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Author Topic: Nurse Joy (played by Killa_Robot)  (Read 5026 times)


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Nurse Joy (played by Killa_Robot)
« on: February 01, 2014, 04:42:46 pm »

Nurse Joy (PokéNurse)
Age 14; Gender Female; Height 5’6”; Eyes Blue; Hair Red; Skin Fair

Str 2; Agi 3; Con 3; Int 4; Wis 5; Pre 3; Vitality (0) 15 0; Wounds (-2) 8 5 BURNED
React 8; Endure 8; Will 10; Luck 3; Surge 3
Psychosis 5
Init 13; Move 30 ft (Run 60)

Hair Pull 7/2S; Pokéball 8/♠

Combat Skills
Defense 9 (Dodge; Parry) ~3
Ranged 8 (Shoot; Target; Throw) ~2
Close Quarter 7 (Grapple; Melee; Unarmed) ~2
General Skills
Acrobatics 6 (Balance; Escape; Tumble)
Artistry 8 (Cooking, Painting; Sculpting; Music; Writing)
Athletics 5 (Climb; Jump; Sprint; Swim)
Control 6 (Drive; Pilot; Operate Heavy Machinery)
Evaluate 11 (Appraise; Gamble; Sense Motive; Streetwise) ~3
Fabricate 7 (Construction; Mechanics; Weaponsmith)
Face 3 (Bluff; Entertain; Feint; Intimidate; Taunt)
General Knowledge 10 (Trivia; In The News; Who's Who) ~3
Larceny 6 (Forgery; Open Locks; Sleight of Hand)
Medic 14 (Slow Poison; Treat Injury) ~5
Outdoors 8 (Handle Animal +2; Ride; Survival; Track)
Perception 11 (Listen; Search; Spot) ~3
Sabotage 7 (Disable Device; Trap Setting)
Socialize 12 (Diplomacy; Interrogation -3; Gather Info) ~4
Stealth 8 (Conceal; Disguise; Hide; Move Silently)
Tech 11 (Computers; Electronics; Security Systems) ~4

Advanced Skills
Life Sciences 12 (Biology +2; Medicine +2; Surgery +2) ~5
Poké Sciences 14 ~5

Common Sense; Animal Affinity; Biologist; Charismatic; Physician; Skill Focus (poké sciences); Surgeon

Clean Freak; Kid; Squeamish

Equipment   Normal Load 25; Encumbered 50; Limit 75; Drag 300
900 pennies; 4 Pokéballs; 1 Wildcard; Trauma Kit: 1 Antidote; 1 Awakening; 1 Burn Heal; 1 Ice Heal; 1 Paralysis Heal; 1 Revive; Hypodermic Syringe with four doses of Sleep

It seems that some peoples’ Pokémon are getting ill and acting in a very bizarre manner. Nurse Joy has seen a few of these brought into her Pokémon Center in Viridian City by concerned trainers, but doesn’t know how to treat them. They won’t stay in Pokéballs and EAT other Pokémon! How terrible! Hearing that Officer Jenny was going to be traveling down to Pallet Town to visit Professor Oak, Nurse Joy decided to tag along. She needed to speak with Professor Oak to see if he could figure out what was going on and the best way to treat it.

Hypodermic Syringe
Use of a hypodermic syringe in combat requires a successful Grapple Hold.  It takes a Full Round Action to prepare a hypodermic syringe for use, which can hold up to four doses, injecting one to all doses in a single Action.

Sleep DoseSave Difficulty
One DoseRoll
Two DosesMTN 10 or Crit
Three DosesMTN 15
Four DosesNo Save

Common Sense
The character always looks before she leaps. Whenever she is about to do something particularly foolhardy (even if there are no perceptible clues present) the GM should warn her, noting that perhaps the course of action isn't such a good idea.

Nurse Joy’s Pokemon

« Last Edit: March 06, 2014, 08:27:40 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Nurse Joy
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2014, 04:42:50 pm »

Nurse Joy's Pokémon

Medium Normal Pokémon

Str 2; Agi 3; Con 3; Int 3; Wis 4; Pre 3; Vitality (0) 24 1; Wounds (-2) 8
React 8; Endure 8; Will 9; Luck 3
Init 12; Move 25 ft (Run 50)
Slap 6/2S (no X-Dmg); PokéPowers
Combat Skills
Dodge 9; Grapple 5; Ranged 10; Throw 10; Unarmed 6
All Other Skills
Balance 6; Climb (6’) 5; Escape 6; Hide 8; Intimidate 6; Jump (10’l/2’h) 1; Listen 11; Move Silently 6; Search 9; Sense Motive 11; Spot 12; Swim (6’) 5; Treat Injury 12
Acute Vision; Alert; Karma; PokéPowers; Skill Focus (treat injury); Toughness
Mostly Harmless; Short

OOOBubblebeam (WAT): +2 Ranged Attack (12/3S + React Save or lose 10 ft of Movement/30 ft); Penalty Stacks
OOOEgg Bomb (NOR): Thrown Attack (10/5S A10’r/30 ft)
OOOSoftboiled (NOR): First heals 20 Points of Damage to self or others (starting with Wounds then Vitality) and then causes User 5 Points of Damage
OOOO Substitute (NOR): User creates a copy of self with 8 Vitality & 4 Wound Points that takes all User’s Damage until destroyed
« Last Edit: March 06, 2014, 08:28:26 pm by BerkaZerka »
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