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Author Topic: Sakura Kashiwagi (Lady Z’s Samurai-Ko Wu-Jen)  (Read 16836 times)


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Sakura Kashiwagi (Lady Z’s Samurai-Ko Wu-Jen)
« on: September 25, 2013, 04:24:18 pm »

Sakura Kashiwagi ~ (Samurai-Ko Wu-Jen) - 60 / 60 XP

Gender Female; Age 19; Ht 5’5”; Wt 135 lbs; Stature Petite; Disposition Friendly, Outgoing, Tenacious; Distinctive Features: Pretty Face

Mark of Maski-Dai-Oni: 10 ft tall; STR 6; Heavy Hitter; Cargo Carrier; Red skin; Orange fangs & claws; Black horns; Burning eyes; Malevolent

Str 1; Agi 4; Con 3; Int 5; Wis 4; Pre 5; Vitality (0) 23; Wounds (-2) 8 (Armor 7)
React 9; Endure 8; Will 9; Luck 6 5; Surge 5 / 5
Psychosis 6
Init 13; Move 30ft (Run 60; Leap 1 high/5 long)

Unarmed Strike 4/1S; Grapple Moves 4/1S; Fighting Fan 3/1S~L; Repeating Crossbow 9/7L/100 ft

Combat Skills
Defense 10 (Dodge +2*; Parry) ~3
Ranged 10 (Shoot; Target; Throw) ~3
Close Quarter 4 (Grapple; Melee; Unarmed)

General Skills
Acrobatics 10 (Balance; Escape; Tumble) ~3
Artistry 7 (Cooking, Painting; Sculpting; Music; Writing)
Athletics 4 (Climb; Jump; Sprint; Swim)
Evaluate 12 (Appraise; Gamble; Sense Motive; Streetwise) ~5
Fabricate 5 (Construction; Mechanics; Weaponsmith)
Face 14 (Bluff; Entertain; Feint; Intimidate; Taunt) ~4
General Knowledge 8 (Trivia; In The News; Who's Who)
Larceny 7 (Forgery; Open Locks; Sleight of Hand)
Medic 8 (Slow Poison; Treat Injury)
Outdoors 7 (Handle Animal; Ride; Survival; Track)
Perception 12 (Listen; Search; Spot) ~5
Sabotage 8 (Disable Device; Trap Setting)
Socialize 11 (Diplomacy; Interrogation +2; Gather Info) ~4
Stealth 11 (Conceal; Disguise; Hide; Move Silently) ~4

Advanced Skills
Occult Sciences 15 (Arcana; Occult; Spells +2) ~5
Political Sciences 9 ( Economics; Law; Politics) ~1

Edges and Feats
Born Leader; Wu-Jen; Compelling; Lucky; Occult Ties; Potent; Second Language (Old Realm); Spell Reserves x2; Sphere Focus (Death, Dimensional, Energy, Levitation, Mind, Protection); Spirited; Toughness

~Heroic Surge; ~Valiant Sacrifice

Spells: (Fatigue 5, Drain Vitality 8♠, Poison 13♠, Zombie 13♠, Whither 18♠); (Passwall 10, Jump 13♠, Teleport 18♠, Gate 18♠, Dismiss 18♠); (Stunning Grasp 5, Static Shock 8♠, Crackling Aura 8♠, Plasma Burst 13♠, Lightning Bolt 18♠); (Light Touch 10, Heavy Hand 8♠, Flight 8♠, Deflection 13♠, Fling 18♠); (Send Thoughts 10, Read Minds 10, Mental Invisibility 8♠, Psionic Blast 13♠, Mind Control 13♠); (Shield 10, Unbreakable 8♠, Magic Ward 8♠, Dispel Magic 13♠, Reflect Magic 13♠)

All Thumbs; Heroic; Obligation (Daimyo)

Equipment Normal Load 10; Encumbered 20; Limit 30; Drag 120
Manor House; Noble's Diet; Horse; Noble Attire, Fancy Jewelry; Mesh Armor w/ Silver Buckler; Repeating Crossbow; Fighting Fan; Scholar’s Case (chalks, hourglass, inks, magnifying, glass, merchant’s scale, mirror, paper, pens, scrolls, scroll tubes, waterproof case); Travel Pack (backpack, bedroll, candles, lantern, rations, tent, tinderbox); Jute & Silver Bondage Rope; Permit to carry Arms; Emblems of Station; Traveling Papers

(Pittances 50; Goods 40; Assets 68; Riches 0)

  • Doshin (10 in Sendai / 0 with)
  • Doshin Leader: Odo Kubari (Weapons Specialist)

« Last Edit: March 30, 2015, 04:43:27 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Sakura Kashiwagi (Lady Z’s Samurai-Ko Wu-Jen)
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2013, 04:24:30 pm »

Power and Edge Notes
Born Leader
The character has the natural ability to encourage, motivate, and push others beyond their normal limitations. The character gains a second set of Surge Points (equal to his own), which he can give to others within the sound of his voice. Unlike his personal Surge Points, these are not limited to being spent just one per round.

Amazing Feats_
Heroic Surge
The character can explode with a burst of adrenalin, allowing him to spend as many of his Surge Points per round as he likes, without the usual one per round restriction.

Valiant Sacrifice [5 Vitality Points| Free Action | Instant]
Sacrifice 5 Vitality (or Wound) Points for +1 Surge Point (Only when at Zero Surge).

Focused Spells_
Fatigue (Death; 5; I) Attack; Po: When cast, the Fatigue spell charges the Hexslinger’s touch with an energy draining power that causes Fatigue on contact.  Once contact with a victim is made, the negative energy is transferred and the spell ends – although a Hexslinger can hold the energy indefinitely until then.  Touching a victim that is intentionally avoiding contact with the Hexslinger requires a normal Unarmed or Grapple Attack.

Drain Vitality  (Death; 8♠; I): Drain Vitality allows the Hexslinger to drain (5 points plus the X-Roll of the casting) points of Vitality, with but an evil stare, from anyone he can see within 30’.  Note that Drain Vitality only works against Vitality Points and does not effect Wound Points in any way.

Poison (Death; 13♠; I) Attack; Partial Save; Po: When cast, the Poison spell charges the Hexslinger’s touch with one of the three types of Poison (see Poisons in core rules), which can then be transferred into another living creature by touch, causing the creature to suffer the normal effects of the chosen poison.  Once contact with a victim is made, the spell ends – although a Hexslinger can hold the Poison in his hands indefinitely until then.  Touching a victim that is intentionally avoiding contact with the Hexslinger requires a normal Unarmed or Grapple Attack.

Zombie  (Death; 13♠; Pmt): The Zombie spell allows the Hexslinger to create a zombie slave or skeletal servant from any dead corpse.  Once created, a Zombie is completely under the control of its master and lasts until destroyed or dispelled.

Whither (Death; 18♠; I) Partial Save: The Wither spell allows the Hexslinger to drain the very life force from anyone within sight.  Those targeted can make a MTN 10 or Crit Fortitude Save or take 20SL AP Damage (plus the X-Roll of the casting).  Those that make the Save reduce the amount of damage by their X-Roll, and take no damage on a Crit.


Passwall (Dimensional; 10; R) Po: Passwall allows the Hexslinger to become Incorporeal for one round, untouchable, ghostlike, and able to pass through solid objects, as if they were not there.  Because the spell lasts for a complete round, only his available movement limits the distance that the Hexslinger can pass through solid objects.  Getting caught in a solid object when the spell ends kills the Hexslinger instantly however – but does allow him or her to come back as a Ghost or Haunt.

As appropriate to the setting, this spell can also be used to cross the barrier between the Physical and Spirit World, much in the same way that the Manifest Edge allows other creatures to do so.

Jump (Dimensional; 13♠; I/S*): Jump allows the Hexslinger to instantly move a limited distance without actually crossing the space in between – he simply blinks from one position to the other.  When using the Jump spell, the Hexslinger is limited in what he can take with him by his normal Carrying Capacity, up to Encumbered.  In addition, it is not possible to Jump into a position already occupied by another creature or object.  In the case where a Hexslinger attempts to do so, either inadvertently or by intention, the spell will automatically fail. 

When used with a Surge Point, Jump can be held active for a Combat Scene; meaning that it can be used without further casting during each Round, simply by spending a Move Action.

The distance a Hexslinger can Jump, is limited by his Wisdom Score, as noted on the table below. 

Wisdom Jump Distance
1-2| 100 ft
3-4| 300 ft
5-6| 1000 ft
7-8| 1 mile
9-10| 10 miles

Teleport (Dimensional; 18♠; I): Teleport allows the Hexslinger to instantly move any distance, to any location he has ever been to, without actually crossing the space in between – he is suddenly gone from the one place and appears as suddenly in the other.  When Teleporting, the Hexslinger can also bring a number of passengers along with him (and whatever gear they can carry among them), as long as they are in linked contact with the Hexslinger (i.e. holding hands together, with the Hexslinger physically touching at least one of them).  Just how many passengers, is limited by the Hexslinger’s Wisdom Score, as outlined in the table below.

Note however, that it is not possible to Teleport into a position already occupied by another creature or object.  In the case where a Hexslinger attempts to do so, either inadvertently or by intention, the spell will automatically fail.

WisdomMax Passengers
1-2| 2
3-4| 10
5-6| 25
7-8| 50
9-10| 100

Gate (Dimensional; 18♠; M): Gate allows the Hexslinger to create a portal between any two points, allowing himself (and anyone else) cross through from one side to the other for as long as the gate remains open.  Anyone standing between a Gate when it closes will be shunted harmlessly out one side or the other, determined randomly or by GM whim.  The size of the Gate (and what can pass through it), is determined by the Hexslinger’s Wisdom Score as follows: 

WisdomGate Size
1-2| Small
3-4| Medium
5-6| Large
7-8| Huge
9-10| Colossal

Dismiss (Dimensional; 18♠; I) Attack/Touch; Partial Save: Dismiss allows the Hexslinger to instantly teleport a single creature (of any size) to any point he has ever been to, yet remain himself behind.  Inanimate objects can also be moved with this spell, but are significantly more limited as to how much can be moved at a time.  To determine how much inanimate material can be moved with this spell, substitute the Hexslinger’s Wisdom score in place of Strength on the Carrying Capacity table of the core rules and multiply the indicated Limit by 10.

Once cast, the Hexslinger must then touch his intended target to Dismiss it.  Touching a target that is intentionally avoiding contact with the Hexslinger requires a normal Unarmed or Grapple Attack.  In addition, the target can make a Willpower Save to avoid being Dismissed, but gains a level of Fatigue from the effort if successful.

Only the whole creature can be affected by the spell – no, you can’s just teleport away someone’s head.  Inanimate objects on the other hand, can be affected piecemeal by weight – you could dismiss an entire building a couple of tons at a time.

The Hexslinger should take some care when using this spell however, as creatures killed by the clever use of Dismiss return as Ghosts and can haunt the caster or seek Resurrection from someone else.


Stunning Grasp (Energy; 5; I) Attack; Po: When cast, the Stunning Grasp spell charges the Hexslinger’s touch with a powerful electric charge that Stuns on contact.  Once contact with a victim is made, the energy is transferred and the spell ends – although a Hexslinger can hold the energy indefinitely until then.  Touching a victim that is intentionally avoiding contact with the Hexslinger requires a normal Unarmed or Grapple Attack.

Crackling Aura (Energy; 8♠; S) Partial Save; Po: The Crackling Aura spell surrounds the Hexslinger in a nimbus of arcing electrical energy that radiates 5’ from his person.  Anyone coming into this area takes a flat (no X-Roll) 4L AP Damage per round and must make an Endurance Save or be Stunned.

Static Shock (Energy; 8♠; Until Discharged): With the Static Shock spell, the Hexslinger causes a powerful surge of static electricity to build up in any one metal object within his line of sight.  The energy then remains in the object until a living creature comes within 10’ of it, at which point the energy is discharged from the object to the creature, who takes 8L AP Damage (plus the X-Roll of the casting) and must make an Endurance Save or be Stunned.

If there are already living creatures within 10’ of the object when the spell is cast, then the nearest creature not actually touching the object takes the shock. Any creature in physically contact with the object when the spell is cast is considered a part of the object and is not in danger of being hit by the energy, unless they break contact with the object before the energy is released.

Plasma Burst (Energy; 13♠; I) Partial Save: The Plasma Burst spell causes the air around the Hexslinger to spontaneously erupt in a chaotic burst of electrical energy, causing everything within 30’ of the Hexslinger to take 10L AP Damage (plus the X-Roll of the casting) and to make an Endurance Save or be Stunned.  In addition, a Plasma Burst will also fry any electronic equipment within the area of effect, except for that which is in physical contact with the Hexslinger at the moment the spell is cast.

Lightning Bolt (Energy; 18♠; I) Partial Save: The Lightning Bolt spell causes a devastating bolt of lightning to leap out from the caster at any target within 100’.  As long as the Hexslinger has an uninterrupted line of sight to the target, the Lightning Bolt will hit (no Attack Roll required), doing 18L AP Damage (plus the X-Roll of the casting) and forcing an Endurance Save to avoid being Stunned.


Light Touch (Air; 10; M): Light Touch allows the Hexslinger to telekinetically pick up and move any object (or creature) up to 50 pounds, within line of sight. The object moves at a Base Movement of (5’ x INT) and can be double moved (two Actions) if desired, but not ‘Run’. Creatures caught with this ability can still change facing and attack (if in range), but have no control over their own Movement. Light Touch can be maintained over multiple rounds with concentration.

Heavy Hand (Air; 8♠; M): Heavy Hand allows the Hexslinger to telekinetically pick up and move any object (or person), within line of sight, up to a number of pounds limited only by the Hexslinger’s Wisdom Score. To determine how much weight can be moved with this spell, substitute the Hexslinger’s Wisdom score in place of Strength on the Carrying Capacity table of the core rules and multiply the indicated Limit by 10. The object can be moved at a Base Movement of (5’ x WIS) and can be double moved (two Actions) if desired, but not ‘Run’. People caught with this ability can still change facing and attack (if in range), but have no control over their own Movement. Heavy Hand can be maintained over multiple rounds with concentration.

Flight (Air; 8♠; M) Po: Flight allows the Hexslinger to fly through the air at a Base Movement of 30’. He may also ‘Run’ his flight if desired going up to (30’ x INT).

Deflection (Air; 13♠; I): Deflection can be cast as a Defensive Action and allows the Hexslinger to stop dead (or deflect to the side) any incoming attack or blast, as long as the attack is coming at him from the front. This includes all Close Quarter Combat attacks and Ranged Combat attacks, as well as vehicle Ramming attacks, and Area Attacks that originate within 45° to either side of his facing (although it does not prevent poison gas or Fire Hazards from effecting him after the initial blast).

Fling (Air; 18♠; I) Indirect Save: Fling allows the Hexslinger to telekinetically pick up any object (or person) up to 5000 pounds and hurl it through the air with great force. Objects are treated as if they had fallen 100’ (30SL Damage, no X-Roll) whether they are thrown strait up or into another object (Tumble may be used as normal to reduce this damage). Objects or people may also be targeted by something telekinetically hurled at them. In this case, resolve the attack as a Targeted Area Attack that only affects the individual targeted (defend against the attack as per the standard Area Attack rules outlined in the core rules).


Send Thoughts (Mind; 10; M) Po: Send Thoughts allows the Hexslinger to open a mental line of two-way communication with anyone he can see or with anyone he knows personally, as long as they are in planetary range (on the same planet, in orbit, or within a similar distance while in space).

Read Minds (Mind; 10; I) Save; Po: Read Minds allows the Hexslinger to read the surface thoughts of anyone within his line of sight.  Doing so reveals what a target is currently thinking, allowing the Hexslinger to detect lies and bluffs instantly and prevents the target from surprising the Hexslinger in any way.  If the Hexslinger questions the target in conjunction with this ability, he can manipulate what the target thinks about by simply bringing it up in conversation.  Targets actively trying not to think about (and thus reveal) something must make a Willpower Save to do so, although the Hexslinger will instantly know that they are hiding something, and can simply cast Read Minds again to force another Save out of the target.

Mental Invisibility (Mind; 8♠; M) Partial Save: Mental Invisibility allows the Hexslinger to block his presence and actions from the minds of everyone within his line of sight, effectively becoming invisible.  People and animals will not notice the Hexslinger or anything he is doing (including opening and closing of doors), unless he causes a ruckus, or directly interacts with them by touching or attacking them.  When such is the case, the victim and those nearby become aware of the Hexslinger’s presence, but still cannot see him, unless they make a MTN 10 or Crit Willpower Save.

Psionic Blast (Mind; 13♠; I) Partial Save: Psionic Blast allows the Hexslinger to mentally attack the mind of anyone within his line of sight, causing a sudden chaotic overload of their mental processes.  Those targeted by a Psionic Blast must make a MTN 10 or Crit Willpower Save or take 10SL AP Damage (plus the X-Roll of the casting).  Those that make the Save reduce the amount of damage by their X-Roll, and take no damage on a Crit.

Mind Control (Mind; 13♠; M or I) Save: Mind Control allows the Hexslinger to mentally control the actions of anyone within his line of sight or to instill a task in the target’s subconscious that he will unwittingly do his best to carry out.  Only one target can be directly controlled or given a task with each casting of the spell.  There is no limit to the number of targets the Hexslinger can control or have carrying out tasks at any given time, so long as each was the result of a separate Mind Control spell.  Targets directly controlled can make a MTN 15 or Crit Willpower Save each round to break the control, while those instilled with tasks can make a one time MTN 10 or Crit Willpower Save to ignore the task completely.


Shield (Protection; 10; S): The Shield spell creates an invisible shield of force that automatically positions itself between the Hexslinger and any perceived danger, granting him continuous Partial Cover to any attack he is aware of and a +4 bonus to Dodge.

Unbreakable (Protection; 8♠; S): When cast, the Unbreakable spell causes the Hexslinger’s skin and bones to take on a steel-like resilience, granting him an Armor Value of 15/–4. In addition to the normal Armor protection offered, the Unbreakable spell can even block 5 points of Armor Piercing Damage (including damage from mental attacks), but has no effect against Drain Damage incurred from the casting of spells.

Magic Ward (Protection; 8♠; 1 Year): The Magic Ward spell allows the Hexslinger to designate a physical area where magic cannot function. Once cast, the Magic Ward remains for one year without any further action from the Hexslinger and can only be dispelled with a MTN 15 or Crit Dispel Magic roll. The size of the area to be warded is dependant on how many successful back-to-back castings of the Magic Ward spell the Hexslinger can manage. Successfully casting the spell once is sufficient to ward a small area, ten feet in diameter; successfully casting the spell twice in a row wards an entire room (or Large Size equivalent); successfully casting the spell three times in a row wards an entire house (or Huge Size equivalent); while successfully casting the spell four times in a row wards an entire housing complex (or Colossal Size equivalent).
Note that Legacy Magic items will not function in a Magic Ward, but are not destroyed or nullified by them, as they are by Dispel Magic.

Dispel Magic (Protection; 13♠; I): A successfully cast Dispel Magic automatically snuffs out the effects of any one spell. It can be used to dispel preexisting effects, nullify Legacy Magic items, or interrupt a spell as it is cast when used in conjunction with the Interrupt Option of Surge.

Reflect Magic (Protection; 13♠; I)
The Reflect Magic spell can be cast with either a Defensive Action or in conjunction with the Interrupt Option of Surge and automatically bounces any spell being cast back at its caster.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2015, 06:38:32 am by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Sakura Kashiwagi (Lady Z’s Samurai-Ko Wu-Jen)
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2013, 04:24:42 pm »

Sakura Kashiwagi is a new and yet unproven Wu-Jen, recently discovered by the Sendai Order of Arcanum. Heralding from a minor Noble house of Sendai, Sakura displayed no special talent for the magical arts until a year before her Gempukku, when the Spirits of the Ancestors carried her off in a dream.

There she visited a great Celestial Palace in the Eternal Sky under the Moon Goddess U-Mani. The Spirits there told her that a great upheaval was coming to Nippon and that she would be instrumental in seeing it tamed – whether in this incarnation or another – and that she would also be sent at an appropriate time, to help guide ‘herself and the others’ in the purest of humility.

The Ancestors then blessed her body and revealed to her the weaving of magical energies – telling her that she would appear in the mind of Grand Premier Kenji Nogachi (the Wu-Jen of Sendai) three days before her sixteenth birthday; and that he would have a special Gempukku for her to undertake.

When she awoke the next morning, Sakura tried to harness the magical energies she had seen in the dream, but found that she was still nothing more than a normal fifteen year-old girl. A year later however, the Grand Premier did indeed come to visit her and gave her a special task for her Gempukku.

She was to walk alone high into the mountains without provisions, until she found a small pool of water sparkling like brilliant gold in the light of the morning sun on the second day. There, she was to bathe in the pool, and then return to the Order of Arcanum.

In spite of the relative simplicity of the task, Sakura was fearful. She was a petite girl of little physical strength and no outdoor skills whatsoever. To her, the task seemed insurmountable. How would she ever have the strength to climb a mountain alone – much less without food and water – and for at least two hole days?

Facing the challenge however, she forced herself to do just that; pointed herself west; and started walking into the foothills. By the end of the day she had reached the mountains and was too afraid of the dark to stop and sleep – instead, continuing on; inching her way up rocky crags by the light of a full moon.

By morning she was more than exhausted, but comforted by the rising of the sun in the east. Determined to press on, she reached a small plateau – and saw the pool of water – the light of the sun sparkling off the surface in blazing glory.

Removing her clothes, Sakura slipped into the cold mountain water and immediately felt pure power soaking into her. She watched as the golden light of the sun literally flowed across the water and into her body. When it had all come in, her mind reeled with arcane knowledge and her eyes were opened to the flow of magical energies once again. She could also see the spirit world around her and realized that she was no longer in the physical realm.

Hurrying from the pool and getting dressed – more than a little shaken by all the strange and bizarre spirits surrounding her and watching… she cast her marvelous Spirit Sight down the mountains and could see the curtain that separated the domains of the living and the dead. She saw where she needed to go through to get back into the physical realm.

Then, without thought, she flew into the air and shot like a bolt down the mountain – flying right to the great doors of the Sendai Order of Arcanum and gracefully alighting there to be received by the Grand Premier and Occult Community as the first Wu-Jen of Sendai in over 40 years.

Unfortunately, the intensity of that first glorious day as a Wu-Jen has faded some. Sakura no longer has Spirit Sight and has to mentally strain herself to use some of her more powerful spells like Flight. But at least now she understands magic and how to study and expand her abilities. No doubt that one day not too far off, she will learn to use Spirit Sight once again – as well as other marvelous powers.

For now, Sakura is happy to be guided and learn from the Sendai Order of Arcanum – but she senses an underlying hungriness there among her new colleagues and fears that they only help her now to further their own designs later. While she’s not sure what those designs might be, her gut tells her to be guarded, and she has become careful about what she asks them to show her – instead, trying more and more to rely on herself to expand her own knowledge.

With new and formidable powers now at her fingertips, Sakura also likes to think of herself as something of a hero – fighting for the underdog and teaching bullies their lessons. She can be quite deadly when genuinely angered however, and her focus on some of the darker magics makes her a little spooky to those she would seek to help…

Other Notes

« Last Edit: September 25, 2013, 11:11:44 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Sakura Kashiwagi (Lady Z’s Samurai-Ko Wu-Jen)
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2013, 07:34:54 pm »

Original Skill Levels_

Combat Skills
3 Defense
3 Ranged

General Skills
3 Acrobatics
5 Evaluate
4 Face
5 Perception
4 Socialize
3+1 Stealth

Advanced Skills
4+1 Occult Sciences
1 Political Sciences

XP Bumps_
Wisdom: 2 to 3 (6 XP)
Spell Reserves Edge (4 XP)
Occult Ties Edge (4 XP)
Protection Sphere Focus (4 XP)
Wisdom: 3 to 4 (8 XP)
Remove 4 Pyschosis (2 XP)
Compelling Edge (4 XP)
Born Leader Edge (4 XP)
Spirited Edge (4 XP)
Spell Reserves Edge (4 XP)
Energy Magic (4 XP)
Dimensional Magic (4 XP)
~Heroic Surge AF  (4 XP)
~Valiant Sacrifice AF (4 XP)
« Last Edit: March 22, 2015, 06:19:06 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Sakura Kashiwagi (Lady Z’s Samurai-Ko Wu-Jen)
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2015, 12:07:42 pm »

Reborn ...


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Re: Sakura Kashiwagi (Lady Z’s Samurai-Ko Wu-Jen)
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2015, 06:50:09 pm »



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Re: Sakura Kashiwagi (Lady Z’s Samurai-Ko Wu-Jen)
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2015, 08:14:22 am »

Malevolent (Flaw)
The creature is known by nature to be either demonic, malicious, or just plain untrustworthy.  The creature suffers the following Penalties, except when interacting with others of the Malevolent Flaw: -4 Socialize Skill, +4 Face (Intimidate).


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Re: Sakura Kashiwagi (Lady Z’s Samurai-Ko Wu-Jen)
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2015, 11:25:38 am »

Oriculum Armour, Soulsteel bracers.

Assuming the bracers can carry the fire immunity for her. Otherwise, switch the two.


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Re: Sakura Kashiwagi (Lady Z’s Samurai-Ko Wu-Jen)
« Reply #8 on: March 24, 2015, 09:35:59 am »

Soulsteel - +2 Bonus / Immunity to Fire / Manifest / Spirit Cutting
Oriculum - + 4 Bonus / Presence
Starmetal - +2 Bonus / Invisibility / Immunity to Cold
Moonsilver - +2 Bonus Initiative / Haste
Ancestral Jade - +1 Bonus / Healing / Regeneration


Soulsteel - +2 Bonus / Immunity to Fire

Oriculum - + 2 Bonus / +1 Presence


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Re: Sakura Kashiwagi (Lady Z’s Samurai-Ko Wu-Jen)
« Reply #9 on: March 24, 2015, 12:30:51 pm »

I thought Oriculum gave a +4 bonus?


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Re: Sakura Kashiwagi (Lady Z’s Samurai-Ko Wu-Jen)
« Reply #10 on: March 24, 2015, 05:27:58 pm »

It does for Armor Value - but Bracers give a Dodge Bonus.


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Re: Sakura Kashiwagi (Lady Z’s Samurai-Ko Wu-Jen)
« Reply #11 on: March 30, 2015, 07:20:03 am »

10 ft tall; STR 6; Heavy Hitter; Cargo Carrier; red skin; orange fangs & claws; black horns; burning eyes; +5 Psychosis
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