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Author Topic: Heldric - Cloak and Dagger  (Read 21403 times)


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Heldric - Cloak and Dagger
« on: October 01, 2016, 10:14:17 am »

Octavius leads Heldric through Venice's winding streets and narrow alleyways, till they reach a canal that can take the Nosferatu out to the cemetery island of San Michele. He finds an empty, decrepit gondola waiting there for him, a lantern hanging off the bow and what appears to be a chewed up oar lying in the bottom.

It would seem they've left you transport - Sicilan

You call that transport? Octavius replies, incredulous.

Getting into the boat with some uncertainty, Heldric picks up the oar - noting the thousands of tiny teeth marks scored into the old wood - and then pushes off, paddling slowly towards the dead island.

So who is this Nicolo anyway?, Sicilan asks.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2016, 05:50:13 pm by Drakilian »


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Re: Heldric - Cloak and Dagger
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2016, 08:19:53 pm »

Heldric makes sure that he is still cloaking his party as he rows "He is another of Malachite's descendants. The spy send to keep an eye on the Heretic here for when he turns his sights on Constantinople." Heldric explains "We might not be too welcome there though, they value their survival here over our safety."


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Re: Heldric - Cloak and Dagger
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2016, 06:01:23 pm »

Bah, you're practically his uncle! Or at least, I think that's how your leech hierarchy works. He'll help. - Octavius

We'll see, Sicilan says rather guardedly.

Andreas just sits in the boat holding down Mr. Whitey, trying not to rock the rickety thing over. The crocodile seems to feel almost at home here so close to the filthy canal water, and is eager to escape his keeper's grip.

Soon, through the night's mist Heldric sees the shadow of gravestones and the low shadow of the landmass that is San Michele.

He quietly docks the Gondola at the small island's pier and notes that no one comes to greet him - perhaps to be expected, as he has not lifted his obfuscation as of yet. He steps off from the boat onto the island, helping Andreas and Mr. Whitey out.



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Re: Heldric - Cloak and Dagger
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2016, 01:29:08 am »

"Andreas, let Mr Whitey play in the shallows, we can get him after."

He then walks forwards a little, carefully using all of his senses to see if there is anyone waiting for him.

Even if he doesn't detect anyone he makes sure to move forward so he is less visible from the water and breaks his own cloak announcing "I'm here."


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Re: Heldric - Cloak and Dagger
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2016, 02:38:13 pm »

A figure seems to melt out of the shadows to stand before Heldric then.

It has a jaundiced eye with an iris the color of a livid blood-blister set into eye sockets that were sunken into a face that seemed to be on the verge of popping from the pressure beneath the skin. Its thin lips were puffy and looked to be torn, a single thin tusk piercing it from below.

It speaks in a raspy voice one would associate with deteriorated vocal cords, "Lord Heldric. I am Nicolo, of Malachite's blood. It is an honour."

The cainite kneels to Heldric then.

"Forgive the rest of the underground but they wish to keep to themselves tonight. I have information for you, however, that you might find interesting."


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Re: Heldric - Cloak and Dagger
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2016, 03:46:46 pm »

Heldric nods his head in a sight of respect "Stand and talk with me, we are related afterall." He begins and waits for the Nosferatu to stand "The others are being smart, the less outsiders know of you here the better. Now what news do you have, my situation isn't good right now."


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Re: Heldric - Cloak and Dagger
« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2016, 04:52:27 pm »

"None of mine were present at the warlord's death, but one of mine did see a man enter the warehouse through the window. A mortal man, mind you.” – Nicolo

“I can tell you that he was no peasant, his clothes were far too fine to be anything but noble stock, the cut said that he was Spanish. No one in Venice would wear such a cut. My sources say that he seems to favor the docks and ports, he’s never too far from them, like he’s waiting; I couldn’t imagine what for though. Unfortunately, I am afraid that as of this moment, there is little else for me to tell you, though I do have someone watching the warehouse and several other locales to try and figure out what has happened. We will suffer for not being able to conduct as public an investigation as you, but what information I can provide, I will."


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Re: Heldric - Cloak and Dagger
« Reply #7 on: October 05, 2016, 08:11:03 pm »

Heldric nods again "Thank you,  it will help. If you find out anything more I'm certain you'll find me easily enough."

Heldric turns to collect Andreas and Mr.  Whitey before heading back to begin searching the docks while cloaked


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Re: Heldric - Cloak and Dagger
« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2016, 09:00:42 pm »

As he paddles his way back into the city, Andreas lets out a low grumble.

Mr.Whitey, ever the faithful translator, says Who do you think he might be?


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Re: Heldric - Cloak and Dagger
« Reply #9 on: October 10, 2016, 09:10:41 pm »

"Sounds like a meddling noble." Heldric quietly replies "The humans are easily misled by short term grabs for power or influence, that or he is a hunter. I hear there are humans who try to kill our kind, he is being too open if he was that though."

He glances at what he considered his family "Andreas, if this seems to be turning bad, you are to ensure Mr. Whitey gets to the water safely, there are few who could sucesfully capture him there."


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Re: Heldric - Cloak and Dagger
« Reply #10 on: October 10, 2016, 09:15:49 pm »

Andreas nods, then lets out another low grumble, the sound travelling rather eerily accross the still waters of the canals.

Don't think it was a hunter. The Ventrue would have put up more of a fight, I think.


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Re: Heldric - Cloak and Dagger
« Reply #11 on: October 10, 2016, 10:53:27 pm »

"Agreed, then let's find this human and find out. I will search from the rooftops while cloaked, you attract too much attention so I will leave you in the alleyways and covered docks. Only come if I signal or am in trouble."


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Re: Heldric - Cloak and Dagger
« Reply #12 on: October 11, 2016, 11:25:23 pm »

Once he gets to the docks, Heldric takes to the rooftops while remaining cloaked, where he searches for a man matching the description of the flamboyantly dressed individual Nicolo had told him of - however, he finds no such thing from his vantage point, despite personally combing through the docks for several hours.

Heldric estimates that he has about 2-3 hours before daybreak. Perhaps he could change his method of search? Or meet up with his companions and ask after their own findings.

Andreas spends most of this time roughhousing with Mr.Whitey near the water's edge, wrestling with the albino alligator like one would wrestle with a puppy.

Octavius and Sicilan seem to be content in simply following Heldric in silence. The two old ghosts have doubtlessly grown used to prolonged periods of quiet.


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Re: Heldric - Cloak and Dagger
« Reply #13 on: October 12, 2016, 09:09:41 am »

Heldric finally sighs and heads back towards Andreas, breaking his long silence "I don't suppose either of you could help find this human? I presume that if he is here, he is somewhere I can't see from the rooftops."

He then climbs down to Andres and Mr. Whitey "I was unable to find anything. Any news here?"


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Re: Heldric - Cloak and Dagger
« Reply #14 on: October 22, 2016, 07:08:25 pm »

Andreas shakes his head, then grunts something to Mr.Whitey.

"He says maybe ask the dock workers? They spend a lot more time out here, they might know more. He also says maybe we should continue this lead later, when we have some more time. Sun will be up in another 2 hours."



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Re: Heldric - Cloak and Dagger
« Reply #15 on: October 22, 2016, 07:32:02 pm »

Heldric tuts and looks to the sky, he had been distracted by the search "I'll ask on the way out, stay hidden with Mr.  Whitey as you travel to the haven, I'll join you in a moment."

He quickly takes on the appearance of a young healthy man and heads to the nearest couple of workers to try and get information, he should have time to ask a few of them before retiring for the night.


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Re: Heldric - Cloak and Dagger
« Reply #16 on: October 22, 2016, 07:39:50 pm »

It takes him nearly an hour of questioning but eventually Heldric finds someone who’d recognized the description he gave. They called him Rodrique and said he had taken some rooms not too far from there, near the port.

As he continued canvassing the area, asking if any had heard of Rodrigue, he was told that his full name was Rodrigue de Navarre, that he and two others, called Jean de Chanaviere and Aignen de Libraire, had taken rooms not a block from where he stood.


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Re: Heldric - Cloak and Dagger
« Reply #17 on: October 22, 2016, 09:04:06 pm »

Heldric makes note of the information but doesn't push the time, if he gets into a fight now it could end badly.

He rushes back to rest for the day and let Andreas know the news.


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Re: Heldric - Cloak and Dagger
« Reply #18 on: January 03, 2017, 08:41:57 am »

Andreas and Mr. Whitey greet Heldric when he returns, the both of them having been unmolested in their time alone.

Mr. Whitey rumbles gratefully at his master's return and then passes on another message from Andreas - Are we to return to Prince Narses' palace now?

He's left us some rather delightful and no doubt extremely non-private rooms to stay in, Octavius cheerfully adds.



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Re: Heldric - Cloak and Dagger
« Reply #19 on: January 03, 2017, 12:36:05 pm »

"If we do not return then they will claim we are trying to flee, we will return to our search at nightfall."

He sighs aloud and heads for the provided accommodation.  "Be wary of traps" He adds as an afterthought.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2017, 02:04:53 pm by Drakilian »


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Re: Heldric - Cloak and Dagger
« Reply #20 on: January 03, 2017, 02:43:31 pm »

Heldric and his retinue return to the palace. Once he stops hiding his presence it isn't long before Octavius and Sicilan inform him that a new ghoul tail has attached itself to him. He re-enters Narses' palace without being confronted. The sun will soon rise - since they will be confined to the palace for the better part of the day, it occurs to Heldric to seek out his companions, that they might learn what each of the others have found.


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Re: Heldric - Cloak and Dagger
« Reply #21 on: January 03, 2017, 06:22:09 pm »

Following his thoughs he indeed heads to search for the others. He intends to speak to Anton first but will talk to the others if he sees them before him.

"Andreas, you should retire and see to Mr. Whitey, I will join you shortly."


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Re: Heldric - Cloak and Dagger
« Reply #22 on: January 04, 2017, 08:26:01 pm »

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