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Author Topic: Yasuo Shiga (Drakilian’s Ancestor Worshipping Samurai Priest)  (Read 16225 times)


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Yasuo Shiga (Drakilian’s Ancestor Worshipping Samurai Priest)
« on: September 25, 2013, 02:47:50 pm »

Yasuo Shiga (Samurai Priest - Ancestor Worshipper) - 16 / 16 XP

Gender Male; Age 23; Ht 5’11”; Wt 167 lbs; Stature Pious Priest; Disposition Kind, Humble, Fatherly; Distinctive Features: Big fluffy Shinto priest uniform with really weird priest hat

Str 2; Agi 1; Con 2; Int 5; Wis 5; Pre 5; Vitality (0) 24; Wounds (-2) 7 (Armor 7) DECEASED
React 6; Endure 7; Will 10; Luck 4; Surge 4
Psychosis 0
Init 11; Move 30 ft (Run 60; Leap 2 high/10 long)

Unarmed Strike 9/2S; Grapple Moves 9/2S; Sword 9/5L; Sickle 9/4L; Nunchaku 9/4S; Dagger 9/4L; Thrown Dagger 4/4L/20x ft

Combat Skills
Defense 7 (Dodge +2*; Parry +1*) ~3
Ranged 4 (Shoot; Target; Throw)
Close Quarter 9 (Grapple; Melee; Unarmed) ~4

General Skills
Acrobatics 4 (Balance; Escape; Tumble)
Artistry 8 (Cooking, Painting; Sculpting; Music; Writing)
Athletics 5 (Climb; Jump; Sprint; Swim)
Evaluate 11 (Appraise; Gamble; Sense Motive; Streetwise) ~3
Fabricate 8 (Construction; Mechanics; Weaponsmith)
Face 15 (Bluff +2; Entertain; Feint +2; Intimidate +2; Taunt) ~5
General Knowledge 8 (Trivia; In The News; Who's Who)
Larceny 4 (Forgery; Open Locks; Sleight of Hand)
Medic 8 (Slow Poison; Treat Injury)
Outdoors 8 (Handle Animal; Ride; Survival; Track)
Perception 11 (Listen; Search; Spot) ~3
Sabotage 11 (Disable Device; Trap Setting) ~3
Socialize 12 (Diplomacy; Interrogation +2; Gather Info) ~4
Stealth 13 (Conceal; Disguise +2; Hide; Move Silently) ~5

Advanced Skills
Occult Sciences 17 (Arcana; Occult; Spells +2) ~7
Political Sciences 9 (Economics; Law; Politics) ~1
Social Sciences 9 (Philosophy; Psychology; Religion) ~1

Edges and Feats
Priest; Bully; Charlatan; Compelling; Occult Ties; Potency; Second Language (Old Realm); Toughness

Holy Spells*: (Restore Vitality 5, Suppress Toxins 5, Close Wounds 10, Food & Water 10, Wildcard 10, Familiar 8♠, Heal 13♠, Elemental 18♠, Regeneration 18♠)
Universal Spells: (Messenger 5, Read Minds 10, Shield 10, Magic Ward 8♠, Precipitation 8♠, Temperature 8♠, Unbreakable 8♠, Wind 8♠, Dispel Magic 13♠, Disaster 18♠, Weather Set 18♠)
Unholy Spells: (Fatigue 5, Weaken 5, Corrosive Touch 10, Drain Vitality 8♠, Imp 8♠, Demon 13♠, Poison 13♠, Zombie 13♠, Whither 18♠)

Intolerant (Non-Person Caste); Mistaken Identity; Obligation (Dayimo)

Equipment Normal Load 25; Encumbered 50; Limit 75; Drag 300
Manor House; Noble’s Diet; Horse; Wagon; Scholar Attire; Spectacles; Mesh Armor & Shield; Sword; Daggers; Sickle Pair; Nunchaku Pair; Scholar’s Case (chalks, hourglass, inks, magnifying, glass, merchant’s scale, mirror, paper, pens, scrolls, scroll tubes, waterproof case); Disguise Kit; Travelling Pack (backpack, bedroll, candles, lantern, rations, tent, tinderbox); Canvas Tarp; Chain; Drugs (Arsenic (6), Nightshade Essence (6), Purge root (6), Yellow lotus (6), Wulong Tea (12), Assassin's Oil (6)); Jute & Silver Bondage Rope; Permit To Carry Arms; Emblems of Station; Traveling Papers

(Pittances 50; Goods 70; Assets 83; Riches 0)

  • 10 Doshin (10 in Sendai / 0 with)
  • Doshin Leader: Ichiro Lu (Hearty)

« Last Edit: March 29, 2014, 04:00:20 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Yasuo Shiga
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2013, 02:48:02 pm »

Power and Edge Notes
Restore Vitality (Life; 5; I): Restore Vitality instantly restores 10 Vitality Points each time it is used and counters the Conditions of Fatigued, Exhausted, Unconscious, Nauseated, and the special Disabled status induced by Surgery.

Suppress Toxins (Life; 5; I): Suppress Toxins instantly counters the effects of all poisons or diseases, reversing any Condition change, Ability Point, or Wound Point loss imposed by the toxin.

Close Wounds (Life; 10; I): Close Wounds instantly restores a flat (no X-Roll) 5 Wound Points each time it is used, Stabilizing Dying characters and taking Disabled characters back to Wounded.

Food & Water (Creation; 10; Pmt): Each successful casting of the Food & Water spell creates a day’s worth of food and drink for one person. The type of food and drink created is left to the imagination of the Hexslinger, though the actual quality and tastiness of it is determined by the level of success rolled on the casting. This can range from barely stomachable to the finest cuisine in the world – though the nutritional value will always be the same; enough to sustain one person for a day.

Wildcard (Creation; 10; S): The Wildcard spell allows the Hexslinger to produce virtually any mundane non-complex item that lasts for one scene. Below is a list of items that can be produced with the Wildcard spell, though others are certainly possible as allowed by the GM:

  • Ammunition: Any Type (number of pieces equal to X-Roll)
  • Armor: Such As Leather, Breastplate, Buckler, or Shield
  • Clothing or Camouflage: Any One Article
  • Furnishings: Any Simple (such as a chair, table, or cot)
  • Gear: Any Simple (such as a backpack, canteen, chain hoist, climbing gear, fire kit, grappling hook, lantern, lock pick, spyglass, rope, simple hard lock, shackles, sleeping bag, snowshoes, tent, or torch)
  • Specialty Items: Any Simple (such as bandages, bottle, box, candy, fake mustache, false limb, glasses, makeup, needles, scissors, toy, twine, or wig)
  • Tools: Any Simple (such as an axe, crowbar, cutters, hammer, hand drill, wrench, pick, pliers, saw, shovel, or sledge)
  • Weapons: Any Except Great Bow, Great Crossbow, and Repeating Crossbow
  • Other Items: As Determined By The GM
Familiar (Summoning; 8♠; Pmt): The Familiar spell allows the Hexslinger to summon a loyal or pet-like Familiar to serve him, though he can only have one Familiar in his service at any particular time. Once summoned, a Familiar lasts until it is destroyed or hit with Dispel Magic.

Since Familiars are not truly mortal, any lost or destroyed Familiar can be recreated with all of its previous personality and memories simply by recasting the Familiar spell.

Heal (Life; 13♠; I): Heal instantly restores a character to full Vitality, Wound, and Ability Points. In doing so it also counters the Conditions of Blinded, Deafened, Disabled, Diseased, Dying, Exhausted, Fatigued, Poisoned, Stabilized, Unconscious, and Nauseated.

Elemental (Summoning; 18♠; 24 hours): The Elemental spell allows the Hexslinger to summon a faithful Elemental servant of Air, Earth, Fire, or Water. Once summoned, the Elemental will remain for 24 hours, or until destroyed, or hit with Dispel Magic.

Further, a Hexslinger can only have one Elemental in his service at any particular time, but can swap one out for another simply by recasting the spell. Since Elementals are not truly mortal, a particular Elemental can be resummoned over and over again, even after it has been physically destroyed, thus allowing the Hexslinger to develop a familiar relationship with one.

Note that Elementals always attack Imps and Demons on sight (to the exclusion of all else) until either one of them is destroyed.

Regeneration (Life; 18♠; I): Regeneration does everything Heal does but also allows the restoration of lost limbs and organs, instantly re-growing them all in a matter of seconds.


Messenger (Summoning; 5; I): The Messenger spell allows the Hexslinger to summon a small animal of any type to deliver a message to anyone he knows the location of and that is within walking or flying distance of the summoned creature. Once the animal has been given the message, it then travels via natural means to the intended recipient – where it then repeats the message word for word in a human-like voice. Once the message has been passed, the animal reverts back to normal (which can prove interesting, if the animal is of a dangerous or aggressive type).

Read Minds (Mind; 10; I) Save; Po: Read Minds allows the Hexslinger to read the surface thoughts of anyone within his line of sight. Doing so reveals what a target is currently thinking, allowing the Hexslinger to detect lies and bluffs instantly and prevents the target from surprising the Hexslinger in any way. If the Hexslinger questions the target in conjunction with this ability, he can manipulate what the target thinks about by simply bringing it up in conversation. Targets actively trying not to think about (and thus reveal) something must make a Willpower Save to do so, although the Hexslinger will instantly know that they are hiding something, and can simply cast Read Minds again to force another Save out of the target.

Shield (Protection; 10; S): The Shield spell creates an invisible shield of force that automatically positions itself between the Hexslinger and any perceived danger, granting him continuous Partial Cover to any attack he is aware of and a +4 bonus to Dodge.

Magic Ward (Protection; 8♠; 1 Year): The Magic Ward spell allows the Hexslinger to designate a physical area where magic cannot function. Once cast, the Magic Ward remains for one year without any further action from the Hexslinger and can only be dispelled with a MTN 15 or Crit Dispel Magic roll. The size of the area to be warded is dependant on how many successful back-to-back castings of the Magic Ward spell the Hexslinger can manage. Successfully casting the spell once is sufficient to ward a small area, ten feet in diameter; successfully casting the spell twice in a row wards an entire room (or Large Size equivalent); successfully casting the spell three times in a row wards an entire house (or Huge Size equivalent); while successfully casting the spell four times in a row wards an entire housing complex (or Colossal Size equivalent).
Note that Legacy Magic items will not function in a Magic Ward, but are not destroyed or nullified by them, as they are by Dispel Magic.

Precipitation (Weather; 8♠; M): The Precipitation spell allows the Hexslinger to control the amount of water in the air and whether or not it rains, all within a two-mile radius. When cast, the Hexslinger sets the level of precipitation and can then maintain it for as long as he desires, through concentration. The various effects of the Precipitation spell are dependent on whether the temperature is above or below freezing as outlined below:

Temperature Above Freezing
  • None: The Hexslinger can instantly stop all precipitation in the area of effect.
  • Fog: The Hexslinger can create a thick fog, limiting visibility to as little as 20’ and granting everyone within sight of each other Partial Concealment.
  • Rain: The Hexslinger can cause a continuous but gentle rain in the area of effect, which can impose a Minor penalty (-2) to some Skill rolls (such as Listen and Spot).
  • Deluge: The Hexslinger can cause a furious and continual downpour in the area of effect, which can impose a Major penalty (-4) to some Skill rolls (such as Ranged, Thrown, Listen and Spot) and can cause minor flooding.
Temperature Below Freezing
  • None: The Hexslinger can instantly stop all precipitation in the area of effect.
  • Snow: The Hexslinger can cause a continuous but gentle snowfall in the area of effect, which can impose a Minor penalty (-2) to some Skill rolls (such as Drive and Spot).
  • Blizzard: The Hexslinger can whip up Blizzard (see Hazards in core rules) in the area of effect.
  • Ice Storm: The Hexslinger can cause a freezing rain that coats everything it touches in a thin layer of incredibly slick ice, imposing a Major penalty (-4) to some Skill rolls (such as Balance, Climb, Drive, Jump, Pilot, Ride, and Tumble).
Temperature (Weather; 8♠; M): The Temperature spell allows the Hexslinger to instantly set the overall temperature within a two-mile radius and then maintain it for as long as he desires, through concentration. There are only three options when casting the Temperature spell: Hot, Temperate, and Cold. Temperate is considered the normal temperature range and is typically the default temperature setting of the game. Hot (above 90°) and Cold (below freezing) are the two extremes of the temperature range and impose penalties as detailed in the Hazards section (see Hot and Cold in core rules).

Unbreakable (Protection; 8♠; S): When cast, the Unbreakable spell causes the Hexslinger’s skin and bones to take on a steel-like resilience, granting him an Armor Value of 15/–4. In addition to the normal Armor protection offered, the Unbreakable spell can even block 5 points of Armor Piercing Damage (including damage from mental attacks), but has no effect against Drain Damage incurred from the casting of spells.

Wind (Weather; 8♠; M): The Wind spell allows the Hexslinger to instantly set the overall direction and speed of the wind within a two-mile radius and then maintain it for as long as he desires, through concentration. Wind speed can be set to any of the following: Calm, Light Breeze, Steady Breeze, Windy, Gusty, Storm Winds, or Hurricane. See the Hazards section of core rules for the effects of high wind and how it effects the movement of fire and smoke.

Dispel Magic (Protection; 13♠; I): A successfully cast Dispel Magic automatically snuffs out the effects of any one spell. It can be used to dispel preexisting effects, nullify Legacy Magic items, or interrupt a spell as it is cast when used in conjunction with the Interrupt Option of Surge.

Disaster (Weather; 18♠; Variable Duration): Using this spell, the Hexslinger can cause a natural disaster to occur, whether it be an earthquake, hurricane, tornado, volcanic eruption, tsunami, meteor strike, etc. It takes 10 minutes to call up a natural disaster and once it occurs, the Hexslinger has no control over it, other than to watch it run its course. The extent of the disaster and its effects on the local area are left entirely up to the GM, though they will generally be catastrophic in scope.

Weather Set (Weather; 18♠; 24 Hours): The Weather Set spell allows the Hexslinger to instantly set all aspects of the weather simultaneously (Precipitation, Temperature, and Wind) in a ten-mile radius, which then remain in effect for the next 24 hours. Once set, the weather conditions require no further concentration from the Hexslinger, although he may voluntarily end the spell at anytime before its duration if desired, at which point all weather conditions return back to normal.


Fatigue (Death; 5; I) Attack: When cast, the Fatigue spell charges the Hexslinger’s touch with an energy draining power that causes Fatigue on contact. Once contact with a victim is made, the negative energy is transferred and the spell ends – although a Hexslinger can hold the energy indefinitely until then. Touching a victim that is intentionally avoiding contact with the Hexslinger requires a normal Unarmed or Grapple Attack.

Weaken (Destruction; 5 I) Attack/Touch: The Weaken spell allows the Hexslinger to reduce the Hardness or Armor Value of any nonliving object he touches by 10 (plus the X-Roll of the casting).

Corrosive Touch (Destruction; 10; I) Attack/Touch: When cast, the Corrosive Touch spell caused the Hexslinger’s grasp to eat away at any nonliving object he touches, dealing (10L Damage (plus the X-Roll of the casting) per casting. Note that Hardness and Armor still apply against this damage as normal.

Drain Vitality (Death; 8♠; I): Drain Vitality allows the Hexslinger to drain (5 points plus the X-Roll of the casting) points of Vitality, with but an evil stare, from anyone he can see within 30’. Note that Drain Vitality only works against Vitality Points and does not effect Wound Points in any way.

Imp (Summoning; 8♠; 1+ Months): The Imp spell allows the Hexslinger to summon a minor demon to serve him, though he can only have one Imp in his service at any particular time. Once summoned, an Imp lasts for one month, plus a number of months equal to the X-Roll of the casting, or until the Imp is destroyed or hit with Dispel Magic.

In order to ensure that a Imp does what the Hexslinger intends, the Hexslinger must successfully Intimidate or Taunt the Imp every time he directs it to do something – or the Imp will twist the command in some way as to cause the Hexslinger grief. A Botch on one of these rolls instantly frees the Imp from the service of the Hexslinger and allows it to either turn on the Hexslinger or run rampant.

Demon (Summoning; 13♠; 24 hours): The Demon spell allows the Hexslinger to summon one of four kinds of Demons: a Fiend (physical, monstrous, and violent); a Succubus (physical, human-looking, and subtle); an Unclean Spirit (incorporeal, ghostly, and possessing); or an Oni (physical, cunning, and dangerous).  Once summoned, a Fiend, Succubus, and Unclean Spirit will remain for 24 hours, or until destroyed, or hit with Dispel Magic.  An Oni on the other hand, just serves for 24 hours and is then free to do what it wants (including killing the summoner if it is capable and so desires) and is not affected by Dispel Magic in the same way as the other Demon Types. During the 24 hours the Demon is 'under control', it will grudgingly obey the Hexslinger, but only to the letter of his commands and will continually try to warp them to its own will.

In order to ensure that a Demon does what the Hexslinger intends, the Hexslinger must successfully Intimidate or Taunt the Demon every time he directs it to do something – or the Demon will twist the command in some way as to cause the Hexslinger grief.  A Botch on one of these rolls is exceptionally bad, as it instantly frees the Demon from the service of the Hexslinger and allows it to either turn on the Hexslinger or run rampant.

Further, a Hexslinger can only have one Demon in his service at any particular time, but can swap one out for another simply by recasting the spell (which is a bad idea when dealing with Oni).  Since Demons are not truly mortal, a particular Demon can be resummoned over and over again, even after it has been physically destroyed, thus allowing the Hexslinger to develop a familiar relationship with one – though this is usually only done for a particular Succubus that the Hexslinger has become enthralled with…

Poison (Death; 13♠; I) Attack; Partial Save: When cast, the Poison spell charges the Hexslinger’s touch with one of the three types of Poison (see Poisons in core rules), which can then be transferred into another living creature by touch, causing the creature to suffer the normal effects of the chosen poison. Once contact with a victim is made, the spell ends – although a Hexslinger can hold the Poison in his hands indefinitely until then. Touching a victim that is intentionally avoiding contact with the Hexslinger requires a normal Unarmed or Grapple Attack.

Zombie (Death; 13♠; Pmt): The Zombie spell allows the Hexslinger to create a zombie slave or skeletal servant from any dead corpse. Once created, a Zombie is completely under the control of its master and lasts until destroyed or dispelled.

Whither (Death; 18♠; I) Partial Save: The Wither spell allows the Hexslinger to drain the very life force from anyone within sight. Those targeted can make a MTN 10 or Crit Fortitude Save or take 20SL AP Damage (plus the X-Roll of the casting). Those that make the Save reduce the amount of damage by their X-Roll, and take no damage on a Crit.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2013, 03:25:04 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Yasuo Shiga
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2013, 02:48:13 pm »

There was nothing ever really special about the Shiga family.
That's always been their problem, really.

He was born to a family of long undistinguished samurai, barely above the noble class. His forefathers and ancestors had done not a single thing that would give him reason for pride, and he himself was unimpressive in the abilities necessary to a good samurai.
Jun-Ko Shiga, Yasuo's great-great-grandfather, hated this.

He could never measure up to the other children, he was never a good swordsman or archer, he was a failure to his culture, and just another Shiga.
Jun-Ko worked with a fervour almost unseen in school. He was wise, intelligent, and realized that if he was not good enough to win by himself, he could simply convince others into joining him, in order to shore up his weaknesses. He found ways to manipulate others, and constantly used this ability to further himself in life. Whether it was by tricking those above him into failing or getting themselves killed, or whether it was convincing others that he was far greater than he really was, the samurai was willing to use whatever means necessary to rise higher in life.

He became corrupted by the feeling of power , and began to grow even more possessive, manipulative, and dangerous. Eventually, he reached a limit, a point where he could no longer stand being the spider in the shadows, spinning a web of deceit in order to manipulate others. He needed more. He needed REAL, personal power.

So he turned to the occult. He was never talented in the art of magic, so he could not follow the path of the Wu-Jen, but he knew of priests who gained powers from their gods. He almost immediately turned to the path of Evil, loving the strength of the demons and that he could weaken his enemies, taking from them the force that he had always lacked.

Becoming a priest had raised his status even further, and had given him an even larger and inflated sense of power. It grew to the point that he saw himself as one day being the emperor of Japan, and through his arrogance, he nearly attempted it.

He made plans, influenced minions, began to gather similar minded spell-casters. He summoned demons and used them to destroy villages on the outskirts of the territory, using the corpses and resources in order to grow his own army, always staying hidden, keeping his family's status and using the people's fear of the supernatural to make them flock to him, as a priest.

He was going to finally launch a REAL attack on a town, when he decided to summon an independent, an Oni of the first circle- to be exact, Ubaba-No-Oni.
He thought he could control one of the most powerful demons in existence in order to fulfill his goal, but it did not work. After he summoned the hag, he made an unfortunately badly-worded order, as he was sure that due to his mighty force of presence the hag would simply obey him, and she promptly destroyed him, proceeding to do the same to his entire army and his allies.

His son survived, growing in his home with one of is concubines, and took on his father's legacy. From then on, every single child of the Shiga family has shared remarkable traits to that of the first priest. They have all been priests, they have all had a propensity for evil, and have all, strangely enough, died by the hands of an independent Oni they summoned for their own needs. (Most remarkable was the case of Udo Shiga, who was pleasured to death by Kyoso-No-Oni)

Yasuo, unlike his forefathers however, has proven to be significantly more cautious. He is careful and calculating, and though the hunger for power still consumes him, a different sort of plan forms in his mind.
He is not as arrogant as his forefathers, exercising a restraint not previously seen amongst the Shiga priests, though he has still proved himself to be quite intolerant, as many dead souls of the non-person caste would tell you, should they be alive. He always makes sure to kill these men out of sight of others, and takes pleasures in the deaths of those foul non-humans that plague the cities, and he feels a powerful hatred for them when forced to be in their proximity, as if he can feel his status being lowered the longer he spends in their vicinity.

When the chinese invaded, his own father tried to summon Oni-Tatsu in order to annihilate the enemy army, at the order of the dayimo, but the enemy's Wu-Jen were much too numerous and powerful to be defeated by such a creature, and even managed to seize control of the beast using their mental powers. Yasuo's father was devoured before the beast could be destroyed, leaving the Samurai Priest to be raised by his grandmother, as his mother was taken away with the wave of chinese soldiers to fulfill her use to them.
Yasuo now lives alone, as his grandmother is also dead, leaving him to be the oldest surviving member of the Shiga family.

His mind never grew to truly accept the presence of the chinese, and he dreams of one day destroying the current rulership and becoming shogun by organizing his own rebellion. He has already begun by seeking out contacts in the occult community, and by using his natural charisma to slowly create a growing influence among the people, hoping one day to overthrow the Chinese nation's grasp on his country, and to avenge his father, while throwing his own iron grip onto the people at the same time.

Other Notes
« Last Edit: September 25, 2013, 03:26:09 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Yasuo Shiga
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2013, 09:58:10 pm »

Original Skill Levels_

Combat Skills
3 Defense
4 Close Quarter

General Skills
3 Evaluate
5 Face
3 Perception
3 Sabotage  
4 Socialize
5 Stealth

Advanced Skills
4+1 Occult Sciences
1 Political Sciences
1 Social Sciences

XP Bumps_
Occult Sciences: 5 to 7 (16 XP)
« Last Edit: October 17, 2013, 07:02:01 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Yasuo Shiga (Drakilian’s Ancestor Worshipping Samurai Priest)
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2013, 10:06:28 pm »

Goodbye Yasuo.
(Bows head respectfully)
« Last Edit: October 28, 2013, 10:08:52 pm by Drakilian »
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