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Author Topic: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights  (Read 359826 times)


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #200 on: October 01, 2016, 10:17:04 am »

Guilelmo leads the conspiracy of Cainites out from the courtroom, where he repeats to them Narses' demands - they are the same as those that the Venetian Prince gave in the courtroom. 3 nights to prove their innocence, or be doomed to meet the day.

Kiril seems to be a most dark mood, those who had seen him with Tommaso get the impression that he feels betrayed by the elder Lasombra's persecution. He leaves shortly after being given his freedom with his collection of servants, Barabus throwing a dark look Steeple's way before leaving with his new master.

The others ask Guilelmo permission to go back to the scene of the crime, while Anton inquires as to the location of Anna Sgorina and Lucita de Aragorn so that he can discuss the situation with the two.

Guilelmo gladly gives the conspiracy permission to investigate the warehouse, which he mentions belongs to the mortal Mouzakios ship-builders (the warehouse primarily holds ship-building equipment and half-finished projects), the helpful seneschal even informs them that Vendramino will accompany them all at the scene of the crime to provide them with whatever information they found necessary. He informs Anton that Anna currently resided in her suite in the Prince's palace while Lucita was busy helping Tommaso in her role as his aide. Both could be reached whenever Anton wished for questioning.

Anton gives his fellow conspiracy members his farewell as he leaves to go question his two acquaintances, while they go to investigate the scene of the crime.


Anton's part will be continued here:


On their way to the scene of Roland Durocher's murder, Heldric senses a familiar and welcome presence - as Octavius' voice echoes in the inner chambers of his mind once more.

Sorry for the delay Heldric, really. It took quite a bit longer than I thought it would to find those crafty bastards. It's no wonder Narses hasn't found them yet, I knew where they were and how to look and it still took me hours...

Octavius clears his throat, and amusingly unnecessary gesture coming from the ghost, before continuing,

He says he's willing to help provide you with information and keep his eyes and ears open about any unique happenings in the city. He's also prepared to smuggle you and the knight Anton out of the city if it at any point becomes necessary. None of the others, however.

A different, significantly less welcome voice intrudes then. It had been ages since Heldric had heard Epistatia's voice - deceiving Goratrix had taken much out of the necromantress, bound as she was in Heldric's mind.

It had not been long enough.

Anton, but not the others, hmm? There's a puzzle...

The sound of her voice sets Heldric's teeth on edge but the inconsequentiality of her observation sets him into a sort of wary ease. Nothing for her to pick at yet.

Octavius continues then, Och, I can feel her stirring in there. She's talking to you right now isn't she? Sorry we couldn't do anything more than seal her away lad, but diminished as we both are there wasn't much to be had for it.

Anyway, Nicolo said he had some information for you but he'll only share it with you in person. He said to lose the ghouls trailing you and find him at the pre-set location.

Heldric makes his excuses and leaves his conspiracy then, using his obfuscation to make a clean getaway with Andreas and Mr. Whitey.

His getaway is so clean the ghouls following the cotterie forget he was ever there to begin with...


Heldric's investigation is continued here:

Steeple, Saladin and John's investigation is continued here:


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #201 on: January 04, 2017, 08:42:35 pm »

Steeple, Heldric, John and Saladin all return to the palace grounds roughly a few minutes before dawn

Steeple and Heldric both spot the Assamite as he makes his way across the palace grounds seemingly making his way towards Kiril's servants. His normally present bodyguard is nowhere in sight.

Heldric sees Steeple before Steeple sees him, but both notice each other soon enough. Kiril and Anton do not seem to be here, nor is Joseph currently visible among the ghouls.

Steeple notes Barabus' presence - as well as the fact that the ghoul's eyes have been trained on him since the moment he stepped into view.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2017, 08:45:31 pm by Drakilian »


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #202 on: January 05, 2017, 11:37:17 am »

Steeple makes a point to smile and wave at Barabus - "Well now, you're looking less pathetic than when you failed horribly in your service to me."

"But you look sore... such ingratitude for what I have done for you!"

"You would still be nothing, had it not been for me. I would think some gratitude and renewed respect would be in order - rather than doleful glares."


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #203 on: January 05, 2017, 01:55:15 pm »

Saladin walks up to Elias while looking to Barabus. He did not trust the man in the presence of his old master.

"Greetings" He says in a friendly manner. "Did you a pleasant night?"


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #204 on: January 05, 2017, 03:05:53 pm »

Heldric finds himself mildly happy to see the mad malcavian being himself despite the situation and walks near, keeping to the other side of Barrabus, that one is still dangerous afterall.

He simply nods in greeting to each present that warrants it and waits to see the responce to Steeples taunting.


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #205 on: January 05, 2017, 10:04:47 pm »

Elias dutifully ignores Barabus and Steeple, no doubt anticipating terrible terrible things to come quite shortly. It would seem even the captain of Kiril's guard has no desire to anger the giant.

Steeple gives his barbed greeting, and Barabus gives no answer - he simply continues sharpening his weapon, taking long, deliberate strokes off the blade while continuing to train his eyes on Steeple. Shortly thereafter he gives the Malkavian a wide smile, showing off blackened teeth - from the smell and from their solidity, Steeple can tell his teeth aren't rotting - there simply appears to be some sort of  unnatural discoloration present.

"A smile only a mother could love", Maurice mutters.

"You should show this fool his place! Spill his blood on the floor, so foul it is that it's not even fit to drink!"

At Saladin's greeting, Elias looks up from his sword and then gets up - "Well enough - hey, listen, we should probably talk somewhere else - you know where Kiril is?"

The guardsman makes to lead Saladin away from Barrabus and Steepleton.



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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #206 on: January 06, 2017, 01:23:16 pm »

"Yes, quite," Steeple replies to Maurice's quip about mothers, then turns to engage the others.

As he does, he takes a look back at Barabus in the reflection of his Mirror of Second Sight.

'He sure is foul,' he then thinks to his Prince, 'not altogether ghoul anymore I should think. His teeth are stained like one's aura, when they commit the vilest of sin.'


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #207 on: January 06, 2017, 04:44:47 pm »

Saladin unwillingly agrees to go with the man. He was worried about Hashim, but he trusted the man to make the right call, should problems arise.

"No, i do not. He left me no clues as to where he was going. But come now, as you said, this is not place to talk."
« Last Edit: January 06, 2017, 07:26:42 pm by Drakilian »


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #208 on: January 06, 2017, 05:18:50 pm »

Seeing the momentary silence Heldric observes the strange reactions to Barrabus "Do either of you feel anything strange from Barrabus, he seems stranger each time I see him" he thinks hard before speaking to Steeple "Steeple, how did you and the prince fair today? I made some progress but will need tomorrow to follow up on it."


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #209 on: January 06, 2017, 08:05:11 pm »

For a split second Steeple's mirror shows a monster made of a thousand writhing black snakes bound into a man's shape, their fanged mouths open, draining light and life alike from the air around it. The image is present for less than a second but it's enough to startle Steeple, to the point that he almost drops his mirror.

Turning his head rapidly back at Barrabus he sees the ghoul continuing to sit where he has probably been sitting for a while, still sharpening his blade, that ghastly smile widening accross his face.

Looking back into the mirror, Steeple sees Barrabus as he is now, and the man's strangely twisted aura. It seems for all intents and purposes to be that of a normal ghoul tainted with tinges of trauma and anger, though echoes of something... tremendous reside within.

"Perhaps you should see if his blood is as stained as his teeth!", Maurice exclaims, incensed by the ghoul's arrogant demeanour.

Octavius takes a good long look at Barrabus.


"There's definitely something wrong with him, but i'd say it's with his mind, not spiritual in nature," Sicilan says.

Octavius continues staring, then hesitantly adds - "I don't know about that. Something about him feels.... hollow? Like he's been used. Worn out. There's traces of something but it's so faint... And then there's the geas."

"The what?" Sicilan exclaims

"Ah, perhaps I can see it because I used to be a mage but there's some very, very powerful mental magic is at work in that man. On the level of a higher archmagus. Maybe even an oracle's work. I can't fathom what interest someone like that could have on a simple bloodsucker's slave."


Elias leads Saladin to Carinus' table, where the killer takes a brief second to show off his knifework as he artfully carves a flank of steak and adorns it with a blood-red sauce and variety of herbs before depositing it in front of Elias.

"Captain, about time you sit at my table, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Needed to get away from Barrabus, I swear one that man's going to snap. Might even be this hour. You see what's going on back there?"

"Well, we've seen what he's been through first-hand, whatever involvement Steepleton had in his fate I'm certain he will stop at nothing to pay him back.

Emyr Salah, so sorry, i'm being rude. Would you like anything from my table?"

Saladin notes that Carinus does not gesture to the food but to the other ghouls at the table. No doubt, however, it would be rude to ask for Sherazhina.

« Last Edit: January 07, 2017, 11:19:46 am by Drakilian »


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #210 on: January 07, 2017, 10:55:54 am »

"Hmmph!" Steeple huffs in disgust; "A rotten impostor!"

"Wolves my ass!"

"Damnable liars!"

"Foolish pride!"

"I only hope it bites Kiril first, so I can have the satisfaction of seeing it."

Turning to Heldric, Steeple moves away from the ghouls and the thing inhabiting Barabus.

"Our man was assassinated in a warehouse nearby. Whoever did it took his sword and scabbard."

"Give me some names and I can rule them out or follow to the killer with a ritual of mine."


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #211 on: January 07, 2017, 01:22:45 pm »

Heldric nods to himself for a moment, Nicolo had not mentioned the weapons being on the mortal when he left "A mortal was there at the time, he has two people with him 'Rodrigue de Navarre, Was the one at the warehouse. the two others, called Jean de Chanaviere and Aignen de Libraire'. I will pay them a visit first thing after dusk." Heldric finally replies.

He glances back in Barrabus' direction "Do you know what damaged his mind so badly and left the Geas on him? He seems a lot more dangerous than before."


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #212 on: January 07, 2017, 04:05:40 pm »

"Allow me to go with you," Steeple suggests, "or better yet, come with me to the warehouse first to confirm them as the killers. If any of them are, they will not be able to hide from me."

Then giving the later question some thought, Steeple replies "I can't distinguish between what I know for myself and what may just be whisperings of Malkov's restless spirit - or other knowledge bleeding in from the long coma of this game (of life)'s long stagnancy."

"But that is just Barabus' shell. A great demon wears it for it's own ends now, whatever those ends may be. Its power rivals even that of Caine himself and is far older."

"I don't want to fark with it, but at least I know it's not really Barabus being so damn cocky in there. It's just using that to sow discord - the conniving devil."

"Something truely terrible must have happened to our teetzee friend Lucian - and that arrogant twat Kiril knows it. The bastard deserves what he gets playing with infurnal powers such as what lurks inside Barabus now."

"I would say kill it and be done with it, but I really don't think the demon is going to let that happen."


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #213 on: January 07, 2017, 08:11:21 pm »

"Then at dusk we go to the werehouse before visiting our new mortal friends together." He looks to the ground briefly "And after we are cleared of our crimes we deal with Barrabus too, whatever demon is using him, he is a threat to us as he is. Maybe find away to have him Attack our current host and see who wins" he adds almost to himself) with a small but horrific smile


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #214 on: January 07, 2017, 11:20:00 pm »

"Agreed on all points," Steeple smiled.

Tomorrow he would have three names to try at the site of the murder with his trail following ritual.

If it was any one of them, their glowing footprints would lead straight to them.


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #215 on: January 09, 2017, 03:11:02 pm »

Heldric nods his agreement to Steeple then looks around. With the others all in conversation he decides it is a good time to get away from others for a bit.

he nods his goodbyes and heads for his chambers to rest from having to converse so much


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #216 on: January 14, 2017, 07:30:10 pm »

Saladin nods thankfully at the offer. Indeed, it has been someone time since he last fed. "Will you do me The honor Captain Elias?"


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #217 on: January 14, 2017, 09:25:01 pm »

The captain looks to have been made uncomfortable by the request - "I'd rather not, Saladin - my apologies."

Carinus cuts in then - "If I could - I would recommend the french dish - it's possessed of an excellent mix of qualities, and as of yet I believe it is unclaimed."

Saladin shifts his eyes to an attractive woman with long black hair sitting by Sherazhina's side. Listening for her voice he notes the hint of a parisian accent, what such a woman is doing here is a mystery. Perhaps an ambassador, perhaps a traveller - no doubt nothing of great importance.

"I intended her as a gift for Kiril but I have the sneaking suspicion he will not be coming back tonight, nor for a while, yes?"

Saladin considers that for a second and then nods.

"Excellent. It shall be served to you this morning after proper preparation. I shall deliver the dish to your rooms personally. Now, I believe you wished to speak with the good captain?"

"You scare the hell out of me sometimes, you know that Carinus?", Elias mutters.

At that, Carinus just gives a smile rapidly followed by a courteous bow.

"Yes, well, to put it quite simply Kiril will be unable to rejoin us for a while yet. He is occupied hunting the assassins responsible for the murder of Roland and has made some enemies in the process. He could not come here personally and entrusted to me this letter explaining the matter, he wrote it in his own blood to make sure you would know it came from him."

He hands the letter to Elias, who reads it and then passes it on to Carinus.

"So we're free? Whatever we want in the city, until he comes back for us?"

"Yes", Saladin replies.

As Carinus finishes he hands the letter to Sherazhina with a smile so chilling as to make even Saladin want to shiver.

"You realize this might cause some problems? Especially with the big guy over there," he says, jerking his head back towards Barabus.

"Yes, I realize that. In fact, Carinus, though Kiril has given you free reign I hope you understand he would want your discretion while he is in another prince's city."

"Of course. I am nothing if not discreet." Carinus gives another half bow as he says this, but Saladin does not fail to catch the glint in the cannibal's eyes.

"As for Barabus, I have assigned Hashim to keep track of him. He is more than capable, and with him guarding Steeple he should be safe."

Elias gets up from his chair and then kneels facing Saladin, holding his hand across his chest. It is the same position he would assume any time he spoke to Kiril

"Saladin, sir, if I could make a request - I don't think Hashim a match for Barabus. If he faces him down with Steeple's help maybe they might drive him off but i'm afraid that if Barabus notices Hashim following him there's nothing to stop him from killing or grievously wounding him. I would like to be assigned to Hashim's side. There is nothing else I feel would be worth doing in this city."

Saladin looks away from Elias before responding - "I don't know what authority you think I have over you but there's no need for you to bow to me. You are Kiril's man, his absence does not mean I replace him. Do whatever you want."

Then he looks back at Elias, eyeing him from the side.

"Stay alive, Elias."

Sherazhina smiles to herself and then gestures for one of her admirers to come to her. A tall, well-defined blond man with long hair, blue eyes and delicate facial features answers her motion at once. She leans in and whispers a request into his ear. With a happy nod, the ghoul takes the letter Sherazhina passes on to him and goes to Barabus.

Steeple and Heldric are at the exit to the palace courtyard when Barabus finishes reading the letter, and they can hear his laughter from across the courtyard, unimpeded by the ghoul's festivities.


When Steeple finishes his ranting Prince Maurice jumps in - "I still don't understand why we don't just kill him. If you're afraid of offending Kiril with a public execution, just send Maximus to do the deed - he's as quiet as an assassin, if you lend him Eternal Thirst he could probably kill him instantly - and even if he's discovered the only one who would have an inkling of the gargoyle's association with you is Anton. I don't think Anton would bother to tell Kiril about the cause behind Barabus' death, yes? The two aren't very close..."

"And I think you're being to hasty here. What you saw was so brief... something that powerful wouldn't bother to serve someone like Kiril, I think what you saw was an echo of what used to be. The slime has clearly had clearly made some wicked pact with some devil for those physical enhancements and that unsettling presence of his but if he was possessed I do not think it is so any longer."


"A great demon? Ha!"

Octavius laughs at that, and for a while. Sicilan smirks as well.

"I've fought things you would call demons, I would know if something that powerful was inhabiting that man. Even a fraction of its power would be enough to challenge your elders, and a true greater demon... this city possesses a strong vampiric presence, and is also the location of a sizeable Order chantry. A Great demon would slay them all and blacken this city with its breath, ruin the land with its presence. What your people did to Carthage would pale in comparison. Even your greatest sorcerers, the countless ancient ones who inhabit Transylvania, and their children - the Tzimisce, the so-called "nobles", can just barely challenge the might of a single Great Demon. I believe its name was... Kupala?

No, there's no great demon in that man - and your elders at this city, my compatriots in the order chantry or myself would have discovered a lesser one."

Sicilan nods, "I too have had several unpleasant experiences with demonic spirits. A very good friend of mine's brother is an exceedingly powerful sorcerer who receives the majority of his power from dealings with demons - including their mass subjugation. I knew him when he was still young and innocent, though he has since been corrupted, but I have seen what demons can do. Barabus may be wicked, unsettling, unpleasant - but he is no demon. But... now that Steepleton mentions it, there may have been a possession in the past. There is a certain residue around him. Perhaps if I attempted to walk his skin myself I could verify just what was there, if it was powerful enough it would have left a notable trace. Should I attempt it, Heldric? If he is truly mortal he won't notice me riding his skin unless I possess him."


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #218 on: January 15, 2017, 03:37:09 pm »

Held rid thinks for a moment as he hears the Ghouls laughter echoing across the space "Be fast and subtle, if you feel the faintest chance of failure, retreat immediatly. I will put him down myself if he attacks in responce."


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #219 on: January 15, 2017, 05:52:57 pm »

Steeple considers the wisdom of his mighty Prince.

"Yes, the cretin's manner has been quite tiresome since day one."

"And if he has made unholy packs with demons, then he is worthy of death."

Steeple signals for Maximum to meet him on a tower overlooking the square, then teleports there to await his arrival...
« Last Edit: January 15, 2017, 05:57:52 pm by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #220 on: January 15, 2017, 07:11:05 pm »

Steeple utters a few words of power bites his thumb, drawing blood, before vanishing from Heldric's sight.

"Oh, it would seem your friend is learning new tricks", Octavius comments.

It is only a few moments spent waiting on the tower before Maximus appears before Steeple, landing into a kneeling position, his wings folded on his back.

"How may I serve, Master?"

Sicilan, in the meantime, goes off after Barabus - who has already left the palace courtyard. It might be some time before he returns.


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #221 on: January 15, 2017, 07:58:24 pm »

Heldric turns to go then pauses "Can you tell where he went?" we thinks to Octavius


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #222 on: January 15, 2017, 08:49:03 pm »

Octavius shakes his head, "It was a simple spell - however, he can't have gotten very far."
« Last Edit: January 15, 2017, 11:46:02 pm by Drakilian »


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #223 on: January 16, 2017, 12:47:01 am »

"Ah, my faithful son," Steeple replied to Maximus.

"I have discovered that the one known as Barabus, has made forbidden pacts with infernal demons - in order to make a move against my person."

"As such, it is my duty to redress this great insult - and dispense appropriate punishment for his crimes."

"Being that he is currently the servant of an ally, I cannot simple spill his blood and be done with it. I must work around that and the complicated set of social mores at play."

"So I shall grant the fiend a one-on-one duel to be settled tomorrow."

"In this I want you to do two primary things - first, if he actually defeats me fairly or otherwise, you must save my body and heart, so that I can recover from torpor."

"Second, you must ensure that no-one else interferes with our duel. Should that happen, then the sanctity of it us ruined and you are free to help me end it as quickly and brutally as you see fit."

"Now then, I wish to send Barabus the challenge personally, right now, before the sun comes up - but to do so I need to see him."

"Can you find him and then lead me to him with the utmost stealth?"

As he waits, Steeple begins to cast his Scribe spell.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2017, 12:50:01 am by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #224 on: January 16, 2017, 07:08:32 am »

"To feed from a woman..." He mumbles as he shakes his head slowly. "Oh well. It must be done anyway." He then looks away to the place where Barabus had just left. "Don't die now my friend, and closest ally."

"Carinus, if you don't mind me asking - What exactly made you into the man that you are, what made you like your current.. meals?" He asks, intriguided by the man specials diet. While he would never had done so himself, he's curious as to what drives a person to eat other people.


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #225 on: January 16, 2017, 12:16:24 pm »

With half of those he wished to talk to gone and the other half already in conversation, Heldric takes his chance to slip away and rest. He plans to quickly feed first if there is any blood provided for him, if not, he will feed in the morning on a gutter dweller who might not make it anyway.


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #226 on: January 16, 2017, 11:14:29 pm »

Carinus smiles, "Perhaps a question for another time Emyr Salah, the sun rises and your own awaits."

"Of course Master, but..." Maximus looks out over the city to the slowly brightening horizon.

"There is not much time left"
« Last Edit: January 16, 2017, 11:16:32 pm by Drakilian »


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #227 on: January 17, 2017, 01:16:27 am »

Steeple looks at the horizon and frowns.

"Bother. Well I suppose it can wait till tomorrow."

"Let's get back to the haven and persue the issue at dusk. I just don't want Barabus to disappear and get the drop on me before I can call him out."
« Last Edit: January 17, 2017, 01:18:45 am by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #228 on: January 17, 2017, 06:17:40 am »

"You are right master Carinus." Saladin says with a nod. "Another time then." And with that, Saladin heads to his chambers to await dusk."


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #229 on: February 01, 2017, 01:00:33 am »

9th of August, 1202; 7:00AM
Narses’ Chambers
The Domain of Narses
Prince of Venice

The cainites of the Transylvanian Conspiracy return to their rooms one and all, save for Kiril, whose mysterious absence is noted by all - though only Anton and Saladin know the truth of it, and neither are willing to share with Steepleton, Heldric or John. When an inquiry is made all Saladin answers with is a shrug and that Kiril went off to investigate on his own - not even really a lie, by all accounts.

Save the circumstances behind Kiril's disappearance, the princes and assassin are open about their discoveries:

Anton has determined that the killer, whoever it was, was a very skilled assassin. Suspicion currently rests on the Assamite clan, though Anton is unsure what their possible motives might be, save possibly to stall the negotiations currently underway in Venice.

Steeple has determined that whomever killed Roland had skin as black as blackest night. That Roland's death was sudden and unexpected. That he was struck from behind when he was killed, and that his sword was not drawn but at his belt. His sword was taken after his death.`

Heldric has determined that a mortal man dressed as a spanish noble entered the warehouse after Roland's death and left shortly thereafter. He has determined the man's current place of residence as well as the identity of his companions, as well as his name.

Saladin has little to offer, as most of his insight into the matter is that garnered from Husayn - hardly information he could share - but he (somewhat reluctantly) confirms what Anton says, with the addition that if there is Assamite activity in Venice, he has not been made aware of and has no part in it (for all that's worth).

John confirms Steeple's findings for the rest of the group as well.

The members of the conspiracy are free to discuss, and perhaps plot their next course of action throughout the day. There are two nights left before Prince Narses is bound to pass his judgement.

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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #230 on: February 01, 2017, 11:07:54 pm »

"Heldric, do you wish for us to acompany you to the mortal man's residence? Or do you not require our assistance."


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #231 on: February 02, 2017, 02:43:23 am »

"I wish to see this man nonetheless. I have.. questions for him." Saladin saysays while pacing back and forth.


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #232 on: February 02, 2017, 01:23:13 pm »

Heldric thinks that things might be easier with just Steeple but having Anton along would ensure an extra measure of safety. After a moment he replies to Anton and Saladin.

"You would be welcome to join Steeple and I in tracking these humans, the sooner we deal with this mess, the sooner we can leave."


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #233 on: February 02, 2017, 04:23:04 pm »

"Yes," Steeple agrees, "we will see if one of these three mortals did the old man in, though it certainly strains credulity in the very thought."


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #234 on: February 02, 2017, 06:59:17 pm »

"Unless they were given a poison blade and were dismissed as not being a threat. We should be careful." Heldric adds, years of watching the downtrodden had shown that humans could be dangerous in the right circumstances.

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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #235 on: February 02, 2017, 07:15:40 pm »

"Unless they were given a poison blade and were dismissed as not being a threat. We should be careful." Heldric adds, years of watching the downtrodden had shown that humans could be dangerous in the right circumstances.
Anton nods.
"If you feel the need."

"Let us go then. The sooner the better."


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #236 on: February 06, 2017, 04:40:39 am »

"Then let us be off. Time is off the essence no?"


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #237 on: February 06, 2017, 11:33:15 am »

Having made their plans, the conspiracy retires for the day to rest and prepare for the next evening's investigations. Already they could feel they were closing in on the assassin - whoever they were.

9th of August, 1202; 12:00AM
Ports of Venice
The Domain of Narses
Prince of Venice

The journey to the inn had taken an unexpected and frightening turn. As the conspiracy and their servants walked along the canals following Heldric's lead they found the streets uncharacteristically busy. Indeed, there were dozens of people standing around a man who was proselytizing. The princes keep to the shadows but attempt to get closer - the man who was speaking was a knight, a Templar by the looks of it, it would be interesting to see how the mortals are faring. Though his back was to them Anton thinks that there is something familiar about his voice.

Oh? An old acquaintance?

“I implore you, brothers and sisters, Open your eyes! There is evil here, in this very city, walking amongst you! The enemies of God Almighty must be brought low, just as Judas Machabeus did to the Greeks, so must we do to the things that walk these streets” The Knight, turning as he spoke.

When he turned enough for Anton to see his face, the Lasombra's eyes grew wide; if his heart still had a beat it would have stopped. He did know the knight; they’d broken bread together on the battlefield for over a year.

“Gauthier?” - the name slips out involuntarily, and Joseph looks questioningly at Anton.

“What? Do you know this man?” – Joseph asks.

Are you... afraid? Why? He's just a mortal isn't he... Something doesn't feel right.

Then, in a nervous tone

We should leave, we should leave right now.

At this even Anton is stunned. At worse he would have expected Gabor to seek a challenge in stealing Gauthier's head - though the mortal was perhaps one of the finest swordsmen Anton had ever known. Certainly not this... caution? Did Gabor feel that same inexplicable fear that had gripped Anton by the heart?

The same creeping sense of unease begins to steal through the other members of the conspiracy as the knight continues speaking. They all get the distinct impression that they should leave.

The only one who seem unaffected appear to be Heldric's ghostly companion, Octavius - for Sicilan has not yet returned since he left to possess Barabus.

« Last Edit: February 06, 2017, 11:38:05 am by Drakilian »

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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #238 on: February 06, 2017, 02:19:02 pm »

I wasn't always forsaken Gabor. He's one of the blessed.

"I know this knight. I should have been more prepared. Let us pray he hasn't sensed us." Anton whispers to Brother Joseph and the cotorie.

"Dont use any of our powers. It would alert him."



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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #239 on: February 06, 2017, 07:29:26 pm »

"Something about that guy," Steeple mutters, "feels anathema to the darkness. Weird, as if the sun rested upon his brow. He is heavy to look at. I do not like it."


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #240 on: February 07, 2017, 09:34:41 pm »

Heldric nods and begins moving away as silently as possible "A dangerous human..." He mutters barely audibly after moving several feet, continuing slightly louder "Let's do our business and not get involved with him."

Heldric keeps an eye on his surroundings even more closely than before, ready to vanish the entire party at the slightest sign of Attack.


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #241 on: February 09, 2017, 12:56:11 am »

If you're one to believe in God's plan, how could you ever think you were unforsaken?, Gabor replies, his usual irksome self.

Watch the monk now. He seems to be getting ideas...

And indeed, looking to Joseph Anton sees an almost eager light in his eyes when he looks at Gauthier now.

"Yes, that would be a shame wouldn't it." Joseph says, the words ever so light as they cross his lips.

He glances back at Anton and then bows his head down at the look of disapproval the Lasombra gives him.

"Yes. A shame."

"Something about that guy," Steeple mutters, "feels anathema to the darkness. Weird, as if the sun rested upon his brow. He is heavy to look at. I do not like it."

"Bah! Nothing but another puny mortal, if anything we should add him to our collection!"

Heldric nods and begins moving away as silently as possible "A dangerous human..." He mutters barely audibly after moving several feet, continuing slightly louder "Let's do our business and not get involved with him."

Heldric keeps an eye on his surroundings even more closely than before, ready to vanish the entire party at the slightest sign of Attack.

Really? He doesn't look the type to be a mage, I feel no great power coming from him. If I recall correctly, you leeches aren't at all negatively effected by holy imagery either. At least, the ones I captured weren't, Octavius ponders.


As one the cotterie begins to move on, while Gauthier's sermon reaches its climax - and the knight exclaims out to the crowd, “Go forth my brothers and sisters! Go forth and destroy evil wherever you find it!”

The crowd goes wild, even attacking a few of those amongst them. Steeple sees a Jewish boy taken as he pushes his mother away to safety. Heldric spies an old man being beaten by a group of younger men, the victim of convenience. Yet most disturbing of all was when they grabbed at a pair of men Anton recognized - one was a Ventrue that had booed when Kiril had given his approval of Tommaso's plan of action, the other had been that man’s ghoul. They had wandered in too close, perhaps like them drawn by idle curiosity.

The Ventrue and his man begin fighting back against the crowd but it isn't long before they find themselves overrun. The Cainite's attempts to command and sway the crowd seem to have no effect, and his blood-given Fortitude seems somehow ineffectual against the mob. The last thing the Conspiracy sees before they turn a corner out of sight is Gauthier catching sight of the Ventrue and his ghoul, and walking towards the two. The screaming is mercifully brief, and lasts no more than half a minute.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2017, 07:43:17 pm by Drakilian »


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #242 on: February 09, 2017, 03:29:55 pm »

'Hmm, yes,' Steeple ponders, 'the screaming is a nice touch. Maybe we should assimilate him. We could use a man with such a fabulous flair for showmanship.'


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #243 on: February 09, 2017, 06:11:46 pm »

Heldric thinks "See, not all dangers are purely physical or magical. we could slaughter that small crowd easily if we tried but what happens when he uses that to rally the entire city against us and thousands attack? My brother found to his own peril what happens when the humans are swayed by an orator and turn on us en mass." He begins recalling the events leading to Andreas having his tongue ripped out permanently.

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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #244 on: February 09, 2017, 09:31:51 pm »

'Hmm, yes,' Steeple ponders, 'the screaming is a nice touch. Maybe we should assimilate him. We could use a man with such a fabulous flair for showmanship.'
"You're not gonna touch him. Ever." Anton says, with uncharacteristic anger in his voice. "Gauthier is not to be harmed. The world needs him."

If you're one to believe in God's plan, how could you ever think you were unforsaken?, Gabor replies, his usual irksome self.
I... I know that I was not. God had blessed us, we did the workd in the Lord's name. I was not yet forsaken.

Watch the monk now. He seems to be getting ideas...
I don't like that look.


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #245 on: February 10, 2017, 11:46:28 am »

"You are wrong about that," Steeple points out; "fate (or your god, perhaps) has pitted him against us - and it will not be long before you or him are removed from its equation."

"It is as inevitable as the rising of the new day. But I will forebare making any first move, for the sake of your blind faith."

'Hmph... When did he start reading minds?'

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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #246 on: February 12, 2017, 09:07:14 am »

"You are wrong about that," Steeple points out; "fate (or your god, perhaps) has pitted him against us - and it will not be long before you or him are removed from its equation."

"It is as inevitable as the rising of the new day. But I will forebare making any first move, for the sake of your blind faith."
Anton tenses his fist.
"Even if he attacks, he is not to be killed. For his sake and ours. The Lord would not look kindly on the death of his favored."


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #247 on: February 12, 2017, 02:54:29 pm »

"Perhaps, your god desires him to be cursed aswell. We dont need him sniffing around, and your desire to preserve  him. That is the only solution i see available then." Saladin suggests.


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #248 on: February 12, 2017, 04:03:28 pm »

Anton tenses his fist.
"Even if he attacks, he is not to be killed. For his sake and ours. The Lord would not look kindly on the death of his favored."

"Let us be clear Anton," Steeple says, bristling like a rabid dog, "I make no such promises."

"To you, your god, or anyone."


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Re: Chapter 2: Venetian Nights
« Reply #249 on: February 13, 2017, 12:03:41 am »

"Let us be clear Anton," Steeple says, bristling like a rabid dog, "I make no such promises."

"To you, your god, or anyone."
John attempts to grab Steeple's shoulder as though to say, 'Not here, not now.' though he is damn close to throwing a punch himself. He had been following very silently for a while.
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