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Author Topic: Mountain Man  (Read 97896 times)


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Mountain Man
« on: August 31, 2015, 08:23:12 am »

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Jeremiah Jackson
Bounty: 600,000w
Wanted For: Sabotage and Poaching
Posted By: The Onasis Naturals Corporation of Europa and Officially Sanctioned by the CPWR (Callisto Planetary Wildlife Refuge)
« Last Edit: August 31, 2015, 10:46:02 am by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Mountain Man
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2015, 10:34:17 am »

Mountain Man Mayhem

After the 30 hour trip through the Hypergate, the Dandy Desperado exits into high orbit over Jupiter and makes the short flight to Europa. Being a water-world, there is no problem finding a place to set the massive frigate down in Capitol City.

Not long after, Captain Montoya, Natalia, and Ezekiel find themselves in the State Offices of the CPWR (Callisto Planetary Wildlife Refuge) looking at their shiny new Permits to Hunt Bounty within the Jovian Confederacy – no small task, considering the bureaucratic nightmare getting such a license would normally require. But this time, the process was a simple ‘sign here and you’re done’ – expedited by Captain Montoya’s new employer – the Onasis Naturals Corporation of Europa. Apparently, the Onasis Aristocrats who own and operate the Naturals Corporation (which in actuality, is nothing more than a fancy name for a logging company on Callisto) have quite a bit of political sway on Europa.

After obtaining the permits, everyone is met in a private conference room by Mr. Ray – the Bounty Broker and representative of the Naturals Corporation, who originally contacted Montoya to offer the crew the current job.

Mr. Ray takes a paper out of his briefcase and hands it to Captain Montoya. It is yet another permit – one that authorizes landing on the Corporation’s Callisto properties –

“The code there will get you through the security perimeter” Mr. Ray says, before reiterating what the crew is being paid to do.

“As we have agreed then; the Onasis Naturals Corporation of Europa will pay you a 600,000 writ bounty for one Jeremiah Jackson; wanted for the crimes of Sabotage and Poaching; to be turned in and collected here on Europa, at this State Office of the CPWR.”

“We have reason to believe that he may be holding up near one of the company’s abandoned mills at the following coordinates" (here Mr. Ray hands Captain Montoya a topographical map showing the coordinates and general layout of the area they believe the crew will find Jeremiah Jackson.

Sawmill No. 147, Callisto

"You should consider Mr. Jackson armed and dangerous, but remember –" he continues, turning to look at Ezekiel as if speaking to a rock "– we don’t pay for a dead bounty. You must bring him in alive.  Any questions?”


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Re: Mountain Man
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2015, 01:07:41 pm »

Capt Montoya is on his best behaviour as everything is handed over and discussed, he has to keep his secret swashbuckling under wraps while authorities are around
after all.

"Just a few logistical ones my good man, is there any time limit, will we have competitors on the ground and is there anymore information on the type of damage he was Doing? Just thinking if he was running into Mills and smashing equipment with a wrench we will have to treat him differently from if he was assaulting buildings from a fighter or using explosives."



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Re: Mountain Man
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2015, 01:34:07 pm »

"You and your team are the only authorized agents on the ground," Mr. Ray replies.

"As for what he was doing," he continues, "blowing mills and equipment up with explosives and the like."

"Though his poaching is the more serious of his crimes," Mr. Ray says with a look that seems to suggest he is not joking.

"On Callisto, poaching is a capitol offense; So I recommend you carefully avoid harming any of the wildlife while you are there."


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Re: Mountain Man
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2015, 01:36:28 pm »

"Oh, and as for a time limit: Yes."

"Your Calisto landing code is only good for a week. Though if it comes to it, contact me, and I can have it extended as needed."


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Re: Mountain Man
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2015, 01:54:44 pm »

"Excellent, we do plan to tie everything up in a day or two but we will keep you informed of course!" He stands, clearly intending to sweep from the room in a polite but slightly frantic fashion. He pauses though and looks to his comrades

"Have either of you any questions?"


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Re: Mountain Man
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2015, 05:10:01 pm »

"Um, no I think I'm good," Ezikial replies, swiping a fancy fountain pen off Mr. Ray's desk while shaking the man's hand to leave.

Apparently, Mr. Ray didn't notice the pen go missing, or that his gold watch is now gone as well...


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Re: Mountain Man
« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2015, 05:47:34 pm »

Natalia did her best, and her best is pretty darn good, to appear, likable, intelligent, and engaged. At heart she still feels 'along for the ride' and is beginning to feel very nervous about the skeleton crew she's a part of.

"You've been perfectly thorough, thank you. It's only a shame there's no bonus for express delivery."
Her delivery suggests perfect confidence, with a slight and appropriate sense of humor. She at least knows how to play the part. She rises to leave along side her captain, holding herself with professionalism and a lady-like charm.


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Re: Mountain Man
« Reply #8 on: August 31, 2015, 06:30:59 pm »

As they leave Capt.Montoya begins moving quickly. "Right, this may well be a trap but we have to move quickly on it either way! If it is a trap then moving quickly should throw them off and if not,we beat the others in our bounty competition!"

He glances to the others in order to make sure they are keeping up

"As soon as we get back aboard the ship I'll change and do some more research into our target if you both want to get ready, I'll make sure moonkit is at least partly trained on the long distance weapons too,  just incase."


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Re: Mountain Man
« Reply #9 on: August 31, 2015, 07:16:35 pm »

The team leaves the office and hurries back to the ship.

Arriving at the waterfront, where the Dandy Desperado is moored, a bizarre scene unfolds - the harbor is filled with SSPB watercraft and a four SPPB scout ships above - all circling the Dandy Desperado with lights and sirens blaring!

Not too far from the Desperado is a large marker buoy, riddled with 20mm holes  - and behind that - a luxury yacht, now on fire, taking on water through a torn up hull, and currently being hosed down by the harbor fire-ship.

"THIS IS YOUR LAST WARNING! COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP OR WE WILL STORM THE SHIP! TRY TO TAKE OFF AND WE WILL SHOOT YOU DOWN!" An angry voice yells through one of the circling SSPB scout ship's external speaker system...


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Re: Mountain Man
« Reply #10 on: August 31, 2015, 08:13:53 pm »

Capt. Montoya quickly calls through the comms to moonkit who was left about with vicini the dog

"Moonkit, did you test out the ships guns while we were gone?" He asks polietly


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Re: Mountain Man
« Reply #11 on: September 01, 2015, 06:40:54 am »

"WAAA!!! I DONT WANT TO GO TO JAIL!!! WAAA!!!" a clearly terrified young voice wails back over the com ...


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Re: Mountain Man
« Reply #12 on: September 01, 2015, 06:43:14 am »

Ezekiel looks at the scene in amazement.

"Holy crap Captain! What a mess!"


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Re: Mountain Man
« Reply #13 on: September 01, 2015, 12:50:04 pm »

"Moonkit my dear, I would never let a young lady go to jail. Also good shot, you destroyed a yacht on your first try!" he then looks to the SPPB ships and sends out an open frequency comm to them.

"This is Capt. Montoya of the ship you are currently surrounding, the only occupant is a child who is not trained with the ships systems so probably can't reply to you, if you would like to talk I am sure we can instantly sort this terrible accident out"
« Last Edit: September 01, 2015, 01:12:12 pm by Forge »


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Re: Mountain Man
« Reply #14 on: September 01, 2015, 01:09:47 pm »

"It was an accident!" Moonkit cries back, "I didn't mean to hit the boat!"

Over the comms, another voice replies - "This is Captain Rimcrest, of Europa SSBP. You say a child is onboard? Responsible for this incident?"


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Re: Mountain Man
« Reply #15 on: September 01, 2015, 01:18:10 pm »

He quickly sends a heavily encrypted comm to Moonkit "When we arrive act younger and less intelligent than you are, claim to have no idea about the systems and that you were just 'playing Space Captain' on the bridge when somthing happened but you don't know what"

He then replies to the officer "Yes, there is a young child aboard the ship, she stays in the captains quarters when we are in a meeting as it is the safest place, she must have been playing when she accidentally touched somthing on the bridge. Of course we will ensure all damages and problems are covered in full. We are here under licence to bring on a dangerous bountyhunter so the CWPR can vouch for our good intent."

He turns to Natalia with comes off "I think think this might be more your area, you able to talk them down a little?" hr then muses outlook "unless this is the secret societies doing, then we should board and blast through the blockade... I'm sure I have some Heroic music I could rig up to play from the ship speakers while we do."


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Re: Mountain Man
« Reply #16 on: September 01, 2015, 01:42:40 pm »

Natalia had been looking at her permit to hunt bounties, thinking about how cool of a wall ornament and conversation piece it would be later, when the three came upon the scene.

Now she feels a little sick of the whole thing, it just became too real. Her eyes are wide. She drops character, she's confused, and a little worried.

'How is Montoya doing it? How is he saving face?

This whole scene is a chaotic improv, and he's just...acting like there's nothing wrong.'

"Uhmm..." She starts softly, then her eyes narrow, her lip perks up into an attractive, albeit mischievous, smile, "Talk them down? Of course I can, it's just cheap talk, and writs changing hands."


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Re: Mountain Man
« Reply #17 on: September 01, 2015, 02:13:46 pm »

One of the SSPB Scout Ships lands on the dock next to the Dandy Desperado and an SSPB Captain and four SSPB Agents disembark.

With other vessels still covering the Dandy Desperado, Captain Rimcrest and his men approach Captain Montoya and the others. They are surprisingly reminiscent of that old Earth Movie about the evil empire or something. Maybe this makes Captain Montoya 'Han Solo'?

"I'll need to see your Permit to Pilot Spacecraft, Permit to Arm said Spacecraft, Permit to Hunt Bounty in the JPC, and your Insurance Carrier Card."

"If that all checks out, then you'll need to fill out an Incident Report, speak to the Investigators, and submit to a shipboard safety inspection. Oh, and bring the child out to explain what happened."


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Re: Mountain Man
« Reply #18 on: September 01, 2015, 02:17:48 pm »

Capt. Montoya took makes a show of happily and immediately complying. Taking out every single permit he has on his one by one, giving Natalia time to talk.


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Re: Mountain Man
« Reply #19 on: September 01, 2015, 03:02:30 pm »

Natalia had adopted her professional posture, the one with the lady-like charm, and held herself to look pleasant and reasonably calm. (Spend a luck point to activate Flawless Decorum)

"Captain Rimcrest, it's dreadful to meet under these circumstances. I'm Natalia Alashire," she pauses for a moment, to gauge his response, "This couldn't be what you imagined yourself doing today, I know I can think of better things. I assure that we'll take all necessary and preferred actions. Neither myself nor the captain lack for funds, so that aspect is a non-issue. And if there's anything that could be done to expedite the process and reduce the work load, I'm happy to comply."


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Re: Mountain Man
« Reply #20 on: September 01, 2015, 05:51:36 pm »

"Hey aren't you that movie star?," Captain Rimcrest asks Natalia, not really paying close attention, as he scans through Captain Montoya's Credentials.

"OK," he says, handing them back to Captain Montoya and then directing him to open his ship and call out the "child".

"Really bizarre about the Producer of your last movie disappearing like that," he continues chatting to Natalia; "Think he even has a Bounty on his head now, for running off with all the money."

The ship doors open and not suprizingly, neither Moonkit, nor the Captain's dog, come out of the ship, or are anywhere in sight.

As this goes on, one of the SSPB Agents steps up and hands Captain Rimcrest a printout. It's a Bounty Notice for Captain Montoya.

"Five thousand writ? Is this some kind of a joke?" he says, scoffing at the amount.

"You care to explain this?" he then asks Captain Montoya, holding out the warrant for him to see.



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Re: Mountain Man
« Reply #21 on: September 01, 2015, 06:20:00 pm »

"Ah I do believe it was a joke by my brother, he has an odd sense of humour. If you note the low amount, exclamation marks and the company name is simply my family name backwards then it should be clear that it is a joke."

He clearly wants Natalia to jump in but leaves whether to confirm or deny her identity to her. Here's an idea though.

"Ah, my  dear, the Captain needs to inspect the vessel he said, why don't you chat with him while he looks around and we find where our probably terrified youngster is hiding?" he says to her
« Last Edit: September 01, 2015, 06:30:39 pm by Forge »


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Re: Mountain Man
« Reply #22 on: September 01, 2015, 06:44:04 pm »

Captain Rimcrest hands the report back to the SSPB Agent, who takes it an runs something in on his notebook, as the Captain waits.

"Their JPC Permit is good sir," the Agent says after a few seconds. "The CPWR vouches for it."

Captain Rimcrest raises an eyebrow at this, but then turns to Captain Montoya, "We'll need to see the bridge and the upper turret, which is the ship guns that fired in the incident."
« Last Edit: September 02, 2015, 05:54:55 am by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Mountain Man
« Reply #23 on: September 01, 2015, 08:10:46 pm »

"Of course, right this way." Capt. Montoya replies and heads for the ship, acting as if having them absurd was not seriously against his desires.

As soon as he knows the Capt. Is distracted by Natalia, hr quickly uses his arm computer to ensure defence systems are fully shut down so there are no more accidents and deff. Ensures that the Rc turrets are deactivated fully.


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Re: Mountain Man
« Reply #24 on: September 02, 2015, 03:39:11 pm »

She'd been briefly stunned by his bringing up Franz, he was a generally agreeable guy, really not the best producer in her opinion, but he didn't seem like someone who would do that.

"It was a really weird situation all around. I'm out here to get some distance, new experiences, perspectives, meet people. We're after a poacher."


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Re: Mountain Man
« Reply #25 on: September 02, 2015, 04:46:58 pm »

"Ahh," Captain Rimcrest replies, "Be careful what you wish for."

Then nodding out the bridge windows, to the smoldering ship out in the harbor he adds, "As you can see, this can be a dangerous line of work."


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Re: Mountain Man
« Reply #26 on: September 02, 2015, 04:47:39 pm »

Moonkit is found hiding under the covers on her bed (the tail of the Captain's dog sticking out, which gave her away). She is in tears and doesn't want to talk, terrified that everyone is going to be mad at her.  After a bit of encouragement however, she reluctantly agrees to tell everyone what happened.

She wanted to learn how to fire the ship guns like Captain Montoya had promised and somehow managed to bring them online manually. She saw the marker buoy out in the water and lit it up - only she hadn't noticed the luxury yacht anchored behind it. Needless to say, the quick bursts of the 20mm ship guns chewed right through the buoy and into the hull of the ship beyond.

Captain Rimcrest seems satisfied with her explanation and fines Captain Montoya 50,000 writ for failing to secure his weapon systems. He also fines the Captain an additional 5,000 writ for an outstanding bounty. Meaning the Europa SSPB gets to collect on it, without actually cashing the Captain in. Unfortunately, it also means the Bounty still stands for any one else that wants to take it up.

Four hours later, Captain Montoya has finally spoken to all the Investigators and filled out the mountains of paperwork such an incident entails. His Insurance Carrier agrees to cover 80% of the damage to the luxury yacht, leaving Captain Montoya on the hook for the other 20%, and raising his premium by 20%.

That means out of the 1.5 million writ of damage to the yacht, Captain Montoya only owes 300,000. It also means that if the team doesn't catch their Bounty, they lose their shirts on this venture.

At length, Captain Rimcrest and the SSPB release the Dandy Desperado and wish them the best of luck.

The crew will certainly need it...


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Re: Mountain Man
« Reply #27 on: September 02, 2015, 07:19:47 pm »

The Capt. Waves them off, smiling as he does. Once they are out of the way and the door sealed with the ship preparing to take off he sighs and starts up the systems to he,p him fly to their destination, finding the best place to set down near their target using various maps from the net along with the tops survey provided for him.

Once underway he calls Moonkit onto the bridge with him.


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Re: Mountain Man
« Reply #28 on: September 02, 2015, 11:19:45 pm »

Natalia takes the opportunity before Moonkit makes her way to the bridge, to have a short audience with him herself,

"Captain, if I can have just a minute, you suggested once that you might know about...whoever's after me. Can we talk about that sometime soon?"


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Re: Mountain Man
« Reply #29 on: September 03, 2015, 05:46:05 am »

Ezekiel, flops down in the crew lounge and starts making origami turtles with bits of tinfoil.

They look like shiny little hockey pucks...


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Re: Mountain Man
« Reply #30 on: September 03, 2015, 11:03:18 am »

Natalia takes the opportunity before Moonkit makes her way to the bridge, to have a short audience with him herself,

"Captain, if I can have just a minute, you suggested once that you might know about...whoever's after me. Can we talk about that sometime soon?"

"Of course my dear, though their reach is rather far as you saw from the lies even the SSPD are believing. We can talk more once I have time to ensure we were not left any uninvited guests aboard." He taps his ear to signal that it might be possible for bugs to be listening in.

"For now it is suffice to say that you will be safer not staying on any planet for too long, from what I have found they can be slow to react unless you are their main focus."


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Re: Mountain Man
« Reply #31 on: September 03, 2015, 01:22:34 pm »

Ezekiel, tries again.

Now they look like tin-plated clumps of horse manure...


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Re: Mountain Man
« Reply #32 on: September 03, 2015, 03:36:06 pm »

"Oh, okay. Well, I'll just be going then. Sorry I wasn't more help planet side."

She leaves hesitantly, 'Maybe I should have made a way to contact captain Rimcrest,'

In the lounge a curious survey of the brick shaped series of paper n' foil wads captures Natalia's imagination,

"Ezekiel, what are all these for?"


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Re: Mountain Man
« Reply #33 on: September 03, 2015, 03:44:44 pm »

Inigo calls after her "You did perfectly. You kept the Capt. Happy so we weren't arrested!"

He then puts the call out for Moonkit again so he can chat with her before they arrive. While he waits he gets out his bug detector and begins sweeping his cabin amd the bridge while he has his computer run system checks on the ship and guns.


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Re: Mountain Man
« Reply #34 on: September 03, 2015, 05:40:40 pm »

"Nothing." Ezekiel sighs glumly, looking at his last effort (that makes a pretty good pineapple).

Moonkit meanwhile, trots onto the bridge.

"You called Captain Sir?" She says, snapping to attention and saluting sharply.

"Sir, yes sir, sir Captain sir!"


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Re: Mountain Man
« Reply #35 on: September 03, 2015, 06:16:44 pm »

"So they're just for fun then?"
Natalia smiles cheerfuly.
"I stayed with a guy who did origami once! Really cool art form. What kinds of things do you know how to make?"
She withholds a decidedly skeptical look.


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Re: Mountain Man
« Reply #36 on: September 03, 2015, 06:36:27 pm »

"More of a signature thing," Ezekiel replies, the adds, "It's supposed to be a turtle, but I need a little more practice."


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Re: Mountain Man
« Reply #37 on: September 03, 2015, 06:42:23 pm »

"Nothing." Ezekiel sighs glumly, looking at his last effort (that makes a pretty good pineapple).

Moonkit meanwhile, trots onto the bridge.

"You called Captain Sir?" She says, snapping to attention and saluting sharply.

"Sir, yes sir, sir Captain sir!"

"So, moonkit, you got the guns working on the bridge Sioux my knowledge, sunk a luxury yaucht and got us in as much debt as this entire bounty trip is worth not to mention nearly getting us arrested. So you will be needing to read this!"

He hands her a founded piece of paper with "Capt. Montoya's guide to swashbuckling" written across the front. Inside it has three points written in order.

1. Sink ships of the wealth or evil.
2. Get away without being arrested, preferably with loot.
3. Play appropriatly heroic music and wear a mask while escaping.

He gives her time to read it then asks "So what did you do wrong today?"


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Re: Mountain Man
« Reply #38 on: September 03, 2015, 07:05:59 pm »

Gently, she laughs, "You know, he showed me that one...I obviously have no idea how he did it!"
Her enthusiasm isn't dampened, "Say, I'll bet we can look it up on the extranet and practice the folds," she pauses deliberately, "If you care for the company that is."

She strikes one of those smiles that's hard to turn down.


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Re: Mountain Man
« Reply #39 on: September 04, 2015, 06:31:29 am »

"Sure," Ezekiel replies, "I suppose it's can't hurt."


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Re: Mountain Man
« Reply #40 on: September 04, 2015, 06:35:58 am »

On the bridge, Moonkit begins to cower, as the Captain starts speaking. By the end though, she is relieved that he doesn't appear to be angry, though she looks confused when he hands her the guide to swashbuckling.

"I... uhm... I didn't wear an eye patch?" she offers weakly to his question.


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Re: Mountain Man
« Reply #41 on: September 04, 2015, 07:13:07 am »

... starts up the systems to help him fly to their destination, finding the best place to set down near their target using various maps from the net along with the tops survey provided for him.

A readout dings on the Captain's console.

It shows that due to currently freezing temperatures on Calisto, the nearest body of water large enough to maybe break through the ice to set the Dandy Desperado down in - is 155 miles southeast of Saw Mill 147, across a rugged wilderness of snow-covered mountainous terrain.


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Re: Mountain Man
« Reply #42 on: September 04, 2015, 09:06:57 am »

"Okay, great. I'll grab a couple things and be right back."

Assuming there's somewhere she can access the extranet on the ship, she does so, downloading the video onto her cellphone. (Surely the far modern future has phones up for the task!)

She takes a pain pill while she's at it and heads back to the lounge.



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Re: Mountain Man
« Reply #43 on: September 04, 2015, 01:55:28 pm »

"Exactly! You also forgot the dramatic music, posing dramatically on the bridge is not required but is also a nice touch!" he smiles at her "So for next time remember, loot the ship then eye-patch and dramatic music!"

He glances at the readout "Hmmm, we are going to need a small landing ship. Ok Moonkit, you go practise your dramatic posing while I find a scout ship we can rent."

Hr waves her off and sits down at his computer to track down a small scout ship they could use for cheap


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Re: Mountain Man
« Reply #44 on: September 04, 2015, 07:03:34 pm »

As Natalia and Ezekiel are messing with origami, Moonkit bursts in on them suddenly and strikes a dramatic pose.

"Watcha doing?" she asks, looking at all the stuff they've made.

"Is this a manhole cover?" she asks, picking up Ezekiel's latest attempt at a turtle.

Apparently, Ezekiel has an amazing knack for absolutely sucking at origami turtles...


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Re: Mountain Man
« Reply #45 on: September 04, 2015, 07:13:27 pm »

Captain Montoya meanwhile, finds a myriad of starships for hire, but the standard fee of 100,000w per day, cuts too far into what little profit they'll make on their bounty.

At length however, he does manage to find a guy named Olesko Jones, who is willing to charter his Scout Ship (the 'Swamp Rat 9') at only 50,000w per day.

His only stipulation, is that the crew meet him at his ship and they fly on his ship. He's unwilling to hanger the Swamp Rat 9 on the Dandy Desperado.


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Re: Mountain Man
« Reply #46 on: September 04, 2015, 07:23:54 pm »

He pauses a few moments they calls it to the others over the comms "So looks like we needed our scout ship afterall, we can rent one for 100,000 or one at 50,000 and travel on their ship. We would have to leave the Dandy moored for that one."


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Re: Mountain Man
« Reply #47 on: September 04, 2015, 08:36:53 pm »

"I have quite a few writs sitting around. I never really spent much of the money I got out of my movies. Only one really expensive...hobby. I could pitch in for the rental so you and Zeek here can do your thing."

She answers, finishing an origami piece not much better than Ezekiel's.


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Re: Mountain Man
« Reply #48 on: September 05, 2015, 08:41:27 pm »

He pauses for a moment but Montoya k owns what he will choose in the end and goes cheaper, choosing the half price lift. first though some checks are in order.

He does full background checks on the owner, the guy posting the add, the scout and larger ship just to be safe.

At the same time he sends off a question to his contact at the company starting with the normal niceties but asking "We are heading out today but we thought that having one of your small un-armed company ships landing near a mill would be much less suspicious and might serve to draw him out compared to a completely un-known ship flying in. Would there be a chance of using one for this purpose?"

He also plans out his itinery for when he hits up his Armory.

- Sword
- Pistols
- Rifle with stun and tranc ammo
- dynamite (4 Sticks)
- trap making equiptment (tripwires, detonator caps and remote detonator devices)
- Armour
- SOL phone
- Arm computer never taken off anyway

He jots his list down with a 'more added later note' and waits for the responses to his searches and question.


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« Last Edit: September 06, 2015, 09:11:17 am by BerkaZerka »


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Re: Mountain Man
« Reply #49 on: September 06, 2015, 09:22:48 am »

Captain Montoya runs a quick Background check on Olesko Jones.

The man is a part time bounty hunter with a license to charter flights. He has hooked a few smalltime bounties (nothing special), but has terrible reviews for his charter service:
  • "He stranded us on Ganymede when 'something better' came up!"
  • "The ship is a dump. Surprised we made it back alive."
  • "The brute vented my little Fluffy out the airlock! I hope he rots in hell!"
  • "You get what you pay for (and sometimes not even that)..."
  • "Shady service at best. Can't believe he's still legal."


    When Montoya contacts Mr. Ray about the possibility of getting a lift in a company ship, Mr. Ray explains that the company is not willing to risk the resource, considering Jeremiah Jackson's history.
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