That was a thought out statement that was also true. It would have arroused more supicion if I had left forges name off the list.
That statement was ridiculously stupid and untrue. You immediately singled us out as important players and, more importantly, you blatantly lied. I was trying to kill the following:
Briar, Fireplay, Hugs, Aman.
I was not trying to kill the following: Myself, Tan, you, Forge, Daedalus, Prince. (3 names missing there, bud).
Later, this was down to Fireplay and Hugs. That's 3 out of 10 players. I even specifically skipped out on Briar because her being the assassin made no sense,
You also accused me of being the assassin on the the totally bullshit explanation that my plan would work in revealing the prince... which I still don't understand, how would that work? If the prince was in the list, maybe it would have worked, but there's no reason to think the prince would draw attention to himself like that.
I was so proud of Briar when she posted that big explanation as to why we should kill forge second, by the way. She was the only one who moved to draw suspicion away from him.