting Specifications* without questions, being a Ghoul in the service of his Sire. The "Merchant" turned out to be a ghoul of Edward's, who has since been providing John whatever tools deemed necessary for his work.

Influence: He knows to tread lightly and avoid angering people, his Sire is rather social in of itself and because of him maintaining appearances, he is seen as 'OK' to be around by those unaware of his rather horrible activities and how brutal he can be in a fight.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2016, 03:17:24 pm by Drakilian »
"Heroes die, Heroism never shall." -Statue in King's Row
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Re: John The Deprived
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2016, 11:56:22 am »



[ 1 ] Awe

Awe amplifies the sublime magnetism this Discipline gives the vampire. Those near the vampire suddenly desire to be closer to her and are very receptive to her point of view. Awe is extremely useful for mass communication. It matters little what is said - the hearts of those affected lean toward the vampire's opinion. The weak want to agree with her; even if the strong-willed resist, they soon find themselves outnumbered. Awe can turn a chancy deliberation into a certain resolution in the vampire's favor almost before her opponents know that the tide has turned.

Despite the intensity of this attraction, those so smitten do not lose their sense of self-preservation. Danger breaks the spell of fascination, as does leaving the area. Those subject to Awe will remember how they felt in the vampire's presence, however. This will influence their reactions should they ever encounter her again.

The player rolls Charisma + Performance (difficulty 7). The number of successes rolled determines how many people are affected, as noted on the chart below. If there are more people present than the character can influence, Awe affects those with lower Willpower scores first. The power stays in effect for the remainder of the scene or until the character chooses to drop it.

1 success   One person
2 successes   Two people
3 successes   Six people
4 successes   20 people
5 successes   Everyone in the vampire's immediate vicinity (an entire auditorium, a mob)

Those affected can use Willpower points to overcome the effect, but must continue spending Willpower every turn for as long as they remain in the same area as the vampire. As soon as an individual spends a number of Willpower points equal to the successes rolled, he shakes off the Awe completely and remains unaffected for the rest of the scene.

[ 2 ] Dread Gaze

While all Kindred can frighten others by physically revealing their true vampiric natures - baring claws and fangs, glaring with malevolence, hissing loudly with malice - this power focuses these elements to insanely terrifying levels. Dread Gaze engenders unbearable terror in its victims, stupefying them into madness, immobility or reckless flight. Even the most stalwart individual will fall back from the vampire's horrific visage.


The player rolls Charisma + Intimidation (difficulty of the victim's Wits + Courage). Success indicates the victim is cowed, while failure means the target is startled but not terrified by the sight. Three or more successes means he runs away in abject fear; victims who have nowhere to go claw at the walls, hoping to dig a way out rather than face the vampire. Moreover, each success subtracts one from the target's action dice pools next turn.

The character may attempt Dread Gaze once per turn, though she may also perform it as an extended action, adding her successes in order to subjugate the target completely. Once the target loses enough dice that he cannot perform any action, he's so shaken and terrified that he curls up on the ground and weeps. Failure during the extended action means the attempt falters. The character loses all her collected successes and can start over next turn, while the victim may act normally again.

A botch at any time indicates the target is not at all impressed - perhaps even finding the vampire's antics comical - and remains immune to any further uses of Presence by the character for the rest of the story.

[ 3 ] Entrancement

This power bends others' emotions, making them the vampire's willing servants. Due to what these individuals see as true and enduring devotion, they heed the vampire's every desire. Since this is done willingly out of love (albeit a perversion of it) instead of through sapping the subjects' wills, these servants retain their creativity and individuality.

While these obedient minions are more pleasant and spirited than the mind-slaves created by Dominate, they're also somewhat unpredictable. Further, since Entrancement is of a temporary duration, dealing with a lapsed servant can be troublesome. A wise Kindred either disposes of those she entrances after they serve their usefulness, or binds them more securely by a blood bond (made much easier by the minion's willingness to serve).

The player rolls Appearance + Empathy (difficulty of the target's permanent Willpower); the number of successes determines how long the subject is entranced (see the chart below). The Storyteller may wish to make the roll instead, since the character is never certain of the strength of her hold on the victim. The vampire may try to keep the subject under her thrall, but can do so only after the initial Entrancement wears off. Attempting this power while Entrancement is already in operation has no effect.

1 success   One hour
2 successes   One day
3 successes   One week
4 successes   One month
5 successes   One year

Potence [3]

Kindred endowed with Potence possess unnatural strength. This Discipline enables vampire to leap massive distances, lift tremendous weights, and strike opponents with brutal force. Even low ranks of this power can give Kindred physical power beyond mortal bounds. More powerful Kindred can leap so far that they appear to be flying, toss cars like soda cans, and punch through walls like cardboard. While the more subtle mental Disciplines can be awe-inspiring, the brutal effectiveness of Potence is formidable in its own right.

The Brujah, Giovanni, Lasombra, and Nosferatu are naturally gifted with this Discipline, but members of other Clans often make a point to find someone who can teach them the awesome power of Potence.

System: Each dot that the vampire has in Potence adds a strength die to the character's strength rolls and an automatic success per dot in potence per blood point spent.

While flesh and blood have their limits, undead sinews and vitae have a bit more latitude when it comes to feats of strength. Vampires who are close to Caine in descent are sometimes capable of strength-based maneuvers that awe even other vampires. A product of blood and will as much as of muscle and bone, mastery of Potence gives a vampire the ability to do far more than just lift progressively heavier objects -- if the vampire himself is willing to learn an alternate way.

Celerity [1]
Each point of Celerity adds one die to every Dexterity-related dice roll. In addition, the player can spend one blood point to take an extra action up to the number of dots he has in Celerity at the beginning of the relevant turn; this expenditure can go beyond her normal Generation maximum. Any dots used for extra actions, however, are no longer available for Dexterity-related rolls during that turn. These additional actions must be physical (e.g., the vampire cannot use a mental Discipline like Dominate multiple times in one turn), and extra actions occur at the end of the turn (the vampire's regular action still takes place per her initiative roll).

« Last Edit: June 06, 2016, 03:25:57 pm by Drakilian »
"Heroes die, Heroism never shall." -Statue in King's Row
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Re: John The Deprived
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2016, 10:04:26 pm »

Combo Disciplines

Righteous Gaze

Disciplines Required: Potence 3/Presence 2

The Faithful place great stock not only in their own virtue above other Cainites, but in their duty as judges over their accursed brethren. By means of this power, the Faithful can burn a foe from the inside out using the oil of his own sin as fuel. All that is required is a moment’s eye contact—and, of course the moral superiority of the user.

After the character acquires eye contact with his target, the player must make a Road roll (dif equal to the target’s Road rating). If this roll is botched, the Faithful may not call upon this power again until he has completed a successful Act of Contrition (See Road of Heaven pg 38). Otherwise, the target suffers a number of aggravated wounds equal to the number of successes achieved on the Road roll at the beginning of the next turn. The target may soak with Fortitude (dif 6 though this may be modified up or down based or his Aura rating). This power does not function on Cainites with higher Road ratings than the user.

Once a given target has been “judged” with this power, he may not be the target of the same user’s Righteous Gaze again until such time as his own Road rating changes.

Iron Heart

Disciplines Required: Potence 3, Presence 3

Some Brujah can steel themselves against even the most forceful extensions of other Kindred’s will. By calling upon their physical strength and what some vampires suspect is sheer id, the Brujah can shrug off the effects of mental suggestion and supernatural force of personality. Young Kindred tell tales of bold Brujah even ignoring the attempts of princes to Dominate them—likely a use of this power.

Increase the difficulty by two for Kindred wishing to employ Dominate, Presence or mind- controlling powers of Thaumaturgy against a Brujah with this power. Also, a Kindred may use Iron Heart to strengthen the will of another. The player spends one Willpower point, and the subject of his choice becomes harder to affect, adding one to the difficulties of Dominate, Presence, and Thaumaturgical mind control attempts for the rest of the scene.

The Iron Glare

Disciplines Required: Potence 3, Presence 3

A look sometimes comes over the face of a ticked-off Brujah who is used to being obeyed but who is not being obeyed at the moment. The look is part hauteur, part rage and part malevolent glee at the chaos that will be unleashed unless the vampire gets his way. Brujah elders teach this Discipline to new primogen as a gift to use in primogen meetings on behalf of the clan’s interests.

The Brujah primogen makes a powerful display of strength (crushing a brick in her hand, bending a piece of rebar, breaking a solid oak table with one slam of her fist, etc.) and rolls Charisma + Intimidation against a standard difficulty. For the rest of the scene, add these successes to successes gained on any Intimidation roll against anyone seeing this display of power.

It should be noted that this Discipline loses it efficacy when overused. If the Brujah uses it again within a month, it will give her half the successes she rolled; if she uses it again, it will give her a quarter (rounded down). After that, this power ceases to have any effect. A wise primogen, therefore, saves this power for use at strategic moments.

Scalpel Tongue

Disciplines Required: Presence 1, Celerity 1

Catty repartee is both an art and a vice among the Kindred of Clan Toreador. Those who cannot compete effectively in the arena of cruel wit are unlikely to earn the respect of their clan members. Toreador primogen, then, must have the ability to scathe others with words if they are to maintain their positions. Scalpel Tongue mixes the same quick thinking that guides the body as it moves at accelerated speeds with the Toreador’s prodigious social aptitudes, allowing the primogen to immediately generate a barbed quip so stinging (due to the emotion-enhancing effects of Presence) that it shames the target into silence.

This power has a subtle downside; if another Toreador detects that she had to use a Discipline to come up with such a stinging retort, it could have a negative impact on her social status.

Roll Wits + Empathy against a difficulty of 7. If the user of this power does not know his target well, difficulty is increased by 1, due to the difficulty of knowing with any precision what buttons to push to achieve the greatest verbal impact. The barbed comment stings the target into silence for one turn per success, or double that if the target is not a member of Clan Toreador. Spending one Willpower negates this effect.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2016, 03:45:26 pm by Drakilian »
"Heroes die, Heroism never shall." -Statue in King's Row
"Why are living weapons such ASSHOLES!?" -Roark


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Re: John The Deprived
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2016, 02:50:17 pm »

<3 Aman

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Re: John The Deprived
« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2016, 02:51:47 pm »

U better. No idea what cd's xp usages were tho. (Also he should totally have another point in celerity so that he can deal aggravated punches)


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Re: John The Deprived
« Reply #7 on: June 06, 2016, 03:38:56 pm »

Alright Cdrive, your char sheet is done.

Also, THIS is what I meant by proper formatting.


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Re: John The Deprived
« Reply #8 on: June 06, 2016, 03:40:14 pm »

Wait, goddamit, forgot to get the descriptions for the merits and flaws.

I'll be back.


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Re: John The Deprived
« Reply #9 on: June 06, 2016, 03:54:04 pm »

U better. No idea what cd's xp usages were tho. (Also he should totally have another point in celerity so that he can deal aggravated punches)

He hasn't spent any exp, I think. Which is fine, this isn't a combat heavy chapter, but the next chapter is all out war, so he'll have to spend it by then.

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Re: John The Deprived
« Reply #10 on: June 06, 2016, 03:57:02 pm »

Yay killing arabs


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Re: John The Deprived
« Reply #11 on: June 15, 2016, 04:48:09 pm »


Need to know, how will Heldric's Iron will stand up to dread gaze and entrancement?

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Re: John The Deprived
« Reply #12 on: June 15, 2016, 04:52:56 pm »

Pretty sure not at all ha ha


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Re: John The Deprived
« Reply #13 on: June 15, 2016, 04:58:30 pm »

Pretty sure not at all ha ha

Yup, just looked it up and Iron will resists dominate and other effects but not 'Presence' based effects :( oh well, back to the plan of sic Andreas on anyone making eye contact...


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Re: John The Deprived
« Reply #14 on: June 15, 2016, 06:15:39 pm »

haha, yeah, it's part of kiril's personality, too. 

The version I read says resists Dominate and (super importantly to Kiril) Dementation-- but he's useless against Presence.
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