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Author Topic: Operation A.P.E.  (Read 233624 times)


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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #250 on: January 28, 2016, 05:35:53 pm »

Jacob will go make sure the communication gets back on.


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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #251 on: January 28, 2016, 05:42:26 pm »

Several bottles of Cosmic Dew later, Gilbert is calm enough to remember the imminent threat of the bombs in the ship. He'll look around the room for a gasmask, or ponder ways to make a makeshift one, whichever is more possible.


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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #252 on: January 29, 2016, 07:12:26 am »

It takes Crystal roughly twenty seconds to sprint down to the restricted door in the corridor outside Butch’s cabin. Not being proficient with opening locks, she just blasts it with her sidearm. From there she is able to continue into the Loading area and down the stairs into the machine shop.

There she meets up with Butch and Ethel – Butch looking in absolutely terrible shape (currently unable to move, due to a broken femur).

He and Ethen have closed the gas valves, but the alert on Ethel’s diagnostic scanner continues to ping.

Taking a closer look and running some more analysis, Ethel realizes with alarm – that the gas is concentrated enough in this area to be absorbed through the skin! In fact, she notes a fine wet mist of condensation covering both her and Butch…

Jacob meanwhile, has gone down through the Engine Room into the Bilge, to search for the three jamming transmitters that are supposed to be down there. He doesn’t find anything right off the bat – and Nameless Hacker Bob is nowhere to be found.

Up above, Montoya and Cillian watch, as the men board the scout ships and then the ships take off. Unfortunately, the universal remote is unable to get a connection, due to the jamming transmitters still being operative.

On the Promenade Deck, the scout ship hovering there, waits a moment, and assesses that none of the other A.P.E. agents made it. It then quickly rises into the air to join the others – all four of them shooting up and disappearing into the dark night sky!

About ten seconds later, a huffing and puffing, completely out of shape, Nameless Hacker Bob exits the ship near the Rock Climb wall. He looks up into the sky, yelling “NOOOOOO!!! Come back!!! You left without me!!! AAaaaaaagh!!!”

In the Jacuzzi Suite meanwhile, Gilbert fashions a makeshift gasmask out of a damp towel and some coffee filter packets. It may or may not do the job, but at least it smells good.


(OOC – Combat over.)

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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #253 on: January 29, 2016, 07:52:23 am »

"Crystal! Get out and cure yourself of the disease!" Butch says. "QUICK!"


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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #254 on: January 29, 2016, 09:28:23 am »

"We gotta get outta here!" Ethel shouts, "It's goes through the skin!"

Supporting Butch if necessary, she will get the heck out of the room asap.

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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #255 on: January 29, 2016, 09:33:14 am »

Butch shakes his head.
"Get out Ethel, I'm fine. Poison doesn't affect a cyborg all that well." Butch says with a shrug. "Go to my cabin, get Crystal to heal Moonkit. It's important."


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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #256 on: January 29, 2016, 10:33:25 am »

". . . We're the worst heroes ever, aren't we?"


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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #257 on: January 29, 2016, 10:35:05 am »

Crystal dashes out of the room. If she starts to feel the effects of the poison she'll surge to cure herself and dive into the nearest body of water or, if not possible, rip off her poison-soaked clothes - favouring survival over modesty.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2016, 11:51:37 am by Drakilian »


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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #258 on: January 29, 2016, 08:30:00 pm »

"We saved those we could, there were just too many of the this time." Montoya responds. "For now let's find the others and fix the rest of this mess! Via my suite so I can get clothing!" Montoya begins heading for his suite to get a new outfit, slow enough to ensure Cillian can keep up.


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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #259 on: January 30, 2016, 10:22:37 am »

Captain Montoya and Cillian head to Montoya’s room to find Gilbert waiting with some sort of makeshift filter/towel/thingy covering his face.

(Also, someone has cleaned out the mini-fridge).

Credence Jones is finally starting to stir again, having been KO’d at the start of all this mess. Nameless Hacker Bob has disappeared on the ship somewhere.

Crystal rushes to Butch’s room and jumps into the shower – to the astonishment of Tubbs and Moonkit, who begin asking what all the shooting was about.

It occurs to Crystal that she might have just exposed the two of them to the toxins, coming into their cabin (if the airflow has not already done so). That, and why is she allowing Tubbs to watch her shower?

Ethel meanwhile, absolutely soaked in the toxin heads topside and jumps into the swimming pool to rinse off, before going to her Executive Suite 8 to bag her clothes and get into the shower proper.

Down below, Butch gathers up the armored vests and high powered weapons. (the opportunity to take them too much to pass up).

As he is doing this, Jacob locates the first jamming transmitter in the bilge below. He turns it off and (taking it with him) continues his search for the other two.

Butch notices partial comms back, but the rest of the ship is still covered and none of his team are currently in the signal with him.

When Jacob shuts all the transmitters off, the cruise ship’s distress call will get out, and it won’t be long until the SSPB to send a bunch of ships in. If the team is to keep any of the weapons and armor (including their own stuff) and avoid getting arrested or detained, they’ll need to get it all off the ship (or hide it real good) before then.

Someone should probably warn them about the ship being contaminated with genetically enhanced smallpox as well…

As all this is going on, the surviving passengers from the foiled Casino heist flood the ship’s hospital.

Some of the crew head out to see what happened to the Bridge Officers and Ship’s Security.

A.P.E. Agents Xavier and Wells had welded the Bridge Access doors shut, shortly after the Hackers shut down the systems. The Bridge Officers are trapped within and were trying to break the steel security door down with a fire extinguisher (the noise Cillian heard). It will take a cutting torch from the Machine Room to actually get them out.

The ship’s crew also finds that Raphael and his men had melted a slag-pack into the door of the Brig, effectively sealing the ship’s on-duty security team into the room. They too will need to be cut out with a torch.

The off-duty security and some of the more brave crew start moving through the ship. Right now, they are headed to the carnage that is the Royal Casino.

The team will need to exercise some caution and stealth to get past them with all their swag from the conflict.

As for the four thugs that were tackled and kept down by the Red Shark’s football team… well, the team is claiming them as their own Bounties. It seems that one of the team members has a license to hunt bounty on the side.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2016, 10:27:04 am by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #260 on: January 30, 2016, 12:54:37 pm »

Once the comms are back up Montoya ideally gets in contact with the rest of the crew "Alright, the Dandy has been trailing us pretty closely so we can get off the ship before the SSPD show up. Round up the bounties and equipment you can and we meet at the pool deck for the pick up, Gil will remotely fly the scout down for us." he then sends out an all frequency comm so the ship crew was sure to pick it up "Warning to the crew from the bounty hunters who stopped the terrorists, they released a small amount of modified smallpox onto the ship. We stopped most of it ans cut the air flow however some passengers might still be infected. Remain calm and do not mingle unless necessary, please contact the proper authorities for quarantine and treatment!"

He then goes back to just the teams channel "Crystal, best we get you into a vac suit the moment the scout arrives for us, just in case, and we will have Ethel check you over back on the Dandy!"

He then smiles at Gil and Cillian "We stopped a horrible terrorist act here, it wasn't perfect but we saved the millions that could have died if this had gotten out."


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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #261 on: January 30, 2016, 03:56:37 pm »

"Creedence is mine!" JAcob says trough the coms before heading to the pool deck.


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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #262 on: January 31, 2016, 09:15:25 pm »

With communications finally reestablished, Montoya calls the Desperado to deploy Gilbert’s Snack Runner VII to the cruise ship.

Montoya, Jacob, Butch, Moonkit, and Tubbs board with Credence Jones and the team’s contraband and some nice military hardware, picked up from the A.P.E. Agents – 3 jamming transmitters, 2 armored vests, a military auto-shotgun with 2 extra clips, 6 military hand grenades, a military sidearm with 2 extra clips, a demolitions kit, mechanics tools, and a number of deck pistols and gasmasks.

Gilbert, Ethel, Crystal, and Cillian remain, to help assist the passengers.

The Captain flies his team back to the Desperado and submerges it again, moments before dozens of SSPB scout ships fly in on the cruise ship!

Ethel radios the incoming SSPB to warn them of the smallpox contamination – and the SSPB sets up a perimeter to await a response team from the Center for Disease Control.

In the meantime, Gilbert contacts the Red Sharks football team and brokers a deal to hype them up as heroes for stopping the terrorists, in exchange for half the bounty on the four thugs that they captured.

News gets out of course, that the Cruise Ship Circes was attacked by members of the A.P.E. terrorist group and infected the ship with some form of genetically modified smallpox virus. Gilbert’s treatment of the Red Sharks really sets them up as heroes and they are touted in the media as having saved countless lives with their heroic action in the face of the armed attackers.

The CDC arrives on scene later that day and quarantines the entire ship – setting up a chemical biological incident response force and decontamination center on the pool deck.

Cillian is able to identify those who are infected and those who are not, using his read aura ability. He is assisted by the Feng-Shui lady that was with Doctor Benson (once she recovers her lopan that was taken and tossed into the ship’s vault when the assault team stormed the casino).

Unfortunately, Feng-Shui lady also outs Crystal as a Biokinesis Psychic almost right away. Whether through read aura or perhaps recognizing Crystal from a file or something. In an unexpended play however, Feng-Shui lady introduces Crystal to the CDC Team, as one of Doctor Benson’s Government Agents.

In an aside, she explains to Crystal that she’s not interested in anything other than preventing a pandemic and that if Crystal helps heal everyone, she is free to go afterwards, no questions asked.

Crystal is provided a biohazard suit and surges to cure herself. Following that, she is able to get to work on suppressing the toxins in others.

It is an incredibly daunting task – almost sure to cost her Psychosis. Of the three hundred and twenty some people aboard, roughly a third (89) were exposed to the genetically modified smallpox and contracted it. Of these, only five had the constitution to resist the disease on their own. Another dozen responded well enough to antibiotics to overcome it.

That left Crystal with seventy two people in need of her attention. . .

Over the course of the next seven days, Crystal (using Cillian and the Feng-Shui Lady’s ability to manipulate luck) cures all seventy two patients without a single psychotic break or even a bump in her psychosis!

As passengers are cleared of the virus, they are taken through the decontamination center and off the ship by the SSPB to another quarantine facility.  Following a few days of medical tests, they are released back into the general public.

As this goes on, Montoya’s group manages to overcome the illness through antibiotics – all except Moonkit. She deteriorates so fast that in a matter of an hour, it is clear she will die – vomiting blood and going into a coma.

A plan is formed to smuggle he back onto the cruise ship, so Crystal can heal her. Tubbs volunteers to take Moonkit to the surface near the ship, where they are spotted, bobbing on the surface in life jackets, by the SSPB and brought back onboard. Tubbs explains to them that he and Moonkit were scared and tried to jump ship, but were too sick to swim.

Crystal is able to save Moonkit, who upon waking, asks blearily – “What happened? How did we get back on the ship?”

Tubbs meanwhile, is detained in the brig for a few days, and then released. There is also some question about whose child Moonkit is. She is put into the protective custody of Ship’s Security, until Child Services can pick her up and sort it out.

After a week, everyone is off the ship and leaving the quarantine facility, as the Circes is being deep cleaned.

Gilbert, Crystal, Ethel, Cillian, and Tubbs rejoin Montoya, Jacob, and Butch on the Desperado.

Turning Credence Jones in nets 300,000 writ, plus another 800,000 writ for their half of the A.P.E. Thug bounties promised by the Red Sharks.

Moonkit is placed in a foster home in Capital City, but Gilbert easily tracks her down; allowing Jacob and Butch to spirit her away from a city park within a few days.


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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #263 on: January 31, 2016, 09:15:45 pm »

During the week of quarantine, all the news feed ran daily updates on the situation. The CDC released some information on the Pale Horse Virus.

“Apparently, the Pale Horse Virus was genetically engineered to attack the parts of the brain that show activity during psychic manifestations and thus greatly hampers the use of Psychic Powers (if you believe in that sort of stuff). What’s more heinous about the virus however, is A.P.E.’s method of transmission – a mutated and highly contagious strain of airborne Smallpox – to ensure maximum spread of the virus.”

“According to expert theory, A.P.E. chose to expose the cruise ship Crises to the virus, due to the fact that its passengers all came from a wide variety of planets and moons. This meant they would unknowingly carry the virus throughout the Solar System after their cruise; in turn also exposing anyone they came in contact with along the way. “

“For the Anti Psychic Evolutionists, the Pale Horse Virus seemed the best way to eradicate, once and for all, the "psychic cancer that threatens the salvation of all God’s children."”

“We are led to believe they were also trying to expose Dr. James Benson, Chief Administrator of the European Government’s Psychic Research Program, who A.P.E. refers to as the "witless pawn of Satan " in the process. Perhaps they were hoping he would carry the virus right to "the pack of filthy psychics" his research center works with. Unfortunately, Doctor Benson appears to have been killed in a foiled Casino Heist, staged during their attack – the same that was disrupted by the heroic actions of members of the Red Sharks football team.”

“The Pale Horse Virus waits a week, then after that week after exposure, victims of the virus begin to be ravaged from within by a strange mutation of the Smallpox virus that attacks their internal organs rather than their skin.”

“The Pale Horse gas itself is colorless and odorless, but does detect on diagnostic scanners as an unknown mutation of Smallpox.”

“Again, there is a bounty of 2,500,000 writ for Arlo Melbourne – Leader of A.P.E.; Plus 400,000 writ for Members of A.P.E.”

“Wanted For: Terrorist Activities”

“Bounty Posted By: SSPB”



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Re: Operation A.P.E.
« Reply #264 on: February 02, 2016, 07:33:54 am »

About a week following the plot against Doctor Benson and the cruise ship Circes, ‘The System’s Most Wanted’ comes on:

Clyde – “Howdy to all 350,000 bounty hunters in the system. This is ‘The System’s Most Wanted and the Bounty Hunters That Catch ‘Em’ with your favorite hosts, Bonnie and Clyde!”

Bonnie – “Today we have footage of the capture of the Anti-Psychic Evolutionists leader Arlo Melbourne by the unquestionably magnificent, Cold Rock Johnston” (swoon).

Clyde – “That’s right Bonnie, let’s watch!”

What follows, is the typical Cold Rock Johnston cheese-fest that you've all become accustomed to - but it does show Cold Rock apprehending Arlo Melbourne outside a less than reputable hotel (the kind with ‘hourly rates’).

One has to wonder at Cold Rock ‘just happened’ to spot Arlo Melbourne, as he was entering the establishment though...

...and at Cold Rock being in a bathrobe...

...(apparently he was staying at the 'Holiday Inn' across the street)...

...that happens to be an eight lane super highway...

...and all the 'ladies' of the hotel cheering Cold Rock on so enthusiastically...

...(they must be fans of his show)...

...Um... Yep...
« Last Edit: February 02, 2016, 09:06:02 am by BerkaZerka »
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